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PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 6:37 pm
The following are posts for all of the Characters in Simply Chaos. If your profile needs to be updated put "Please Update" in the title and one of the RP managers will update it for you and remove the "Please Update".

[Quick Index]
War Leaders
Soladi [[Bloodredvoodoo]]
Lumare [[Bloodredvoodoo]]

Alena [[HeroRat]]
Kirai fare [[Atrum krigare ]]
Masami Hoshina [[Holy_Darkness_Alchemist]]
Abrien Sliver [[Abrien Sliver]]
Emera Terrwyn Ethelred [[Yuffie_Chan_Kisaragi]]


Ren [[Kilarra]]
Teriel Sliver [[ Kaoru1632]]
Castauxus Fox Drake [[xX_TheDeathCaller_Xx]]
Aeidric Streight [[false_fail]]

Aquamarine Konete [[Bloodredvoodoo]]
Dorothy Higarashi [[Bloodredvoodoo]]
Ms Rebakah DeLaurie [[Celeste]]
Llair [[Masayoshi2]]
Satilh Mooncaster [[earth2dragon]]

Laila Keelan Deorwynn [[Yuffie_Chan_Kisaragi]]
Callie Astora [[Kilarra]]
Mariel Levesque [[Celeste]]
Riscarn Farin [[Atrum Krigare]]

Aeidric Streight [[false_fail]]
PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:28 pm
~War Leaders~

User Image

[The Basics]

Your Gaianame: Bloodredvoodoo
Character's name: Soladi
Status: Light War Leader
Age: 196 [Appear: 28]
Gender: Female
Race: Light Elf
Appearance: Soladi has long blonde/pink hair and black eyes. She has a black tattoo over the right side of her face to represent that she fights for more then one side. The tattoo on her stomach marks her earth element.
Height: 6'2"
Strengths: Soladi's strongest element of her three is earth, due to her tattoo. She also has very good eye sight and hearing.
Weaknesses: Due to her strong earth element she is very weak against fire.
Weapon: Soladi uses her earth power as well as a dagger for close range fighting.
Personality: Soladi is calm and laid back. She always plans before she does anything and believes that her life is more easily given up then that of her people and warriors.
Bio: Soladi was born in the cities that used to be in Mucky Marsh. Her homeland was destroyed when she was 3 [or 21] by a group of fire fairies. The fairies had not meant to destroy her home so she holds no grudges against them. For most of her life she lived within a small group of light elves, traveling and preforming. When Lumare started the war she was the first person brave enough to stand up to him. When she did she was knocked down repeatedly, but she got up and soon the town started to follow her. They were the first of her army against the dark elves.
Extra: Soladi can speak with animals and see into the future.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Close to long range
Kills: 50
Wins/Losses/Tied: 12/10/2
Unique/Acquired Special abilities:

Seeking: The ability that allows the user to see into the future without a tangent.

Beast Speak: The ability of the user that allows him/her to speak the tounges of animals.

Grow: The ability to allow the user to grow plants to enormous sizes from the earth.

Mother Nature: Allows the user to create the effect of the seasons changing on plants.

Vine Hands: Allows the user to use vines to capture and hold enemies.

Splash: Allows the user to lift and move water where they please. The longer they hold the water the more energy they use.

Glow: The ability to create a orb of light in their hands.

Heal: The ability to use light to create a healing substance that heals wounds. When wounds are healed a fourth of the pain is transfered to the user.

-- Dagger: A silver bladed dagger that has a light pink handle that is made out a a material like that of seashells.

Updated Extra:

[The Basics]

Your Gaianame: Bloodredvoodoo
Character's name: Lumare
Status: Dark War Leader
Age: 210 [Appears: 42]
Gender: Male
Race: Dark Elf
Appearance: Lumare has short white hair and dark black skin. He wears black armor and accents his body with a bright purple design. The design is made out of the same metal as his armor. He wears a necklace given to him by his mother.
Height: 6'11"
Strengths: Lumare is very strong in his air and dark elements but not very strong in fire. He also he has a very good with numbers and control.
Weaknesses: Lumare seems to be very demanding and very short tempered. He is very overconfident of his own strength and not the strength of his people.
Weapon: A sword in which is about 4 feet long, the blade being 3 and a half of those feet. The handle is designed like his armor and the blade is made of black iron meteorite.
Personality: Lumare is crude. He wants the races to be separate at all cost. The only people he believes are people are people who can fight for themselves.
Bio: Lumare was born to a rich family. His mother and father were blacksmiths and traders. They made fine weapons that would sell very high and allow them to work a little. One day when he was 12 [or 60] a large group of dark angels attacked his village because people had been stealing from their mines. Lumare's mother and father were killed and he survived. He wanted revenge but he couldn't ever find the dark angels that attacked his home. He decided to make the land separate so no angels could ever enter his land again. He worked till he was strong and then he started the war. He now resides in the Dark Fortress along with his 4 top generals and many soldiers. Lumare decided to place his fortress where he did because he has little belief that anyone is going to cross the desert and he believes the students and teachers at the school would slow down any attack from the water.
Extra: Lumare likes to keep track of every battle so he can find out which people in his army kill the least men and he kills the lowest 20 men.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Close to long range
Kills: 200+
Wins/Losses/Tied: 10/12/2
Unique/Acquired Special abilities:

{Will add later}

-- Sword: 4 feet long, the blade being 3 and a half of those feet. The handle is designed like his armor and the blade is made of black iron meteorite.

Updated Extra:



PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:31 pm

[The Basics]

User Image

Your Gaianame: HeroRat
Character's name: Alena
Status: Light General
Age: 221
Gender: Female
Race: Shape-shifter
Appearance: Alena's appearance changes all the time, she mostly changes into animals but rarely humanoid shapes. One of her favorite shapes is that of a small red fox. She mostly prefers to change into animals shapes, she feels uncomfortable in the shape of a humanoid creature such as a Dwarf or a human.
Height: When in her favorite fox form 17"
Strengths:Also changes with her shape, she could be a paralyzed bird or a muscular lion
Weaknesses: Also changes with her shape
Weapon(s): When in human form she usually has about her a Bow and quiver or a dagger, when in her animal forms she has the weapons that come naturally to the animal, such as claws and teeth.
Personality: Alena can be very high strung, she acts on instinct and her experience. She likes being in power and will take advantage of people if she gets the chance. But she can be compassionate to ones who are close to her. She's always looking for adventure.
Bio: She is concitered young for her race. She was born in a different world and, and came here to join the war. She doesn't like talking about her past because she is very untrusting due to past experiences.
Extra: Can shape-shift

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Hand to hand, also skilled at Martial Arts and archery.
Kills: 0
Wins/Losses/Tied: 0/0/0
Unique/Acquired Special abilities: Shape-Shifting- Can shift into any living creature.

Doppleganger Effect- can produce solid like images of herself

Mind read- A power used to allow the user to be able to read the mind of a person to know what people think of her or the situation.

-- in a humanoid shape a Scimitar or a Long Bow.

Updated Extra:

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[The Basics]

Your Gaianame: Atrum krigare
Character's name: Kirai fare
Status: Dark general
Age: 30
Gender: male
Race: Elf
Appearance: Kirai's blue hair is thin and stringy, caused by his continous brushing. With the braid in the back long and dyed dark blue, He is often known to take the most time in the bathrooms. Kirai's fashion sense however has room for massive improvment. Under his long silky black cloak, he wears a simple black and blue shirt with black pants and black buckled shoes. The only thing that catches the eyes is his supposed family emblem. On his thin hands are gloves, to make sure he does not touch anything slimy, and a plain silver ring. His face is long, thin, and clear, with a small earing stuick in his ear.
Height: 6”10
Strengths: His ability to talk his way out of situations and see all sides of situations always gives him a clear understanding.
Weaknesses: Because of his understanding, he has been known to walk out of a battle that he feels is not right. Also, his fear of frogs and thier slimy yet clammy bodies.
Weapon(s): A bladed staff that is disguised as his cane.
Personality: Kirai has been called the emotionless one for the fact that he hardly speaks on a sentimental level. With his sarcastic attitude it is rare to see a smile that is more than skin deep. His unit is the closest thing to a family for him, and usually acts as a father figure when they are traveling, keeping them out of trouble and even playing with them. His anger is rare to see and still is not that great.
Bio:Kirai was left in a muddy swamp as a baby, with nothing but a ring a and a basket. Kirai soon found himselg growing up in the forest, trying to keep alive. For as long as he could remember, he has always resented the parents who left him there to die in the cold slimy swamp. There, he helped his neighbors by teaching reading, and writing, skills he had taught himself by obtaining every scrap of paper he could get his thin hands on. He was able to earn room and board and for a brief time, with friends from the village neing an escape from the anger that surrounded him. Unfortunely, that did not last long. After a dark, horrifying event at the age of nine that he refuses to talk about, he moved to the Mucky, mently scarred for life. There he lived by himself, refusing to hold conversation with anyone who was brave enough to come near the empty shell of an elf. There, he lived the rest of his life until recruiters for the dark army came. After brutally killing them for teasing him, he took all their maps and headed to the main base. The hate of his parents feuled him, making him holding on to the hope that he may find them one day and exact his revenge. From there he rose through the ranks, doing whatever was neccesary to survive and florish in the harsh envirerment of the dark army. Through that time, he made few friends and even more enemies.
Extra: Frogs creep him out. He hates staying in the main base, so he and his unit usally wander as a temparary recruiting sqad.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: close combat is the easiest way for him to fight.
Kills: 4
Wins/Losses/Tied: 0/0/0
Unique/Acquired Special abilities:
Levitation- Can lift things in the air, though nothing over 90 pounds at the moment
Scared of the dark- uses shadows to scare victim to death
Illusionary tactics- The ability to trick an opponents senses using illusions. Weapon(s):

His knife staff that is disguised as a cane. It regularly is 5 feet, but it can extend to 7. The cane/staff is all black, with his family emblem and the dark army seal engraved into the side of it.
He carries another plain staff, though he hardly uses this staff, being the first working wepon he ever made and used. This staff is old and worned, with all the paint he used long since peeled off. Ever sinse he obtained his new staff, it has been hanging in his office, waiting for the next time for it to be used.
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[The Basics]

Your Gaianame:Holy_Darkness_Alchemist
Character's name:Masami Hoshina
Status:Dark General
Age:Her proclaimed age is 23, but her real age is unknown.
Height:5'10'' (7 feet while using Vampyre Teeth)
Strengths:She's the strongest either in the darkness or extremely high lighting.
Weaknesses:She's is moderate in regular lighting, but she's the worst when in hot places.
Weapon(s):One spear, one sword, and a bow and arrows.
Personality:She's calm and quiet, but serious and can also be very domineering. She doesn't lose her temper all that often unless of a severe quandary, and even though she seems a bit mean and isolated, she is a very kind person if you get to know her, she just never seems to show it.
Bio:In the past, Masami was abused and tormented by the other residents of her village because she was a vampyre, and one day, she got sick and tired of being maltreated as such, so she ran away for 3 years until she was 13 years old. She had been training with a mysterious man, and she came back to the village and slaughtered every being that had beleaguered her, then drank the blood of each of her victims, gaining even more power. She knew that she deserved respect, and she had to force it out of them. When she returned to continue training, the inexplicable person had disappeared into the blackness. She eventually became a Dark General and used this power to destroy any human (or non-human) being that abused another to try to teach some people how to show respect. She recruited those who had been abused and eventually built up her own faction of subordinates to aid her in her objective, and she had been a very powerful Dark General ever since. She and her subordinates know dwell in several log houses she had built atop Desua Mountains, and she works with her subordinates in the Dark Army. Whenever they have to travel to the Dark Fortress, she has to wear a hooded Ice Cloak as to keep her cool. She believes that fighting on the Dark Fortress is the right path, for, with that power, she can fulfill her goal and murder every thing that is judgmental and cruel.
Extra:She has a horrible fear of needles and was very claustrophobic, but she loved to read, was good at singing and is so fast that she looked like a blur whenever she lopes.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Far and close-ranged, but she cannot attack something unless its right in front of her or far away.
Kills: 3,672 (she had a really big village, and she had visited and destroyed over 50 major villages)
Wins/Losses/Tied: 31/4/2
Unique/Acquired Special abilities:

Psychic Powers - Can either be used as a communication, a barrier, or to move things.
Illusionary Tactics - Have the opponent see illusions.
Healing - Can restore energy or heal wounds.
Element Manipulation - Able to use manipulate the elements, but seeing as though she is a Dark General, she can use all but Light.
Vampyre Teeth - Allows her to extend her vampyre teeth and suck blood.
Shadow Step - Can use the shadows to transport things to a different place.
Light Flash - Can create a blinding flash of light.

Weapon(s): Like I said, sword, spear and bow and arrows.

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[The Basics]

Your Gaianame: Abrien Sliver
Character's name: Abrien Sliver
Status: Dark General
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Race: Fallen Angel
Appearance: Abrien has long silky hair the color of obsidian, He usually wears black robes with golden trimming in addition to a set of leather armor underneath, his face is a bit of a mystery as he usually wears a mask, his mask is black on the left half and white on the right with diamond shaped eye holes and in the eye holes you can see crimson eyes staring at you with murderous intent. The mask has no other facial features.
Height: 7' 5''
Strengths: Abrien is good at deceiving others and he is very good at reading other's emotions.
Weaknesses: Intense light, anything involving working with other people. (possible) His dependance on his elixer.
Weapon(s): Martial arts and a bladed staff that is 8' long
Personality: Abrien is seen as an untrustworthy person, mostly because of his masked exterior. He is malicious and derives pleasure in harming others. He abhors being around anyone, the only person he will not openly resent it Lumare, seeing as Lumare is the only person who has garnered Abrien’s respect, some see it as Abrien fears Lumare…

Bio:. Abrien’s past is full of blood and darkness, He chopped his family tree down when he murdered his father, as well as the rest of his family save for a little brother named Teriel. Abrien become’s very bitter when people try and coax his past out of him so not many people can tell you anything about him.
You may think he used to be good in his past but that is untrue, from the time he could hold a weapon he used it to carve destruction. Right after he left the burning ruin of his village Abrien went in to mercenary and hired assassin work, he soonly quit the assassin jobs because being a 7' 5'' Angel isn't exactly inconspicuous. Abrien never reals how he met Lumare or how he heard of the Army but Abrien was first stirred into Lumare's cause because he was bored and wished to kill without penalty. He slowly rose to the level of general. He marks his arm with a deep, scarring for every 50 kills he attains. So far he has 5 cut marks on his left arm
Extra: Abrien has a soft side when it comes to the race of Vampyres, he sees them as beautiful, although if anyone confronts him about this soft spot he will do his best to eliminate them.

Abrien has a dependance on a certain potion he makes himself, the reason why he must take it in a ritualistic fashion is currently unknown.
All that is known is it has the consistancy of mud, the scent of sulfer and it is a dark blackish red color, much like congealed blood.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Close range/medium range. aggressive fighter
Kills: 100 reported, possibly more.
Wins/Losses/Tied: 10/4/1
Unique/Acquired Special abilities:
Empathy-The ability allowing the user to clearly sense others' emotions or even if they are in pain. It also allows them to sense a person's true nature (i.e. able to sense how a person feels about a situation or what their intentions are).Weapon(s):
-- An 8' long halberd (bladed staff)

Updated Extra:

User Image

[The Basics]

Your Gaianame: Yuffie_Chan_Kisaragi
Character's name: Emera Terrwyn Ethelred
Status: Light General
Age: Looks 32, but is really 76
Gender: Female
Race: Vampyre/Light Elf
Appearance: (The bow wrapped around her neck in the picture, is neither pink or a bow, it is a forest green tie that tucks neatly into her vest.) Her looks may deceive some to look childish and not adult-like, but she doesn’t care about what others think of her.
Height: 5’6”
Strengths: Leadership (this helps her lead her students she is almost always looked up too, even if her soldiers are taller than her.), Archery (Helps when trying to defend whom-ever she can, and it’s a good line of discipline), Discipline (Helps whip her soldiers into tip top shape.)

Weaknesses: Her Temper is wicked (she tends to lash out rather easily, so it would be mindful to watch ones step when talking to her) . Teaching (she has never been good at teaching younger ones. Though Emera loves toddlers, she cannot teach anyone over the age of 6….)

Weapon(s): She has ornately made bow and arrows given to her by her mother, who had them especially made to fit Emera’s needs. Both the bow and arrows are elven made. The arrows are put into a quiver that has a strong spell over it that replenishes her arrows, and the quiver adapts the arrows to penetrate whatever target Emera is shooting at.
She also carries a beautiful rapier at her hip that was made by vampyres, and was a generous gift from her father. It was ment to be a bribe to return home, but being the stubborn girl she is, she took the gift, and didn’t return home. The rapier looks like so.

Personality: Emma, her nickname, is always looked up to for advice. And lets face it, for her, leadership comes naturally. However, if a case is not finished because of a minor setback, she is not the happiest person ever, and always demands the best of herself. Emma occasionally is very hyper, but this state of being is almost never seen, and don’t make it something to search for. She also has a tendency to go over and beyond the call of duty, by following intricate sets of clues that lead her to a culprit. ((Kind of like a CIA agent of today’s society.)) Emera has quite a vicious streak, and it would be a good idea to go and really tick her off… If you want your head shot off.

Bio: Her first name meaning ‘industrious leader’, middle name meaning ‘fair and brave’, and last name meaning ‘noble counsel’ gives away her basic personality. Emera was born the odd-ball out. Her father being a vampyre and her mother being a light elf made her personality, looks and history much different from the normal kids that she grew up with. As a little girl Emera was always made fun of because her hair was long and green, but as she got older she was revered for her amazing looks, and flawless leadership. She has a loud and clear voice that can be heard very easily, but it is not picked out who it comes from easily in a crowd. But those who know her, know that it is her yell, and will come and see her if they have been called. Besides the fact that her family is mixed racially, she comes from a very noble family, which ends up with a insanely wealthy family. Hating this about her family, she stole her inheritance, (which is quite a sum) and ran away at the age of 16. She does like receiving rare spoils, but she knows that she doesn’t need them to fully survive. Emera always has her fathers faithful hawk, Lucifer, at her side (another item she stole from her family) and he helps her carry out her everyday duties. At the age of 18 she was recruited as an undercover spy, and still works that job off and on today, but really… who needs to know that?? She is always on the search for miscreants, and recently was inducted into the light army and climbed rather quickly through the ranks. She reached the rank of general because of her amazing leadership and strong, whip like discipline. With her strong voice and temper she can whip a army into shape quickly, but it doesnt exactly make her a favorite of the troops. Though that is true, Emera does not care, she rather have a good army and be hated then have a terrible army and be liked.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Ranged. Accurate.
Kills: 0
Wins/Losses/Tied: 0/0/0
Unique/Acquired Special abilities: Emera has a couple of unique abilities. She uses very advanced black (offensive not dark, such as thunder, ice, fire, water, earth, poison ect. spells) magic that she only uses if the situation calls for it. She can also cast white magic, which is basically healing magic. But again she only uses it if the situation calls for the use of her energy to call upon the magic.
-- She has ornately made bow and arrows given to her by her mother, who had them especially made to fit Emera’s needs. Both the bow and arrows are elven made. The arrows are put into a quiver that has a strong spell over it that replenishes her arrows, and the quiver adapts the arrows to penetrate whatever target Emera is shooting at.

--She also carries a beautiful rapier at her hip that was made by vampyres, and was a generous gift from her father. It was ment to be a bribe to return home, but being the stubborn girl she is, she took the gift, and didn’t return home. The rapier looks like so.

Updated Extra:
PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:35 pm



PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:36 pm

[The Basics]

Your Gaianame: Kilarra
Character's name: Ren. Any last name has long-since been abandoned.
Status: Light soldier, of sorts
Age: 117 (approx. 18 human years)
Gender: Male
Race: Half-human, half light-elf
Appearance: Although he seems human in most regards, there are several aspects to Ren's appearance that mark his elven heritage. Though of unimpressive height, his body is lithe and his limbs are proportionally long and slender, and he carries himself with an unnatural inherent grace. His father's race has, in his opinion, burdened him with a pale, elongated and narrow face with soft features that make him beautifully androgynous, and among humans his gender is often brought under question - something which has resulted in a whole host of problems in his past. And of course, his personal pet peeve; no matter how often he hacks off his straight, ash-blond hair, it grows so rapidly that he quickly tired of that pointless fight, and now braids it very roughly to keep it out of the way, typically chopping off the lower portion of the plait whenever he feels it bash against the middle of his back. Ren has narrow, treacle-brown eyes and thin lips all too often twisted in a sarcastic smirk or unimpressed frown, and he keeps his pointed ears hidden beneath a plain leather bandana. He will typically be seen wearing very plain brown and other tan tunics, armour or other garments - whatever will make him stand out the least. The more attention he can avoid, the better.
Height: 5' 7"
Strengths: A quick-thinker, Ren is excellent in ad-hoc battles, making the most of whatever implements, weapons and environmental situations he might find himself in to best a fight.
Weaknesses: Unfortunately, since he largely only thinks of himself, applying himself to larger-scale strategical movements has always been something of a problem. Ren looks out for himself, first and foremost. He is utterly unreliable in a team.
Weapon(s): Making use of his keen elven eyesight, Ren nonetheless prefers the brute force and crude mechanics developed by humans. A crossbow is his weapon of choice, a fairly lightweight model which he keeps slung across his back, and a back-up short sword is always ready at his belt, but he is a master at improvisation, using anything he can get his hands on as a weapon. If you even bother to try and follow a fight with Ren "fairly", he will eat you for breakfast. Nothing is too outrageous, treacherous or unethical for him to try.
Personality: Arrogant, selfish and rebellious to a fault, Ren is no model soldier. He resents all authority, and his only personal stake in this war is that he finds it infringes upon his freedoms rather more than he would like. If he could end it tomorrow, no matter whose side it would require him to be on, he would do it. Disloyal? Perhaps. But that would be a bit of an exaggeration - Ren is not deliberately malicious or treacherous. He is simply self-centered. He deliberately does not consider the long-term effects of any action, purely because he theoretically might not be around to experience them, and will rarely put himself out for other people. The light army has described him in the past as "a pain in the arse", but nonetheless, his talents at gathering intelligence, spying and delivering messages have made him valuable enough to keep on.
Bio: Born from a human mother, with an elven father, Ren's response to not really fitting in with either species was to simply revert to the one thing he could rely on - himself. His mother died of old age before he really got to know her, and his father was a dithering, useless, panicky creature he could barely stand to be in the same room as. Ren left on his own course as soon as he was able, preferring a carefree travelling lifestyle that permitted him to do whatever he felt like doing at a particular moment in time. Of course, this lifestyle is hardly propagated by war, and fairly soon, as a healthy, fit young man, Ren found himself cornered into the army.

It did not take long to discover that he failed as a soldier. Ren cared nothing for his fellows or the greater strategical plan. He longed for the open road, the ability to do what he wanted, his freedom. And he despised that, in order to get the freedom the war promised, he would have to sell his soul and obey orders for who knew how many centuries to come. But he was not without talent; instead, he was posted as intelligence. Given a license to travel, it became Ren's task to listen, to read people, to discover exactly what was going on beyond the immediate events and locations of the war. And he became very good at it, though he longs for the opportunity to end the war for good and get on with his own thing.

Extra: If Ren cares for anyone but himself, it will typically be the animal he has procured, either legitimately or not, for travel at any given point in time.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Mid/Long range if he has the choice, but he'll improvise at whatever range he's given.
Kills: 0
Wins/Losses/Tied: 0/0/0
Unique/Acquired Special abilities:

Illusionary tactics - Ren can manipulate various illusionary glamours to conceal himself or encourage others to see what he wants them to see, something of a necessity in his spying.

Beast Speak - The user is able to communicate with animals of all kinds. This ability is draining, so it's difficult to use. Ren uses it primarily for triggering a relationship with travelling/riding animals, whether stolen or bought, such as horses etc., which he can use to get from place to place at short notice.

Dirty Fighting Techniques - When angry, the user tends to become completely relentless, and goes so far as to try to kill. Ren's first priority is himself, and he will do anything to preserve his own skin and reach his goals.

Weapon(s): - An expensive, lightweight crossbow in rosewood, inlaid with intricate ink patterns, though Ren picked it for its weight rather than its aesthetics. It can handle a variety of bolts, but is not as durable as the heavier crossbows. In addition, Ren carries a plain, steel short-sword which sits in a sheath connected to his belt at his back.

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The Basics]

Your Gaianame: Kaoru1632
Character's name: Teriel(Tear-E-ell) Sliver
Status: Light Solider
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Elemental Angels
Appearance: Teriel has coal gray hair and soft facial features, as well as deep slate gray eyes. He has slender dexteritous hands. and an immense set of Beautiful wings composed of feathers black as pitch and red as blood.
Height: 5'8''
Strengths: He is a quick thinker and usually fights with a clear head. Also has an excellent memory, it is rare that he forgets orders or a person, often he can dipict who a person is based off their Silhouette and sound of voice even after only one encounter and attention to detail.
Weaknesses: Most of the time he is clear headed but occasionally he has uncontrolable bouts of rage...these bouts tend to leave things in flame and ruin. He is incapable of using any fire attack from behind his back because of a fear of damaging his wings.
Weapon(s): He carries a set of dual swords, nicknamed smoke and fire. One is red and the other black, He can occasionally use the blade named fire to let loose a bolt of flame.
Personality: Teriel is a kindly person and makes friends easy, but occasionally he gets arrogant and mean tempered.
Bio: Teriel is a straggling survivour of the Sliver family and is traumatized by the sight of the murders his brother Abrien commited, the Trauma seems to have developed a myriad of mental disorders going from Dementia to schizophrenia, they disorders are odd because they are only triggered by things that remind him of the murders, this makes him unpredictable at times.
Extra: Teriel is Abrien's little brother, he wishes to fight Abrien someday.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Close-Long Ranger
Kills: 4
Wins/Losses/Tied: 1/2/0
Unique/Acquired Special abilities:Fire Manipulation-The ability to control fire. The fire if mastered has five properties. First property is normal fire in which it burns any who is touched by it. The second is the red flame in which the user uses all his rage to make the fire hotter and more explosive. The third is the blue flame which is activated by the will to protect. It is the highest ranking of fire in terms of temperature. The fourth is known as the black flame which burns with evil intent. It continues to burn at the spot it lands on for days. The last is the white flame which has no heat to it at all. What it does is purifies cursed weapons, and other curse like spells. Weak to water.

Angry mode-A mode where the user begins relying on pure instinct and reflex, causing them to charge into battles head first. This mode will increase all physical attributes to the sacrifice of rational thinking. Usually due to its reckless tendencies the user usually will ignore any pain inflicted on themselves. Also causes the user to challenge anyone to a fight.

Dirty Fighting Techniques-When angry, the user tends to become completely relentless, and goes so far as to try to kill.

-- The twin blades Smoke and Fire, One black one red. Teriel is the only person who can touch them with out being scalded. Smoke can release a black puff to temporarily blind/disorient the enemy and Fire can shoot a small bolt of weak flame.

Updated Extra:

[The Basics]

Your Gaianame: xX_TheDeathCaller_Xx
Character's name: Castauxus Fox Drake,but everyone knows him as Drake.
Status: DArk Soldier
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Dark Elf
Appearance: Castauxus is a dark elf with one eye red and one eye green.
He has several scars from war. He has short dark hair and wears a black bandanna.
Height:1,70 Meters.{{Yeah. It's meant to be 1,70Mts :3}}
Strengths: Is very fast , he's great at stealth , resistant and has good aiming.
Weaknesses: Can't swim (doesn't know how) and constantly has visions of the night that his friend died inside his head.
-- Castauxus prefers his longbow. It's full of leaves and other plants in it for better camouflage when in forests.

--Castauxus always carries 2 silver swords too. His best friend gave them to him when he died in war.

Personality: Castauxus is very active and friendly with his allies but very deadly with his enemies.
He's intelligent and very cultured about every race.
Bio: Castauxus entered in the army when he was young with his best friend. He entered the army with some 17 years. He saw his best friend suffering, having nightmares every night with it. He reacts really bad to the nightmares , having constantly visions about that night inside his head. He likes to be risky when in a fight. Castauxus doesn't really like to talk about the past and about his name. He just loves one thing...War.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Close and Long Range.
Kills: 0
Wins/Losses/Tied: 0/0/0
Unique/Acquired Special abilities: He can see in the dark because of a spell that went wrong when he was a child,it's limit its about some meters. Not farther than 16Mts.

-- The longbow is full of leaves and other plants in it for better camouflage when in forests.It's made from the wood from an ancient tree that no longer exists.He got it when he first hunted with his father.

-- The silver swords have elfen carvings on them.They were given to him by his friend right before he died. They have some 0,35 Mts and they're made of steel , dyed in silver.

Updated Extra:  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:38 pm

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[Human Form]

[The Basics]

Your Gaianame: Bloodredvoodoo
Character's name: Aquamarine Konete{ko-net}
Status: Light Headmaster
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Mermaid
Appearance: Aquamarine has long turquoise / blue hair and aqua eyes. When she is in mermaid form, her turquoise tail contrasts her pale skin. When she is in human form, she becomes deaf. She wears a water filled head band around the back of her head so she can hear herself speak. Others she can only hear when she is touching them.
Height: 5'5" [In mermaid form 7'8"]
Strengths: Aquamarine is stronger around water due to her strong swimming. Also she has a very strong upper body.
Weaknesses: Aquamarine is weak in heat, and it causes her to dehydrate quickly. She is slightly clumsy because she is still not used to walking on land.
Weapon: Aquamarine uses a quick-assemble blade staff when in human form. The two metal clips in her hair join together and grow to a 4 and a half foot pole, and her necklace connects to the top growing to a 2ft length with a razor sharp edge. When in mermaid form, she uses her water powers and her strong tail to fight.
Personality: Aquamarine is a nice woman, who has a rather bad temper. She has a bad case of reacting too quickly, and this often gets her into trouble. Since she is not completely used to her human legs, she is very clumsy; therefore, she is constantly ending up on the floor.
Bio: Aquamarine was born deep in the waters of the Gau Sea near Gau Islands. She has lived with her mother and father all her life. She has a brother and a sister, but since she was the oldest , she was the one chosen to join the war. Her duty was to learn and to teach people how to fight well above and below water. She has worked her way up from a student to a headmaster.
Extra: Her water powers are not available to her while she has legs. When her legs get wet, they slowly start turning back into a tail. During the day, she has to sleep in and drink a lot of water so that she will not get dehydrated {Mostly when outside}. Her family has a large pearl collection.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Close to Mid-Range
Kills: 1
Wins/Losses/Tied: 10/2/1
Unique/Acquired Special abilities:

Water Current Control: Allows the user to control the flow of water. This includes the pressure, direction, and speed of the water.{Can only be used when in mermaid form}

Water Healing: Uses water to heal wounds and regenerate strength. Although water is the force that heals, it is the user's energy which is taken. To heal themselves not much energy is require to to heal other people, a lot of energy is used. Water healing can only be used on object that are living.{Can only be used when in mermaid form}

Hydro Spin: A very fast spin combined with a slight water current control to allow the swimmer the ability to create a whirlpool.{Can only be used when in mermaid form}

Tsunami: A attack used as a last case resort due to it's large damage effects to not only the fight but to the environment. It creates a large wave that rises the water above sea level, anywhere from 20 to 100 ft.{Can only be used when in mermaid form}

Air Bubble: A assistance attack, used mostly for allies. The user gathers air from the water creating a bubble. Bubble can only be held together for a max of 30 minutes.{Can only be used when in mermaid form}

Legs: The ability to turns one tail to legs when it is not wet. Can become dangerous to the user when preformed multiple times within a short time.{Can only be used when in mermaid form}

-- Staff - A quick assembly staff. Her staff is put together by using her 2 hair clips and her necklace. The two hair clips connect and grow to create the pole, while the necklace connects at the top and grows to become the blade.

Updated Extra:

User Image

[The Basics]

Your Gaianame: Bloodredvoodoo
Character's name: Dorothy Higarashi
Status: Dark Headmaster
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Water Fairy / Vampyre
Appearance: Dorothy's long hair is a dark black. Her eyes are a deep purple, with a very soft orchid glow. Her short dress is dark red with black lace. The guarder-like leg straps that hold her daggers are black with a dark red ribbon. Normally she keeps her wings folded into her back to give her a human like appearance.
Height: 5'4"
Strengths: Water, Darkness
Weaknesses: Very bright light{not like sunlight but like halogen light}
Weapon(s): Dorothy carries two small daggers that she keeps in leg straps {One on each leg}, and a large bow that she bought from an Asian Sales Man. A secret dagger {Please hint SECRET}.
Personality: Dorothy is a shy but kind girl. She can seem rude at first but she respects a person once they respect her.
Bio: Dorothy is a Fairy/Vampyre. She has the size of a Vampyre but the abilities of a fairy. She can fly, and heal. Dorothy was born to a single mother. Her father disappeared/died soon after her mother became pregnant. Dorothy's mother raised her the best she could until she died when Dorothy was 7. For the next 10 years Dorothy lived on her own working any jobs she could get a hold of. She taught herself bow skills and how to work with her daggers. She started going to school in hopes to learn enough skills to someday be a master at both of her weapons. She succeeded and now runs the Dark school.
Extra: Dorothy can use water to heal herself and others.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Close and Long Range
Kills: 0
Wins/Losses/Tied: 0/0/0
Unique/Acquired Special abilities:

-- Water Healing: Uses water to heal wounds and regenerate strength. Although water is the force that heals, it is the user's energy which is taken. To heal themselves not much energy is require to to heal other people, a lot of energy is used. Water healing can only be used on object that are living.

-- Long Bow -- An Asian bow that is about 4 ft in length. The bow is usually hung over her right shoulder when she has it with her.
-- Twin Daggers -- Two daggers in leg strap, one on each leg. The daggers are about 8 inches in length, blade being 5 inches of that length. They are made out of gold. Her daggers remain in her leg straps at all times unless she is using them.
-- Secret Dagger -- A dagger similar to her gold daggers but made out of silver. The dagger is from her mother and has the letter DH engraved into them.

Updated Extra:

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[The Basics]

Your Gaianame: Celestial Lullaby
Character's name: Ms Rebakah DeLaurie
Status: Dark Headmaster
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Race: Dark Fairy
Appearance: Tall, dark and hauntingly beautiful. Ms DeLaurie is a woman of extraordinary power and grace. Her form is like a pillar, rising high above you. She has a very boyish figure, with barely a bosom or hips, but that simply makes her more intimidating. Her lips are always bent in a downward curve, her eyebrows creasing in distaste. Her eyes are like pitch, hard and giving way to nothing, allowing no lies to be told. Her nose is long and proud. Even her hair seems to hold a condescending aura. It's locks are a shiny jet black, falling down her back to end near the backs of her knees. Normally her tresses are left loose. Her limbs are long and a creamy white, her hands with unusually long fingers and black pointed nails sprouting from them. She is always clad in black flowing garments, resembling the robes a mage might wear. Her limbs are sometimes clad in black jewelery. This woman means business.
Height: 6' 7"
Strengths: Her aura of power, her ability to use shadow magic, her ability to claim respect.
Weaknesses: The way she distances herself from others, she faints if she uses too much power.
Weapon(s): Her Shadow magic, and a large sword, seemingly much too heavy for her. She uses it in a very elegant manner of swordplay.
Personality: Strict, quiet, condescending, easily annoyed, reserved, mysterious.
Bio: Not much is known about Ms DeLaurie. Students like to gossip and whisper about her, making up outrageous stories. Not many of them are true. She doesn't like to say much about herself before her time at the school. What is known, however, is that she was hired for undisclosed purposes and has ruled the school with an iron fist since then. Students are whipped into shape, becoming men instead of boys. She bred a high value for discipline into the students and it has served them well. Since her appointment as Headmaster, this woman has bettered the school threefold. And that is all that anyone knows.
Extra: Her shadow magic can be used in a variety of different ways. Walking through the shadow world in order to teleport herself places, encompassing someone in so much darkness that their fear kills them, drawing the shadows into herself and making them real to patch up her body. All of these are ways she can manipulate the shadows, and there are more yet to be revealed.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Ranged (magical) to mid-range (sword)
Kills: 0
Wins/Losses/Tied: 0/0/0
Unique/Acquired Special abilities:

Shadow Step: The ability to immerse herself in the shadow world and teleport herself from one place to another. Takes immense amounts of energy.

Cure of the Blackness: She can take the darkness into herself and use it as a way to heal herself instantaneously. Light amounts of energy used.

Scared of the Dark: A killing attack, in essence taking the shadows and all they represent and cocooning the victim in them. They see their own fears, the fears of others, and are essentially scared to death. Light-Medium amount of energy is consumed.

The Summoning: Summons all kinds of creatures from the black. Spiders, wolves, insects, bats etc. Rebakah is rendered useless with the completion of this technique, but it doesn't matter because her beasts protect her.

-- Long sword. Seemingly too big and heavy for anyone to use, yet she handles it with grace.

Updated Extra:Yes, I drew the picture, No it's not finished, and Yes, I used references.

[The Basics]

User Image
Your Gaianame: Masayoshi2
Character's name: Llair
Status: Light Headmaster
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: Llair has long black hair and dark brown eyes, and he wears white clothes with some black. His face has a natural glare, which he had ever since he was born. His arms and legs are always bandaged due to his intense training. He carries around one sword while in the academy, but when he is training or in battle, he has two swords with him.
Strengths: Llair is a master swordsman, and he knows many forms and techniques. His training has given him great speed and agility.
Weaknesses: Llair had no magic training before entering Light Academy; therefore, his magic abilities are limited. He prefers working alone because of his past.
Weapon: Llair wields two katanas. He also uses some magic to complement his swordsmanship.
Personality: Llair doesn't like to show his true emotions, so he's usually apathetic. He also doesn't like working in a group. Despite his behavior and appearance, Llair is very compassionate. As a result, he's an excellent teacher and a good teacher.
Bio: Llair's mother died giving birth to him, and his father was very ill. The nearby bandits took the boy when they attacked his village. He was taught how to fight with swords. He trained hard and became the leader of the bandits. When the dark elves attacked them, Llair managed to escape. He arrived at Light Academy and studied hard. He was at the top of every class and eventually became headmaster of the school.
Extra: Llair has a large bounty on his head, but no one at the school knows about it.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Close range. Some mid range.
Kills: 0
Wins/Losses/Tied: 0/0/0
Unique/Acquired Special abilities:

Zanshin: A state of mental awareness. The user is able to instantly attack or respond to an enemy's attack.

Fudoshin: A state of equanimity. The user is able to stay calm, stable and composed even when under stress.

Shunpo(flash step): A movement technique that allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow. Users can only take one step to prevent themselves from losing their balance.

Sealing: The ability to either seal items within a scroll or an object for easier travel purposes. Other seals can be used to seal entities or curses away, immobilizing people, weight manipulation, affecting the senses, or to contain power.

Force Spell: Creates a force of invisible energy able to knock a target away from the user. This spell can be used with little or no movement, but it is most effectively used while making strikes with the user's hands in battle, making the impact of the hits much stronger than they normally would be.

-- Two katanas:Their blades are about 2 feet in length. The hilt is wrapped with black cotton. The guard is made of brass, and the blade is made out of steel.

Updated Extra:

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[The Basics]

Your Gaianame: earth2dragon
Character's name: Satilh Mooncaster
Status: Dark Headmaster
Age: 30 elf years (210 human years)
Gender: Male
Race: Light Elf/Werewolf (note: NOBODY, except the other Dark Headmasters, know that he is a werewolf)
Appearance: Satilh has a head of long, thin, flowing blond hair that reaches down to his waist, a sign of his light elf heritage. His calm, hazel eyes and dark brows seem plain enough, but the strange tattoo running down his left eye not at all so. It is said that the tattoo represents ugliness, and his way of defying the dark fate laid out for him by his former peers. He might be labeled as a dark elf, but inside Satilh feels that he is no such thing, and for that reason, decided to show the world that he is not vain about his looks. Satilh has large hands for his race, caused by the werewolf blood within him. Around his neck, night and day, is a silver heart–shaped locket, usually hidden by his traditional elven mage robes, which hang past his feet, thickly embroidered with magical signs and spells.
Height: 6’5’’ normally, 7’8’’ when transformed
Strengths: Satilh has fantastic self control and because of this, has been able to master some of the most difficult of spells, therefore giving him an edge over his opponents. He rarely loses his temper, which is surprising because most werewolves are very emotional and have quick, deadly tempers. This stony self-control keeps Satilh’s feelings in check, making him an excellent teacher and leader, and has even allowed him to master pain, causing silver, which is usually a deadly metal towards werewolves, to not bother him as much as it should.
Weaknesses: Silver, despite his amazing tolerance of it, is still lethal in large quantities, especially in his wolf form. Satilh also seems to lack one of the most basic of emotions – love. In fact, he appears to thoroughly detest it, turning up his nose at the slightest gleam of lust in one’s eyes, and then looking away with a rather distant expression planted on his face. Even though Satilh tries hard to keep his past in the past, he has found memories never leave one’s conscience, especially those that had changed his life for the worse. Wounds to the heart never fade, and the pain is never forgotten.
Weapon(s): Magical staff and a “Last resort” dagger hidden within his robes
Personality: Satilh, when described by his peers, would be called a strict, rather reserved man, who has a strange aura of bitter emotion hanging about him. He was once ambitious, prideful, and risk-taking, but these traits have been reduced down to nearly nothing over the course of Satilh’s “second” life as a dark elf. Now he is calm, well bred, and ruthless in his way of self-control, and an excellent strategist, which led to his career as a Dark General. Still, he is a troubled man, trying to rewrite his life in a totally different setting. Satilh is extremely stringent about order and following the rules, and any student caught breaking one faces nonnegotiable punishment, which is often creative, but painful – mentally and/or physically. He takes a military approach to teaching, expecting discipline and 100% effort and has a knack at getting even the worst students to succeed at control based spells.

Bio: Early life (Years 0 through 25) – TO BE REVEALED. Check "Updated Extra" for updates about Satilh's Early Life.

Banished Life (Years 26 through 60) – TO BE REVEALED. Check "Updated Extra" for updates about Satilh's Banished Life.

Military Life (Years 61 to 170) – Satilh’s military career was, in fact, brilliant, and he quickly became known as the Silver Wolf, because of the silver locket he wore around his neck. He was the role model for other aspiring werewolves, for none of them have ever heard of anything like him. Not only did Satilh seem to not be able to feel the brutality of silver against his flesh, but he could also control his transformations with incredible ease; not even moonlight caused him to turn. Satilh led many skirmishes against other rebel dark armies, helping to unite the races under the rule of Lumare. All seemed to go well until one day, Satilh received a letter from an old associate. The next day, Satilh resigned from his post as General, much to the shock and great fury of his lord Lumare. No one could fathom the reasons behind Satilh’s sudden change of heart, for he certainly was no coward. To investigate, Lumare interrogated some of Satilh’s former officers, only to find out that he had received a letter carried by a hawk of some sort. Unsatisfied, Lumare sent a few intelligence agents to follow him, and to try to piece together his elusive past. Before Satilh’s sudden resignation, he had been stationed in the Stitch Canyon, trying to recruit the dark dwarves residing there to Lumare’s army. From there, Satilh traveled through the Desua Mountains, taking many twists and turns, eventually throwing the agents off course. Satilh’s reason for trekking so close to enemy forces was unknown, causing Lumare to suspect treason. A few weeks later, however, Satilh was spotted in the Framkta Mountains, where the agents, once again, lost sight of him. A few years later, Satilh was found teaching at the Dark Academy, much to the surprise of Lumare, who had thought the worst had happened. Satilh had changed his look; garbing himself in a traditional mage robes instead of his signature fancy fur-lined cloak and silk robes. But what stood out the most about him was the tattoo running down his left eye, a disfiguration great enough to compromise Satilh’s once handsome face. The agents reported one other detail, which Lumare found strangely disturbing. Satilh appeared indifferent to the world, and his face, once filled with pride and ambition, was even and controlled, letting no true emotion form upon it. Sensing the change in his ex-general, Lumare let Satilh be, ordering his agents to keep an eye on him. In just ten years, Satilh became one of the headmasters of the academy, which he still is, to this day.

Extra: Satilh is extremely secretive about his past, so no one at the academy knows that he was once the Silver Wolf; only the other headmasters know that he is even a werewolf. When confronted about his past, Satilh would coolly reply, “The past is nothing but a faint memory – it is the present and the future that matter now.”

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Close (Wolf form) to Medium Range (Spells)
Kills: ?
Wins/Losses/Tied: 0/0/0
Unique/Acquired Special abilities:

Wolf Form - The form that werewolves take when they wish too. It makes the owner stronger and faster, but if not mastered can cause them to be less accurate.

Earth Manipulation - The ability to use earth. Using earth ability allows the user to travel through the ground. Also used to amplify the defensive ability in armor or clothing, and the durability of weapons by able to give it a diamond like hardness. If mastered can increase the growth rate of vegetation and control metals.

Doppelganger Effect - Creates copies of the users physical form that are mostly solid and almost exact replicas. The first one created is a spitting image except the eyes glow with Black magic and is solid unless hit with extreme force. Each copy made after the first is less and less of an exact image and progressively smokier in substance until they resemble ghosts in-and-of themselves. All of the copies can be gotten rid of whenever the user wishes them gone.

Force Spell - Creates a force of invisible energy able to knock a target away from the user. This spell can be used with little or no movement, but it is most effectively used while making strikes with the user's hands in battle, making the impact of the hits much stronger than they normally would be.

Teleportation - The ability to transport oneself from a present location to a thought of destination. There is a slight delay in consecutive use.

Replacement technique - Allows one to be able to replace themselves with an object nearby, usually a wooden object but could be replaced by a person.

Vision - The user can see in the infrared spectrum, as well as visible light. The user knows when someone is scared or angry by his or her body temperature, and the user can see people by their body signature.


Magical Staff – A 6’7’’ staff, which Satilh uses to channel his magic easier, but it also can be used in hand-to-hand combat if necessary. It is most often used with the force spell, and causes increased amounts of magical damage.

Last Resort Dagger – Basically a small, sharp dagger used when both his magic and wolf form fail. Satilh has never used this blade except on one occasion during his Military Career, when he threw it at a would-be assassin.

Updated Extra: None yet. I’ll add Satilh’s Early Life and Banished Life when it becomes revealed in the roleplay, so stay tuned! <3



PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:39 pm

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[The Basics]

Your Gaianame: Yuffie_Chan_Kisaragi
Character's name: Laila Keelan Deorwynn
Status: Light Teacher
Age: 24 [72 in human years]
Gender: Female
Race: Air/ Fire Fairie
Appearance: Her long blonde hair has red and silver streaks through it, and is always down at her sides, but she always has a hair tie on her wrist if she needs to pull it back into a quick ponytail if she gets in the middle of a battle.
Height: 5’ 3”
Strengths: Optimism (Laila knows that there will always be a downside to everything, so she keeps her chin up and always tries to keep the mood happy and up tempo) Understanding (She knows how to listen to those who need to be listened to and undstand what they are going through even if she hasn’t gone through that herself) Compassion (she knows that its better to care for others and not always for yourself. With her strengths combined she tends to be the greatest person to go with ones problems)

Weaknesses: Temper (being a fire/air fairie her temper seems to be worse than a normal fire or air fairie’s would be. She is better at keeping it in check then a fire fairie would, but because of her race, whenever her temper is released there’ll be hell to pay.) Nosiness (whenever something is bothering a friend, and Laila doesn’t know about it, she tends to snoop around to try and figure out what happened. Which gets on many a persons nerve)

Weapon(s): Whip. (Laila’s always has her whip with her. It is lies coiled up on the right side of a belt that she is always wearing. The whip is made of the finest braided leather with the ability to have magic flow through it. Laila uses her fire and air magic she acquired through her heritage and uses it with the whip to make her whip much more effective when she is fighting.)

Personality: Though Laila has a temper that could kill she is actually very kind. She is know for being the understanding and compassionate out of the group, and if someone hurts someone she cares about…lets just say that there might not be anything left of whoever it was that offended them. Laila also doesn’t like pessimism in a time where there seems to be no hope. She thinks that it just makes matters worse, and tries her hardest to be the most optimistic person in those times.

Bio: When Laila was born, her parents chose her name carefully. Being a mixed breed of fairie, they wanted a unique name for their first daughter (out of 4 children). Laila meaning ‘dark beauty; night’ was chosen because of her potential out of hand temper. Laila ended up having the terrible temper, but is able to keep it in check most of the time. Keelan meaning ‘slender and fair’ was chosen because of their wish for their daughter to be slim in looks, and have a fair judgment of the people that she meets. Both of those things came quite naturally to her and she is very comfortable with it. And her last name means the same for all of her family. Deorwynn meaning ‘dear delight’ shows how fun her family is to be around. Her family isn’t the noblest or wealthiest of families, but being a family of seven they get by swimmingly. Laila’s siblings are all much younger than she is. The next child that was born was when Laila was 6, and then every two years after that. She grew up being the babysitter of all the kids, and wound up having a natural talent of dealing with toddlers, kids, and teenagers. Laila grew up being the one that all her friends went to for consoling and talking about whatever in their life is bothering them. As she grew older, Laila became more and more understanding of herself, her surroundings, and what was happening. Because of this she told her family, at the age of 18 she would go and train to help the light side with the war. She trained hard and long to try and obtain to get into the army, but in the end, she realized that her duties were needed elsewhere. On Laila’s twentieth birthday during a self-taught training session, she heard crying coming from nearby. A girl about the age of 14 was in the fetal position behind a bush where she thought no one could have possibly found her. Laila went over to the girl and made talked to her about why she was crying. It was at that moment, that she was not meant to fight with the army. So she applied to the light school at age 22, 2 weeks before her 23rd birthday. At age 23, 2 days after her birthday, she was accepted into the Light School as a teacher, a counselor to be specific, and has been there ever since. Laila is happy where she is because she is doing what she loves most, listening to those that need someone to listen to them.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Multiple ranges. (Close, Far, Accurate, Stealth ect.)
Kills: 0
Wins/Losses/Tied: 0/0/0
Unique/Acquired Special abilities: She has acquired the magic of fire and air from her parents. Her mother being the air fairie and he father being the fire fairie, they taught everything their first born needed to know. She was the only child who obtained both fire and air magic from her parents. She has mastered both forms, and still practices them both daily.

-- Whip. (Laila’s always has her whip with her. It is lies coiled up on the right side of a belt that she is always wearing. The whip is made of the finest braided leather with the ability to have magic flow through it. Laila uses her fire and air magic she acquired through her heritage and uses it with the whip to make her whip much more effective when she is fighting.)

Updated Extra:

[The Basics]

Your Gaianame: Kilarra
Character's name: Callie Astora
Status: Dark teacher
Age: 195 (approx. 39 in human years)
Gender: Female
Race: Dark elf
Appearance: A tall, curvaceous and well-endowed dark elf with narrow, heavily-lashed dark eyes, refined nose and cheekbones, and a pair of full, pouting lips, Callie is a strong believer in appearances and dresses extravagantly to prove it. She always wears garb with intended occasion in mind - from flowing, feminine robes to more practical but still flattering corsets, blouses and snug-fitting trousers, Callie always dresses to impress. Her dark skin is often decorated with swirling patterns of silvery or lilac make-up and she is usually covered in delicate, fascinated jewellery; silver, gem-studded and elaborate hairnets over her pale, cropped hair, elegant headdresses, collars, pendants, bracelets, rings, and anklets, as well as piercings in her earlobes and ear tips.
Height: 6'1"
Strengths: Strong-willed, Callie can be domineering and coercive in debates and conversation. Her mind is unusually balanced between the scientific and creative extremes, making her an expert in alchemy and an inventive, resourceful artist.
Weaknesses: She can often become absorbed in her art, is extremely stubborn and once set on a path cannot be convinced to think otherwise without a great deal of coercion. Not a physical fighter, Callie also cannot manipulate magic directly - she must rely on alchemical components to interact with the various energies of the world for spell casting and other purposes, which limits her abilities to what materials she has around her.
Weapon(s): None - at least, none that are obvious. But her jewellery, often hand-made and crafted, serves a double purpose in that she uses the various pendants, dangling jewels and other tiny, inconspicious containers to store often minute amounts of alchemical components. She thus has the means for certain spell-casting whenever she is wearing the adornments.
Personality: Though she is often mistaken as vain and self-absorbed, even by dark elf standards, for Callie, beauty is a practical necessity. It gives her confidence, draws admiration, and misleads potential enemies into thinking she is shallow. In actual fact, Callie is a rather deep thinker, though her preoccupation with creativity and the arts is no act. A life without art, beauty, imagination, and inventiveness is no life at all, as far as she is concerned. Thus, with the war's continued focus on teaching students to be better soldiers rather than better people, she has become a little bitter in her maturing years. She privately resents the war and Lumare for perpetuating it, and despises having to teach the archemical arts as a way of creating further weapons, as opposed to the majestic creative process she thinks it should really be.
Bio: Part of the long-standing and well-respected dark elf family line, Astora, Callie spent the early years of her life with her every artistic interest indulged, lavished with attention and riches by her admiring parents. Despite a distinct absence of talent in magic-casting, her deep understanding and empathy with the world's materials and processes made her a keen alchemist, and she used her skills to experiment, create works of art and better resources for society. Callie became a teacher in order to pass down her interests and knowledge, but the war quickly overshadowed any value the academy might have placed on those creative and indulgent arts.

Now, as alchemy is increasingly pressed into becoming a tool of weapon creation and further destruction for the war, Callie finds herself struggling to accommodate Lumare's disruptive ideals.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Long range
Kills: 0
Wins/Losses/Tied: 0/0/0
Unique/Acquired Special abilities:

Alchemy - the use of material components in conjuring spells, creating objects, changing physical properties and other miscellaneous transformations. Requires suitable 'ingredients' with which to work.

Weapon(s): Callie can use a variety of various materials, in different forms, to work alchemy, and carries no obvious weapon.

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[The Basics]

Your Gaianame: Celestial Lullaby
Character's name: Mariel Levesque
Status: Dark teacher
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Appearance: By no means a small man, Mr. Levesque is 6' 3", tall and lanky. Some may even call him effeminate. His black hair is mussy and unkempt, left to fly freely around his face and constantly get into his eyes. His eyes are a dark amber, when they aren't hidden by his uncut hair. His build, as aforementioned, is thin and underdeveloped. Mariel has no muscle to speak of. His ears are particularly small, and a favorite place to try to tame his obstinate bangs. As for his nose, well it is curved, like a child's and tilts upwards at the end. His mouth is quite sensual, full and tinted a warm pink. He has a weak chin and a long, thin neck. His fingers are curiously long and adept. Mariel is a very pale man, contrasting strongly with his ebony hair, suggesting very little sun exposure.
Height: 6'3"
Strengths: Spell casting, wriggling his way into things, academic challenges (solving things intellectually. Like a math problem. Or deciphering puzzles.)
Weaknesses: Physical labor, listening to people.
Weapon(s): Magic.
Personality: Mariel is a very moody man, quick to snap, and then snap back. Childish to a fault, brilliant and optimistic. He's very opinionated about what he cares about, and could care less about anything else. He has a way of showing up and getting people to tolerate his presence. He loves to confuse people, and vary his ways. Sometimes he'll dance around a topic for hours and other times he'll state it without hesitation. Creative and intuitive, most of his ideas are way out there, but still end up working. Values people and is surprisingly social, also has a passion for his work. Childish, apathetic and contradictory.
Bio: Mariel Levesque grew up in a small town. A couple of cottages, a farming village really. He ran around, creating theories, discovering secrets, being a nuisance. At age 8 a raid came through, light soldiers. It was here when he discovered magic and the many possibilities it held. After mutilating the small group of soldiers, Mariel started experimenting on his neighbors. He was soon exiled.

The next portion of his life was spent wandering the nearby city. The library was his sanctuary, and the market was his research laboratory. Some inhumane experiments here and there, more books and a touch of insight into himself later, and Mr. Levesque truly realized his potential. Deciding to exhibit a bit of ambition, he joined a university and quickly surpassed all his peers. Being a people-person (to a point) no one begrudged him this. In fact, he taught them a lot, and developed his skills in that area.

After graduating, he met a woman, far taller than himself, who invited him to teach at her school. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Mr. Levesque acquiesced and came to the dark school. He has a lab, hidden somewhere in the school, where odd magics are created, tested and refined. During the day he helps students realize their own potential, using very personalized and creative lessons.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Far range (magician)
Kills: 0
Wins/Losses/Tied: 0/0/0
Unique/Acquired Special abilities:

Elemental Magic: The use of any and all elements. As more are found and classified, is able to experiment and learn how to use them. Can be combined and manipulated. Includes: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Darkness, Light, Ether, Time etc. (I know it seems powerful, but I will keep it in check, I promise. Besides, he only has one ability. )

Weapon(s): Magic

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Your Gaianame: Atrum Krigare
Character's name: Riscarn Farin,Though he prefers Risk for short.
Status: A Light Academy teacher
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Risk is a Neko.
Appearance: Riscarn's black ears pop up over his grey straw-like hair, matching his grey and red striped tail. If you had to describe him in one word, it would be long. Risk has long muscular legs, gained from running away from angery teachers in his youth. He has a black scratch tattoo on his chest, easily seen on his pale skin. Never the one for formal attire, He usually wears his shirt unbuttoned, jeans, horse riding gloves, and his cross around his neck. His eyes are lime green and he has a small mouth encircled with laugh lines.
Height: about 6'00"
Strengths: Never getting overwhelmed, his speed, nimbleness, and balance.
Weaknesses He is never serious, hates following rules, his nyctophobia (fear of the dark), and his naivety.
Weapon(s): Risk only fights with his metal claws.
Personality: Risk has always been a full blown happy-go-lucky optimist. Never one to pass on a prank, he feels life is too short to be scared or serious. He enjoys being surrounded by people and talking, so his love of school is both surprising and expected.
Bio: Risk was born in a village of Nekos deep in the forest. Always the one to get in trouble, he lead a small group of vagabonds, running around creating trouble. After almost killing 2 people in a prank, they were condemned to be sent to the dark academy school. The villagers decided the best way to keep Risk from leaving while they were making the arrangements was to drop him in a hole found right in the center of town, while keeping the other members in jail. Left there, he grew afraid of the dark. After his friends helped him escape, they took off like rockets, only telling their brothers and sisters.

Even with Risk as their leader, all but one of the crew members left for the comfort of the village. These two traveled the world, making friends and enemies alike. However, they got into a huge argument, ending with the friend heading to the dark academy and him heading to the light. For the next 5 years he began his journey of being a full-time student. Risk flourished in athletic classes, while he barely passed his academic ones. He found himself in tears during graduation and decided to stay there forever, teaching what he loved to do best. He soon patched up his relationship with his village, and applied for a job at the light academy teaching horse back riding and sailing.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Close
Kills: 0
Wins/Losses/Tied: 0/0/0
Unique/Acquired Special abilities:
Immunity biggrin escription: The ability in which the user's body is not affected by harmful chemicals or toxins that would be deadly to normal people. Also prevents the user from getting any illness.

Replacement technique: Allows one to be able to replace themselves with an object nearby, usually a wooden object but could be replaced by a person.

Glow: The ability to create an orb of light in their hands. (Unknown to him.)

Weapon(s): His 4 pronged steel cat claws, clasped securely in his hands.

Updated Extra:  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:40 pm

[The Basics]

Your Gaianame: false_fail
Character's name: Aeidric Streight
Status: Dark Student
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Fallen Angel
Appearance: Aeidric looks like a human because of his feigned appearance upon expulsion from heaven. His skin is moderately tan, and he has gray, shoulder-length hair that manages to stick out in every direction. He wears a royal purple bandanna around his left arm. His usual wear is a thin, white tapered vest over a black long-sleeved shirt and black camouflaged cargo pants with white shoes. His eyes were originally orange, but are now a striking neon green. His face is not quite slim, and has a very villain-esque look to it.
Height: 6'1"
Strengths: Extremely fast runner, good at developing advanced strategy and tactics under pressure (exception: weakness), and is incredibly strong and balanced, providing for an excellent berserker or silent intruder. His sense of judgment has saved his own hide several times, as well as gotten him several meals since being stuck as a humanoid. Though his low voice contrasts with his young appearance, his abilities gained him trust in several areas.
Weaknesses: Temperatures higher than a hundred degrees make him, or so he says, "Sweat out his smart". In other words, he has a harder time concentrating when it's hot outside. He is very bad at swimming, and nearly drowned when he first fell to earth (got dropped in a lake, due to a bad joke). He hates all kinds of water, from elementals of the type to the springs you'd find in a mountain forest, and despises the feel of it so much it makes him lose all conscious thought and he goes berserk, flipping out and killing the nearest living thing. usually the one who got water one him. for some reason, though it doesn't matter if there's alcohol in it.
Weapon(s): a broadsword and a knife
Personality: Aeidric is coldly calculating, definitive in his approaches and certain in his decisions. His exclusion from heaven left him heartless and thirsty for some sort of revenge, but decided it would have to wait.
Bio: Aeidric was an Archangel by the name of Seyidron before he was booted out of heaven. His offense was the murder of an innocent, and despite his disguise he failed to eradicate the aura of animosity that surrounded him. His best efforts at calming the raging beings around him failed miserably, and his expulsion was quick and unceremonious. At first, all he did for days was curse his old home and its residents, but then he caught news of a war that was broiling and his attention was caught. However, being too young-looking for joining the army, he enrolled in a school that looked as dark as his inner soul felt. He became an extreme trickster in the first few days of life as a human, and even fooled an authority into thinking he was a scared little kid in order to find the school. Thus, he reached his first day.
Extra: Aeidric only tasted one thing on his way down: the color purple. He became infatuated with the flavor and has since sought another way to experience it.

[The Stats]

Type of fighter: Short- to mid-range, only as needed.
Kills: 0
Wins/Losses/Tied: 0/0/0
Unique/Acquired Special abilities: Has an innate ability to read the emotions of those around him and affect them slightly, such as rallying allies or or disheartening his enemies.
He also has incredible agility, and makes top gymnasts look like clumsy hogs. He adds his speed to this, and this makes him an incredibly formidable opponent in any sort of fight.
Anger Mode - can't quite control when this turns on/off, but it's usually started when he gets wet (or when he loses his favorite toy. lol ^w^).

Weapon(s): A broadsword about seven feet in length total, and a large knife with a foot long blade. The broadsword is made of black adamant with an uneven edge, so it looks like it's made of obsidian with a silver edge, and the knife is made of hardened silver, with a diamond embedded in the hilt. His sword is named Balor's Thorn, and the knife is named Cat's Claw.

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