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Warrior In God

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:58 pm
Xeon wondered why theses people keept refering to this goddess person. But he dicided to ask later. "Might I ask Serika but what is it and with you flashing people? Maybe you would want to try a longer dress." While Serika and Miyo were dealing with thier outfit problems he decided to check out the new guest. "Huh so many new faces huh Bariki?" Ya sure what ever you say. As unoticable as possible he telepoted to the door where behind were the two guest.

"You I think I'm getting the hang of this." uh-huh sure.

Walking slowy to door he wonder what was so special about these people that Serika and Miyo got so worked up about there look. Though then again their power was noticable to say the least. Opening the door he saw two warroirs remencesing. "Are you the Serika was exspecting?" Really what is it and humans having powers?  
PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:00 pm
“Lady Sekira! Mistress Miyo!” these were the last words heard as one of the guards came tumbling down at Sekira’s feet. She couldn’t help but to relish this moment as Sekira had been teasing her about the reaction that both Zion and Seraph will have, on account of the stupid dress.

"Can someone please explain to me, what is the obsession with my panties today?" Chuckling Miyo took full advantage of the moment to poke fun at her long time friend.

Until she was interrupted by Xeon comment that had caught her attention. She stopped in her steps anger almost over taking her. Miyo didn’t turn to him not wanting to release her anger on him knowing very well that, that action alone might mean the death of him. “Xeon…I will only warn you once…be careful of what you say.” Even before her words had ended he had disappeared. Yet he had not hidden his aura so she could trace the location of his destination. That alone brightened her mood as she went back to teasing Sekira.

“Oh so…should I not tell Seraph about this incident as well?” A fine brow rose from its position as an evil smirk appeared. Toned arms crossed over her well developed chest as Miyo looked down at the guard.

“You there…get up and take that stupid smirk off your face.” With that Miyo gave the guy a pat on the back as she whispered in to his ear. “You have no idea the world of trouble you just got yourself in to.”

Miyo sneakered at her antics knowing very well that nothing would happen to the poor guard, he wasn’t in the wrong. She just wanted to see the facial expression that would come from him. Hazel eye shot back to Sekira.

“By the way my beloved friend…” her voice was soft and full of compassion as it almost seemed like Sekira had convinced her of her innocents.
Until she spoke once more…”You can shove your puppy eyes and sweet talk girly…cause you know you’re gonna pay.” Another chuckle escaped her lips as she turned away from the group to head back to the villa.
Knowing very well that Sekira would follow close beside her she spoke once more.

“I wonder how much damage the behemoth caused now?”  

Miyo Jynko

Seraph Arkais Icewind

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:51 am
“Yeah about that…” he scratched the back of his head. “Guess I coulda been a little more discreet… but hey!” quick to change the subject. “Finally got word of what those bastards were tryina work on out in the mountains…” his features became uneasy. “Don’t think you’re gonna like this, but something about the…Forbidion…” the last words came in an uneasy whisper.

So the rumors had indeed been true. Immediately Seraph's joyful visage darkened a bit. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly as his mind careened through calculated thought. If Forbidion was involved... he shook his head slowly, his agitation evident by the sudden flow of Black Wind that tousled his silver hair, unfelt by all save he. Sighing softly he looked up at his friend and briefly a sense of weariness could be seen. He was tired of the constant struggle. Tired of having to lead the nation of Forgotten through one difficult time to the next. It had been much simpler when he had chosen to deal with things directly, in his warrior days. When he and Zion had roamed the land seeking adventure. Now he was forced into an arena where his physical prowess meant little. Politics.

"If Forbidion is involved in this war then we're going to have to act quickly to reconsolidate our forces. " he gestured to one of the guards to come to him.

Hastily he bowed and approached."Yes milord?"

"What is your name?"

"Markus milord."

"Markus, I want you to take this message to Lord Enzeru at the base of Mt Reizan in the southern province. Tell him that there is evidence of Forbidion moving and that I want the Darkwind and icewind armies to fall back within the borders of the North Glacier. Also, tell him to prepare the Asmodeus Wards and twelfth seal. Can you do this for me?"

"Of course milord." He bowed low and remained low.

"Markus, you are hereby promoted to Lord of the Reizan fief and will command a small force of thirty samurai. May the Goddess bless you." It was always prudent to reward those for their competence, and Seraph had always been a just and kind ruler, despite being one of the most brilliant tactical minds amongst the Forgotten. "Now Go."

"Yes Lord. Thank you." Markus stood, spun on his heel and took off running to prepare himself. Seraph watched him go momentarily and smiled at his friend.

"at least-"

Haragei, the complete awareness of everything within a limited sphere of influence. The knowledge that this zone is completely owned, even the slightest change of air pressure alerting the user of Haragei. Seraph was a master of this ability...

Haragei screeched of an intruder even as his (Xeon's) body was materializing from the teleport. Instinct and reaction merged in one sweet moment of perfect clarity and Seraph's body blurred into motion.

His knees bent, right hand streaking to the hilt of the sheathed Angel Fusion at his left side. Instantly it was drawn, his body pivoting to the right and bringing the weapon out in an iajutsu of such speed and precision that it defied logic. The reaction so quick and so utterly sublime that it looked as if he had skipped the frames of motion from standing in one position to having his sword drawn and leveled at Xeon's throat in the time it took him to fully open the door.

Cold blue ice flame ran the length of the atomically sharpened katana, its point a mere hairs breadth from Xeon's throat before he could even finish his simple query.

Seraph's voice was cold. His eyes a blazing blue and his aura already beginning to flare pure white light of Zorahar. The ground beneath his feet lay cracked from the speed and ferocity of his motion, and the pain along the walls were beginning to curl up at the sudden excitation of energy that was palpably bleeding from him.

"who are you? and what are you doing here?' He brooked no joking at this point, his eyes narrowed to killing slits. He had just come off a battlefield and those instincts died hard...

((Sorry Xeon, its not me...its the character. you kind of just appeared behind a trained soldier, who is already on edge. know what i mean?))  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:26 pm
"If Forbidion is involved in this war then we're going to have to act quickly to reconsolidate our forces. " he gestured to one of the guards to come to him.

Hastily he bowed and approached."Yes milord?"

"What is your name?"

“Oh god…”A large wrapped hand rose to Zion’s brow, a slow shake of it and
sigh the only indication of his feelings toward his closest friends always at the office nature...

It never failed. Let a lowly soldier show some kind of competence, and there you had it! Prince Seraph promoting any lollygagger that could spell his name… It only meant more trouble for Zion later when he had to waste time teachin’ em a thing or two about cold blooded battle, and just how savage it could be. Had to give it to him though, most those spineless whelps turned out to be quite the warriors. Some of the best had been handpicked by the prince. Hell, he was one of them…

"Now Go."

"Yes Lord. Thank you." Markus stood, spun on his heel and took off.

Seraph watched and smiled. Zion on the other hand could only laugh about the whole matter. Silently and to himself, he had the time of his life.

“Yes sir!” he whispered excitedly through pursed lips, midnight blue locks tossed aside as he wobbled his head from side to side. Exaggeratedly he marched in place. “Someones got a stinky nose eh Seraph?” A moment was taken to catch his breath from laughter just as he noticed his old friend’s reaction to the other’s presence.

The initiative was taken.

"Who are you? and what are you doing here?”

Seraph’s ferocity always brought out the best of Zion. His demeanor had completely changed a strong intent to kill resonating from where once had bloomed humorous joy. Silently, he stood; sapphire orbs perched at their corners, taking in the form of his could be prey. He was better served to have a good answer for Seraph. Otherwise, Zion would tear his arms from their sockets. Violence always came first after all, questions? Well usually they weren’t necessary.

He grinned evilly, large bared fangs twinkling as overly large, wrapped fists tightened.



Quickly stepping back while she placed her left hand over her skirt she looked over at Miyo, with a stern look and a bit of red on her cheeks.

“My QUEEN!” he bowed low, groveling as his face pressed against the grass ridden ground.

"Can someone please explain to me, what is the obsession with my panties today?"

“Oh so…should I not tell Seraph about this incident as well?”

He shivered as he looked up at the Mistress's muscular frame, a spasm enacted with cringed hands, bent arms and a spineless, knelt, shake of the head.

No! Not the high prince!!! His blood thinned at the thought, complexion already paling, lips gone blue. His nose slowly bled as he melted lifelessly against his calves.

“Get up and take that stupid smirk off your face.”

“Oh gaaad!” the impact from her "pat" shot his chest forward, knocking the wind out of him.

“You have no idea the world of trouble you just got yourself in to.”

Still on his calves, he remained leaned forward, with arms sprawled on the ground at either side of his legs.

“Goddess… why have you forsaken me…?” x_x  

Zion Glacious Blizzara

Warrior In God

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:45 pm
Xeon's first thought was to take an aggressive approch. But then he thought that proboly would not win the trust of the the two before him. AS he pondered what to do his crystal necklace began to glow very brightly but he reassured Bariki but it still glowed brightly.

He finally decided to take a calm approch. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. His movements slowed and as he opened his eyes he releaved new bright gold eyes. He moved away from the blade at his throat not fearing the arua it. Seeing as it did not try to harm him yet.

And thus he spoke. "I am Xeon, Sekira's and Miyo's Guardian. If you have a problem with it talk to them." He turned and walked back into the castle but he stopped suddenly. " They seem to be very excited to meet you..."

Without hearing out their response him disappeared into the dark. Only one thing could be heard,"If you need me I'll be in the hotsprings." Which seemed to echo in their minds all four of them, Miyo, Sekira, Zion, and Seraph.


He wondered though the castle till he saw an area filled with steam. He knew this were the hot springs. He was finally able to relax in some hot springs he heard so much about. When he walked in Before him laid a gaint lake steaming from the volcanic heat. Above him was a huge skylight that had been made to see the moon where ever it lay.

Behind him were towels and such. "I think I'll be spending quite some time here." Bariki also came out to relax in the steam.

As Xeon soaked in the hotsprings he wondered who this Goddess person was. "Hey Bariki who do you think this Goddess person is?" Bariki lazily turned to respond. "How should I know? Maybe its one of the female Twilight Guardians." Xeon pondered and this. "But.. the only one I know of that is like they say would be...." Bariki released he had just brought old wounds by saying that. "You mean..." Xeon longing looked into the sky as to seemed to look for someone. "Ayame Asahi" Bariki also looked into the sky looking for someone, longing. "And her Soul Guardian, Bara." Looking blankly into the lake. "Ya...."

Xeon felt himself drift off.  
PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:22 pm
Never being able to stay serious for long was one of Sekira's worst qualities most would say, but she had always thought it to be the best thing about her. Hey, it always worked to throw people of track, and she just loved to do that for when it came to her loved ones, she was all business. Still looking at Miyo, she began to laugh as well. It really had been an interesting day so far, and she hoped that now that the guys were here, it would only get better. All four of them hadn't been together in the same place for a long time.

She had been in her own little world once more, that the only thing that had alerted her to Xeon's words had been Miyo's aura that flared with anger and the words she had spoken. By the time she had turned to ask Xeon what he had said to make Miyo so mad, he was gone. Not really caring to much where he had gone and seeing as Miyo had gone back to teasing her, she really didn't even give a second thought to where he had gone.

She knew fully well that Seraph was not going to be happy if he found out about what had happened. The good thing was that Seraph had never been a closed minded individual, and he would surely know that it had been a mistake and all would be well. For that reason alone Sekira felt bad for the guard as Miyo continued to play with the poor guy, but she was not about to stop her.

Slightly tilting her head to the side at Miyo's sudden show of compassion, Sekira was not surprised at all when Miyo said that she would pay. Sekira knew that Miyo had always been good on her threats. As a sudden thought crossed her mind, a small grin appeared across her lips. First thing first, she looked down at the guard as Miyo walked away.

Squatting down in front of him, making absolutely sure that she was completely unexposed in any way, she placed her slender had on the guards shoulder. "Don't worry about it. Nothing bad will happen. Now why don't you take the day off, I'm sure it would help." Getting up, she patted the guard on the head, moving away to follow after Miyo just in time to hear the comment about Zion.

Skipping merrily next to Miyo with a bright smile on her face, Sekira linked arms quickly with her best friend. It had been a really long time since they had walked this way, Sekira was over joyed at the fact that Miyo was there. Actually she was happy that they were all together. Once again a small grin appeared on her lips, and she looked up at Miyo. If Miyo was going to get back at her, it might as well be for something worth wild. Her grin widened as she pin pointed Seraph and Zion's aura.

"Say hun, how about we 'pop in' on the guys? I'm sure they would just love that." Not giving Miyo enough time to even think about the question, Sekira concentrated on teleporting the both of them to where Seraph and Zion were.

The feeling of being pulled from reality for the befits of moments was felt as they both reappeared without difficultly, just as Xeon was turning to leave. There was just one tinny mishap, Sekira had ended up teleporting them about 25 feet above there respected guy, and they were falling... fast.  

Sekira Tora

Miyo Jynko

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:31 am
Hazel orbs widen as she looked over at Sekira, yet even before she could say anything she felt the all too familiar pull at the back of her mind.

“Shiiitttt….” Was the last thing heard as there molecules imploded sending them traveling through what seemed like a warp. It only took seconds but it still wrecked havoc on her senses, as the blink was over her head felt like it was spinning and her body felt as she was falling. Then once again eyes snapped open to find that Sekira had somehow done it again. As she found herself being propelled downwards on to the guys she couldn’t help but to yell.


With that out of her system she used her training in the forests to cat fall downward. It was almost like a rhythmic dance as she twisted her body in a means to get closer to the tower that led down to the entrance door. Her target of chose was already lined to her position, it was not an exceedingly known fact but all foxfires and Shinken alike were taught from a young age to pull off such maneuvers being that there home lands were made up of thick forest or jungle like areas their wings weren’t the most helpful answer, when it came to tight spaces.

This was one of those moments, pulling her wings from this height would only call for trouble as they as would not have the sufficient air flow to bring herself up.

In an instant the gap between her and her target became smaller. Being that her legs were moving with the gravitational pull, it allowed her to seamlessly run down the wall. Once she would reach ten feet from the ground she would push off the wall in to a forward flip that would bring her perfectly matched to Zion’s shoulders. Yet she had to think it all through if by any chance Zion would move Miyo could end up on her butt. The though alone sent a chill down her spine because she knew that from this speed and height that her butt would need and ice pack for about a week to deal with making out with the floor. Her only hopes was that he would remember the tactics that they had used in previous battles and he would allow her to land safely upon his shoulders and then to easily hop off. If not she would have to use plan B….Yet for now she was locked on to him.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:39 am

Seraph felt the surge tear through him, infusing his blood with ice and fire. The power roared through his body, released from the mental cage. Involuntarily his aura broke free, carried on the eddies of his rage. Zorahar escaped his form bathing the area in an incandescent light manifesting itself in this reality as a sudden increase of gravitational pressure. Each burst radiating form his body forcing the seemingly stable ground to break apart, the ground cratering beneath his feet. Instantly the rubble was released from gravities hold, radiating upwards on eddies of sheer force, only to be crushed in upon themselves in quick succession.

He felt the tingling sensation of lightning radiating about his form, escaping his eyes in bolts of silver power. Zion would instantly recognize the killing intent that radiated from him. Xeon had intruded upon this place, and then had the gall to state fact that was fiction. Guardian? Who was he to claim a title? His thoughts turned to Forbidion... if this was a ploy... his anger doubled, and the aura expanded, spider thin cracks appearing on the wall. The War of Redemption had truly taken its toll on his soul, forcing his mostly carefree manner to a guarded near paranoia. Inwardly he cursed the humans for their arrogance, and their forcing change upon him. Already he could hear the chaotic laughter and whispers of the Black Wind intensifying about his frame, tantalizing him with sweet temptations of utter annihilation. Unseen, unfelt...un-heard by all save he... He forced it back.

Knees bent slightly, pressure exerted throughout his frame to step forward. Already reality slowed and he reached out mentally, Zorahar fusing with reality to determine the location of Xeon, coursing along the inherent lines of quantum that linked all. Even as this occurred, Haragei alerted him to a new arrival. So focused in his anger was he that he had not noticed the sudden change in position of the auras of both Miyo and Sekira, from courtyard to... twenty-five feet above him.

In that instant he looked up to a billowing open sundress and undergarments.


Xeon's presence was relegated to the rear of his mind for the time being. From that height, and in this place, Sekira would never be able to spread her wings in time, and whilst a fall from a mere 25 feet would not kill, it would surely break legs, or whatever else one landed on. Instinct and reaction moved with the sinuous grace of instant movement. Angel Fusion was released, the blade falling from his grip as the natural force of gravity took hold. Pressure was released as he leapt, the sudden explosion of movement occurring with such speed that to the normal eye he simply vanished. An implosion of force against the wall indicated his rebounding off of the walls surface to angle his ascent to Sekira's falling form, further forcing stress related cracks to form despite the brevity of his touch on it. He appeared to materialize behind Sekira, his arms extended to catch her falling form to support her shoulders and beneath her knees.

In the moment it took to secure her he brought his legs forward, allowing them to touch briefly the opposite wall to arrest his forward motion. Pushing off again with the resulting explosive cracks forming again, he twisted in mid-flight, allowing himself to fall, whilst releasing a concussive burst of Zorahar streak out from his form, slowing his descent to manageable levels. As the earth once more embraced his falling form he bent his knees, allowing powerful quadriceps and calves to absorb the shock of landing.

Crouched in the midst of a small impact crater, he released his hold on Zorahar, his eyes losing the silver blazing quality. He also released Sekira's legs while still supporting her shoulders, allowing her body to swing upright to a standing position. In the same moment his same left hand struck outward, snatching up Angel Fusion's still falling hilt, the weapon's fall left incomplete. This was Seraph after-all.

Xeon's presence was noted for future reference, though currently he had more pressing issues at hand. For instance...Sekira.

"Are you ok?" Hell, he had no idea what he should say or ask. It had been so long since he had seen her last... Concern for her well-being was evident on his features..  

Seraph Arkais Icewind

Sekira Tora

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:23 pm
Flinching inwardly at Miyo's scream, she felt really silly for not concentrating better. Blaming the fact that she had really wanted to see Seraph for the tiny mishap she had just committed and hoping greatly that Miyo wouldn't chew her out for it later. She would really have to make this up to be best friend once they were safely on the ground. Maybe getting Miyo a new weapon would be a good start, she would have to contact her father about it later.

It was a great relive knowing that Miyo would find a way to land safely, for she had always been good at getting out of tight spots. Pushing all other thoughts aside, Sekira thought of the best possible way for getting her self out falling flat on her bum. Knowing fully well that opening her wings from this height would be a total catastrophe, along with the fact that it would hurt like hell, she ruled that option out. Which only left one quick and easy option, she would have to teleport again.

Starting to concentrate once more, she hoped that thing time around she would get it right. Just as she was about to teleport, she felt a very familiar aura behind her, a soft smile crossing her lips. She should of known better by now, if Seraph was around, he would always protect her. Her form melted instinctively into Seraph's arms, relishing in the feeling of warmth that emitted from them. Turing her head slightly, she placed it agents his chest as they continued there decent down.

It had been so long since she had been held by his arms, that she wished he wouldn't let her go so quickly. Reluctantly, she placed her feet on the shattered ground to stand. He never changed she thought as she saw him catching his sword in mid air. Benign that Seraph had always been taller then her, she tilted her head slightly to look up at him as he asked for her well being.

Warmth flowed into her, reflecting in her silver eyes at the look of obvious concern on Seraphs face. She should be mad at him, leaving her alone for so long, but there was no way she could be mad. Lifting her hands to cradle his cheeks in the warmth of her palms, Sekira closed the space between them, molding her body to his. She lifted herself on tippy-toes as she slightly brought his face closer to hers. Leaning forward, she touched her forehead to his, losing herself in his ice blue orbs.

"I'm a lot better now that you are here." Sensuality and love emitted from her voice as she continued. "I've missed you so much love, promise that you will never leave me for so long again without at least writing to me."  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:34 pm
Anger, trepidation, annoyance….

Like mist before the heat of a noon day sun, they vanished, blown away with a sudden influx of emotion that sent chills down his spine. Sekira… her body was close…this was reality. It had truly been a long time since he had last felt her embrace, since he had last gazed into her silver eyes.

The sudden influx of emotion caused his eyes to widen. Had it been so long since he held her? Yes…yes it had. In war, such fleeting emotions as love and joy were squelched beneath the reality of death; beneath the sounds of screaming men, and the blood of the injured. He had not had the time to recognize his longing for what it was. No, he had been too busy for that, he had been immersed in the world of fighting for survival and tactical strategy. It had been only when he tried to sleep, and in his dreams did he realize how he missed her so. Then…and now.

"I'm a lot better now that you are here." Sensuality and love emitted from her voice as she continued. "I've missed you so much love, promise that you will never leave me for so long again without at least writing to me."

“I promise to try…” She knew that he would try to keep that promise. The scent of her was intoxicating, her feel causing the blood to rush o his head. He could feel the sensuality and love radiating from her aura, and he reacted, leaning in and brushing his lips against hers lightly. The feel of her lips on his caused his heart to quicken slightly, a rush of memories that had been locked away released in a torrent. Yes…he loved this woman before him…

It was only his iron will and discipline that kept him from embracing her even more tightly. That and the weight of Angel Fusion in his free hand. That would have to wait until later. Xeon’s aura permeated the air around him, concentrated heavily near the hotsprings. He would have to deal with this intruder. Was he an agent of Forbidion? The golden eyes had reminded him of Morigu… He didn’t want to remember that horrific experience.

“Love…who is this newcomer? Why is he here?” She would probably feel the tensing of his body again, the moment of vulnerability gone once more, and only the solid stoic personage of Seraph, Karyuudo, the Emperor and warrior remained…  

Seraph Arkais Icewind

Sekira Tora

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 1:04 pm
It was bliss to be held in Seraph's strong arm. She had never, would never, forget his touch, but there was nothing better then the real thing. Wishing she could say in them always, a small smile crossed her lips when she noticed his eyes widen, signifying the extent of emotions that he felt for her, causing a small blush to spread over her creamy cheeks. Sekira knew better then anyone how much Seraph loved her, but it always made her blush when he showed it.

At the sound of his voice, shivers raked over her body. Strong and commanding while at the same time smooth and calming. The strong feel of his arm around her was the only thing that keep her from literally melting where she stood, and that would be messy. It really had been to long since they were last together, since she was held by him, but Sekira understood how important he was and what he signified to his people. Long ago, she had accepted that.

The soft caress of his lips made tiny butterflies take flight within her stomach as more blissful shivers raced through her. She hadn't been expecting the act, and it was a wonderful surprise that helped to fan the flames he had already ignited inside her. There was no way such a tiny kiss would satisfy the hunger she felt for him after much a long time of being apart, and since she could very well ravish him at the gates with so many around, it would have to wait for later.

Her hands moving in a downs ward motion, the left falling down to her said as the right stopped over his heart. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she felt him tensing beneath her palm. She would have to find a way to get him to relax a bit, it had been a long time since the four of them had been together, and she wanted him to have a good time. At the moment, the first thing she had to do was set him at ease about Xeon. She looked up into his eyes once more.

"His name is Xeon. He's a bit strange, said he's a Twilight Guardian and that he was here to protect Miyo and I." Sekira though it best to leave out the part where Xeon had been keeping an eye on them, know he wouldn't be pleased by the fact. "I don't feel any menace from him, although I do feel a sense to lost. Like I said, a bit strange."  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:46 pm
Bariki awoke moments before sunset. Seeing that Xeon was still "knocked out" in the springs he decided to see what his "new" friends were up to. Silently he hid his Luminesence and wonder off towards the back door of the Villa. As he wonder he accidently almost ran into a pillar he tried to swerve out of the way. But he was too late. He tried to brace himself for impact then... nothing. He was utterly surprised at this he looked back as his body floated through the air. He had went right through the pillar.

He had forgotten one thing... He was made out of Luminesence in the world he was in. He had not yet, could not yet, materilize. Interesting I'm made out pure luminence in this world. Well I all ways was but I didn't that I could go through items. He was caught off guard by a passing servant assited by a guard. They were headed straight for him. He knew he would defently be seen... But again nothing happened, they walked harmlessly through him. Wha-? Now he was really confused. I'm invisible too!? THis shocked him completely but then he relized he could use this to his advantage. He could anywere at anytime and not be seen by anyone. Or so he thought but clearly he could not be seen by mear humans.(You can't see him unless I let you, he lets you or I have trained you to see Luminence and manafest it in your mind which is later.) Now I don't have to stay in that blasted cell!

Finally he moved through the castle looking for back door. Once he had found it he simply went right though it but only to see a love scene. What the hell!? Trying to relax and regain his strength but still keeping an eye on the events. Amazing ugh.. It seems my strength as well is drained quickly here. Or maybe... no it couldn't be. He couldn't fatham it. Maybe we are weaker here and our true stength is shown. It seems with all of the luminence in the Twilight Zone we have no problem thanks to our boosted skills. But here the only only luminence we have realy on is our own... That would explain my sudden lack in strength ugh... He floated lazily as he realized this world was much more interesting then he thought...

Just as he was getting comfortable he relise this had happened a while ago. What a second... Upon closer inspection he notice that his tracing back ther lumineces. What the Hell? Ok I didn't know this would happen. i guess I should wait what had happened before and see if I can find them...

(sorry fixed it for you guys cuase I mixed it all up sorry.)  

Warrior In God

Seraph Arkais Icewind

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:37 pm
Twilight Guardian?

He had never heard of such a thing, for some reason it irked him that he had not. Still, this did not change the fact that he was here to supposedly protect Miyo and Sekira. But why would they need such protection? He had sent them this far with a veritable regiment of armed and armored Forgotten, a few of these being Darkwind for that matter. Short of the fifth return of Ceallac there really was no reason for another Guardian…much less a stranger…

A sense of loss, he had not sensed that in the person either. He blinked rapidly, realizing that the war had done much more to him than he realized. Gone was his naiveté and his almost boundless sense of trust. Too many deaths, too much blood on his hands had long removed those simple feelings from his life. Or had he simply shut out his ability to sense aura’s no longer wanting to feel the hatred of humans and Forgotten alike. Not to mention the sheer overwhelming sense of anger, and loss. Of pain and despair. He widened his eyes slightly at the revelation. Perhaps it really was wise for him to leave the desperation of the Battlefield…

Perchance it was better that he was not here at all? Was he a danger to those he loved, so hardened in the fires of battle that his natural empathy was burned away by its heat? Such inward speculation lasted merely moments, yet remained undetectable within his shrunken aura. It was at that moment that the memory of Enzeru’s words came to him.

Do not become so obsessed with what might be, that you forget what is standing right before you…

He blinked slowly, letting his thoughts gather, never once relinquishing his hold on his love. His gaze softened as he looked upon Sekira’s smiling face. Truly, it was a distraction, having her this close, her body at such a proximity causing his body to relax, despite the façade of iron-discipline. No, he would not forget, nor neglect what was before him. Besides, should Xeon prove to be antagonistic, well, he would face the wrath of the Black Wind for placing his beloved in such close proximity of danger.

He released Sekira from his grasp, taking a slight step backward away from her. With the practiced ease of familiarity, he sheathed the gleaming blade of Angel Fusion. The weapon’s icy flames extinguished at the touch of its scabbard. He took this moment to look Sekira over. So quick and rushed was there initial encounter that he had not the chance to truly look upon her.

He could do naught but smile as he looked at her in her sundress. The flowing material flattering her already gorgeous frame. His grin widened, as his mind took off, imagining the soft, but firm skin beneath the dress…the soft curves and the mounds of her breasts… A sudden influx of embarrassment coursed through him. Had that image slipped into his aura? He widened his eyes. Worse, had Sekira picked up on those thoughts?

He brushed it off, stepping forward once more, both arms moving to slip around her waist. He pulled her close against him, looking down into her eyes.

“I missed you so…”

He cocked his head to the side slightly and leaned in, pressing his lips against hers. The kiss was deeper, more insistent as the fires of passion and longing licked his mind. Had he realized how much he missed her? He would hold the kiss for a moment, teasing her lips with his tongue for but a moment. He knew that despite how badly he wanted to scoop her into his arms and disappear for a while, there were others about…  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:09 am

Miyo now stood leaned against the wall as she watched the happy couple....

"Ya get a room..."

Yet her own heart only longed for that very thing, hazel orbs fell over Zion's frame but only for a brief moment and then were ripped away in anger. He had done nothing to help as she fell yet thankfully she had never put to much of her trust in anyone being.

In the back of her mind the memory of the fall played. There she was falling beside her best friend yet as Miyo looked over to her best friend there was no fear for her life because she felt the spark of emotion from Seraph aura. She had become quite good at reading aura's and it had saved her more then a few times. Even with all her skill and technique all Miyo wanted was for Zion to embrace her but she knew now that, that ideal might be a cause to an end. With years of training she was able to tumble down the wall and landed in a crouched position, which of course no one noticed because Zion was off in space in his own head as Seraph and Sekira were lost in each and the other guy well who knows what had happen to him.

Shaking her head slightly she pushed off of the wall and walked over to them giving Seraph a slightly bow of her head in a sign of respect. After all he was still her King and close friend. Yet she didn't spare a word for the war monger as the yellow sun dress swayed around her lean tan legs. She felt truly awkward in the stupid dress but in all truth she didn't much care anymore of the reaction it would get cause in truth her feelings had already be wounded far more then she had ever allowed them to be.

(I kinda had to ignore you comment Xeon cause that would of made it completely out of time. So I just put her at the side of the wall while Sekira and Seraph had there moments so I kinda flashed back to just state that she landed. So you can keep you post that way and still have your character come in but in truth he never got to save Miyo good thing Miyo is well trained.)

Miyo Jynko

*Role Playing*

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