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PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:43 pm
In life, he was a forty-something man with a wife and child, and while he was dabbling in powers of dark arts... Basically trying to get an egg to spin on end and figuring out how to boil water, when he bought a strange magical wand from a town merchant. Being told of the awesome power of the wand, he took it out to test on a pot of water. However, when he tried his incantation, a horrible demon was awoken from the wand... It immediately killed him.
Soon after, he awoke, though he sensed that nothing was the same. Looking around his house, his family had been slaughtered. It seems that one of the powers of the Demon was to resurrect anything that it had killed... After months of searching, he finally found the beast. Upon confronting it, it killed him for a second time. However, he never truly learned its second power.
When the beast kills one of its resurrected zombie foes, a shade rises from the corpse. With no memories of its past, this shade simply wanders the earth. The shade is extremely adaptable, however it has no ability to affect the material plane in any way. It can shapeshift to take the forms of other creatures, though it cannot speak, or make any sounds, and all its imitations look fairly transparent. It can, also, pass through unprotected walls.
Its only means of communication is a very primal telepathy. It basically imposes his entire mind on whomever it wants to communicate with, so that they hear its thoughts. However, they hear all its thoughts. If it says one thing and means another, they hear both things, and etcetera.
It is only vulnerable to magic, however, it can also send back some magic. Cold magic is extremely effective on it, while fire magic either dissipates or is redirected.
Also, he has very weak mind-reading abilities. He can sense base emotions, and he has a very strong empathetic tie with rage and anger, being able to immediately sense if ther eis anger nearby him, or even specifically find out who another person is angry at.
(He's like a ghost. His normal form is just a black floating amorphous shadow with lightly glowing red eyes)  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 1:16 pm
Name: Raziel Rammshiet
Age: 3054
Appearance: Young man
Form: Changing between wolf and human
Outfit: All Black, Cape , Gloves , Hellsing suit
Weapons of choice: Arm baldes, Crossbow , Magnum
Mastered Powers: Transform to wolf, Telepathic Communication, Mind Manipulation
Current Interests: Blood, Bounties
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Silver
Skin Color: Ghost White
Personality: Cocky, Arrogent
Occupation: Bounty Hunter, Assassin
Vampire Anniversary:June 29
Clan:Black Blood Clan  


Messenger of darkness

PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:28 pm
Name: messenger of darkness but my RP name is Ran'akar
Age: unknown
Appearance: 5 foot 11, Always wearing a hood, prefers to hide his features but is slim and muscular.
Form: never changes.... mostly looks almost human but is far from it.
Outfit: Changes.. but always black
Weapons of choice: "claws of darkness" and my "REAPER sword"
Mastered Powers: Counjouring fire
Current Interests: Gothic poetry
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Red
Skin Color: Pale white
Type: A shadow Stalker
Creature of Call: Creatures of the shadows
Personality: Keeps a cool head and usally pefers to sit alone
Beleifs: Death is the only way to truly embrace peace
Breif Bio: I was once human but my life was ended when I turned 20 years of age and now I am seeking revenge but I have become a mecenairy.  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:46 pm
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BeLoved WildFire


PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:19 am
Name: Maru
Age: somwhere around 2025
Appearance: like my avatar
Outfit: Changes daily
Weapons of choice: daggers and swords
Mastered Powers: Telepathy, Teleportation, Flight, Telekenisis, Elemental Powers
Hair Color: Maroon
Eye Color: Red
Skin Color: light brown (tan)
Personality: talkative and mysterious. Mood is always changing
History:-was raised as a Duchess
-ran off to be a pirate at 15
-became a wanderer at 18
-was married to a vampire who changed her
-returned to her home after recieving powers from a witch that tried to cruse her at birth at 19
-turned her childhood home into what is now Crystal Castle
-Destroyed her Uncles castle and started to cause mayham around the world
-Decided to take over the world but didnt succeed and was trapped in her castle for 1000 years and her people were turned to stone at the age of 22
-after 1000 years passed her people were free but she still remained trapped
-soldiers collected pure dragon hearts for her. when she obtained 12 of them she was freed and her powers were restored.
-the soldiers became knights and she ruled the castle in peace.  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 10:59 pm
Name: Kowareru Namida. Goes by Namida.
Age: appears 18. she never kept track of her age, she thought it was useless
Appearance: She has long midnight blue hair, with eyes to match. She stands at an average hight for a woman and her skin is very pale, but not completely white.
Outfit: At normal she wears simple clothing; a t-shirt and pants. On the ocation she will ware something more formal, a dress or skirt.
Weapons of choice: Namidas weapon of choice is her bow and arrows, she favors distance fighting. If time calls for close range battle she has a sword. Her bow, arrows, and sword are not carried, but rather summond at will.
Mastered Powers: She can control fire, and has the ability to create portals to transfer her from place to place.
Personality: She is wise, but misgevious. She tends to be the silent one, she listens more then she speaks to gain a better understanding of the people around her. She only speaks if words are needed, but when she is alone she speaks to herself often.
Breif Bio: Namida is a vampire, not born, but made. One night many years ago she was bitten by a vampire that had the desire to have her by his side. She stayed by Nicolen till one day he was killed, by her own brother. She left soon after to excape the persute of her brother, who desired to kill her for what she had become. As years pasted her brother finaly passed away of old age, leaving her free to the open world. She lived on her years alone just wondering around from place to place, looking for a place she could truly call home.


[+ Dark Soul +]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 11:36 am
Name: Aki
Age: appears around his early 20's. His real age is somewhere around the mid 300's
Appearance: He has short black hair and yellow eyes. He is quite pale, but not white. He is tall, and appears to be skinny (not very muscular.)
Outfit: He wares black pants with a white collard shirt. He has a black leather band around his neck that lays just under his two bite scares.
Weapons of choice: In battle he much prefers to fight with his powers, but if the time calls for it he has a sword.
Mastered Powers: Has great skills in Black magic.
Personality: "He has a smile that could kill" as told by many who have crossed his path. He is a pit of a loner, he hates to be in large crowds. he is serious at most times but a good laugh once in a while couldn't hurt.
Brief Bio: Many years ago he was on the edge of death from an incurable disease. One night he was woken to find a woman biting down on his neck, the woman gave him a new life. He never knew who the woman was, or what she looked like, he could only see the faint outline of her body in the dark. From then on he just lived his life as any normal vampire would do. Through the years he came to learn the powers of black magic to pass the time.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:56 pm
Name biggrin eepBlue, Aka:Blue
Age: 10,000 years old
Apperence: Skinny with white hair and a blue eye along with boney hands that make him seem almost skeletal.
Outfit:Always wears a black tuxedo, a cape, and pants. Also wears a pocket watch a monocle, and on rare ocasions his black rose sword.
Weapons: Mostly his power and his demonic dragon eye but he will use his powers more often.
Power: He wields powers that some people only dream of, his best work is the power from his dark flute which could put both man and immortal into a trance and can also kill them in an instant. He will also transform into the shadow dragon but it is very very rare to see.
Personality: He is known to be a gentleman to many people. To many immortals he is known as the gentleman vampire. He has knowledge and wisdom to his disposal when he needs it but will never show his demonic dragon eye or his dragon form.
Brief Bio: Blue was born as a prince but was treated as a slave being forced to bury the ones he loved along with the people that were beheaded. He continued to dig graves until his mother was beheaded and he became enraged, his father who was a dragon and his mother who was a demon, he gained his demonic dragon eye and destroyed the castle and burned the land around it. His demonic dragon eye is known as his curse along with his memory of the one he loved so much. He creates herbal blood wine that can heal vampires to make up for what happend befor. His passion is his music and the love of his black roses. No one dares ask about his past lest they uncover something horrific. The portrait above the fireplace is his mother as she was when she lived.


Nihil ex Nihilo

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:10 am
NAME: James Barnabus

AGE: Appears to be in early 20's. Is really 84.

PHYSICAL TRAITS: At 5'10", Barnabus is not an imposing figure. He has striking blue eyes and blonde hair, and his complexion is pale but not completely white. His general appearance is one of innocence, and he finds that this works to his advantage.

OUTFIT: He enjoys wearing the choicest of fashions, but takes pleasure from hunting in white clothes. A masterful vampire, in his opinion, leaves no trace of a kill.

WEAPONS: Prefers blades, usually pen-knives. He occasionally carries a glock, but the smell of discharged powder irritates his senses.

INTERESTS: Literature, art, philosophy, and music.

STRENGTHS: Manipulation - Barnabus' primary strength, he has no difficulty at all luring in mortals with his mind. His ability works with varying degrees of success on other creatures. Rarely uses manipulation on humans, as he finds his natural charm is quite sufficient. Enhanced Agility/Speed - While he cannot fly, his agility and speed allow him to leap great distances in short periods of time. Heightened Senses - Extremely sensitive vision, hearing, smell, and touch. Telekinesis - Can move objects with his mind.

WEAKNESSES: Strength - Lower than average for a vampire. Prefers not to fight directly. Arrogance - Often acts out of an overbearing sense of pride.

BIO: Raised in Chicago as the son of lower-class Polish meat packer. Takes pride in having accumulated wealth as a tailor and merchant. While he doesn't let it show, he's in constant pain regarding his vampire heritage and his status as one of the Fallen.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:56 pm
ame: Cao_Sandine
Race:1/2 vampire 1/2 werewolf
eyes: black
hair: black
hieght: 6'5'' (without boots)
weight: 195lbs
Age: 6,000
Job: none
Family:deceaced my mother and father were killed
Abilities: normal vampire/werewolf abilitys and sith ability
short bio:i became a sith when i was young andhave used my skills to kill my enemys
weapons:red lightsaber and my ofrce skills  



PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:58 am
Name: She has forgotten her real name, but her "maker" calls her Yagi.
Age: 127 (She looks about 16 in human years)
Race: formerly a hybrid cat-human, now a vampire.
Height: 4'10"

Personality: Yagi seems very laid-back and carefree. She gets distracted easily and is always hungry. She enjoys the taste of human blood, but prefers the blood of elves, pixies, zombies, etc. Being quite warm and affectionate to those of her own kind, she loves the company of other vampires. Yagi also loves parties and amuses herself and others by dancing or playing her black electric violin. Sometimes she has a depressing side that longs for the return of her beloved Master, but that side of her doesn't stay apparent for very long.

Bio: Yagi lost all of her human memories at the moment of her "creation." Her Maker, who went by the name Osiris, was an ancient and highly respected vampire, and was rumored to be among the originals. She loved Osiris like a father, and he did indeed "raise" her, so to speak. Because of her cat-like features, and the fact that she obviously came from another world, Yagi would have normally been looked down on. However, since Osiris was leader of the coven, this judgement on her was spared, and she was well-liked by the other vampires. One fateful night, Osiris had to leave their world on a mission by order of the Queen-Priestess, and could not take Yagi with him. He left her in charge of their coven, but in panic of the huge responsibilities she would have to face, she fled and sought refuge in this place, hoping to someday reunite with her dear "Father." She has not yet created a vampire of her own, but she remembers very well the process that made her one.

Appearance: Yagi is very short with a slender build and alabaster skin. Her hair is cropped short and spiky; no one can tell what color it actually is because of its iridescence - some say it's white, others a pale blue, and still others claim it's a soft lavender. Her eyes are bright red and slitted, like those of a cat. She still has the fuzzy black tail and pointed ears that she was apparently born with, but after she was "turned" she also acquired a pair of deep violet bat-like wings, like the other vampires in her world. Yagi likes to wear blood crimson, soft leather garmets, clunky black boots and punkish silver jewelry.

Weapons/Abilities: She wields a long sword with an onyx hilt studded with rubies and a silver blade engraved with Celtic knotwork - a gift from Osiris. Her abilities include the speed, agility and quick reflexes she was gifted with as a cat-human, but as a vampire she has perfected invisibility, swordfighting, and flight.

Weakness: Her insatiable hunger!  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:49 pm
Name: Chasity.
Race: Human
age: 7
Brief discription.: A 7 year old little girl with her pink teddy Named Lilly.
Grew up In A small village named Landon nearby the castle before the forest. 12 days ago a Lycan clan had attacked the village killing the Girls mother and father. she could only salvage Lilly. going ten days In the forest drinking water from the rain she is in bad shape and Is sick with a small cold.

Dweeby Gurl

Lord Night Eredar

PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 6:07 am
Name:NightHunter or Night ((Fayt L))
Age:Lost count around 15,283
Appearance:Like Avatar
Hair Color:Black keeps the same all the time.
Eye Color:Changes from Black to Red depending on his mood.
Skin Color razz ale sometimes but a little darker then it.
Magic Skills:Mastered everything plus more of a vampire has and shouldnt have....
Weapons of Choice:My self
Personality:Short temper.Doesnt like to be bothered when alone or working.Dark and mischiefiest.
-Was born in avampire camp
-Month later the whole camp was murdered besides me and a human took me in.
-Age 13 I discovered what I was and murdered him making him turn into one of us.
-Age 18 I wondered looking for a home until I came up to a weird place.
-They discovered what I was and I kiilled them all
-And theres more but take forever....  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 1:19 am
Name: Isis 75B.C.

Age: Unknown, tho the date of 75 B.C. denotes a hint that she came before the birth of Christ.

Origin: Unknown, although there have been tales of her origins being mixed between Egypt and Romania.

Physical description: A demure stature of 5'6", and a trim figure with a modest bosom and trim waist, Isis wears a mane of long, silver tresses that radiate beneath the moonlight. Her eyes are a golden amber until she feeds or becomes enraged to which they become crimson red.

Personality: Isis tends to act with an icy demeanor in most instances, always calm and showing no trace of emotion. She also speaks with a distinct Slavic accent.

Pet: Isis at times will be seen carrying a king cobra.

Powers: Supernatural strength ... flight without wings ... telekinetic ... pyrokinetic. Many historians believe this power derives from the blood of Christ that flows thru her veins. Isis is also one of the rare breed of vampires that can walk freely in the sun, tho she is careful to wear shades as the glare does indeed hurt her eyes.

Brief History: Legends have been told for countless millenia of the vampire known as Isis, one who was revered as a deity in the lands of Africa, particularly that of Egypt.

Isis sought revenge when a new religion came upon the rise, led by a Savior known as Jesus Christ. Seeing her own following fall to the side of this new path, Isis sought out and confronted this Holy Man one late night in the desert fields. On meeting him she met a man unlike what the world had come to know, and thus she looked to free "her" world of what it had become from His lies and deceit.

He resisted, and she took her sweet revenge by being the one to betray the Messiah to the Romans, not the Jews as many Biblical scholars would have you to believe - after all, to them, vampires don't exist. Isis even stood and watched as Christ was beaten, mutilated and tortured, going so far as (unseen by human eye) hold a goblet of pure gold beneath his body to receive the blood of Christ in which she drank freely, some say empowering her further.

Afterwrads upon her return to Egypt to re-establish her rule, a collective of witches known as the Gathering imprisoned her within the walls of her own Great Temple so that life would once again flourish across the lands. It was only recently that a group of archaoligists broke the seals to her chambers and released her, seeing their own deaths as their just rewards.  

MOTU Teela


PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:57 pm
Name: Shaiann
Age: 22 (looks a bit younger)
Race: 1/2 vampire 1/2 werewolf
Looks: User Image
except her hair is about waist length and midnight black with natural white tips and her eyes are a piercing silver color and she wears a silver chain bracelet on her left wrist that she never takes off.

User Image (wolf form) She is all black except for a patch of white on her chest.
History: I never really had the time to find myself. I know who I am, mind you. My name is Shaiann Silver Macias. I am the forbidden daughter of Spanish Vampire Vicente Macias , and English Werewolf Scarlett Rayne. Why frobidden? Because my mother's side would never allow their werewolf blood to be mixed with another breed. It was to kept pure, and untainted. But my parent's were in love so they ran away to Spain. It was there that my father employed the reluctant services of a witch to help him create a potion that would bring him to life with all of his vamporic powers, but only for a limited time. Roughly 9 months later, they had me. 7 yrs after, after figuring out that there was a child, they found us. They killed both my parents and would have killed me aswell if my mother had not helped me escape. For 10 yrs I ran from them. For 10 yrs they chased me. I rarely had a true moment of rest, so after those 10 long yrs I stopped. I let them catch me hoping that they would just kill me, and get it over with, and so that they would not have to worry about tainted blood. But the did not. They sold me into slavery, hoping that whoever bought me would kill me himself. But that did not hapen. After a day in the most horrible dungeon, I was bought by a demon whom I soon after convinced him to free myself and the other slaves. The others left, but I stayed. I told him of my pla for revenge against my mother side, and he trained me in the Kanji magic that he knew. I learned fast, and turned out to be more powerful than he could ever imagine to be. It was not long untill I was ready to finally take my revenge. I found them, and I killed them all, even the children. I didn't want to, but I had to. They would grow up thinkig that since I slaughtered their family that all half-breeds were evil, and it would start all over again. I couldn't let that happen. So now almost 5 years later I have left my friend and trainer and am alone to roam as I please.

Personality: She can be very friendly, and sometimes a bit childish, only because she never really had one. But when the occassion calls for it she can be very spiteful, and determined to have her way.
The Vampire Guild

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