michal turned as the door opened and haruna entered "haruna my love welcome i didnt know wheather you would come or not." takes a deep breath "haruna you know the king is losing his mind and you know that probibly only 2 people can stop him 1 is me tho it will be very hard the way i am now the second is your son and he is only a young babe at the moment so we must stop him and like i said i can not do that the way i am right now" michal lets the words sink in and nod as she starts to notice several things one michals hair is starting to flatten out and two he barely has any light at all coming off of him. "haruna i love you and its time i tell you what i am" he stop for a sec to get his thoughts in order then continues " i am born of a direct decendant of the arrons of old my blood has never been tainted and was a prince in another land that has now fallen to nothing but ash much like the fate of this land if it continues under edwins rule. i have the power to create electric currents throughout my entire body and create much more however the cells start to weaken and i must charge sometimes im hoping that when this next storm comes i wont have to for quite some time im taking you with me to show you how i must do it but there will be great danger we must go past the protection zone of the guards and out to the thunder plains. will you still go with me?"

Haruna raised an eyebrow at him. "Why do you want to show me this?"

because i want you to see why the god favor those we are saving instead of the ones doing the saving.