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Weapons and Ablilites

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:10 pm

Here is a list of weapons and descriptions to help you pick your fighting style. Your fighting style is, of course, not limited to these suggestions.

We are always up for suggestions to add to the list.

Longsword, short sword, broad or foil, all dangerous, deadly, and in custody of a swordsman. If one decides to follow this lifestyle, it is common for them to own one sword and possibly a dagger or two for backup.

Dual Swords
The possession of two swords, used commonly in battle. Together they make an impressive defense. It takes a large amount of dexterity and training to wield twin blades in battle without cutting off a limb or two. An impressive way to fight.

Heavy Blade
These swords are the really huge blades you see those ripped cartoon guys lug around. An enormous amount of strength is required to carry, let alone wield one in battle. These swords can get ridiculously large.

A relatively slender, sharply pointed sword, used mainly for thrusting attacks. Most have very detailed hilts.

Stilettos, dirks, kitchen knives, any kind of small blade falls into this category. These are the more stealthy weapons, common to assassins and those favoring anonymity when killing.

Dual Daggers
A set of two daggers, used commonly in battle. Fun to watch.

Throwing Knives
Throwing blades in any kind of manner is considered throwing knives. Used for range approaches, surprise attacks or distractions.

Throwing Stars
Similar to throwing knifes though they have many blades shaped into a star. Usually from 3 to 6 blades per star.

Short bow
More commonly used for hunting, this bow, though powerful, does not generate considerable velocity rates. In plain talk, they don't go far. Some prefer it for it's convenience, nobody like to lug around a bow bigger than they are. Also favored for short-range killing.

Long bow
These are the bows that can get to be half a body taller than the person wielding them. Used for momentum, distance and power, common to a large battlefield. The archers tend to carry another form of protection in case someone gets too close to shoot.

Recurved bows
These bows are as small as a short bow, but they are as powerful as a longbow. The curved part helps generate resistance to aid the power levels. This bow creates a smart liaison between the convenience of size and power.

Cross bow
Heavier, but very powerful, good at boring through armor. Good at short range. Takes longer to reload, but can stay loaded for as long as needed.

Martial arts
Whether it's just knowing how to throw a good punch, or years of study of the human body, martial arts can be as or more deadly than any other form of weaponry.

A stick or pole used mostly to block opponents. Also can also be used to ground magic attacks.

Assembly Staff
A staff broke into many pieces. The pieces make the staffs easier to carry and easier to hide. It can be a disadvantage in battle due to the time it takes to assemble. Some times range from 5 seconds to 30 minutes. Most can be used with magic but they have a more likely tendency to unstable the magic.

Bladed Staff
A staff with a blade attacked to the end. Usually made of a kind of metal because it helps support the blade better then wood.

A three pronged staff. As a weapon, it is prized for its long reach and ability to trap other long-weapons between prongs to disarm their wielder. Similar to a pitchfork in design, though the prongs may have barbed ends.

A staff with a sharped pointed tip. Tip may be made out of the same or a different material. Usually removable to make sharpening easier.

Essentially a staff, crock or stick, made of wood or some hard, blunt material, and wielded as a weapon. Typically, a club is small enough to be wielded in one hand. There are many variations, including spiked, metal capped, pointed, ect.

A strong, heavy wooden, metal-reinforced, or metal shaft, with a head made of stone, copper, bronze, iron or steel. The head is normally about the same or slightly thicker than the diameter of the shaft and can be fitted with flanges, or knobs to help penetrate armor. The length and size of maces can vary considerably.

A short staff fitted with a top, equally balanced on both ends. Can either have a blade on each side, or a knob and a blade. Used in close combat and sometime as a throwing weapon.

Battle Axe
A two handed axe, too large for single handed use, capped with a double bladed top. Sharpened to cut a feather, and extremely heavy.

Battle Hammer
A staff tipped with a large rock or shaped piece of metal or wood. Very large, wielded with both hands, slow but powerful, this weapon is used by those with lots of upper-body strength.

Metal braces worn around the knuckles used to inflict more damage to punches. Styles Vary.

A type of short punching sword that is popular for swift and quick attacks. It is notable for its horizontal hand grip, which results in the blade of the sword sitting above the user's knuckles.

One or more weights attached to chains which are in turn attached to a handle. Quite like a whip, but with a solid grasping point. Can inflict a huge amount of damage. Due to the way it is made it makes it hard to be blocked as well as hard to control.

Made of many materials, some weighted, some with more than one strap. Used to strike from a distance. Different whips include horse whips, bull whips, and the cat-o-nine tails.

A long shaft with a curved blade sticking out of the left side. Made to be used as a tool for farming but converted into a weapon.

A hand held weapon, most often referring to a ligature of chain, rope, scarf, or wire used to strangle someone to death by wrapping it around the victim's throat.

A curved piece of material that is bent in the proper angle so when thrown properly it curves around and comes back to the owner. Can be edged with blades, or be used as a very blunt weapon. Sizes vary.

Steel Claws
Steel plate gauntlets with a Varied amount of blade claws, most of the time the blades go from 3-5 on one gauntlet. The claws are primarily used to use quick slashing attacks, the spaces between each claw can also be used to trap an enemy blade.  
PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:14 pm
[Special Abilities]

Please note that some of these abilities can only be used by certain races. Which means that a vampyre can not have bubble blast as an ability. Please choose the abilities wisely. I don't want everyone having unlimited power. Also the number of abilities you can have is based on your skill level, a student or solider can't have more then 5 abilities.


Description: The power to force objects or people to raise up in the air using mental energy. The more skilled the individual is in levitation the longer and higher they can raise the object without having to drop it. It is also possible for the very skilled to levitate themselves. This however requires great concentration and years of practice.
Requirements: Can be used by all races, have to have a strong mind and be able to concentrate easily.

Bone crusher

Description: A attack that makes the opponent's bones feel REAL heavy, causing your bones to ultimately crush their body.
Requirements: A large amount of energy is needed, so can't be used over and over and must only be used in extreme life threatening cases.

Mind read

Description: A power used to allow the user to be able to read the mind of a person to know what people think of her or the situation.
Requirements: Can only be used when staring into the eyes of the opponent and can only show their thoughts at the current moment.

Mind control

Description: An attack that can take over the opponents body and motions, by controlling the mind. Very dangerous to use because it leaves the users body empty.
Requirements: Very good concentration and mental strength.


Description: The ability to transport oneself from a present location to a thought of destination. There is a slight delay in consecutive use.
Requirements: Takes a long time and a lot of skill to master the proper use.


Description: The ability in which the user's body is not affected by harmful chemicals or toxins that would be deadly to normal people. Also prevents the user from getting any illness.
Requirements: Only up to a certain number of chemicals, meaning if the person drank 30 different poisons they would kill him because the skill only works for almost pure chemicals. Must be born with it.

Replacement technique

Description: Allows one to be able to replace themselves with an object nearby, usually a wooden object but could be replaced by a person.
Requirements: A high amount of speed is needed as well as strength.

Spirit Communication

Description: The ability to talk and see spirits. A person with this ability is able to see spirit like beings and able to communicate with them.
Requirements: Must be born with it. Mental strength or else the spirits can start to consume the user.


Description: The ability to either seal items within a scroll or an object for easier travel purposes. Other seals can be used to seal entities or curses away, immobilizing people, weight manipulation, affecting the senses, or to contain power.
Requirements: Very good handwriting, and speed. Also a lot of practice.

Panic Random

Description: The term is used for the user's ability to change personalities to someone they knows very well after reaching a point of desperation or high stress level from panicking.
Requirements: The person must be under extreme stress. Must be born with it.

Psychic powers

Description: The user can form a lightly colored, transparent wall that allows them to move objects or protect them self. Also allows communication through their mind to other people but the user cannot hear the replies.
Requirements: Takes a lot of mental concentration. Hard to use in battle.

Illusionary tactics

Description: The ability to trick an opponents senses using illusions. Depending on how strong the user's mental capacity determines the strength of the illusions. Illusions range from multiplying images of yourself to causing irreparable damage to an enemy's mind. Visual illusions affects the visual perception of a person causing them to see what the user wants them to see.
Requirements: Require a lot of energy to maintain and experience.


Description: The user can see in the infrared spectrum, as well as visible light. The user knows when someone is scared or angry by their body temperature, and the user can see people by their body signature.
Requirements: Must be born with it.

Beast Speak

Description: The user is able to communicate with animals of all kinds. This ability is draining, so it's difficult to use.
Requirements: Must be born with it.


Description: The ability that allows the user to see into the future without a tangent.
Requirements: A lot of skill and concentration. Must be born with the ability to see with a tangent.


Description: The ability to allow the user to grow plants to enormous sizes from the earth.
Requirements: Must be connected to the earth through spirit. This is possible if born like that or by saving a great amount of earth.

Mother Nature

Description: Allows the user to create the effect of the seasons changing on plants.
Requirements: Must be connected to the earth through spirit. This is possible if born like that or by saving a great amount of earth.

Vine Hands

Description: Allows the user to use vines to capture and hold enemies.
Requirements: Must be connected to the earth through spirit. This is possible if born like that or by saving a great amount of earth.


Description: Allows the user to lift and move water where they please. The longer they hold the water the more energy they use.
Requirements: A lot of concentration, and skill.


Description: The ability to create an orb of light in their hands.
Requirements: Concentration and fear. The light is only able to appear if the user is afraid of, or fears for, something.

Light Spell

Description: Produces anywhere from a small flicker to a blinding flash of light. It can be used to light dark places like a torch, or as a means of distraction or disorientation during a fight.
Requirements: A lot of practice and a tangent.

Force Spell

Description: Creates a force of invisible energy able to knock a target away from the user. This spell can be used with little or no movement, but it is most effectively used while making strikes with the user's hands in battle, making the impact of the hits much stronger than they normally would be.
Requirements: Lots of practice and patiences to know when to use. Harder to control when used repeatably.


Description: Simple use allows the restoring of lost energy to a fatigued individual. With more concentration, it allows the healing of wounds. Healing uses up the user's own life energy in the process, therefore healing cannot be done consecutively without putting them self at risk. The more severe the wound needed to be healed, the more energy that must be used, sometimes putting the user at potential risk.
Requirements: Must be born with it.

Water Healing

Description: Uses water to heal wounds and regenerate strength. Although water is the force that heals, it is the user's energy which is taken. To heal themselves not much energy is require to to heal other people, a lot of energy is used. Water healing can only be used on object that are living.
Requirements: Must be connected to the waters through spirit. This is possible if born like that or by saving a great amount of water.


Description: The ability allowing the user to clearly sense others' emotions or even if they are in pain. It also allows them to sense a person's true nature (i.e. able to distinguish race or physical origin).
Requirements: Must be born with it.

Fire Manipulation

Description: The ability to control fire. The fire if mastered has five properties. First property is normal fire in which it burns any who is touched by it. The second is the red flame in which the user uses all his rage to make the fire hotter and more explosive. The third is the blue flame which is activated by the will to protect. It is the highest ranking of fire in terms of temperature. The fourth is known as the black flame which burns with evil intent. It continues to burn at the spot it lands on for days. The last is the white flame which has no heat to it at all. What it does is purifies cursed weapons, and other curse like spells. Weak to water.
Requirements: Must be connected to the fire through spirit. This is possible if born like that or by saving a great amount of fires.

Water Manipulation

Description: The ability to control water. This ability gives any weapon the ability to be flexible and take different shapes using water. If near a body of water it can be used as projectile weapons. Water is also used to make mist/fog that makes it harder for an opponent to locate the user. Users who master this are able to call forth water from the molecules in the air and able to move through the water with ease. Weak to lighting.
Requirements: Must be connected to the waters through spirit. This is possible if born like that or by saving a great amount of waters.

Ice Manipulation

Description: The ability to use ice. Like the water manipulation it can be used to throw projectiles if near a body of water. It's one unique difference is that instead of making a weapon more flexible it gives the weapon an attribute to spread the ice onto an enemy to literally freeze the opponent. If mastered the ice will instantaneously freeze where it was projected or touching. Weak to fire.
Requirements: Must be connected to the water through spirit. This is possible if born like that or by saving a great amount of water. Please note ice is similar to water but also different.

Wind Manipulation

Description: The ability to use wind. Using wind to increase the sharpness of any weapon. Also able to throw wind as sharp blades and allows the user to float in the air. If mastered the wind will be able to increase attack speed and can cause funnels of air (Tornadoes/Cyclones). Weak to Earth.
Requirements: Must be connected to the winds through spirit. This is possible if born like that or by saving a great amount of winds.

Earth Manipulation
Description: The ability to use earth. Using earth ability allows the user to travel through the ground. Also used to amplify the defensive ability in armor or clothing, and the durability of weapons by able to give it a diamond like hardness. If mastered can increase the growth rate of vegetation and control metals. Weak to Ice.
Requirements: Must be connected to the earth through spirit. This is possible if born like that or by saving a great amount of earth.

Lightning Manipulation

Description: The ability to use lightning. Using a large number of electrical current to encompass a weapon causes an opponent to be electrocuted. Due to its speed it can only stay in one direction if projected towards an opponent. Mastery of this manipulation allows the user to burst towards at insane speeds and able to cause a thunderstorm. Weak to Wind.
Requirements: Must be connected to the lighting through spirit. This is possible if born like that or by saving a great amount of lightning.

Light Manipulation

Description: The ability to use light. This ability is able to light up any dark areas and when used on a weapon can be a distraction to most opponents. Using the refraction of light one can trick an opponents eyes by letting them react too early to a strike given. Light mastery can destroy retina's and use the light to cause the user to become invisible to the naked eye.
Requirements: Must be connected to the light through spirit. This is possible if born like that or by saving a great amount of light.

Shadow Manipulation

Description: The ability to control shadows. This ability is able to trap ones enemy using their shadow. If used on a weapon dark energy will encompass it and it acquires a ghostly attribute. The dark energy is an unblockable form of energy which passes through defenses. It will not cut an opponent if the weapon is not sharp enough but give a heavy blow instead. Shadow mastery allows a user to pass through walls like ghosts.
Requirements: Must be connected to the darkness through spirit. This is possible if born like that or by saving a great amount of darkness.

Magic Immunity

Description: The ability to not get affected by magic or magic based attacks. Although the user can still be affected by magic affecting their environment. Ex: Removing the air around him will ultimately suffocate him.
Requirements: Must be born with it.

Null Magic

Description: Allows the user to be able to separate how other people uses magic by using his own life energy or stamina. This type of magic can be attached to limbs or weapons.
Requirements: Blood of the user's body must be used to attach to weapons and uses a lot of energy so can only be used once or twice in battle {{When fully strong}}.

Demon Mode

Description: Increases speed and strength, faster regenerative abilities and the ability to use the elements. It also makes the user age slower than when normal. Also increases the amount of stress on the body and can cause more harm if used incorrectly.
Requirements: A large amount of mental stability and control. Must be a demon.

Vampyre teeth

Description: The ability that allows fangs to extend, allowing the user to suck blood from it's enemies. Not all Vampyres have it.
Requirements: Must be a Vampyre to have.


Description: The power to change shapes of the owner's body to the form they need. Can also confuse the user into forget what their original shape is.
Requirements: Must be a shape-shifter.

Wolf Form

Description: The form that werewolves take when they wish too. It makes the owner stronger and faster, but if not master can cause them to be less accurate.
Requirements: Must be a werewolf.

Size changing

Description: The ability to change body size. Usually a times 10 size change. Has the tendency to catch people off guard.
Requirements: Must be a pixie.

Pixie Dust

Description: Getting sprinkled with pixie dust when the pixie is annoyed or frustrated is also known as getting Pixied. When someone is pixied all the places touched by the pixie dust develops hives and inches horribly for twenty-four hours.
Requirements: Must be a pixie.

Natural Harmony

Description: A very close relationship with nature so the user can communicate with most natural things whether they be animals or insects or plants.
Requirements: Must be born with the earth spirit. I.E. Pixies, earth fairies, etc.

Spirits and Shadows

Description: The Spirits and Shadows, or ghosts as the normal person typically calls them, that hang around this world after the initial existence has passed on obey the user commands if the user enforces them with enough command in their voice.
Requirements: Must be connected to the darkness.

Hexes and Curses

Description: The power to create hexes and curses that are designed for specific purposes. To be able to use a hex or curse must first learned and memorize it out of a special Black Magic book.
Requirements: Must be connected to the darkness.

Siren Song

Description: The ability to control people's actions and draw them to the user by varying degrees depending on the feeling they puts into their song. The only way to get away from the sound is if the person has a very deeply ingrained reason for resisting or a extremely high level of self control, but self control alone doesn't always work. Works on both genders if the user wishes it to be so.
Requirements: Must have a great singing voice.

Doppleganger Effect

Description: copies of the users physical form that are mostly solid and almost exact replicas. The first one created is a spitting image except the eyes glow with Black magic and is solid unless hit with extreme force. Each copy made after the first is less and less of an exact image and progressively smokier in substance until they resemble ghosts in-and-of themselves. All of the copies can be gotten rid of whenever the user wishes them gone.
Requirements: A lot of skill and control to keep all the copies from running in chaos.

Water Current Control

Description: Allows the user to control the flow of water. This includes the pressure, direction, and speed of the water.
Requirements: Must be a mermaid.

Water Healing

Description: Uses water to heal wounds and regenerate strength. Although water is the force that heals, it is the user's energy which is taken. To heal themselves not much energy is require to to heal other people, a lot of energy is used. Water healing can only be used on object that are living.
Requirements: Must be a mermaid.

Hydro Spin

Description: A very fast spin combined with a slight water current control to allow the swimmer the ability to create a whirlpool.
Requirements: Must be a mermaid.


Description: A attack used as a last case resort due to it's large damage effects to not only the fight but to the environment. It creates a large wave that rises the water above sea level, anywhere from 20 to 100 ft.
Requirements: Must be a mermaid.

Air Bubble

Description: A assistance attack, used mostly for allies. The user gathers air from the water creating a bubble. Bubble can only be held together for a max of 30 minutes.
Requirements: Must be a mermaid.


Description: The ability to turns one tail to legs when it is not wet. Can become dangerous to the user when preformed multiple times within a short time.
Requirements: Must be a mermaid.

Angry mode

Description: A mode where the user begins relying on pure instinct and reflex, causing them to charge into battles head first. This mode will increase all physical attributes to the sacrifice of rational thinking. Usually due to its reckless tendencies the user usually will ignore any pain inflicted on themselves. Also causes the user to challenge anyone to a fight.
Requirements: Must have a unbalanced mind. I.e. Split personality

Dirty Fighting Techniques

Description: When angry, the user tends to become completely relentless, and goes so far as to try to kill.
Requirements: An unbalanced mind..or self doubt.

Moon protection

Description: A call upon The Lady of the Moon to protect the user which creates an orb of what looks like moonlight around the user protecting them from whatever they have asked to be protected from.
Requirements: Must be a fallen angel who committed a lesser sin but was banished. I.e. Committed of murder, because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Shadow Step

Description: The ability to immerse oneself in the shadow world and teleport them self from one place to another. Takes immense amounts of energy.
Requirements: Must be connected with darkness.

Cure of the Blackness

Description: The user can take the darkness into them self and use it as a way to heal them self instantaneously. Light amounts of energy used.
Requirements: Must be connected to darkness.

Scared of the Dark

Description: A killing attack, in essence taking the shadows and all they represent and cocooning the victim in them. They see their own fears, the fears of others, and are essentially scared to death. Light-Medium amount of energy is consumed.
Requirements: Must be connected to darkness. Power is not often used unless it is necessary.

The Summoning

Description: Summons all kinds of creatures from the black. Spiders, wolves, insects, bats etc.
Requirements: Must be connected with darkness.


Discription: The ability to move objects without the use of physical force. This takes years to master. The more practiced the user is, the farther the object can move. A master will have full control over the speed and distance in which the object moves. A weak user can send an object no further than three feet, and the object's pattern of movement will be quick an somewhat sloppy.
Requirements: Can be used by any race. Must have a strong mind.  


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