Okay, before I copy and paste from Notepad... I've started on this story during the summer.. Uhmm... Pretty much based on the game Flyff. My friend and I on the game were just fooling around and finally we decided to role-play and then we turned around and were like "Why don't we turn it into a fanfic story?" So, yeah... keep in mind that it's still being worked on, no matter how lazy I am... My only excuse is the fact that I lack ideas. So, AFTER you read the story (so far), suggestions and ideas are welcome. ^^

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance and maybe more.


As Jet climbed aboard a ship, he looked about and heard a woman's voice overhead. "Welcome passengers aboard the Ragnorak Ship! We hope you will enjoy your time here. Once again, enjoy your 1-week cruise here. ...Why are we doing this again?" Then the voice disappeared. "Cruise?" Thought Jet. He then went to the captain's room and found a woman sitting in a chair. She turned around and made eye contact with the strange man.

"Are you new here? You lost?" She asked.
Jet was kind of confused though and replied, "Umm... What are you doing in my chair?"
The woman paused. "Your chair? Sir, this is my ship. The Ragnorak. How is this your chair? Assuming you think it is your ship."
"Miss, this couldn't be your ship. This is mine. Known as the 'Tsubasa'."
"Um.. You're not saying you're trying to steal this ship are you?" the woman sent a signal to the nearby mate, who nodded and exited the room.

Jet was still confused. "No. What I am saying is that you're the one who's trying to steal my ship." He then came over to the woman and pulled her out of the chair.
Just as he was about to push her towards the door, the door bursted open with the crew at the doorway. "Ah. Good timing, men. Take her away, please." Said Jet.
The crew looked a bit confused though and looked at the woman, who was frowning and was being held by the arm.

"Take him away!" Cried the woman.
"Aye, captain!" They grabbed Jet and pulled him away from the captain and being pushed out the room, he saw the woman, who was standing next to, who it seemed
like, the first mate. The woman, of course, was staring at Jet with a small fear in her eyes.

~~Chapter 1: So we meet

When Jet opened his eyes, the sun was nearly setting and he saw two men in front of him. "Wha... Boys, untie me right now!"
The men grunted and one said, "You're still talking like this is your ship?"
"Like this is my ship... Wha?! What are you talking about? This IS my ship! I am the captain." The other man, with a dagger in hand was about to cut Jet in the neck when a shadowy person appeared, Jet flinched. "Stop!" she ordered. The man grunted, put away his dagger and walked away, disappearing from sight. The woman came into light and was in sight as she grinned.

"So... you said this was your ship, did you?" she asked.
Jet stared at her as she sat down on a nearby barrel and then he replied. "Yes, this ship is mine, The Tsubasa."
There was silence. Jet struggled from the mast and said, "Let me go! Untie me! Who are you anyways?"
The woman crossed her legs. "I don't think we can do that so soon after what you did. I am Rinoa. And what is your name?"
Jet stopped stuggling and replied. "I'm Jet. I'm sorry for what I did but-"
"Nice to meet you. I know you mistook the Ragnorak for your ship, but it's not."
"And how would you know?"
"Because of this ship's symbol on the sail above you."

Jet looked up and sure enough he saw a symbol of a red rose petal that he didn't recognize. He remembers there being a symbol of an Angel's feather on his sails.

"Assuming you're finally convinced that this is not your ship, what do you have to say now?" Rinoa questioned.
"I already said it. I'm sorry. Will you untie me now? I won't do anything funny."
Rinoa sighed. "Fine. You!" She pointed at the nearby crew mate.
"Aye, Cap'n?" He saluted.
"Unhand him and resume your duty!"
"Understood Cap'n!" And so he untied Jet.

Being free, Jet stretched his arms towards the sky and yawned. "Thank you." Putting down his arms, he came over to the barrels where Rinoa sat and seated himself on the barrel next to her. At this time, Rinoa was staring at the black night sky with a twinkle in her eyes.

"The stars are beautiful tonight..." She said.
Jet looked up and grinned. "Yeah.. It is."

The two of them sat in silence and admired the sky. With a deam light and the setting sun, Jet looked at Rinoa and tried to see her face before it got dark. For a moment, he felt nostalgic, but kept quiet and went back to looking at the sky. Rinoa, on the other hand, she would often look towards Jet out of the corner of her eyes and looked back to the sky. Her gestures were unreadable, but she seemed lost in thoughts.

~~Chapter Two: A night at the cabins

Deciding to break the silence, Jet started, "So.. is there anything I can do to pay you back for what I've done?"
Rinoa sat in silence and looked over the horizon. She then shook her head and answered, "No. I don't need anything."
"But I can't just be let off the hook after what I did. After all, it's unfair."
Grinning to herself, she thought that he was the type of guy that wouldn't go away after doing something rude.
"Please?" Asked Jet.
"Well..." Sighed Rinoa. She thought then that he's just a guy that insists everything to go his way, but she knew by instinct that he is also an easy guy.

Thinking about it, she finally sighed and asked, "Have you heard of the legend of the 'Twin Boat'?"
A little surprised, Jet answered, "No, not really. What's the story about this legend?"
"Well, you know how this ship is similar to your own, right? Pretty much the reason you thought this was your ship?"
Jet nodded. "Well, yes. But it's a little different."
"Well, yes. My ship is just a bit worn and rusty and all, but don't think I'll accept any money to get it cleaned up. It would cost my pride to accept money from someone, especially from a stranger."
"Oh.." Said Jet, As he left his wallet in his pocket, and withdrew his hands from within. "And yes, my ship is a bit different from this ship. More clean and fancy looking, though."
Rinoa nodded. "Well, this is the legend I heard when I was a young girl, 'When the twin ships are as whole again, shall the captains of both ships be rewarded well with fortune.' So I was thinking... Maybe our ship are twins of each other."
Jet was confused so he stayed quiet and allowed her to continue. "Well, what I mean is, you mistook this ship as your own right? but if you notice, almost everything here is the same as your ship. That's proof enough that my ship and your ship are twins. Only half of each other. One is looking old, while the other is looking new. No matter how you put it, the rooms and the way to a certain room is the same. Both ships contain the same objects at the exact location."
"And how would you know if that last statement you said was true?" Jet asked.
Rinoa smiled. "If it's proof you want, then I'll tell you this:" She leaned close to Jet's ear and said quietly, "The top-secret safe is well hidden in the kitchen behind the cabinets that holds pots and pans."
Jet was then surprised and fell silent.
Leaning away from Jet, Rinoa laughed. "Bull's eye, huh? Well, don't worry about it."
"Anyways, " She said, changing the subject as she got off the barrel. "It's getting late. Would you like to stay for the night?"
Jet blinked. He looked around and got up. "I suppose so. It doesn't seem as if I have a choice anyways."
Rinoa smiled and offered, "Since you are a guest among the Ragnorak, feel free to pick any room you desire. That is, the captain's room is off limits though."
Jet answered, "You sure? Then, I pick the room next to the captain's room then!"

Walking side by side, they reached the rooms and Jet had to walk a little further down the hall. "Well then, good night, stranger." said Rinoa.
Jet grinned. "Yeah, night, captain. Sleep well."

~~Chapter three: Lost in Thought

When the two of them got in their individual room and closed the door at the same time, Rinoa leaned against the door and sighed. Deciding that standing there and sighing wasn't going to get her anywhere, she went to her private bathroom and changed into her bright blue gown and sat on her bed as she allowed her hair to fall from her hair bun to her shoulders and a little across her back. Using a hair brush, she gently brushed her hair slowly and was immediately almost was lost in thoughts. Somehow, Jet seemed similar to the shadowy boy she has been seeing in her dreams the last 3 days, but she just couldn't put her hand on it. The boy in her dreams
was someone that kept telling her that he'll see her soon and she had to remember who the boy was. Rinoa sighed. How was she to remember who it was without a single clue? Putting her hair brush away, she tied her hair into a long hair braid and laid down in her bed and soon was asleep.

Meanwhile, after Jet had closed the door, he went straight to the bed and looked around. Sure enough, it was the same as his own ship. But enough of that, he didn't want to think about it all. Now Rinoa, was someone on his mind. Earlier he had felt nostalgic just being next to her, although he failed to catch a clear glimpse of her face. Where had he seen her before? Why does she seem so familiar to him? He then looked into his childhood past and remembered a young girl that he had met and left behind to go on a journey, but the problem was, he couldn't remember the young girl's face nor her name. He only remembered spending some time with her, but it annoyed him to not remember the person's name. Sitting on the bed, more alert, he thought to himself some more: Why is he thinking about that now? Surely, there's no connection about now and the past. Deciding to let it go and rest, he laid down on bed to sleep, since he was thinking the next day was going to be a long day.

~~Chapter Four: Dream of the past

Clockworks was invading town. People ran everywhere, either to run away, or run to battle. A little Mercenery was left behind as his parents went to battle. "Let me fight too!" He whined. A female high leveled ringmaster looked at him and petted his hair. "It is far too early for a young man like you, who has just become a mercenery, to be fighting someone as strong as the clockworks. Be a good boy, Jet, and run. Be stronger. I promise you, your father and I will come to find you when this is over."
The male high leveled knight smiled and stood next to the ringmaster. "I promise you son, when this is over, I will train you endlessly to be a strong mercenary. But now is not the time. You must flee from this town. Flee and live. And like your mother said, when this is over, we will find you." He bent down and ruffled his son's hair. "But for now, we must seperate." He added.
His mom bent down and kissed young Jet on the cheeks and said, "Bye son." and got back up.

Little Jet just sat there and cried as his mom and dad ran off to battle, only the battle didn't last long when his parents were slain. Jet was in shock as a young male assist pulled him by the arm and yelled, "Come on Jet! We can't stay here! Let's go!" And off they went to run for another town. As soon as young Jet was running on his own, he lost sight of the young boy that had helped him come back to his senses and escape from the invasion. Young Jet knew that he mustn't stop for anything, so he kept on running and running as fast as he can and soon sighted a small town up ahead. Coming upon the entrance of the town, young Jet was slowing down, trying to catch his breath. He soon collapsed and fainted due to fatigue, but before that, he saw a young female assist coming to him slowly as he fell.

When young Jet awoke, he found himself in a small room, so as he sat up, he looked to the left and saw a young female assist sleeping on a chair next to the bed. Observing the room, he could not figure out where he was so he looked at the sleeping assist and waited patiently. Just then, the door opened and a man walked in and looked at confused young Jet. "Oh. I see you're awake! Tell me now.." He said, as he sat on a stool. "Do you know how long you were asleep?" Not knowing what to say, young Jet just shook his head and continued staring at the stranger. "I see. You were asleep for about 3 days. Gave ... quite a shock you know?" he said.

"Umm..." Young Jet said. "Who's the girl right here?" He asked, pointing at the sleeping assist.
"Oh, that is ..." he answered. "And I am the doctor of this town you happened to run to. Welcome to our town."

Just then, the young girl awoke and rubbed her eyes. "Good morning doc.." She murmered sleepily. She then opened her eyes wider and noticed that young Jet was awake now. "Oh! Good morning! Were you able to sleep well?" She said, a bit more awake.
Young Jet nodded and stared at her. "You are...?" he asked. At this time, the doctor smiled and exited the room.
The girl smiled and said, "I am... Nah, call me Rinny! What's yours?"
"I'm Jet. Nice to meet you... Rinny."


There's another chapter, but it's too soon in the story to post that. =p Let me know what ya'll think of the story~