Yup ^^

Weve been busy here adding new subforums, threads, competitions ... and were tired XP BUT we now have a CREW ROOM! ... shame theres only two crew members XP BUT hopefully in the future your one and only guild owner will add some crew to help out whee

Anyway im just posting to say a Merry Christmas to you all and a Happ New year .. i may not be on alot due to ive got exams in January for my A-Levels sweatdrop

*Hears an ominous cheer behind him*


So yeah i hope you all get what you want ... also good luck to anyone taking thier A-Levels or even doing thier GCSE mocks .. as you can see from the new subforums weve added School/College/University worries ... if you need techniques for revising, or are just scared of your exams then hopefully you will get some advice there ...

ALso just because ive got exams in January i WILL still do the December Competition so dont worry XP

Merry Christmas
