Troop Organizer:

Breakdown of the real things goes as follows from smallest feild unit to largest feilded unit.
*Team-> Squad-> Platoon-> Company-> Battalion-> Division-> Corps-> Army

arrow *A team is a unit created by the platoon or squad leader for specail task and can be made of just about every kind of troops.

Squad: 7-12 men
Plattoon: 3-4 Squads
Company: 3-5 Platoons
Battalion: 3-4 Companies
Divisiuon: 3-5 Battalions
Corps: 3-5 Battalions
Army: 2-3 Corps

How can This Be Used Here?
We can use this system or something close to it to organize and balance our forces as well as promote oppertunities within our numbers.

My Proposal:
We start using a base setup of the following to balance our forces in an army.

- CO (Normally a Sargent)
- 2IC, 2nd in Command (Used by all but to more of an effect in Airborne Units)
- Riflemen/ Runner (Supports the CO and 2IC)
- Radio Operater/ Riflemen (Normally close to the CO or 2IC at all times)
-Support Gunner
- Riflemen/ Ammo Bearer (Supports the Gunner)
-Riflemen/ Optional Grenadier (Anti-tank, Armor)
-Riflemen/ Engineer (Explosives)
-Medic (In our case supplied by the medical staff)
[10 Men with a two man option choosen by the Squad CO or Platoon CO]

exclaim Remember there are two more Squads in a Platoon. And they report to a Platoon Commanding Officer. (Normally a Luitenent) exclaim
arrow Platoon Options: Under the Command of a Platoon CO there are 'Platoon Weapons' optional to up the platoons fighting power, and that's always a good thing. They can be in our case the following:
-Sniper x3
-Light Mortar x3
-Radio Operator
-*Recon Element*

exclaim arrow *Basic Recon Element Layout could be the following. (Remember this takes away the units already listed. You use one of you snipers here and you only have to more to use.)
Light Jeep-> 2IC, Sniper, Riflemen/ Radio Operator

Were the Heck Am I Going With This?
Step 1: Make a squad and get it filled, if the higher ups request you change your battlefeild position do so. (To you underlings like me)
Step 2: Get a Canidate to be the Platoon CO and 2IC and one sniper. (add one per squad in the platoon. 3 Squads= 3 Snipers)
Step 3: Get a Platoon Made at least two Squads
Step 4: Give the platoon CO control of a thread with the name of their Platoon as the title and possibly the CO name. Make sure the Platoons organizational list are either the first or secound post of the thread. THESE BARRACKS ARE FOR THE MEMBERS OF THAT PLATOON ONLY! (Unless a higher up) No messing around in this thread for anyone. It is intended for talk of events, training, and questions along with the posting of new recruits trying to get into that platoon. We have plenty of places to goof off around here and this is not one of them.
Step 5: After a platoon of at least 2 Squads. Application and the forming of a Secound platoon seems in reach of allowing.
Step 6: Make an 'Officer's Office' thread and nominate a Company Command per group of at least two platoons. The only people allowed to post here would be Officers of the Platoons, or the Company Command and maybe 2ICs. This is for talks of organization, commands, or questions not ablely answered by the Platoon COs

exclaim After this contecting even higher ups should only be done by Company CO's or men with direct orders by them to contact upper level Officers. exclaim

Okay So What Does This Accomplish?
arrow Higher Organization then any other military guild on gaia and maybe even the net itself.
arrow Amplified combat experience and an edge on enemy guild battles (Not to mention the share intimidation affect)
arrow Easier Excess to those in charge, and less strains on the busy higher ups.
arrow Meeting and knowing the people that will affect your roleplaying the most
arrow Sense of purpose in the units or Squad
arrow A way to organize inner guild 'training missions' Company vs Company style for PC vs PC Yearners
arrow A variety of different played positions and not just 'all snipers' as I've seen a few vets complain about

Okay so Hind Sights In This And Your Ideas So Far:
arrow Runner can be the radio operator (Minus 1 Man)
arrow Gunner can RP as a Rfilemen/ Ammo Bearer as well (Minus one Actual Player)
arrow Engineers can also be the Grenadier/Riflemen (Minus 1 Man)
arrow Company or way high up command officers can RP as the Recon Element to get some more action then directing the battle itself.

Okay I want to here your opinions. All of them good or bad and ideas that we might be able to use? Of course that is up to the higher ups. I got bored in school and did this in boredom. I want to help in anyway so please if any questions rise ask here or PM me and I will be more then happy to explain to you. Thanks for your time