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Kimuri Linebeck

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:28 am

((Going to wait for Keeay to post as Greece before I post as China again.~ Hope you don't mind.))

Too late did the Austrian realise his mistake... That was a foolish choice of word. It was only natural for someone to instantly think of their own fears when prompted with this, and that was no way to play a game... After all, thoughts of his own fears were triggered by his own choice of answer, and he found himself feeling not only jittery, but rather awkward too. He wasn't sure whether he really wanted to continue this game or not; it was going into territories that he didn't exactly want to intrude upon. It was too personal, and was beginning to feel less and less like a game and more like a psychological examination.

Roderich was soon broken out of his brooding thoughts by the Prussian's quiet answer. Alone? That was the answer he'd least expect from the German he knew. Well... Gilbert, now, was -to put it bluntly and cruelly- a shell of his former self. He still had that cocky attitude, but it seemed... A little hollow, now. Though the aristocrat could hardly blame his friend for that, after all that had happened. And it wasn't too surprising, now that he thought about it, that the albino was seemingly frightened of being alone. That, or he faced his fears alone...

But judging from the albino's recent behaviour, it did seem like he was afraid of solitude... And there was something sad about that. As much as he didn't want to pity Gilbert, he couldn't help but want to comfort the man. So, leaving one arm around the ex-nation, the Austrian reached to find Gilbert's other hand in the dark, tentatively taking it in his own with a brief squeeze. This wasn't about the game anymore... He just didn't want his friend to fret. He wished he could apologise, but it was a little late for that now. So, he supposed he would just continue the game, and hopefully drive it towards something a little more light-hearted.

' Companionship.' Answering this simply -after all, it could be opposites too... It was still related- in a gentle murmur, Roderich let go of the German's hand, not wanting to hold on for too long and unsettle his friend further.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:05 pm

Too filled with shock to move, the Belgian nation watched with shock-filled eyes at the sudden turn of events. Jolted into motion by the reappearance of the Italian, Bella rushed forward, kneeling beside the mud-covered Spaniard.

"Antonio..! Here, let me help you." Taking her friend by the hand, the female nation pulled the Spanish man to his feet. "Lets get you to the taxi.. We can clean you up once we get to the hotel, okay?" Still holding the European's hand, Belgium began to lead the Spanaird towards the waiting vehicle, shooting a worried look at the Italian as they settled in the back.


A soft blush dusting his cheeks at the unexpected, affectionate contact he received from the Chinese man, the Greek frowned a little at the cold feel of it. The Asian had been warm before.. So this couldn't be good. Shifting towards the pair, the Mediterranean nation placed a hand against the man's cheek, a soft tut escaping his lips as his hand registered the Chinese nation's temperature.

It was cold, far too cold. Probably the same temperature as the Russian.. And certainly not a fit state for Yao to be in. "Let him go." Uncaring to the reaction his action may cause, Heracles scooped his arms underneath the Asian, lifting the slender frame onto his own lap.

"Yao? Is this better?"



Kimuri Linebeck

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:22 pm

((Why, speak of the devil himself...! XD))

This wasn't doing any favours for the Asian's lack of awareness for his surroundings; one moment, he was curled up on the Russian's lap, feeling pleasantly chilled (though not realising how cold he really was), the next, he was being pulled away and into the overwhelming warmth of the Greek. He wasn't entirely sure which one he preferred... He felt a strange prickling sensation begin to attack his body in the sudden temperature change, and gave a soft, fleeting whine in response to it. He didn't understand it, at all.

As he was addressed again by the Greek, Yao opened his eyes with a great deal more effort than such a simple action could take, merely looking at the Mediterranean with confusion in his eyes. Why on earth would Heracles want to irritate Ivan? Yao had wanted for them to get along, and now it seemed as if they were both rivalling over trivial matters... And right now, the chinese nation found himself just wanting to sleep. He was in no fit state to deal with this.

Groaning wordlessly in response, Yao squirmed a little, finding the weird prickling to be a discomfort... And he was reminded that he was in wet clothes, too.

'W'nna sit b'self... Mngh... 'Chuu!' Sneezing again, the Asian felt himself going limp, not able to fight. He didn't like this situation... He didn't like them fighting, not at all! And right now, it seemed as if they were gearing up to have some sort of argument over this... Whatever the issue was.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:32 pm

Hearing the Chinese man's discomfort, the Greek quickly released him, a soft apology slipping through his lips as he settled the Asian beside him. Keeping one hand interlocked with Yao's, Heracles brushed a stray hair out of the man's face, pleased to feel that the Chinese nation was already feeling warmer.

"We must be nearly at the hotel.. I doubt it would be a large distance away, right?" Directing this question at the Russian, the Mediterranean nation allowed a lazy smile to spread across his face, deciding to attempt to be friendly with the taller nation.




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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:50 pm
Blinking when Yao was plucked from his grip, Ivan watched with an unreadable expression on his face. He considered pulling a fuss over it, but then...Yao wouldn't appreciate that, would he?

This whole "friends" thing wore down on him. It seemed to stop every action he wanted to do, enforcing a seeming guide of thinking of the other person before yourself. But...how did that work? If one was always supposed to think of the other, that meant it worked the other way, too. So...that meant that neither got their way and nothing could be done. One always had to be selfish for something to actually occur. Which brought to mind the comical image of two people offering for the other to go first. In this context, however, it wasn't comical at all.

Glancing over, a bit of relief entered his thoughts when Yao was set down into the middle seat.

Cool violet eyes landed on the Greek when he was asked a question. "Fifteen minute drive," he commented, voice calm and lacking any trace of emotion. Inwardly, he wondered if he'd be able to tolerate ten minutes in a small space with the Greek.


Despite the light blush on his cheeks, the Prussian could feel that his face had gotten pale with the admittance. Since blushes already showed up horribly vivid when he was normal, he couldn't imagine how dark his blush probably looked at the moment.

The light flush to his cheeks only darkened when the Austrian lightly took hold of his hand, as if to console him. He could feel the heat coming off his face and he tensed weakly, not understanding exactly what was going on. He wasn't used to being comforted. Or, at least, he assumed he was being comforted. It...felt that way, at any case.

he murmured softly.

- Working on England's, now. -  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:13 pm

((Haha, this has to be like, the most frequent I've posted in a while~ Yay?!))

"Thank you." Still smiling, the Greek focused his attention back on the Asian, despite feeling a little put-out by the Russian's continued coldness towards him. Yao wanted them to be friends, surely that would be enough to at least make Russia at least attempt to be.. Well, maybe not friendly, but some emotion wouldn't hurt.

Rubbing the hand he held, Heracles spoke gently. "How are you feeling, Yao? Do you want a doctor to be fetched once we arrive at the hotel?"



Kimuri Linebeck

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:47 pm

Now this was irritating. He may've been small, but there was no need to move him around like a ragdoll. He was a mighty nation, after all, and was no child, nor object to be passed around like this. Looking down listlessly at the limp hand that the Greek clasped in his own, Yao blinked once or twice. He was no invalid... He was probably under the influence of a cold, and that was it. There was no need to fight over which lap he was going to sit on, or how imperfect his temperature was...

Heck, he felt achy and sore all over, as if he'd been beaten with a meat-tenderiser for a long period of time. He was in pain, but he couldn't determine where, or how intense... It hurt to think, hurt to breathe, hurt to move, and this situation wasn't making it any better. He wasn't stupid, and neither could he turn a blind eye to it anymore.

Russia hated Greece. And whilst Yao couldn't determine how the Greek felt towards Ivan, there was still a mass of tension that lingered, like a strange disease... And it didn't seem like it wanted to shift anytime soon. And, despite him wanting to keep both of them as friends, he guessed that they probably would never get along... It was hoping for too much.

When questioned, Yao smiled weakly, shaking his head. 'N'doct'rs, 'ru... 'N this weather.' Mumbling this quietly, the Asian curled up, shivering with a slight whine. But he wasn't cold... His temperature was rising again, and it felt awful.


That was better, surely. It seemed as if the game was taking a turn for the better, and Roderich was grateful for that. However, this seemed to also be unsettling the German... Perhaps his gesture had been a little too much. After all, it was enough that they were laid here, sharing warmth in one another's arms (well, close enough) in the dark without him wanting to hold hands too, no matter what the reason -moreso excuse- was.

Deciding to leave his hand where it was -he didn't dare to reattempt that gesture of comfort-, the aristocrat sighed gently against the ex-nation's chest, closing his eyes. He wanted for Gilbert to relax... Having to hold onto someone as stiff as a board did nothing for the Austrian's terrible feeling of guilt for putting the albino into these awkward situations, and so he could do nothing but watch his own actions and hope that his friend didn't take too much offense to the things he did or said.

Friends, huh? Well, it did relate to companionship... Though whether Gilbert was referring to them both as friends, or just playing the game, Roderich would never know.

And so he decided to find out.

'Us.' Replying quietly, the European felt his own face flush. There was no 'us', really... Burying his heated face into the silken shirt, the aristocrat willed for the blush to leave him, closing his eyes with a soft groan of distaste at his own overreaction. 'We're friends.' Offering this as some sort of explanation for his choice of word wasn't really necessary, but he felt it had to be said, at the very least... So that Gilbert didn't tense again.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:54 pm
Jarred from his thoughts when his guest - if it could be called that, since not even a "hello" had passed between the two of them - fell from the bed, the blond raised one eyebrow and cast her a somewhat amused glance.


The dry comment slid lightly from his lips as he turned to face her fully, giving her his complete attention for the time being.

He felt somewhat awkward having someone actually see his bedroom. It wasn't what people would have believed, coming from him. The deep reds and golds, the elegant paintings... It seemed to extravagant for his own tastes.

Instead of showing his slight unease over it, he pushed it aside and fell into what was most comfortable to him. Sarcastic, dry wit.

"I'm not sure about yourself, but I find that resting is more comfortable on a bed, than the floor. Just my own thoughts, though," he told her, a loose drawl of wryness in his accented voice.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:16 pm
Sighing, and also use to Arthur's sarcasm and witty remarks, Angelique made a move to stand up, but felt a sharp pain shoot through her leg, making her cry out in shock. She sat back down and looked at her right foot, glaring angrily at it as she did so.

"How in God's name did I sprain my ankle falling off a bed?!" Angelique exclaimed, assuming she was thinking her thoughts and not speaking them, "Can my day get any worse!? First, I was hit on by some random British guy on my way to the meeting. Then, Francis and Arthur start fighting again, I come over here to check on Arthur and now this! Just my luck!"

Slowly getting up again, Angelique tried to put the smallest amount of pressure she could on her right ankle, gently easing herself back onto the bed. She sighed and untied her hair, freeing the dark tresses from their signature hairstyle in order for the girl to run her fingers through them. Her clothing was soaked, so she knew it was only a matter of time before she became ill again. With her luck, she probably was already sick and the thought made her sigh.

"Whatever divine being is up there either hates me or enjoys tormenting me..." Angelique murmured, once again voicing her thoughts and forgetting she was in the same room as Arthur, "Passing me around like I'm some sort of object...When I try to do something nice, I end up getting sick and injurying myself...Ugh, I hate my life..."

Looking at Arthur, as if she was finally noticing him for the first time, a light blush pooled under her eyes as she realized that she didn't even greet her host. What type of lady was she? Angelique pondered that for a moment, considering her fiery temper and her iron will drove a lot of people into thinking she wasn't polite or had any etiquette at all. Attempting to will her blush away, Angelique slid off the bed, winced as she put pressure on her right foot, and curtsied.

"Forgive my rudness earlier, Mister England, for I did not greet my host or thank him for allowing me into his home," The Seychollis girl said politely before slipping back onto the bed and looking around the bedroom, "I hate to be rude, Mister England, but this is not at all what I expected your bedroom to look like. I always thought it would look...simpler...More like who you are as a person."
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:47 pm
The amusement in the Briton's emerald eyes grew as he listened to her mini-rant, taking note that she didn't seem aware that she was speaking out loud.

He paused slightly when he heard that she had wanted to come over to check on him. To be honest, it made sense. Most likely, she had heard about the British Commonwealth meeting fiasco. She and, um, that guy, hadn't been there, but it seemed highly unlikely that it slipped passed her notice. Three weeks ago. Drunk, he declared everything was pointless and left. Australia and India followed him, but he gave them no more information. India, instead, decided to take him home. He wondered if it was her worry over him that made her go to meetings that she really was uninvolved in. He didn't want to think about it anymore.

"Don't call me "mister", if you'd please," he commented, crossing his arms slightly. "And stay off that ankle, would you?"

Turning to his closet, he opened it and started to look for the small bag India had requested he keep, just in case she needed a place to stay. He spotted it and took out a violet night dress, neatly folded.

He was still turned when she commented on his bedroom. It was fortunate, really, since it hid the light blush that came to his face. "What, are you calling me cheap?" he retorted, closing the closet. "Even I am allowed to have moments of extravagance."

Holding out the night dress, he fought back the faint blush with a small amount of success. "H-here, India left this here for when she stops by." - Not often, anymore, mind. - "I'm certain she would mind you borrowing them for the time being."


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:15 pm
"Yes sir..." Angelique murmured softly, playing with a strand of her hair absentmindedly.

She was only calling him 'mister' because she was being polite, not because she wanted to. If she had her way, she would be calling him Arthur. Blushing faintly, the Seychollis girl willed it away and watched Arthur open his closet and rummage through it. She looked around the room, still playing with her hair absentmindedly, and smiled at how the room was nothing at all what she imagined Arthur's room to look like. Angelique always pictured a simple room, the walls maybe a dark forest green or emerald to match his eyes. The bed would be simple, not at all like the one she was sitting on, and there would be a desk in the corner. She turned her attention to Arthur when he retorted about his room and let a small peal of giggles escape her lips.

"You are anything but cheap, sir. This room is very lovely, but not at all what I was expecting. That's all," The young woman smiled, "You are allowed to spend your money however you wish. I was just voicing my opinion. No need to get all defensive on me."

She blinked in surprise when Arthur held out a violet night dress, feeling a small pang of jealousy when she heard it was India's and that she often stopped by. Not wanting to be rude, but not wanting to take the dress either, Angelique averted her gaze and slowly slid off the bed, careful to keep barely any weight on her right foot.

"Thank you, sir...But I think it would be best if I left now. I feel as if I've extended my stay too long," Angelique murmured, picking up her red ribbons and wrapping them around her wrist with a bow to keep them together, "Besides, I know India and she gets very defensive when her belongings are used."

Giving Arthur a smile that she didn't entirely put her heart into, Angelique limped over to the door and placed a hand on the door knob, somewhat indecisive and unsure of herself. She had come to check on Arthur, not to spend the night and get over her fever as well as injure herself. On the other hand, staying over at Arthur's house would allow her to get to know her caretaker better. Gripping the knob tighter, Angelique thought for a long moment about what she was going to do.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:59 pm
"Nor "Sir"," the Briton commented, "Is my name that hard to say?"

After so many nations had declared their independence, he grew to dislike being called anything that hinted to him being superior. It brought back memories of the times when he was, and made him realize that those times were long gone. He wasn't the strongest Empire in the world anymore, and that was hard to accept.

He fought back the light blush as she complimented him. He wasn't used to people saying anything nice about him. If they did, it was normally out of fear or was subtly mocking him. "I wasn't getting "defensive"," he muttered, still holding the night dress out. "Just take the darned thing. She hasn't stayed over in well passed a year. Probably doesn't even know I have it. Beside, it's the only thing I have that would fit you and you need to get out of wet clothing." To be honest, he wanted to change out of his own wet clothes before his sickness worsened.

Pausing, he watched her limp to the door. "Where do you think you're going? Do you honestly expect to be able to find a hotel on the outskirts of London as the city is flooding? As much as any of us might balk, everyone in this house is stuck until the storm subsides. I suggest you change and then get off that ankle."


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:29 pm
Ivan watched as Yao's face flushed. While he knew he couldn't move the Asian back onto his lap so help him escape the heat, he did know he probably could act like a personal ice pack due to his own low temperature.

Steadying a gaze on the Greek, he commented, "need to bring fever down. Is bad to let it continue." He mentally cursed his rough translating into English.

That said, the Russian turned his attention back to Yao, tugging off his right glove. He gently touched the dark hair, trying to alert him so he didn't start to badly. He carefully moved his hand until it rested lightly over the Chinese man's forehead, blinking at the heat the emanated from his friend.


Finally managing to relax himself again, the Prussian wrapped his arm a bit more firmly around the Austrian's side, so instead of it seeming like a lazy drop of his arm, it was more a loose hug. It felt odd to him. In fact, he hadn't done something like that since Ludwig had been small.

"Us?" he repeated, not understanding really. His confusion ended with Roderich's soft clarification and he made a soft 'mm' sound of confirmation. "Um...teasing?" He didn't know if verbs counted in the game. He had never played the game enough to figure out the rules. However, he had accepted 'worried' earlier, so he supposed that he should be fine in that matter.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:13 pm
Alfred slowly stood up, Hey, France, don't get in trouble in Iggy's house, okay? He said, turning to walk away. As he walked Alfred made sure to keep his arms wrapped around his middle.

While Alfred walked he hear a faint cough, he turned his head in confusing and walked to a door frame.

'Huh? Is this Kiku's room?' He thought, unwrapping one arm and knocking on the door frame it's self. The door was slightly open to show the inside of the room.

"Hello? You okay? He called out nervously.

'If it is Kiku, his cough is getting worse...or he lied. I don't know.' Alfred thought with a small pout.


Quotable Conversationalist

Kimuri Linebeck

PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:45 pm

Feeling a cold, gentle pressure on his brow, the Asian groaned lightly, almost leaning into the contact as he attempted to draw comfort from it. With his eyes closed, he had no idea as to what it was that was that was touching him, but neither did he care. It was pleasant, and it helped to ease the throbbing in his head, which was a relief... Although part of him knew that he shouldn't have kicked up a fuss about getting warm -as keeping a constant body temperature was healthy- and he knew he should apologise later for his bad behaviour, he couldn't help but feel slightly bitter at the both of them. Perhaps it was just the sickness, but he didn't like that both were attempting to smother him, and almost seemed to be -in a weird way- competing, with their different views on how to make him well again.

All he really wanted to do was sleep. But with the wet clothes and the aching feverishness, he couldn't doze off. And that was more irritating than any mollycoddling that the other two nations were attempting to inflict on him. He wanted comfort, but yet, he did not. whatever little dignity he had left, he wanted to save... And it was difficult to retain his pride when being passed around, prodded and petted like a weird pet.

Then again, they were only trying to help... It was clinging onto this fact that kept Yao biting his words back. It was oddly sweet, though all he wanted was to be left alone to rest... Despite not being able to for another fifteen minutes, according to Russia.


Ah. So Gilbert had opted to hit the nail straight on the head? Flinching ever so slightly -it was literally just a light tremor- at the choice of word, coupled with the movement of the albino's arm, Roderich remained silent. What exactly did he say to that? A variety of words popped into his head, all discarded one by one as he attempted to find one that was not only appropriate to the game, but also 'safe' to use without causing a negative response from his friend. Teasing... That was fair enough. He, the aristocrat, had been terribly behaved today, and it was safe to say that most of the things he'd done were completely unlike him, which was probably one of the things that unnerved the German.

Gnawing his own bottom lip in thought, briefly, the Austrian frowned in slight irritation. Why? Why had Gilbert picked that word? Granted, it related, but it still seemed a little... Well, untoward to point it out, seeming as he -Roderich- had agreed to stop his France-like behaviour. And now, whatever he said would affect the Prussian's view of him for good... And although a tiny part of his mind was bleating at him to confess everything, he was too much of a coward for that. It wasn't exactly easy to turn to a long-kept rival and blurt out a romantic attractio-

'... Desire.'

... s**t. That had slipped out without him even thinking for too long, and he felt himself tense up almost instantly after realising what it was that he'd ********... Erm, I meant t-to say... W-well, no, the word relates, i-it's valid... It's just a game...' Muttering this to himself more than anything, the Austrian feared Gilbert's response. It could go one of two ways, really... He coould gloss over it and continue the game, or he could freak out.

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