
Hair Color?:Dark brown/black
Eye Color?:Dark brown
Height?:4' 10"

Hair Color?:Light brown
Eye Color?:Hazel
Height?:6' 0"

When did you really decide that you liked him?:Hm... this summer... although I had a huge crush on him since I met him over a year ago
How old were you when you met him?:I was 16, just before I turned 17
How old was he when you met?:19.
How long have you two been going out?:Technically, since August.
When is your anniversary?:August, 2008.
Are you happy with this relationship?:Yes
Is he happy with this relationship?:Yes
Are you in love?:...
Do you think he loves you?:He told me so.
How long do you think it will last?:As long as possible. Both of us talked about it, and he says "I don't see us ever breaking up" So... yeah. =]
Would you die for him?:If it came down to it.
Would he die for you?:Mmhmm.
Is he the perfect boyfriend?:Yes, including his imperfections.
Have you ever hurt him physically?:No
Have you ever hurt him emotionally?:He thought I was going to leave him...
Has he hurt you physically?:No
Has he hurt you emotionally?:Yes. I thought he was going to leave me!
Do you dream about him?:I have before
Does he dream about you?:He tells me he did xD
Have you met his family?:Yes
Do you like them?:Yes
Do they like you?:Yes
Has he met your family?:Yes
Does he like them?:Yes
Do they like him?:Yes
Has he met your friends?:Yes
Does he like them?:Yes
Do they like him?:Yes
Have you met his friends?:Yes
Do you like them?:Yes
Do they like him?:Yes
Does he have pets?:Yes
What is something you don't like about him?:He's waaaaaay too hyper. And sometimes, he can be really immature, but he's fixing that.
Is this a serious relationship?:Yes
Would you marry him?:Hm... he and I talked about it, but we're not making any rash decisions.
Do you wanna hug him right now?:Yes
Do you wanna kiss him right now?:Yes
Does he get jealous easily?:Yes
Do you get jealous?:When I need to be. I'm pretty insecure
Would you cheat on him?:Never
Would he cheat on you?:Nope
Is he your first boyfriend?:No
Are you his first girlfriend?:No
How many boyfriends have you had?:Pfft. I dunno.
What are their names?:Gawd...
How many girlfriends has he had?:I dunno
What are their names?:Um... I only know a few. Cheri, Amber, Brittany, um... there's one more that I can't remember her name... Sam... Jessie. I think that's it.
Is this relationship a mistake?:No
Do you regret anything about this relationship?:Not a damn thing.
Are you thinking about him right now?:Duh
Is he thinking about you right now?:I dunno.
Would you be a different person without him?:I'd be less happy
Once again, do you truly love him?:I believe so.

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