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[PRP] the future & the past (Almasys, Selphie, Irvine)

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PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2008 8:34 am
Who: Seifer Almasy, Rune Bivrow-Almasy, Refies Almasy, Nahnia Almasy, Selphie Tilmitt, & Irvine Kinneas (other orphanage gang members if interested shoot a PM)
What: Meeting between old 'friends'
Where: A local large park, in the 'kiddie' area
When: Late May 2008, mid-morning
Why: ohmygosh.... Seifer has kids and won't it just be funny when the others find him being all 'daddy' & stuff? I mean.... total win!! ^_^

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Twins in these outfits, though still toddlers.
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Green grass swayed gently at the soft touch of a late spring breeze. It brought a touch of unusually late chill to the late May morning and the young parents were glad that they had chosen to dress their small children in warmer clothing than they might otherwise have done for this time of the year. It was a gorgeous day, perfect for a family outing to the park. Crisp blue sky... a few pure white fluffy clouds moving in the breeze. As Rune tilted her head towards the warmth of the sun her pale green eyes fluttered shut then suddenly open at the unexpected heat of her beloved's lips fiercely but gently on hers, eyes only to lid closed again. The sound of stereo childish giggling broke their kiss into soft smiles. Seifer Almasy's smirk was sweet as he leaned over to lift his strawberry-blonde haired son high into the sky with a toss and a catch over the sandbox where they were playing. The child shrieked with happy laughter, breaking his up until now almost eerie silence for one so young. In fact... his sister was almost equally quiet, except for the giggling. And now the happy childish calls of "mwe Daddy! Nah'ia up!" as she lifted the cross-marked sleeves of her little princess dress high over her blonde head. As high as a toddler could at least. Their mother chuckled softly as it took Refies longer to come down to his father's waiting hands -the boy's dragon wings had spread & were holding him somewhat aloft. Much to the chagrin of his sister who stopped in her calls for her turn to reach for him and call his name. "Wefies!"

Okay... her version of his name.

Hearing some tone in her voice that struck the slightly older twin blue eyes snapped to meet green & the child pulled his wings to his side at the same moment. Instinct to see his sister happy & safe. Instinct again as he plummeted, wings spreading once more just before Refies was caught in the strong arms of his father. His childish happy smile beamed at the gunblader before he scrambled out of his arms to check on Nahnia. Satisfied, Refies made an attempt to lift his sister to their father for her turn; an action that caused the little prince to fall on his rump. Now it was his sister who had to 'see' he was well before accepting her father's arms and the tossing that would follow.

"Fwy, Nah'ia!" Her brother called to the sounds of Nahnia's happy laughter even as he squatted down to play in the sand, blue eyes shooting up to watch now and again.

Squatting down beside her son, her skirt spreading across the sand, Rune smiled softly as he accepted her 'help' and gave childish directions. This was all beyond what she had dreamed, and so much better for it. They grow so fast though... much faster than if we were true humans. Does that have to do with our being combined with creatures? I fear they will outgrow Trelweny's son far sooner than we would like. We must treasure this springtime of their lives while it lasts. Catching Seifer's piercing gaze upon her the young woman turned and smiled as he stooped to join them, gently setting their daughter lightly on her feet. Understanding was in the silence of their gaze: he too had seen the rate at which the twins grew. He knew... and to spend more time with his family had let the other Seifers take up more of the responsibilities for their home's protection & security.

Shifting the tails of his long white trench coat behind him to play with his children sunlight glinted off the polished blade of Hyperion strapped to his belt. Not in his hand as it would once have always been, but at the ready.

Seifer had more to protect than a sorceress now. Something much, much more important.

I promise... to always protect you. A silent oath to his family, the gunblader's smile tightening with painful memories that fueled the strength of that oath. Catching the thoughts with what lingered of her reawakened residual 'gifts' of her Guardian Force Rune lightly touched the inner crook of Seifer's elbow and bestowed him with a soft, reassuring smile. She knew he would. Feeling her touch & the support & faith behind it, Seifer Almasy once more relaxed.  
PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2008 9:19 am
Two familiar faces appeared in the crowded local park, and in the kid area no less. The red panda had taken the lead on this little adventure with her friend, dragging him along by the hand, and although he complained out loud, it was obvious that he didn't mind too much. Everyone knew that Irvine never minded spending time with Selphie, even if it meant embarrassment in the end. This, of course, was embarrassing for him. For one, they had no children tagging along with them. Unless one was to count Selphie as a child, which there were a select few who did just that. It didn't help much that, despite the fact that she was seventeen years old, Selphie headed straight to the swings. Releasing her grip on Irvine's hands, she hopped into one and pushed off the ground, struggling with the concept of pumping her legs to make herself go higher. This is where her femininity came in handy. All she had to do was slightly turn her head downwards, and peer towards Irvine through her chestnut brown bangs, a small pout shaping her lips. "Irvy... I need help. I can't do it."

A moment's hesitation, followed by a heavy sigh and a few choice words muttered under his breath to maintain the 'this is such an annoyance' act. The hesitation was over soon enough, though he remained reluctant to push a seventeen year old girl on a swing that was clearly made for children half her age. But, Selphie was a slight female. Very petite figured, and weighing very little. Surely the swing wouldn't break. But that didn't stop worry from creeping into the gunslinger's eyes. The fact remained that Selphie was on a sugar high at the moment, and she wasn't exactly known for her grace. Not wanting to disappoint her, though, he gave in and started her off with light pushes, much like those that a parent would offer for their child.

It didn't take too long before Irvine's blue-eyed gaze locked onto Seifer and... a woman... and children? What the hell was going on around here anymore? First he discovers that he gained animal features of a white lion, and that Selphie gained those of a red panda. Now, to add to the list of 'Things That Just Aren't Right,' Seifer had a family. Well, at least Irvine had Exeter on him, as he always did. Hidden somewhere. Adjusting his long coat, he focused back onto Selphie, hoping that she wouldn't see Seifer.

It was well known that when someone hoped Selphie wouldn't notice something, she would, even when she normally wouldn't. It just seemed that it was the way things worked with her. Jumping quickly out of the swing, she ran towards the familiar face. A big grin spread across her features as she skidded to a stop, hopping on one foot while her entire body pivoted forward. The red panda took a moment, holding her arms, and even her tail out, to maintain her balance before safely placing her other foot onto the ground. Standing up right, she put her hands on her hips and giggled happily. "Siefy! I didn't think I'd see anyone else, it's been so long since I've seen Zell."

Focusing her green-eyed gaze onto Rune, she grinned and elbowed Seifer's side, unafraid of the consequences any of this might have. Yes, she had heard it all from Irvine. 'Siefer's evil. Siefer's mean. Blahblahblah.' Just because she heard it didn't mean she was going to heed any warnings. This was Selphie Tilmitt, after all. Either extremely confident, extremely fearless, or extremely stupid. There had been several debates on which one it was. "Oh~ Are you going to introduce me to your pretty lady friend, Siefy~? And lookit these little cuties~ Aww~ Are they your kids, Siefy?" There it was. That impending doom that followed Selphie everywhere. Or, rather, fell upon whoever she saw and knew. That bombardment of questions fueled by her energetic personality, and... well... sugar. Lucky for Siefer, Rune, and his family, they were spared any more questions when Irvine silently approached the young female from behind and firmly clapped a hand over her mouth, offering no words of his own. He did offer Seifer a very serious look, and this time not out of disliking him. It was more or less the fact that he had been working very hard to keep Selphie happy. He was aware of her depression, where others would never have even suspected it. Irvine intended on this meeting, even if it was with Seifer, going as well as it could.  



PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2008 11:07 am
Footsteps. Fast. Too big for a child. At the sound Seifer started to turn, his smile falling back into a frown as he readied to protect his children...

...from the Messenger Girl? Eying Selphie nearly tumble the gunblader prepared himself to catch her if she fell -Selphie might be small but she was still bigger than the twins and could hurt them. He groaned as she started talking. Siefy, of all things. Did she have to put 'i' sounds on people's names? Hyne!

From the corner of his eyes he could see the joy that lit Rune's eyes at seeing Selphie & Irvine. Even if they did not remember her -as even he did not, still thinking perhaps hers had been a different reality even where everything else was the same except that she had been there- she was delighting in seeing those from their childhood. He gave a snort then softened, feeling two sets of little arms wrapping around his. Refies was in front, his blue eyes wide but steady as he staunchly 'protected' his twin who hid behind him shyly while at the same time boldly peeking around to get a glimpse of this cheery & little adult.

"Zell's been busy." F---ing understatement of the year. Seifer suspected he would have plenty of time to fill the annoyingly perky girl in however -she was not likely going to leave them alone without it. He would make her work for it though; he would not just give the information away. The gunblader coughed, stonily looking up to meet the white lion's serious look -somehow managing to still look 'tuff' & menacing even squatting with two toddlers hugging one arm- and then... smirking almost in a smile of thanks that the gunslinger had 'silenced' the brunette. Thank Hyne for some quiet in which to decide what to answer the girl.

"Yeah." Seifer barked, though his usual bite was softened with pride & even a trace of disbelief in his good fortune. Rolling hie eyes the tall blonde jerked his head to indicate the sandbox and with a sigh pointed to a spot for the others to join them. Seifer did not suspect Selphie at least would have much problem getting down to the kids' level. Hell... the kids would probably stay cleaner than the klutzy messenger girl. Bah -at least Chicken-wuss was busy with his princess; Seifer did not know if he could handle both of them today.

And at least with Irvine there was another of the 'gang' accounted for. Hopefully he himself would not be the one to meet Squall first should it ever happen. Although this was going better than could be expected. So far. "Rune. Rune Bivrow." He offered the name with a wave to bring his girl closer even as a flicker of a wince touched his narrowed but smiling eyes. F---. He had been meaning to actually marry her. Now that he had not it was awkward, because he wanted to introduce her with his name... wanted to give it to her. Sure... probably could anyway. The way they were together was pretty obvious. Hell, Rune might even introduce herself that way. But he couldn't. Not without asking her first. Some things... Seifer just did not do.

"Selphie... Irvine... It's so good to see you." Clear & soft the gracefully curved lady's voice reached their ears easily as Seifer turned to their kids and was gently urging them a little forward and right in front of him. hmph. Would they ask why Rune seemed to know them, he wondered, & would they believe once they were told? The toddlers' young eyes were wide yet they stood strong despite their fears. "Refies, Nahnia..." Firm voice tender as he spoke to them then nodded at the 'strangers' in turn. "This is Selphie Tilmitt & Irvine Kineas. We grew up together."

Blue eyes flashed as he looked back at the two, still keeping most attention on his children. Couldn't exactly call them friends now could he? Although... it was nice, how Selphie was not treating him like he was still ... well the bad guy. huff. Almost as if he was forgiven.

Refies and Nahnia stared with thoughtful wide eyes at the dark haired strangers. "Wif Un'le Zeww 'oo?" The little prince boldly asked. Quirking his brow Seifer proudly chuckled that they had made the connection. "Yes." Blue eyes darted again to his childhood 'friends', daring them to say otherwise & taking an offensive defense if they were to respond with lies.

"Seifer..." Her calming voice, that calming touch of her hand. A bit of his hard edge softened again.  
PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2008 10:37 pm
Selphie had figured that Zell had been busy. The last time she had seen him he had wanted to throw a party for a lady-- a princess to be more specific. The female danced from foot to foot while Irvine's hand remained clasped firmly over her mouth to prevent her from interrupting Siefer or the other female. The fact that Seifer had a family now... it was odd. Unexpected. Yes, definitely unexpected. Blue-eyed gaze stayed locked on to Siefer, flickering to Rune every now and then, while Selphie's green-eyed gaze danced from Siefer, to Rune, to the children.

All that new excitement. Must have been hard for Selphie to contain it, even with Irvine's help. Soon the brunette was focused on Rune, watching as the other female's eyes lit up at the sight of her and Irvine. Did they know her...? She obviously knew them... but... Selphie just couldn't remember. Maybe years had just changed her, and they had met long ago..? Whatever the reason, Selphie reached up and jerked Irvine's hand away from her mouth.

Disregarding anything else Siefer had to say, except for the name of his beautiful children, Selphie giggled and stared at Rune. Her forest green eyes danced and laughed as she moved forward and firmly, sweetly hugged Rune. "Rune Bivrow. We've met before, I know it. Where at, I don't remember. Let's promise to stay friends for a long time this time, okay?" Selphie smiled brightly as she held onto Rune's hands, firmly nodding to remind herself that she was going to keep this little promise.

"Rune, Siefer." Irvine finally spoke, tilting his hat in regards to Rune, and just offering Siefer the slightest of nods. Eyes focused on the two children, and Irvine lightly shifted his coat. He gently put a hand on Selphie's shoulder, guiding her to follow the family over towards the sandbox, though trying not to interfere too much. "We'll try not to ruin your day too much." And by that he meant 'I'll try to keep Selphie under control.'

Keeping her under control wasn't an easy thing to do, though. There was the fact that she was a professional klutz, and she would end up dirtier than the children. Sighing heavily, he put his hands on his hips and shook his head in disapproval as he watched the red panda dive straight into the sandbox. It would seem Selphie wasted no time making herself perfectly comfortable in the presence of Siefer and his family, and she appeared to take no shame or embarrassment at the fact that she was enjoying the kiddie area as much as the actual children were.

"Siefy, Vinnie, Runey~ C'mon, it's fuuuun!" The panda giggled out happily, instantly digging her hands into the sand, not seeming to mind the fact that irritating, annoying grains of sand were digging deep under her fingernails. How she could do it, nobody was sure. It was just how Selphie was. Always had been, for the most part. Irvine shook his head, and kneeled down outside the sandbox, picking up sand and offering it to Selphie every now and then before he looked to the two children. "Yeah, with Zell, too."

"Your daddy's a good guy~" Selphie chimed out happily, already haven forgiven him for his past troubles. Everyone had good and evil in them. Nobody was perfectly good, and nobody was perfectly evil. Everyone had a bit of both, and everyone slipped to both from time to time. There was no need punishing Siefer and telling lies to his children just because of who he used to be. Rune obviously had a positive effect on him, and there were painstakingly obvious changes in Siefer, for the better.  



PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:33 am
Pale green eyes sparkled with sisterly love & hope. Could it be? Could Selphie -merry little sunshine that she was- actually remember her? That perhaps maybe she was not from some alternate world or reality than the rest of the 'gang' after all? Of all of them... perhaps Selphie would be one to have seen the shy Rune, clinging to walls or Matron or Ellone. With delight Rune hugged the perky brunette in return, letting her eyes & embrace answer for her. Much to the wide eyed wonder of her children who seldom saw her so happy with anyone other than their smaller family. Even among the housemates, their mother was shyly reserved more times than not.

That added to their father's grudging acceptance of the strangers cinched it. That they knew their fun 'uncle' was even better. The twins smiled at the pair, Nahnia's more shy than her bolder brothers. Irvine's hat tilt brought another smile from Rune & a soft tolerant huff from her mate. Just like I remember them...

At Irvine's words about 'ruining their day' the gunblader's eyes narrowed on his face. Surprisingly not angry... and even more surprising -his smirk shifted to more of a smile and with a grunt Seifer nodded his head at the unspoken meaning. Appreciation for the well meaning, and oddly enough silently saying that they could not ruin his day. Glancing at Rune confirmed it. No... could not ruin it. Rune was far too happy to see them.

On some level... Seifer was too.

As for the children, they were starting to giggle seeing the red panda join them in the sandbox. Refies folded his wings behind him as his sister's fluttered, softly blushing as the cowboy looked at them. The toddler was not used to being looked at by someone she did not know. Selphie's latest comment brought her out of that shyness in a blink however, the twins' small faces lighting up with pride. "uh-huh! Daddy's a kniwght!"

The strawberry-blonde haired woman chuckled as the twins stood up steadfastly for their father, seeing how Seifer was both proud and embarrassed. A slight flush was darkening his face as he coughed and turned his gaze away. "So what have you been up to. From Zell's report, I was under the impression the two of you weren't in contact." Of course that was a while ago. They could have found each other since then, but the head of security needed to know. Hell if he would admit he wanted to know. He hated to admit it... even to himself. Rune knew. She understood.

The toddlers squatted beside Selphie, watching her play with the sand. "Make Caswle?" Refies asked, his little dragon tail swaying behind him & blue eyes curious in his small face. Beside him his twin nodded, delicately for a child looking for shovels in the sand as her blonde locks bounced. Spotting some half buried a pace or two away Nahnia stood, and putting her arms out on either side of her toddled relatively easily over to fetch them. There was a look of triumph on her young face as it turned up for the adults' approval. Her sea-green eyes shone getting proud smiles from both her parents, her smile brightening her face. "Hewe Wefies! Aun' Se'phie!" The little girl proudly shared her 'treasure' and started digging in the sand.  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:19 am
Irvine watched Selphie closely, knowing that she tended to... well, be a bit of a klutz. However, she was an intelligent young woman, far more intelligent than most others acknowledged her to be. Many would watch her and think she was a ditz, an idiot, but she was far from it. When it came to crunch time, it was like a thousand lightbulbs flicked on inside of her brain simultaneously. That and... well... Selphie had been there. For everyone. Their sadness brought her sadness, and most likely was what pressed her onward, to once more see everyone with a smile upon their face.

The white lion's ears twitched, and he smirked faintly, eyes turning towards Seifer. There was a sparkle in that vast ocean of deep blue, but it was gone just as quickly as it had come. Heh. When had he ever truly lost contact with Selphie. Hell, when could he ever stand being away from her? She stirred up feelings in him that made him feel awkward and uncomfortable in his own skin, but at the same time, filled him with a certain... joy. Lose contact or stray away from her for too long? No. Those things were not on his agenda-- wouldn't ever be on his agenda.

Selphie was his true best friend, corny as that may seem. Corny enough for him to not ever admit it aloud. Just use those same excuses that were wearing thin. The "She's a klutz, someone has to look after her" excuses and such. The list could go on forever. She was like his addiction. Her smile "fixed his frown," so-to-speak. "We know that never lasts long with any of us, does it?" That... seemed to be the extent of his response on that subject. Who knew? Perhaps they'd be able to dig a little deeper and get a more.. detailed answer from him.

In the sand box, where the male's eyes drifted once more, Selphie giggled happily and beamed brightly down at the beautiful little girl. "He sure is! All of them are~. Squall, Zell, Seifer, Irvine... the whole lot of them!" Of course, the girls were also knights in their own sense. Princesses... that knew how to put up one hell of a fight, that was for sure. Beaming even bright, Selphie gave the small child a smile that just screamed that she was proud of her for finding the shovels, and sharing the 'treasure' like a well-mannered little girl.

Blinking, she turned her green eyes towards the little boy, giggling happily as she wiggled down to sit in the sand, crossing her legs and tucking them tight against her body. "A sand castle it is for the beautiful princess and the handsome prince~." The red panda wiggled her tail, and immediately set to work on building a sand castle that would hopefully satisfy the children. Of course, this sand castle was quite different from others found in sand boxes. This one was detailed. Very large. There was no doubt that had the little female been given a sand box with unlimited room, and the correct tools to shape the castle, the children would have been able to sit inside of it. But for now, this one would have to do.

(( Sorry for the delayed, slip-shod post dear. D; ))  



PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:20 pm
Cool blue eyes darted around those present. He was not really worried but some habits died hard. Seifer knew Selfie would not intentionally hurt his children -even that if she fell she was likely to hurt herself before falling on them & hurting them- but he couldn't help being protective. They were still so little. So fragile.

A blonde brow lifted at the gunslinger's response, tugging at the upper edge of the diagonal scar between his eyes. "Happened long enough between the Orphanage & the War didn't it." Not really a question, more of a reminder. Seifer had not exactly been there when the others met up with Irvine but it had been kind of obvious when they attacked them in Deiling City. Surprisingly perhaps there was no boiling anger about that incident for the sniper in Seifer's cold eyes. No apology either. Those events were in the past, the choices too. It was now just something of reference. The last thing Seifer wanted to do in front of his children was dredge up old arguments. "And now... It's not like we've found any of the others." Seifer frowned, eyes furrowing more at the failure than anything else. Except maybe not being sure if he really wanted to find Squall or not. Would he still be the annoying Puberty Boy or had he perhaps actually grown some balls -something more than just running around the world trying to save Rinoa. hmph. He wondered if the two were even (still?) an item.

"We have been a little busy to look for the others, Seifer." Rune's soft voice carried easily to the males, baring with it the warmth of a light chuckle that mirrored the sparkle in her pale green eyes which smiled at them both before turning to where the twins played with Selphie. Smirking happily Seifer stood and with a huff slapped Irvine on the back of his shoulder before stepping towards his girl and squatting down behind her -sharply but still being careful of her delicate wings. His arms went around her from behind possessively. "Yeah. 'Busy' almost covers it." He said with a huff that sounded almost pleased, resting his chin on her bare shoulder and watching the kids as well. Rune with a soft sigh leaned her head so that her cheek rested upon his. "Kineas... you didn't answer the question." Pause... Seifer's smirk was almost a grin watching the kids then glancing sideways at the gunslinger with a darker smirk -close to teasing in a way that was just shy of temptation to flip into old bullying-mode teasing. He was being good though. "What have you been up to?" Another smirk as his eyes flicked to the Messenger Girl, playing with his kids, in a meaningful way that surely would not be lost on the cowboy flirt. His long blue tail smoothed the sand down behind Seifer in a great sweep.

Two pairs of childish eyes beamed at the perky brunette. She was fun, and smiling like 'uncle' Zell. She wasn't making Daddy upset either. AND she had agreed he was a knight. AND she liked castles and called them prince and princess... Grinning and being exceptionally delicate & careful for children of their age the twins helped create the castle. Except for Refies making suggestions here and there about higher towers or more flags and both children making happy exclamations of delight from time to time they made hardly any sounds.  

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