O.K here's mine

Age:Technically 137
Profession: Lone raider
Weapons: The Dark sword, it's basically a b*****d sword with a black, shining blade, and silver everything else, it's got the weight of steel, and can cut through an inch of iron with a good swing, it can be summoned to the owners hand at the owners will, or dissapear at the owners will.
Armor: He wears black, knee length shorts, and black guantlets
Magic: He can make these balls of dark energy, about the size of a ping-pong ball, which he can sense, stick to things and detonate with a blast radius of up to 1 meter, the explosions create black fires which only go out when they have nothing to burn. He can also grow a pair of black feathered wings to fly with, and he also has the power of tongues (A.K.A he can understand and use any languige.)He can heal his own wounds, a broken arm takes about five seconds.
Skills: The use of his sword, destruction, theft, sabotage, infiltration, and hand to hand fighting
Race: Unique
Appearance: Jaw-length black hair, Red eyes, muscular but not brutish build, pale skin, but not sickly.
Personality: Phsychotic, sadistic, impatient, intelligent,ruthless, remorseless, fearless, and meciless
Biography: Appeared in this world with permanent amnesia, so he can't remember the universe he was previously in, he never sleeps, and travels the continent leaving a wake of pain, death, and destruction, some of this he does to survive, but some just for fun, he is physically stronger and more resiliant than humans, and has better senses, his physical resilience is why he does needs, and therefore wears hardly any armor.