Dining Hall
The Light Fortress

The Light Fortress is located above the Southern Sea, very close to the Desua Mountains. It is the Heart of the Light Force, at the top of their command chain. Here is where the loyals come to sign for a spot in the army and the clerks process all the paperwork. Combining ten towers, 3 floors and a basement, this fort is one to be envied.

The Dining Hall, or Mess Hall, is located on the first floor of the Fortress. It has three separate room in it's interior. The kitchen, where all the food is cooked, the Captain's Mess Hall, and the Main Dining Hall.

The Kitchen, always bustling, is filled with servants and those willing to lend a hand. Constantly cooking, washing dishes or handing out food, it is a wonderful spot for gossip. All the kitchen Hands tend to create a betting pool on the topic of the day, and others huddle in smoky corners, giggling about the newest intrigue.

The Captain's Mess Hall is where those higher in the rankings, along with their squires, eat and discuss the day's happenings. Although no soldier is permitted inside, those already permitted are always allowed to dine with the others in the Main Dining Hall. Physically, the room is occupied by three tables, one for the generals, one for others high in the rankings, and one for squires. Each is surrounded by sturdy chairs. One door leads to the Main Dining Hall, another to the Kitchen.

The Main Dining Hall is a Large room, covered in large, simply built tables and benches lining each one. An Open peep-hole opens into the Kitchen where food is distributed and a door leads to the Captain's Dining Room. A podium is situated at the front of the room to provide for quick speeches.