just a couple updates.
I've decided to break up the Grand Library into a few parts, because of all the traffic occurring there. You should carry on with your actions in the place deemed closest to your present location.

Also, I'm planning on installing the Aesir Court; i.e., the Asgard Student Council. It's a way of making sure the Leagues don't have too much influence in the school itself. So for new people making characters, you may also opt to be one of these people. While they probably lack the raw magical power of a Maester, or even a flank... they have political power. (Check out Revolutionary Girl Utena if you want to see what I mean.)

As you might have guessed, no one affiliated with the Leagues may be involved with the Court, or vise-versa.
[you may comment on this thread as you please, If you have questions I will try to answer them here.]