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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 7:37 pm
" I don't think you should be doing any walking in your condition. Show me the way to your house." Mamoru said as he carefuly placed Michiko on a current of air that he was useing as a strecher. "I know this must be unsettleing to you especialy because you are somehow floating in midair, but do not worry for it is quite safe. Now let us make way to your house."  
PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 9:47 pm
"It's okay, thank you. You know you really are a very nice guy. Okay anyways go straight up this road, then make a right go, four lanes down then turn left. My house is the third one on the left. Thank you." Mamoru and Michiko made their way to her house when the arrived Michiko reached into her pocket and pull out a key. The key was to her house. The outside of the house was ordinary, a small lawn, a porch and a pathway to the door. The two made there way to the front door, there Michiko handed Mamoru the key.  


Destructions Right Hand

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 11:20 pm
Scar glared, "I'm doing the one talking but if it pleases you I shall answer your question." The dog in his arm was clearly asleep, enjoying the laid out position on the Ishbalan's enscribed arm. Scar began to answer Kasumi's question. "Like I've told you before, if they didn't want to die then they should have never joined. I'm against everything the State represents, you're corrupt and yet you never cease to police the world. You have no right to imprint your beliefs on forign cultures and yet you proccede because you believe it is a divine right to spread what you know." His red eyes focused on Kasumi, easily being seen from the light above the Fuhrer's head. "Not to mention you're in no position to talk when you're most likely going to manipulate every one you work with. It's your nature." Said the Ishbalan.

With a soft step forward Scar continued to keep his eyes on Kasumi. His senses were at their pinnicle strength, even the softest of noises would alert him, making it difficult for any to sneak up on him. "Now, what is your plans for the State?" Scar demanded. Her intimidating stance and posture posed no threat to him, he knew what she was yet he didn't fear her.


Hughes leaned back in his office chair, his eyes stareing at the picture of himself, his wife, and doughter. The three were together holding one another close and smileing for the person who took the photo. It was a plesent object to look at indeed, it made all of his problems fade away.

The moment of silence was soon shattered when the phone rang, nearly spooking the s**t out of the Lt. Colonel. He nearly fell out of his chair but luckily he grabbed onto the endge of his desk with one hand and pulled himself forward. Quickly he regained his official posture and picked up the phone like a professional would, calm and smooth. With a deep silent breath in, Hughes spoke calmly into the mic, "Yeeee elllo? This is Lt. Colonel Maes Hughes, what can I do for you?" He almost seemed like a salesmen with his voice extreamly neat and polite, like he had been in this business since he was a child, yet he was fairly knew to the State.  
PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 6:09 am
"I don't really have a plan anymore. I could start another war and create a Philsopher's Stone, but I can't put someone at risk. Since they will create the stone for my use alone. Then maybe I can kill those other homunculi. So you see, I can get what I want whehever I want it. It's all a matter of proper timing. Don't think my nature is the same as the other homunculi. Now if you would, I need to get Joy back so I can go home and finish my work." Shadow looked at Joy, focusing only on the pup. She still didn't trust him, not one bit. For now though this was the only choice she could make. She lowered her eyelids a little bit still focusing on the up. SHe looked like she was just about ready to collapse.  


Skylar St Claire

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PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 10:28 am
"Hey Maes,Its me Roy."He said to the Lietenant Colonel. He was relived that He was Still in his office since it was late."I just called to see how you were Doing....and also I need to Ask you some Questions that I have to get out of my head....Its about Matt and the Whole Scar case...I'm Still pondering why Scar Kept Him alive while he upright killed the others without remorse."Roy's Voice becoming more serious as he Hoped The Lt.Colonel would have even just alittle more info on the Reasoning.  
PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 5:48 pm
Hughes took a moment and once he finaly found something to say, he responded. "To bad honest Roy, I really don't know myself. I just know as of right now Scar is holding his rage, against the State, behind him." The Lt. Colonel leaned back in his seat and started to think when suddenly he recalled an earlier event with Matt. "There is something I remember doing for him before he left." Hughes mentioned and awaited for the Colonel's reply.


The wind passed by as the Ishbalan and the Fuhrer faced one another. "Fine, but if I find out that you're up to something Kasumi..." Scar glared at her and then pulled his arm back, the very arm that held the puppy. "Ishbala will grant me the power to stop you, no matter what shape or form you take."

With that Scar chucked the dog towards the Fuhrer, it still sleeping as it flew though the air. Quickly he slammed his right hand into the ground benieth his feet and used his ability to raise the ground. The pup landed ontop of a pillar of sand, a soft land indeed. When the pup opened it's eyes to see what had happened when it saw Kasumi looking down upon it.

Wagging it's tail the pup looked down the side of the pillar to see quite a long drop but it was happy to see it's master. However, Scar dissapeared in the shadows. The pup turned around to see nothing and it raised it's ears to locate the Ishbalan but with a sad wign it's ears lower and it lowered it's head.


Matt stared at the women. His eyes scanned Izumi yet his body was filled with rage. He had never seen this person and yet she knew his father, but how? "How do you know my father?" The alchemist demanded, raising his hand into a fist and yet the women seemed calm as ever.

With a slight smirk she answered, "We grew up when we were children, he was adopted by friends who lived next door. His step father was a martial artist who trained us both when ever had time." Izumi brushed her hair back and behind her ears as she continued, "Little did I know that he was smart enough to come up with his own tactics and movements. On the night of his step father's death he ran away and trained under another man only a couple miles away. We didn't see each other much but sure enough he was getting better than me." With a large grin she stared up at the sky and began to laugh softly while Matt stared at her in confusion. "He was one of the only men who could actually fight me and win." Izumi added, she brought down her head and her eyes narrowed as she stared at Matt.

Feeling the instinct to defend himself, Matt borught up his hands and spread his legs apart along the soft soil. "I wont be any different." His green eyes glew from the rays of the sun which reflected off his pupils, Izumi saw this and was nothing less than impressed.  

Destructions Right Hand

Skylar St Claire

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PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 6:27 pm
"What Did you Do hughes? I need to know whats going on here...There are too many Secrets Getting past on around here and I'm being left out..I dont like that Feeling Hughes..." The Colonel Replied Standing up from his chair,Focused ."If theres anything,Anything at all that Matt did that you know...I need to know Now."The Colonel Asked the Lt.Colonel, his left hand held firmly in a fist.

"I need to get back to the Warehouse and Tell lust that that Shrimp has managed to get himself kidnapped. It still puzzles me how the hell that Shrimp managed to get Kidnapped in the first place.....So much for that other Brat....She's way too Innoccent for me to hand around with.....Besides I've got better things to do then to Babysit and Search for that Shrimp...What fun is that when I can't even ******** kill him.."Envy thought as He transformed to his former appearance.He made His way though the Allyways Towards the Warehouse and Entered.  
PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 10:37 pm
Hughes leaned back in his chair and stared at a picture of Matt and his. He actualy wanted to meet Mr. Edison but his death occured before the day even he himself joined the military. However, the Lt. Colonel heard many good things about Mikle Edison. Like Hughes, Mikle didn't use alchemy and was also head of investigations.

With a soft sigh Hughes replied, "He did nothing Roy it was just what he had me do." As his eyes darted around his desk he fumbled through a portfolio which were the origonal copies of the papers he had given Matt, he then continued, "Apparently Forge is looking for a dead man who was once a member of the State. The kid is stubburn Roy, he likes to keep secerets to himself, he's rather good at it too."

The Lt. Colonel laughed softly remembering certan encounters with Matt where the alchemist would brush Matt aside as if Hughes was nothing. "Come to think of it, I remember myself saying the person was dead and then I asked why he was in search for the missing links. Forge's reply was 'I don't think he's dead at all', could mean anything though. Maybe this person he's looking for either faked his death or this has to do with something else." Hughes was silent for a quick moment and then added, "But I really don't know why."  

Destructions Right Hand


PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2005 5:45 am
Kasumi watched Scar's movements then came too noticing Joy there on some sand. She went over to Joy and knelt down in front of the youg pup and ran her hand gently down the little pup's back. She placed her right arm under the pup and lifted up the pup. She went and deicded now she can go home. Joy nesstled up against her mater and let out a small yawn. Kasumi just grinned and rubbed Joy's head. "I won't put you in any more danger, promise babe." Kasumi muttered to the pup in her arms as she started to walk through the alleys the same way she came.  
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2005 6:37 am
"Stubburn Huh.....Hmmm its bad Enough I have Fullmetal Running off giving me nothing but grief But now We have Forge Researching things from the past....If I can remember this right,I think He had let slip the Name of that man....Damn I Wish I could remember,I was In the middle of saving His Butt when He Went with Scar to that Abandoned Warehouse."The Colonel Replied to The Hughes as he then Sat back in his chair,Alittle unsatified with Maes Reply."Do you know Currently what He is doing? any assignments Given to him that Is out of the ordinary?"Another Though popped into the Colonel's Head." Oh and By the way...Has Fullmetal Checked In with you lately? Seems as though he as Dissappeared as well..."  

Skylar St Claire

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Destructions Right Hand

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2005 5:41 pm
Hughes let out a soft sigh, "May I rememind you Roy, I'm about to become Brigader General. There's only so much I can tell you before I'll have to put my foot down and say enough is enough." The Colonel leaned forward and rested his head in his free hand as he held the phone against his face with the other. "Forge is off to Xing to visit a city out of it's boarders, I haven't gotten a call from him yet and he should of been there by now. Then again, because of who he is the son of, I believe he'll be doing fine." He paused for a moment and thought how stupid that sounded and then quickly added, "I'll give him two more days." calmly.

Roy's next question bothered him. The matter of the fact was he had not spokken to Edward in so long. It was rediculious to even find him since no word has been said of what the Elric brothers were up to. "I'm sorry Roy, I have no clue where Edward is." Hughes muttered.

"On a side note.... have you found yourself a girlfriend yet?" Hughes muttered in a kissy-a** manner, puckering his lips to the bottom of the phone as the words left his mouth.


Brigader General, Jackle Axemen, approached the main lobby of central, a look in his eyes unlike any other alchemist. A sense of pride and anger ran through is blood, his eyes focused on the closest person. The man who Axemen approached was none other than Major Alex Luise Armstrong, the human tank, so others persieved him as. "Excuse me, may I speak to Matt Edison?" Axe asked as he gave the Major a long stare.

"Ahhhh.... I've never personally chatted with the little fellow myself. Perhaps Colonel Maes Hughes can help you out on that." Alex pointed off to a nearby office door which was slightly designed different than the others. On the top of the door it read 'Head of Investigations' and the picture off to the side of Hughes' door was none other than Hughes and his doughter.

A grin passed the Brigader General's face as he stared at Hughes' office entrance. Alex wasn't pleased but there was anything he could do. The Major then walked away to let Axemen do as he wished while the grin remained on the man's face.  
PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 3:35 pm
"Well here we are then I guess. It's a little plain for my tastes however.", Mamoru said as he unlocked the door and stepped inside. I think that we first must administer to our wounds before we do anything elce." , Mamoru said as he laid Michiko down on her bed. Then Mamoru went to search for for Michico's first aid kit. When he returned to michiko Mamoru checked her to see if she had any broken bones. "This is going to hurt a lot", Mamoru said as he went about setting the broken bones and bandageing Michiko's cuts. Then Mamoru went downstairs to tend to his own wounds. With a sigh, Mamoru then fell asleep on the couch. As soon as the sun rose the next morning Mamoru was up fixing breakfast. "I thought thatthis house would have more food than this. This place is lacking in even the basic ingredents for meals." Eventualy Mamoru was able tomake a fairly decent breakfast out of toast, eggs,and Orange Juice.  



PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 7:37 pm
Michiko awoke and could hear Mamoru downstairs. She sat up in her bed with a moan and made here way downstairs little by little. When she finally made it downstairs she went to the kitchen table and asked Mamoru, "Can I join you for breakfast?" She did not wait for a reply and sat down. She took some eggs and orange juice then said, "That key that I gave you yesterday, well, ummm, I was thinking, ummm, since you probably have no where to stay, ummm, you can keep the key for good and stay with me as long as you want to." She sat and waited for a reply from Mamoru.  
PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 9:11 pm
" I would like to stay here as long as it is convinent for the both of us. I will do all the cooking as repayment for letting me stay here if you wish. I kneed to go and get some supplys from the market in this town however. Inparticular I requier food and some herbs for makeing varyous remedys." SUddenly Mamoru felt the need to tell Michiko more about himself. How could he expect her to trust a almost complete stranger? " If you don't Mind I think I will tell you some about myself If you don't mind Michiko. Then Mamoru related how he was forced out of Xing on he pretnxt of going on a mission. Because My fater hated the idea of me becomeing an allchemist I was also forced to take up the famly job of a priest/doctor. In order to finaly rid myself of the burden of my family I am searching for the legindary fan that allows its owner to summon a wind that is capable of smothering the flames of a volcano.  



Loving Ram

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PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2005 11:50 am
Adenine had gone through the Fuhrer's office and finally, at the bottom of a drawer like it had never been used, was a silver watch with the classic alchemic lion. Sighing softly, sitting down to catch her breath, as moving was getting progressively harder, she pulled out a map of the city that the Fuhrer had apparently marked up. She was unsure where the woman had went, but obviously she would not be getting help, not that such an occurrence could ever down her in the slightest. Stretching the map out across the floor, Ty leaving her shoulder and hopping down to the floor with her talons scraping at the wood loudly, she began to use one of air alchemy's original purposes: To locate what was lost. Taking the watch and the sharp crystal on a chain over the map, her tiny hands held the large watch in her grasp, but the watches chain was intertwined with the crystal's chain, and the crystal was now spinning over the map. She could find Edward with this, and she began to picture him and his watch, the watch being her reference point and to make the search specific she grabbed a mental picture of Edward.

With the usual bright alchemic light as she activated the alchemy, this technique called scrying, the crystal started to spin on the chain against how she had moved it, loose papers starting to get kicked around. She forced all her hope into this, as she knew sometimes it did not work and became inaccurate, but she was sure she would be right. With sudden force the crystal stabbed into one of the outer quadrants on the map, the point coming to a very specific place. She smiled softly, a bit tired with being sick and all, but she had renewed strength in her mind from the fact she had located Edward. He was on the outskirts of the city in a few old buildings that had originally been used for storage, people still living in the area but it was marked on the paper as run down. The map she had been using was a mess of scribbles, so she guessed Kasumi had possessed reasons for just dashing it up, but the results were clear. Picking Ty up again, the bird of a sister climbing back up to her shoulder, avoiding pulling her hair, she started to head out, slipping the watch up into her glove.

It could be supposed, she thought to herself, that the watch had given her a power boost for the alchemy, as it was prone to fail, and that she should keep the watch for a little while to help her friend, and return it to Kasumi later. What little Adenine did not realize however was the fact that her alchemy had knocked over a small coffee table and a chair, enough noise to attract anyone, and what made matters worse was the door made a slamming noise as she closed it, not what she had intended, wincing and suddenly clutching her arms as if she was cold. To her ears, that loud sound nearly echoed, and she knew people would come to delay her. The building was quiet, and any disturbance like that would have people instantly on her. In fact, she could hear someone in an office a few away from Kasumi's, talking in fact for a moment, and then a pause at the sound she had made. At this point she tip-toed down the hall, trying not to make any more noise, yet trying to hurry along as she, with Ty's help in navigating, could get to Edward now. She just had to hurry, that was all.

((...lovely, I left a nice spot for Roy to meet up with Ade....I suspect she is going to get to tears eventually with this turnabout.....*patted Ade on the head as she just did not know what she kept getting herself into*))  
~Shadow's Roleplays(many different rps) Semi-literate ~

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