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PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:45 pm
Sam shook himself. They had landed, hopefully near their destined hospital, to find the Doctor's friend. He pulled the Doctor's shoulders up, simultaneously trying to prevent the Doctor's head from lolling backwards. The Doctor grunted.

"Sorry, Doctor... We're going to Martha." Sam noticed the Doctor's eyelids flicker.

Sam continued trying to pull the Doctor into a sitting position, hopefully making it easier to somehow remove him from the TARDIS so they could get him to the Hospital.

The Doctor suddenly gasped, he blinked several times, trying to hold his eyes open.

"She's inside me... my mind... Oh my... Inside my head... Get out... out!..." He subsided, murmuring very slightly. His eyes became shut.

The Captain was watching the Doctor wide-eyed. Susan fidgeted, and stepped closer to the Doctor.

For a moment, everyone was still, looking at Sam and the Doctor. Sam looked back.

"We need to get him out. Help me! To Martha!"

Suddenly, everyone was in motion again. The Captain grabbed the Doctor's feet, and Susan helped Sam with the Doctor's torso.

Eddie opened the door for them as they came towards her. She followed them out, and as she was closing the door, Sorvad said morosely: "I suppose I'm to stay behind."

"Yeah! Whatever!" Eddie said hurriedly.

"Just don't get into trouble!!!" Sam tried to shout through the door before it closed, but he was too late.

Eddie was bursting through the door ahead of the Doctor's carriers.


"Eddie, you're a spazz." Sam muttered.

Sam then noticed a pretty woman, who had just come off of the elevator, looking in astonishment at the Doctor. Eddie noticed her too.

"MARTHA??!" She asked her.

"What happened to him?" The woman asked. "He's got a bite on his neck... what..?"

"Please, can we go somewhere private? He said you are the only one that can help."


The Doctor felt hands on him, holding him up, carrying him. They were safe hands. He was still struggling and panicking with the invasion of his mind.

He was so tired... he had felt the cold buzz of something at the back of his mind, assessing his situation, mildly probing his currently muddled thoughts... Then he realized he was sensing her again. In his mind.

It was like being bitten a second time, the same uncomfortable and helpless feeling of intrusion. Except, instead of a cold flash of teeth against his neck, it was a cold finger of thought probing into his most vital sanctuary: his mind.

No! What are you doing here! You already got your energy from me...

He tried to mentally fight with the Ereptor. He imagined doors... so many doors. He was slamming all of them shut. Door after door after door, closed and closed again. He was yelling in rage, against the stranger in his mind.

What more do you want? You've rendered me helpless, let me rest in peace!

More doors were slamming. He faintly heard a familiar voice say "Oh God... he dosn't look good... why is he panting? Doctor?"

His mental wall was on lockdown. He could feel her struggling to get through on the outskirts of his mind, cold and irritated. Probing and poking for a weakness.

Go away go away go away... go-

She got in. She somehow pushed through a weakspot in his weary mind-wall, she opened a faulty door.

NO!!! OUT!!! All of his mental willpower was directed at the Ereptor. Then he realized she wasn't going to fight back, she didn't even want to.

If the metaphysical being had hands, Renfield's would be up in a truce.

The Doctor paused and cautiously probed the Ereptor, searching for hostility. There was none.

No longer outraged and now incredibly curious, he gently pushed through his door, into the realm of Renfield's mind.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:03 pm

"It tickles..." She said with a pinch of annoyance.

Suddenly the image of Renfield appeared before an image of the Doctor. She was looking up and biting her lip, watching the non-physical finger of the Doctor poke at her mind.

"Mmmm." She frowned, uncomfortable with the whole situation.

He suddenly withrew at her desire and stared at the slender thing before him, with those animal eyes.

"You look tired." She said. "You feel tired."

She backed up and eyed him up and down.

"I suppose, I took too much." She sighed.

"What do you want?" He asked her.

"Elder..." She bowed her head in a manner he assumed to be polite in Ereptor culture.

She was pleased to have made contact with him. Though she didn't understand much of what was going on or what she was doing. She looked around his mind and saw a lot of doors, which she found rather odd things to be in someone's mind.

"I need your help." She said softly, weakly. "I wonder, I wonder, I wonder...what is worst? To have your kind live on, but in a mere shadow of what they once were, or have them completely gone?"

He didn't know what she was talking about, but she stood off to her side, looking away.

"My point is...Gallifrey was my home. It was my childhood. My brothers and my sisters and my culture is dead. What remains is the few last Time Lords and their Elder." She looked at him.

Then she went and touched his cheek. He would have, in a stronger moment, slapped it away, repelled her back to her own thoughts. But he was weak, and he was tired, and before he could stop her, she was touching his cheek.

"I can help you." Renfield said. "Where are you?"




PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:52 am
The Captain looked to this woman named martha jones as he held the doctor's feet wondering what she could do to an alien bite like this? He remained silent because this was a time of seriousness.

The Captain looked to Susan and Eddie wondering how they are dealing with the doctor being in such a weaken state.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:23 pm
Martha led them into an empty office filled with medicine cabinets, a small kitchen, and a sickbed. Sam, Susan, and the Captain gratefully dumped the Doctor on the bed.

"This is where I hang out, mostly. I like the view." Martha nodded towards the large window at the end of the room. They could see the Thames River.

"So... before I ask what happened to my old friend, I was given instructions."

Sam did not expect this. "What? From who? The Doctor?"

"No..." Martha said, looking at Sam curiously. "She said she was a friend to the Doctor, she was from Gallifrey. She told me to expect you. She gave me an antivenom that would help the Doctor when he came to me."

She opened one of the drawers, it was full of different types of tea. There was a small glass jar filled with some herbs and a dark colored powder. She shook some of the concoction into a styrafoam cup, and put a kettle on the stove. She pulled out a teabag for herself.

"So. Who are you, and what are you? And would you like some tea?"

Sam was having trouble digesting what happened.



PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:36 pm

"Wait a minute."

Eddie stopped Martha before she even touched the Doctor. She didn't really like how this Martha knew more than she did about the situation, nor how calm she seemed about it.

"You've travelled with him before haven't you?" She asked.

Martha Jones nodded, and that just about explained everything.

"Now, who told you to expect us?"

"A Gallifreyan." Martha said. "A woman, black hair, tall."

Eddie looked over at Susan and The Captain.

"Is that a problem?" Martha asked.

"Uh...no...I guess not..." Eddie said. "I'm the Editor, call me Eddie, that's the Doctor's granddaughter, Susan, and that's my old friend the Captain. And that's the Yank, Sam, human."

Martha smiled slightly.

"So he's not alone anymore?" She asked.

Eddie shook her head.

"You survived the Time War too...heh." Martha gave a little smile, releived for the Doctor.

"We're team Time Lord." Eddie grinned, she loved the team name she had come up with.

"It's rather a common reaction." Renfield explained to the Doctor. "Usually when an Ereptor gets their prey...it doesn't live. You however, having survived are feeling some unpleasant after effects."

"I figured as much." The Doctor nodded.

"So. What do I do?"

He had told her that Space and Time wasn't like a single straight line, it was more of this "timey-wimey ball" thingy. That things criss and cross and one doesn't always live their life in chronilogical order. He said he'd be at the hospital soon.

So about the time the Doctor and the others were just arriving at that Diner, Renfield had gone back in time to the hospital. And he went and found a Martha Jones.

"Excuse me!" Martha Jones had exclaimed.

"I'm in need of the Doctor." Renfield said.

"Well you'll have to wait with the other patients and -"

"No." She held up a vile of something. "The Doctor, he'll need this."

She stared at Martha Jones with those black animal eyes, tilting her head in a fashion that sent chills down Martha's spine.

It was Ereptor blood, concentrated and turned into a powder. The life was in the blood, and now, Renfield was simply giving back a piece of what she took. She then explained what was to happen to the Doctor, and when the others would come.

Then she left wihtout another word.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 7:31 pm
Susan felt a little uncomfortable. What Martha described made her think of the Ereptor. Knowing that she had a TARDIS made her think. But how could she possibly know where they were? Or that the Doctor would turn to Martha?
Before she asked what it was, Eddie called them 'Team Time Lord.'
Susan shut her eyes. They'll descuse their name latter.
Susan asked, "What is this elixir she gave you? Do you know?"  



PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:17 pm
The Captain smiled at Martha Jones and when Eddie announced they were team timelord the captain says "I love the name, Eddie, gives us a name since we are pretty much more than just two or three people."

He was alittle ecstatic that the doctor would be fine but was still worried about the ereptor and why she helped.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:18 pm

"Come on guys!" Eddie smiled. "He's gonna be okay!"

She seemed overjoyed. It was an odd thing, given she didn't seem to really like anyone all that much. But when she turned to the body of the Dotor and everyone else, she really seemed relieved.

There are no more Time Lords, none but them. And the Doctor who kept them together was going to be okay. Eddie was young, she didn't relaly know much about life or death. It was too soon she felt, since the Ruler, since everyone.

He seemed helpless on the bed, in pain.

"The old geezer's gonna live!"




PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:50 am
The Captain nodded "Yes he will." he says with a smile and grin,everything will be ok for now and that was great. He would hate to see the doctor regenerate so soon,if a timelord can after a bite from an ereptor.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:19 am
(( OOC: Yeah, I guess it should have been mentioned before... Ereptors suck energy out of Time Lords until they regenerate. If they were really greedy, they would suck out all of their regenerations. ))

Sam was looking out of the window. He could see the London Eye and Parliment... it was amazing. He heard the conversation Martha was having with the Time Lords distantly.

A whistle, then a trickling of water. He turned around to find Martha pouring tea into the Doctor's designated mug. The liquid turned burnt red.

"I am not quite sure how he's going to drink this... he's unconscious..." Martha pondered aloud as she walked carefully over to the Doctor.

Once the steam was near the Doctor's face, the fumes made his eyes blink open. At first, he didn't seem to realize where he was, but then the familiar sparkle of intelligence alighted behind his pupils. He sat up sleepily, and slowly.

"Hey... Martha..." He smiled weakly.

"Drink this, Doctor." Martha grinned.

The Doctor began to cautiously sip on the liquid. Me made a face. whee

"Tastes like blood." He winced. "But... I do feel much better."

A refreshing wave of relief hit Sam.



PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 2:33 pm
The Captain smiled and laughed "Yep hes going to be fine!" He looked to Eddie noticeing how much she cared for him,which was unusual for her at least in this incarnation which made him wonder if she more than simply liked him.

He looked to Susan saying "Isn't that great news,Susan?" He has had a certain attraction to Susan but he's not sure about his feelings for her so he simply ignores them til he can figure them out later.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 4:02 pm
Susan smiled as relief came to her, "It's excellent. I wonder what inspired her to help him like this?"  



PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:11 pm

Eddie had her chin in her hand as she hunched over the Doctor's bed. He reluctantly drank from the cup. She noticed how sweetly he stared at Martha and how sweetly she smiled at him.

"Bom chicka wow wow, Doc." She said, imitating porno music.

He grinned at her and she rose up by his bed side.

"I was ill and I knew I had to come to the best doctor in London." He told her.

"Chicka wow wow!" Eddie continued.

"Okay, stop." Sam told her.

She laughed and turned back to the Doctor.

"I'm glad you're okay." She said. "Just...it'd suck if you know...you..."

Eddie's eyes wandered towards The Captain and Susan. Eddie leaned closer to the Doctor.

"Don't leave them alone with me." She said, as if desperate.

He chuckled.

She was so happy to see him up again. He still looked tired and weak, but she was happy. He was the oldest of the Time Lords, that meant something, even she could see that. She looked up to him in her own way. She just knew if something horrible happened he'd be the last one standing, and he'd know how to get everyone out safely. He had been all over the universe, he could protect them.

"Doctor... Why did the Ereptor help you?" She asked.

He looked over at her.

"What's an Ereptor?" Martha asked.

She was picking off burnt skin. It didn't hurt, not anymore. At that point it was just bothersome. She was leaning on the door of her TARDIS, now reformed to appear like a ver large, old book. She held it in her arms, peeling dead skin off her hands.

She was leaning against a blue police box, outside the hospital. She awaited their return.

"I think this will be best for us." She nodded to the TARDIS. "You're from Gallifrey, I'm from Gallifrey, they're from Gallifrey. This way...it won't be as lonely. Don't know what I'm going to eat though..." She sighed. "Maybe a nibble here and a nibble there can be arranged."

She sighed, and laid her head on the side of the TARDIS.

They'd have to arrange something with her, so she wouldn't degenerate into the things her people had become. She could see them in her mind still, nothing more but animals.

She could feel the Doctor slipping away into the waking world in her head. She scratched her head.

"I wonder if that will go away ever."

PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:10 am
The Captain just smiled and shook his head as he saw eddie and her antics but then thought about the ereptor when it was mentioned saying to martha

"A creature that can suck the very energy out of a timelord,maybe even that timelord's regenerations."  



PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 9:19 am
Susan continued the thing about them, "They are generally thought of as the boogie men to the young children of Gallifrey. Only difference being that they really existed."
Susan thought back to when she was a child. For a while she thought there was one under her bed.  
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