As always, before the reaping I am prepared by my stepmother. I hate her. She tugs at my hair too much. I sit in a chair dressed in a plaid skirt and a white shirt tucked in at my waist. "Alanna, do you never brush your hair!?" Says my stepmother. Actually I do and it is always in a flat braid down my back, as it is now. As she continues to rip at my hair I sit and almost start crying. Not just because of the pain but also for the reaping. It is a day that all district 11 hates. When my stepmother finishes I stand up and step outside. We make our way slowly to the gate of the reaping courtyard. It is dimly lit because it is night. I file into line next to my best friend Arret. We both look as if we've been crying. I wait as the mayor gives his annual speech and then the representative from the Capitol steps up. Oh the Capitol, the dreaded Capitol. Everyone here fears that name. As she steps up we all cheer unenthusiastically. Soon she is pulling the name out of the boys ball... The name is Quincy Hyatt. I know Quincy, he has been my friend since second grade when he bumped into me in the hall. Of all people why him? Next it's the girls ball. The rep from the Capitol pulls out the name and I am overjoyed when i realize it is not mine. It is Madam Cassket's. wait I don' t understand . Madam Cassket is dead. She died in the games two years age when she Was 18. They must of made a mistake and they realize it and throw her name away. The pull out the next name and I gasp. It's mine.

Artemis can you move your two posts to the topic that says district 11? And see ya in the RPing wink