

Dij'Hiran has been the home for several races and their cultures for generations, said to be the first continent to give birth to an intelligent race, that would later scatter through the other continents and form Kingdoms. Dij'Hiran was at first a place where extremely different cultures and races lived, sometimes and conflict, some others in peace, but not a united Kingdom just yet. The "primitive" cultures of Dij'Hiran, as called by the other kingdoms, never sought with much eager economical or even scientific evolution, keeping their traditions, but also seeking infinite knowledge from the Great Ruins located deep in the forests. These ruins are source of technology and knowledge for races like the moogles, who actually live inside them.
Thought with time and war approaching a agreement was sealed between all races at the summer solstice, creating the Kingdom of Dij'Hiran.

Geography and Politics

Dij'Hiran is mainly a never ending forest covering all of a continent, it's location and conditions gives a constant tropical weather that nurtures the forest. The biggest rives on Gaia is born at Dij'Hiran and cuts it all the way to the ocean, The main stream of the river is called Unuk'halshir, which means "Sea Serpent" at an ancient language already forgotten by most races.
There aren't great altitudes at Dij'Hiran, the highest spot is the Papillot's Tower that raises from the ancient ruins, named after the emperor who's mausoleum is located on the center of the tower. The ones who explored the tower said that the underground levels extend themselves in an almost infinite way, as if the tower was only the tip of the iceberg.