
It is the year 2408. Four hundred years ago, humanity discovered the ability to travel at the speed of light. This allowed the human race to meet with alien races and to exchange ideas and technology. This would result in the creation of the Galactic Alliance of Unified Star Systems. Peace has reigned for nearly four hundred years. Until now.

17 years ago, the evil Keldrosian Empire, a cult of ruthless conquerors, invaded the Alliance. Beginning with the outer rim planets of the Milky Way, the Empire continues to move slowly closer and closer to Earth. At the rate things were going, the Keldrosians would have total control of the galaxy within the next 2 years. The Alliance was desperate.

How desperate? Desperate enough to put their faith in a 10,000 year old legend to deliver them from their doom. the legend of the Anibots, fierce robots themed after the animals of Earth that in times of great need, could combine into the mighty robot, Anitron, the mightiest robot in the galaxy. And so, an elite strike team has been choosen to go out and find these machines. Their success means freedom and peace for the galaxy, but their failure will result in total victory for the Keldrosian Empire. The fate of the galaxy now rests in their hands...