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Gabe Ragnarok

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:36 pm
The pile shifted and Djibril managed to clamber out of it. She looked somewhat disheveled, and the worse for wear. The long, wavy black hair was rumpled and the slim spectacles were askew. Pushing the remnants out of the way, she dusted herself off. Her eyes and pale skin clearly made her kin in SOME way to Envy and Lust and Sloth... The black hair only clinched it. Slim, short and ink spattered, the lady of the house was...probably not what the Elric brothers were expecting to meet?

But then Djibril wasn't feeling particularly well anyway. v.v Bringing people back to life takes a lot of energy and right now she HAD just finished some resurrections v.v. Which meant she was tired. >.> Actually, she had developed shadowy 'panda' eyes similar to Gaaras by now, given the sheer amount of stress she'd been in for a long time.

Adjusting her spectacles, she met them look for look.

"Joke? I do not make jokes. I am not very good with.. humor. v.v"

She glanced at the file.

"If you mean necromancy? I don't make jokes about that."

She began to tick off things on her fingers.

"I am eminently capable of resurrecting the dead, if necessary. It is, after all a simple matter of physically constructing the shell and then bringing back an amenable consciousness to put into it. As to why I do these things, it is because I receive compensation for the task."

Ticking off even more points she moved on to what she thought the Elrics were probably trying to figure out.

"I do not in any way, involve alchemy for anything other than transmutation of inanimate objects. I do not involve the Gate you have been using in my work, nor would I.... That place does not return souls unless a far larger number of souls is passed on to them and I for one. do not deal in such things. Equivalent exchange with souls is not possible, either one or the other will always be gypped. Repeated attempts at trading one person for another more than thrice endangers the soul, and at one point or the other, the soul will degrade and the body will begin to rot. Is that what you wanted to ask?"

Lust, the black skinned fellow to her right, pulled out and passed over to her a mug full of hot coco. Greedily she drank from it. Once she had finished her drink, she passed the mug back to him. Silently, he filled it again.

"Oh yeah. and I never have and never will use that so called Philosopher's stone for any task. It's expensive to get in terms of manpower and is practically useless."  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:54 pm
"Hey! Brother!" But it was a weak protest, not much more than a squeaked whisper. He winced at his brother's growl, flinching back slightly as the expected outburst came. Well... it could have been worse... Ed's outburst.

She looked so tired, this woman who was supposed to have the answers. This person he had felt compelled to meet. So tired and yet beautiful. Later when his mind wasn't reeling from the paper he had found maybe he would think about the physical similarities she shared with the Sins. She wasn't what he was expecting... but then what had he been expecting? Al really had not thought that far. It was usually better to keep an open mind.

And right then he had to be very open minded.

Alphonse just stared as Dji replied, his brown-gold eyes going wide. From time to time he blinked and ever so lightly shook his head as if he could not believe what he was hearing. Necromancy. Resurrecting the dead? Amenable consciousness...

It was all rather much for him. What kind of compensation did she receive to bring his brother & him back? ... or whatever it was. Or did they still 'owe' her for the favor?

"Equivalent exchange isn't only in Alchemy..." He murmured softly, pinching & rubbing a bit of the sleeve of his red coat between white gloved fingers. His tail hung limp behind him and his ears flicked while low. And then he winced again almost to the point of curling into himself. The philosopher's stone useless... it hit him like a lead weight from above. For so many years that was all they worked for... finding the stone. And when they found how to make it...

Yeah... it wasn't easy was it? Very expensive, one could say. And in the end... still not enough to return both of them. It too had its laws.

He had more questions, but his throat was dry and his mind felt overloaded and melted. Al could not choose what question to ask first even could he find his voice and so simply looked between Edward & Dji with lost & pained expression in his eyes.



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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 6:14 pm
It was just about to get worse...

Edward's teeth remained clenched, his body trembling lightly as he listened to this woman talk. The paper he held was crumpled in his clenched hand, while his face was turned downward... eyes obscured by long blonde bangs. Was she mocking them? Telling them that everything they had believed in, knew to be true... was all lies? He did not take that well not at all, and when she'd finally shut her mouth.. Edward lifts his head to shoot this 'Lady Dji' with the most paint peeling glare he could muster. Golden eyes alight with the fire of rage.

"Are you telling me... that you're some kind of god? WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!" Edward's automail hand, which held the crumpled paper, came down hard on the desk infront of him. Causing the wooden structure to shudder heavily. "I don't care who you are or what you can do, nobody can bring back the dead!" The short alchemist practicly screaming at the top of his lungs as he spoke, "And even if you could, what gives YOU the right?! Bringing back people just for your own gain?!" It was sick.. incredibly sick and twisted. He didn't believe for a moment that she could bring back the dead... this was just some fraud making claims. Perhaps she did make something and passed it off as bringing people back, and then making money off it or whatever she was getting in return. He didn't know where they were... for all he knew.. alchemy didn't work the same way that he knew and thus making everything they'd known 'useless', but no.. he could not believe that anyone could bring back the dead.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:48 pm
Djibril looked very. very. tired. She rubbed her forehead.

"No, I'm not a god. No, I never claimed to be a god. Yes, I can bring back the dead. Look, you, Al! You live with Zell Dinchth right now, right? With the Weasley twins. Why don't you go ask them for confirmation? Ask Zell about Maryline, and ask about what happened to Fred. >.> That should be good enough credentials for you. As for my right to bring people back, I'll make it clear, I have the right because I have the skill.

Heh, besides, Ed, if you feel like throwing blame at MY work, how's about I throw blame on yours, eh? What right did you have to go and make a homonculous out of your mother's corpse?

You tried to raise the dead as well. The difference is what we gain or aimed to gain from it. Your gain is that you wanted your mother back enough that you disregarded her wishes. I cannot raise the dead unless said dead WANT to be raised. You thought BLOOD can equal a soul? Blood is a PHYSICAL substance. NOT a metaphysical replacement. You repaired a CORPSE. And since you used the Gate, the creature that took over your mother's corpse is the same thing that you saw in the gate, those horrible little black creatures that took your arm. You made a host body for one of THEM. And of course, since you failed MISERABLY at what you were trying to do, you dump blame on me.

WHOOP DE ******** DO.

Must be so very sodding NICE for YOU to go around making judgements about other people, Ed. Must be very sodding NICE. So tell me, how's that thar moral superiority going?"  

Gabe Ragnarok

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:52 pm
"Brother!" But he was too late, Edward had exploded and the hand that had reached out to hold back the fullmetal snapped back quickly as Alphonse winced forcefully at his brother's fury. "Edward... Brother..." It was a pointless plea... it wouldn't curb his brother's anger or temper. But it was distracting. How could he remember much less ask his questions with Ed going off like that?

And then the lady yelled back and Al wanted to curl up in a little ball. He nodded that he knew Zell (all three of them that lived in that house, as different species), knew of Maryline, knew the talaye Fred & George though the Anthros showed up while he was out with his brother he'd been told of them when he checked in (an action he had done through the communicator primarily so Bellamue & Trelweny did not worry about him not returning after meeting up with his brother) but he had not met them yet. How do I stop this? How do I stop this? If he were someone else he would maybe have a thought about short people having short tempers but the thought never crossed his mind. Instead he cringed even more as Dji brought up their failed attempt. How were we supposed to know?!? We were just kids!! Then...

He was between them, tears brimming in his brown-gold eyes. "It wasn't like that! We didn't understand then! We were just kids! And we paid! We paid...!" Alphonse was crying now as he looked from Dji to Edward. "Brother..." His tone was pleading. "Things are different here. It's not home... Alchemy still works like it always did, but so do other things... Ed... isn't this what we wanted? To be alive? To be together? Shouldn't we find out more, ask our questions maybe even thank her for this chance instead of accusing each other & shooting insults?" His body was shaking subtly as he looked entreatingly from one to the other. until he could face their eyes no more and heavily dropped his head. His voice came slowly, soft and sad not long after. Soft, sad, and yet with a sliver of hunger for knowledge.

"Lady Dji.... why us? Why bring bring us here, alive? And... what is our Equivalent Exchange for this second chance?
PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:13 pm
"It wasn't like that! We didn't understand then! We were just kids! And we paid! We paid...!"

Djibril sighed when she saw how upset Al was getting.
v.v "Right. I'm sorry I yelled at you two. I'm just... getting a splitting headache right now. "

She winced and rubbed her temples.

"Look, I'm tired of talking to you, Edward Elric. I'm tired of your drama, your emo, your tendency to assume the worst of me. I'm tired of your picking at me, my work, my companions. Most of all, I am tired of your selfrighteous a**. >.> Sorry I blew up at you, Al. I've had to bring back another woman from the dead yesterday, her brother the half-week before that, I'm doing the damn paperwork for it today, I've got 41 KIDS of people who live here and nearby I have to do paperwork for, since Envy and I were the doctors in charge of bringing them into the world and we keep needing to update their files as they grow, and you, Edward Elric, are the last straw on this overburdened camel's back. Al, PLEASE go ask your friends some questions before you bring this git of a sibling of yours to my tower again, he's given me the biggest headache I've had in a hundred YEARS."

"Lady Dji.... why us? Why bring bring us here, alive? And... what is our Equivalent Exchange for this second chance?

"I haven't eaten a decent meal for over 3 days, I'm still up to my neck in paperwork that you've SEEN....."

".... and I am so not in the mood to listen to your brother yell at me that I may blow a gasket and do something I may regret out of sheer frustration that it's not even funny. v.v"

"Equivalent exchange?"

"You can start by getting me a decent meal, I'm starved."  

Gabe Ragnarok

Ruthless Senshi

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Gabe Ragnarok

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:25 pm
(Got to go, am so tired. also need to go for family outing. So you guys can rp it alone, since I figure Ed and Al will need time alone to confirm what Dji be talking about, m'kay? See ye later!)  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:54 pm
Yes... what a great way to add fuel to the fire.

The rage shown on Ed's face is pretty much indescribable, eyes white with fury and teeth grinding back and forth as Dji spoke. An accusatory finger pointed her way, "Why does everyone like to say how I'm just like them or worse?! You think you know everything, but you don't! Don't you ever compare my reasons for what I did with yours!" Alphonse was right... they had just been kids then, and while that didn't excuse it from his mind.. as he still blamed himself, his reasons for wanting to bring his mother back... for wanting to restore his brother.. were far different than Dji's proclaimed reasons for bringing people back. He was convinced of that!

He was about to continue but that's when Alphonse got in the way. His brother's emotional pleas managing to somewhat subdue the older brother as he looked at Al in surprise. Slowly, Edward lowered his pointing finger, emotion showing in his own eyes. Sighing, he looked down, "Al..." And that might have been the end of it if Dji hadn't continued to shoot off her mouth at Edward's expense.

That hateful look quickly returned at the verbal blows that were given him. Jaw hanging open in enraged shock at the words she'd dare speak to him! "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A DAMN?!" He hoped her head exploded in a shower of gore and brains!

As she spoke to Alphonse... Edward's commentary was easily heard.

'...that I may blow a gasket...'


'...do something I may regret out of sheer frustration...'


'You can start by getting me a decent meal...'


Surely Alphonse wasn't bending to the will of this... this... SCUM BAG! Fists clenched tightly as he seriously thought about knocking this woman's head off.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 11:07 pm
His eyes grew soft... the start of a hopeful smile as Ed seemed to calm... as the lady Dji seemed to calm... and then...

Wince. Oh no... she didn't just say that... She did. Edward was going to... He did. Al's head dropped, chin against the black of his collar. Ed obviously did care or it wouldn't upset him. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to come here after all. Dji was clearly over worked and over tired -maybe if she ate & slept...

Well there was still his brother's temper & this was her place. She had a right to be harsh if she wanted to. And although he could understand -for the most part- why Ed was so mad... they didn't. Not really. A nod that he heard to Dji, a wince for his brother's loud interjections. Nod. Wince. Nod. Wince. Nod with tiny fluttering smile... cringe.

They needed to get out of there now. Taking the crumpled form for their parents from Ed's clenched fist Al put it back on the pile. A flashed glance at Dji, to show his intent to see that she received food but not wanting to say anything to Ed about it... "Let's go, Brother."

Not waiting Al did whatever he could to get Edward back past the stacks of papers and into the hallway then into the elevator. Only... Alphonse didn't know how to work it. O_O He pushed a few buttons and felt the elevator move. It opened up on a floor that looked like a hospital a nearby door was open and from it came voices that seemed to be talking in another language. Two males and a female. Curious, Al stepped off the elevator and made his way towards the door.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:25 pm
Grrr.... just... grrr... Edward was practicly daring Dji to do.. something. Bring it on! He would show her! But then Alphonse took the paper from his hand and put it back, surprising his brother.

He watched as Alphonse started to leave, and started to follow him. Hmph. There was nothing left here.. and if this Dji thought that he was going to do anything for her.. she was sadly mistaken. He didn't owe her a thing! A final glare was given in the direction of that woman before he followed his brother out.

Inside the elevator, Edward was deathly silent...there being obvious tension in the air. Arms folded as he leaned against one of the walls with a cross look on his face. However, when the elevator stopped, he made no move to get out.


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Gabe Ragnarok

Ruthless Senshi

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 1:15 pm
Meanwhile, back in the office, the sins, having discerned the rant-fit was over, cautiously began to peek out from behind their hastily constructed paper-pile bomb shelters.

Djibril looked frustrated beyond WORDS. Steam was practically poofing out of her ears and her aura, could one se it, was a blinding shade of incoherent rage red.

Had it not been for the fact that Djibril actually did like Al, she would have turned Edward into a rutabaga.

"No, Dji, that's a turnip."

"whatever." Dji grumbled as she emptied another large mugfull of coffee. Her headache had reached epic proportions. "I need Prozac. and Aspirin. and while you're at it..."


"WHY is it always WEED with you, Lust?"

"Because weed HELPS. Would you prefer opium?"

Sloth smiled as she and the others continued in the paperwork.
Well, at least they hadn't blown up the office again.  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:17 pm
Alphonse glanced back at his brother as he left the elevator, a look asking if he was coming or not in his sad eyes. Well... at least he had not had to forcibly remove Ed from Dji's office. The younger brother sighed heavily then continued to see what this strange sounding language was. It was thick, somewhat harsh, and yet beautiful and almost melodic.

"Все хорошее, Mikhail… но бедный человек забытый." The female voice was saying. "Я не спрашиваю, что вы забываете…" The female interrupted quickly, her voice pained & furious but still controlled. "Прощение будет медленно для того чтобы прийти мимо, Брат." "снежинки…" The other male voice sounded like he was trying to console & calm the female. Not that it seemed she was going to permit such a thing. "Не, Piotr. Оно все там. несвязный, да, от изменять стареет поэтому много времен но я вспоминаем. Он дал его к мне, надеющся мое волшебство вылечит нас оба! Вирус наследия. Наше «старший брат» как много как убито нам, Piotr." There was an uncomfortable pause before the second male spoke again, his deep and gentle voice soft with pain. "… Mikhail... Брат? Это…" The first male voice filled in the blank almost harshly. There was a ring of almost wild frenzy beneath this particular male's voice as if he was not entirely sane. "Поистине? Да. Но я реально думал он будет работать!! Я никогда не предназначал вас, то из вас…" "Умрите? Не попытайтесь сказать мне вы не убило семью, брата. Я вспоминаю когда вы сделал." The calm male voice said, fury carefully contained just beneath the surface -detectable but held firmly in check. "Но я остановил!" The crazed voice nearly shouted, a wild sound. "Очень почти сделал человек." The other male said with voice soft and dangerous. "Спрашивать иметь нас быть воскрешенным будет не sooth ваша виновная совесть, Mikhail Nikolaievitch." The wild male voice sounded dejected as it came through the door following the man's heavy sigh in response to the female's words. "Никак… Я полагаю не…" Then the female's interrupted, her voice having the ring of someone who at one time or another had grown accustomed to giving irrefutable commands. "Достаточно. Кто-то прибывать."

There was the soft sound of movement, as someone slight slid from a bed. The sound of padding footsteps to the door forgotten as there was a flash as if from sudden metal inside the room. Alphonse blinked as a girl -probably around his age though a few inches taller than he was- with long blonde slightly wavy hair leaned wobbly upon the door frame. She had white wings and tail feathers of a swan. Behind her, two large, broad shouldered men towered. They were clearly brothers with their similar body types, coal black hair & blue eyes matching those of the girl. The scarred shorter one -still standing a foot above the blonde girl- had longer hair, pulled back in a flowing ponytail. The other was covered in metal, his hair actually metal as well, and stood yet another foot taller than his brother. Both males bore lupine tails and ears, the shorter's pure black as a starless night. I didn't think anyone could be bigger than Major... no Lt. Colonel... Armstrong... but this guy has inches on him at least I'm sure... The young civilian alchemist's brown-gold eyes were wide a little afraid to look at the obviously protective large men behind the blonde though the girl's at first battle ready expression was now melting into a gentle & friendly smile. "Dosvidanya, Tovarish." Her clear blue eyes took in Alphonse and his brother further behind him, a small 'o' forming on her lips seeing their matching 'uniforms' and similar appearance. Her brothers were looking stern yet also taking note of such things. The shorter looking like he was becoming a bit mentally unstable. All three seemed a little woozy though making valiant efforts to remain upright. "What team are you with? I do not recognize the uniforms." A glance to the metal giant behind her, ignoring the other. "Piotr?" "Nyet, I know it not, little snowflake."

"um... team?" Alphonse shot a quick 'a little help, please?' glance back at his brother.

"All well and good, Mikhail... but I have not forgotten." "I am not asking you to forget..." "Forgiveness will be slow to come by, brother." "Snowflake..." "No, Piotr. It's all there. Disjointed, yes, from changing ages so many times but I remember. He gave it to me, hoping my magic would cure us both! The Legacy Virus. Our 'big brother' as much as killed us, Piotr." "... Mikhail... brother? Is this..." "True? Yes. But I really thought it would work!! I never intended you, either of you to..." "Die? Do not try to tell me you would not kill family, brother. I remember when you did." "But I stopped!" "Very nearly did not." "Asking to have us resurrected will not sooth your guilty conscience, Mikhail Nikolaievitch." "No... I suppose not..." "Enough. Someone arrives."

((Piotr(Colossus) & Illyana(Magik) Rasputin))  



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PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:10 pm
Edward sighed heavily at the look he got from his brother and finally vacated the elevator... although he seemed very disinterested in their surroundings and the people who were talking in a strange language. Edward was in quite a mood... but that was hardly surprising considering he just had a fight with the lady of the house. There was a persistant frown on his face, although it seemed thoughtful as well... if not brooding.

Again, another sigh, "We're not from any team" he said wearily, waving a hand in dismissle before shooting his brother a look, "Infact.. we were just leaving." That made his intentions clear to Alphonse.. he didn't want to be here, or atleast he hoped. He waited for Al's reply.. what was his brother going to do? Was he going to stick around here and be Dji's little servant boy? He certainly hoped not.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:49 pm
The slightly taller Elric brother's face lit up as Edward came to join him despite his brother still being -clearly- upset. Then it fell at the shot look and insistence that they were leaving... Al shuffled his feet guiltily, suspecting that his brother really did not want him to get food for the lady and yet knowing he would. It was like keeping the kitten. Kittens. He just couldn't leave her to be hungry! The blonde girl's delicate blonde brow lifted, watching the brothers' exchange. Al dropped his head sheepishly, then turned it into a small bow. "Alphonse Elric. My brother Edward Elric..."

"Brothers?" The taller, metal man queried in a voice thick with accent. The girl's eyes showed both a smile at the notion and an unhappiness that seemed associated with a quick flick towards the scared man who shifted with a frown of guilt uneasily. Al nodded and the giant smiled. There was a flash and his metal skin & hair plus about a foot of height smoothly fell from him. "We are family too, da?" He was now the same height and close to apparent weight of his brother now though he was smiling while the scared one was not. The formerly metallic giant put a warm and loving hand on the girl's shoulder, who tilted her face up to him & gave him a brilliant smile. Leaning into his strength the blonde returned to smile at the black & red garbed brothers. "I am Illyana Rasputina. My older brothers, Piotr Rasputin..." Her voice was warm. "...and Mikhail Rasputin, the eldest." The pained/angry tone of the argument before returning subtly.

"We should get something to eat..." The older brother said, blue eyes shifting between madness and sanity as if they warred within them. Slight frowns hinted upon the other two's faces. Piotr's hand gently squeezed his sister's shoulder & she sighed at the silent agreement. Then her smile returned, brightening as she took in the Elrics. "Could you join us? Or have you eaten already?"  



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PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:05 pm
Edward just stood there and watched three, much taller people, his hands in his pockets and an odd look on his face. Truthfully, the three of them creeped him out, especially the older one with the blue eyes. Hell.. this whole place creeped him out and had him on edge. It was one reason why he really didn't want to stick around. Initially he's been creeped out by the fact that he had dog parts too, but he'd gotten use to that.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry." And that coming from Edward, was certainly very unusual. Typically, the guy was a bottomless pit. He then looked back to his younger sibling, "What are you going to do, Al?" he asked. Alphonse would have to make up his mind. Obviously Edward would rather his little brother come with him.

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