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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 8:48 pm
"Scar, a man from Ishbal seeking revenge for the massacre." Kasumi closed her eyes as she though of the massacre and all the people killed. Scar did have the right for revenge but only on those involved in the massacre. Those who had no involvment had no right to be killed by Scar. What bothered her was the fact that he didn't realize the state had lost people too. More importantly to her she lost her parents because of that massacre. She gently bite her bootom lip noticing that it had been quivering some probably because she felt like she was going to cry but she wouldn't let any see her cry she was to stubborn.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:03 pm
"Scar? You think scar did it?! Why that is Total B---"

She blinked shutting up immdiently looking to the side with narrowed eyes.. She was so confused, she didn't know what scar looked like.. He could have been the black figure, but then, who was the man that one officer called scar? She slapped a hand to her forehead and dragged it down her face to relieve herself as she took a deep breath.. She blinked looking up to see the General quiver.. A cold spell washed over her as she trailed her finger's over the edge of her desk walking over so that she stood next to Kasumi, wrapping her arms around her.

She better then anyone knew better then anyone what kasumi was thinking, how she suffered. Maybe not her entire life's story but enough to have her heart ache to see her like this, she closed her eyes hugging her close murmuring something.

"Don't worry big sister, Everything will be ok.."

She remembered those words from a while ago as she had once used them on her, when she had first found her that is.. Sure they were not blood related, but more adopties. In front of the others she had to refer to her as General though, not to give disgrace to her position.

a s h i


PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:08 pm
Kasumi closed hr eyes tighter and turned her head away slightly, "Once this Scar thing is over hopefully it will be..." Kasumi opened her eyes a little bit staring at the floor. She was slightly relieved that no one commented on the two cuts on her face from when she broke her office window. Then agian they were small cuts not that noticable really. "I won't let him hurt anyone else..." Kasumi muttered to herself knowing that Ashi could most likely have heard her.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:09 pm
Walking around the central library, Dreza searched for any and every book on iron he had yet to read.  


a s h i

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:17 pm
Ashi had glanced up, her eyes a tad bit warmer now. She nodded some leaning back on her heels and gave her an encouraging smile.

"Cour you will, 'sis! And I'll be there to protact you. You always want to protect people, but then there is no one there to get you're back."

She grinned patting her shoulder as she stood up straight reaching her arms out skyward. She now seemed lifted in spirits now then when she first entered the office room. She had so many questions to asked, but simmered them all down to one so she could stop confusing herself over the main question, 'Which was the Real Scar?'

"Also.. What might Scar look like, just in case I happen to ever run into him? You know, best to be on guard."

She nodded lifting her head some shaking her dark golden bangs from her face that cut through her view.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:22 pm
"He's sort of tall, were black sunglasses to hide his red eyes. And his name of 'Scar' Comes from the 'x' shaped Scar on his forehead." Kasumi stood up and looked at the broken window and sighed. She looked at Ashi and smiled slightly.

"I want to protect people because you know that's what my father did. You know how much I adored him and wanted to be like him which is the whole reason I joined the state alchemists in the first place." Kasumi placed her hands in her pockets and looked back at the broken window. For some reason it seemed to be relaxing. Maybe she was just going crazy, but it was nice at least to have a breeze every now and then, except when it'd blow her paperwork off her desk.  


a s h i

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:30 pm
'Wait.. Tall.. Sun glasses.. X shaped..' She blinked in shock shaking her head some, now so utterly confused she could scream.

"A-are you sure thats what he looks like?.. Um.. Tall ok, but does he wear.. A lot of black by chane? Besides the glasses.."

She questioned looking up, she was so eager to solve this.. After this, she would head out to find.. 'Scar' well, the innocent one... for the Gemini murder that is. She coughed and laughed.

"Yeah yeah, I know. You're doing a good job, but remember, You can't protect everybody 'Sis."

She grinned some folding her arms over her chest tilting her head as she listened to the wind ruffle the multiple papers scattered on her desk.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:40 pm
"hm...I can try to protect everyone at least those close to me. As for Scar....well he wear a sort of tan colored jacket, I believe his pants are black. I'm not sure I don't remember that well. You'd think I would considering I saw him not that long ago." Kasumi sat back down and closed her eyes somewhat dozing off. She hadn't slept much for a while. Nor had she been home much either, she worried about her pet dog. Kasumi lowered her head again and sighed.  


a s h i

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:48 pm
"I know you would 'Sis."

She blinked letting the information sink in and process. The description layed out fit the one man perfectly.. but then who was the black ninja wanna-be? The mused herself with endless questions that could not yet be answered.

"And Scar.. Chun.. He kills any State alchemist? As long as they're a state alchemist?"

She continued to bombard kasumi with endless questions stopping at that one. She seemed to know to much for never meeting the man. Scar didn't seem like such a bad person, merly confused. She thought to herself, she hadn't any proof to prove that scar was innocent in this act, she best keep her mouth shut until she could solve this. She was determined now, staking her life to it.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:00 pm
"Indeed, Scar will kill anyone as long as they are with the state. A cruel act indeed. Nothing matters to him, for all he cared it could be a mere child and he'd still kill them." Kasumi yawned and opened her eyes staring infront of her in a daze. She looked at her sword which was on the floor on the left side of her chair.

".. if Scar keeps this up we won't have a military leaving the vountry open to attacks from other countries. If we die out who knows what will happen to this country." Kasumi stood up and grabbed her sword taking it out of it's sheeth seting the sheeth on her desk .She held in the handle in her right hand holding it so she could see herself in the blade.  


Destructions Right Hand

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 1:31 am
Matt found himself a seat in the corner of the large cafeteria. He sat by himself, usualy he would have Jenkins teasing him about real life issues, but this morning seemed rather silent. Maybe it was because of Jenkin's absence, but it wasn't like the Gemini Alchemist to be late.

As he sat there and prepared to be served, Matt cought the glares from many of the State Alchemists within the building. It was like everybody in this very room was against him. Now he felt uncomfterble but he did his best to brush this paranoia aside by looking down at the table.

One of the waitresses approached Matt and smiled, handing him the meal for the morning. While the alchemist prepared to dig in, he cought a glimpse of Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, and she was making her way towards him. Many of the other alchemists turned their focused glares off of Matt and then peered at Riza respectively.

The Lieutenant finaly came up to Matt and stared down at him with a calm expretion on her face. "You don't mind if I sit down with you, do you Forge?" She asked and recieved a calm shake from Matt. With that, the Lieutenant sat down accross from Matt and studied the boy's posture.

"Hey Hawk, you haven't seen Jenkins around have you?" Matt asked.

Riza let her head drop and she staired down into her lap, attempting to hide the frown on her face from Matt. "Jenkins...wont be coming back, Forge."

Matt froze, his eyes widdened, and his mouth gaped open as he stared at the Lieutenant. "What do you mean, he's not coming back?" He asked in a slight hostile tone, soft and yet threatening.

The Lieutenant didn't know how to tell him the truth. She didn't want him to know but to keep this soldier out of the loop didn't feel like such a good idea to her. "...Forge...don't make this harder than it already is." Riza replied.

Her voice was cut short by Matt's slamming of his fist against the table. His stare now sending chills down her back bone, he slightly resembled Scar, minus the scar on his face and the red eyes. Matt's stare was as cold and threateningly calm as the State Alchemist killer. "Tell me now, Lieutenant." He said in a slightly louder voice.

Riza let out a soft sigh and then looked Matt directly in his eyes. "Jenkin's is dead, the situation is confusing but it bares Scar's mark." She replied.

Matt's body suddenly went numb and limp. He fell back, feeling the chair catch him as he stared off into space. It was then he relised why Jenkins had not approached him earlier. Even worse was that Matt could have saved his life if he let Scar die. Images of him saving Scar and what Scar possibly did to Jenkins ran through his head. As these thoughts ran through his head, Riza looked at him, almost feeling the exact pain he was going through. She stood up and regained her normal posture.

"Don't act foolish. We don't want another one of our dogs laying in the middle of a st somewhere out there." She said calmly, saluted, and then walked away.

Slowly he began to come to. Matt pulled himself forward and hunched over the table, his pupils slowly returning to normal. "Why, why would you do this? Damn you" He muttered to himself as he tightened his fists, closed his eyes, and gritted his teeth.


Scar finaly left the memorial grounds and took a look back. Again he noticed the odd shadow figure dissapearing. Something didn't feel right, sure enough, he felt as if he was being set up. It was then that he relised what was going on, Jenkins wasn't just Matt's supervisor, but his friend as well. So it became clear that whoever was setting Scar up had plans for Scar and Matt to do battle.

He grumbled to himself thinking about getting to Matt first. The Ishbalite had too many questions and he needed Matt to answer them before continueing his killing spree. Then of corse the identity of this person who was trying to set him up had to be figured out as well.  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 4:10 pm
Blinking she tilted her head as she watched kasumi move about finally setting her gaze on her own weapon. She nodded some to herself closing her eyes momentarily and smiled nodding once more folding her arms and laughed to herself.

"Alrighty Big sis. I'll be servaying the area now. I'll let you know of the news when I return."

She grinned and waved a silly salute to her and scooted out the door when so much more to find then news. She lifted her way past the murmuring of the Cafetieria glancing in past the door towards and walked past leaving the building as the doors shut behind her.

a s h i

Destructions Right Hand

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 7:43 pm
Matt stood up from his seat without saying a word and made his way towards the entrance of the cafeteria, following a young female State Alchemist but paid no attention to who she was. As soon as the double doors had closed, he stuck out his hands and pushed without any strength. The doors swung open with such force and when Matt came out into the open, the doors slammed closed.

Some of the officers he passed by stared at him awkwardly, wondering what kind of havoc he would get Scar out of now. Either way, Matt didn't care what they thought and continued on his own adventure.

A cab pulled up next to the alchemist. The driver had offiered his assistance to Matt in order to get the Alchemist to where he wanted to go. However, Matt declined and passed the front of the car, procceding towards the front gates of the State Headquaters.

Once he passed through the walkway, he made a right turn and began to walk towards no particular destination. All he had on his mind was Scar at the moment so he really couldn't care for what else was going on in his presence.

He walked along the side walk, cars sped along the streets of Central, some going North and others going South. Meanwhile civilians walked with and against Matt along his side of the street, he easily avoided them, manuvering his medium sized built body. Matt placed his hands on his pant pockets and stared down at the ground, not really careing for who or what was in his way, he would simply go around it if possible.


Scar couldn't find any State Alchemists. He felt as if they were hiding or disguised as the civilians he passed by. His eyes would scan each person that came his way or passed him, going the same direction.

That's when he had located a familiar looking person on the opposite side of the street. The red trench coat and black hair could only fit one person. For a moment Scar could have mistakened him for Edward Elric, but sure enough it was Matt.

He attempted to run accross the street and catch him but none of the cars alloud him to do so. Instead, Scar turned around and started to run in the same direction Matt was walking in. Scar had located a cross walk and quickly darted accross it when the oncoming cars had given him the chance to do so.

When he had reached Matt's side of the street, Scar quickly located the Forge alchemist and began to proccede towards him. As soon as Scar was twenty feet away, he looked to his left and then dashed into an alley where he would wait for the alchemist. The second Matt had entered Scar's line of sight, Scar wispered, "Forge."

Matt stopped and turned to see Scar waiting for him. When Scar studied the face on the boy he could see nothing but pain and anger on his face. The boy brought up his head to show his green eyes glowing with hate, letting his right arm out of his pocket and resting it at his side. Then, a blade slung out of his right sleeve, glinting from the rays of the sun.

It was then that Scar relised what Matt came to do. Not only was Scar looking for Matt, but this evidence proved Matt was also searching for Scar. As Matt began to walk towards the State Alchemist killer, Scar made no attempt to pull his right hand out of his pocket. He wanted to ask Matt some simple questions before he would carry out the boy's sentence.  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 7:52 pm
She had heard small murmurs of rumors of the man that walked out the building, she had disppeared from view watching him with great interest, 'I wonder if he did really save scar.. Why so then? He must think scar killed the Gemini Alchemist.' She thought through nodding as she kept a casual distance not to be noticed by the young man, she blinked seeing the man that had fit kasumi's description of scar.

"What are you up too.."

She whispered only audible for her ears alone lifting her head her bangs drifting in and out of her view in a dark golden haze as she slowly walked to beside the wall were she stood at the corner of the ally listening, she best thought to hear it out.. If to much trouble went on, she'd step in. She had her own questions to be answered, why not now?

a s h i

Skylar St Claire

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 8:12 pm
After much thought to what to do with the papers,Roys Gets up from his desk,Goes to the mail-room and grabs a mailcart and wheels it over to his Office,Then pushes the tall stack into the cart and pushes it out the door and into one of the backallyways,Once there Roy steps back about 100ft ,snaps his finger setting the cart ablaze.Not wanting to be caught when the firefighters arrived,He quickly turned the corner and started to head to the nearby coffeeshop for some much needed cup-a-joe.

He enters the establishment,goes up to the counter and asks for a French roast blend.while waiting for his coffee He Overhears Two State alchemist sitting near the window of the shop talking about how one of them saw a shadow one night and that it looked like a ninja or something,and the other Alchemist was debating that He was a lucky b*****d cause for all he could have known,It was Scar and that Jenkins was a warning that He was getting even more ruthless with the killings.Finally getting his coffee Roy heads out the door and starts to head back to Headquarters.  
~Shadow's Roleplays(many different rps) Semi-literate ~

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