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PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:58 pm
She had to admit, she was a bit surprised to find someone on the roof. She'd simply had a hnch that something was up there, not so much someone. Now here she stood staring at...Did he just call himself God? Her nerves started frazzling for a moment as she forced herself not to take several steps back down the stairs and start calling herself crazy. Instead she took a breath and braced herself.

"For someone who knows I don't stand a chance against them, you sure are worried about what I plan on doing." she crossed her arms and simply stood at a distance. She'd throw a solid shadow up at the door, keeping Lucian and Narcissa inside and away from the roof. She'd look to the bullet he threw at her and then back at him. "How about you pull you're nicely manicured nails from Lucians mind then we talk, and I mean completely. I've had damn near enough of all the half assed lies and promises."
PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:16 pm
Narcissa growled and started to bark, she'd claw at the shadow, she felt someone, like a shiver that went through her body and it annoyed her, she'd bark again and continue scratching at the shadow. She'd look to Lucian and appeared behind him via the armor's swift speed. She'd whimper and grabbed his shirt in her jaws and started to drag him towards the bed, her ears pinned back she'd lay next to him keeping her yellow eyes fixed on the shadow.  

Fate Shzual

Kain M ShZual
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:17 am
"I can't cure what ails ya 'am afraid. If my pretty lil' fingers slip from the lads mind then I may as well hand em' on over to Zadkiel n' I'd lose the only spy I have in my midst at the moment; not quite the strategic thing to do, aye? Nah, I'll keep ma'self embedded right where I am n' you'll just have to trust me or he suffers; do this or I do that n' no negotiation. Na' a' came here on nice, non-hostile terms...at least with you. He's just fun ta ******** with." He'd sit back in the air as if reclining in a chair, his grin fading to a mere content smile. "Melaina be the preferred title, aye? A'd rather not go 'bout callin' ya by some smartass name one of those neo-concentration camps gave ya. A'm not here ta hurt anyone, 'least not right now given I ain't got a reason! Gimme one n' s**t will hit the fan n' at'll be a mess more n' you can handle. A'm here to find out what you know 'bout this Spiral individual n' anythin' pertaining to a certain backstabbing Seraph. N' please remember n' I canno' stress this enough: I've had enough bad news n' time wasted on ignorant individuals. So just chat n' all will be o-be-k-be." Narcissa was quickly beginning to piss him off; he loathed the sound of dogs.

A familiar voice would quickly enter Shade's head, one she no doubt wouldn't welcome. "Keep a straight face as I speak...I highly suggest you sigh and pretend you have options to way to buy yourself some time to listen to me. I know you don't trust me and I couldn't care less, but this p***k's just as worthless to you as I am, I promise. Now, quickly answer his question with another question to force hi to ramble on a bit more." He'd wait for her to do as suggested, then continue. "I'm warning you only because it benefits me, thus you ought to know you can trust me. I'm fighting this mook for the control of Lucian, thus it's in my best interest to help you. Know that in answering all of his questions he will no doubt torture Lucian and you as well. Keep him on his toes; answer him in riddles and questions. Go no further than half-truths and lead him to believe his only strong link to not only Lucian but Spiral is through you. In doing so you will secure your lives. If he goes too far with threats, threaten him back; tell him that as Death you can retreat into your Netherworld with Lucian after reaping him, leaving him as no more than a soul he cannot touch." He'd then pause to allow for more conversation. "Concerning myself: Give him the truth. Currently I reside upon our ruined Sanctuary on Earth and claim to control The Beast. I honestly do, but if he thinks it a mere claim he'll sweat a bit more. Like Kain, Mr. God here hates wondering and not knowing for sure. Tell him that the lich known as Unterwelt has joined me as well. This minimal information ought to draw his attention to me rather than you, but remain on your toes at all times. Analyze his gibberish and pretend you're not afraid of him; like you can't feel that aura. I'm pouring mine into you as best I can to keep him from crushing you but we're at quite the long distance. Like Kain he requires others to feed his ego...he is God after all. I'll let you focus on him now...keep Lucian safe." She'd hear a snicker in her mind before Zadkiel would fade out completely.  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:02 pm
Shade smirked at Raziel, whether it was at what he had to say or at the irony of Setsumei coming into her thoughts, only she would know. "Well, you've obviously already went to talk with Kain and found out about that treaty crap he has with Spiral. Load of s**t if you ask me." she stretched her arms above her head and fixed her glasses so that she could still see given the high noon sun.

She'd listen to Setsumei and Raziel both, picking out the important stuff the two of them. Which was hard given that both of them had a lot for her to hear. "How about you stop with your threats and I don't take Lucian back to teh netherworld with me. I'll leave you with nothing but a husk of toy, and you'll be stuck figurin all this crap out on your own. You may be a god, but you only get a chance to deal with souls once I tell them where to go." she pointed out, taking her former employers advice. "Please keep in mind I"m Greek, and therefore I got more then just you to worry about when it comes to higher ups." she said, pointing toward the sky.

She'd catch the last of what Setusmei had to say and close her eyes as she rubbed her temples, looking like she was trying to bring up an old conversation with Setusmei from awhile back. 'I'm sending you the same threat as him though Zadkiel. Take your claws out of Lucian, your both tearing him part from the inside out and killing him is a loss for both of you. I will remove your two's pawn from teh equation if this s**t keeps up.' Her minds voice was harsh, and had it been physical the edge of it would of cut through something thicker then the Ego of the four with the power on the field. She'd look back up at Raziel and take a breath. "What excatly don't you know yet. I don't see the point in tellin you anything that you already know."


Kain M ShZual
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:16 pm
"It takes a hell'ov'a man ta go n' declare war on the world that helped define this one! I ain't just 'a' God, I am THE God. 'Am the only done with the NAME God! Them others? Ha! From Zeus ta Ra ta Kukulkna ta Bel. All just forms a' ME wantin' in on what I got. I may not a' been the first, but I was the first ta just be called 'God.' Rest of em' are somethin' like what Kain's clones are ta him." He'd point to her and grin. "The ones titled 'Death' n' the past were smarter n' ta piss me off n' smart 'nough ta even do as a' instructed! Yer just a tool, lass. Feel free ta kill em' n' take em'. But ya best not show yer face on the astral plain again thereafter. Ya be a mutated human at heart; best be for you ta nah forget that! Death be a tool a mine n' the rest a the Gods. I got enough idiots on this ball'a s**t ta erase the world a' anythin' I don't like. You'd be real unhappy cleanin' that mess n' you'd be somethin' close ta crucified for pissin' me off to tha point I rid of anythin' that ain't worshipin' ME! Then ya got yer Greeks n' River-lovers n' Celts ta worry 'bout. Don't forget your place lass; it'll be the last damn thing ya do." He'd spied on her enough to know she was a smartass, but not quite to this extent. His robes would vanish, leaving him in his shining armor once again.

"Na' a' am glad ta hear you wanna oblige me." He'd grin and focus on Lucian's mind for a split second and send him into a dream world where he'd only experience the things he feared most, a sort of Hell. "What a' know of em' is what a've seen. He's big, e's obnoxious n' 'e ain't ********' bright. He's tha idiocy n' humanity a've done ma best ta suppress so things like Kain n' mutants like you don't come ta be. He ain't got a mind ta read n' his army's made a' ******** YOU should be dealin' with, or are ya just the laziest friggin' Death there ever were? More I think 'bout it more I hate ya...Death be not proud ma a**; Death be not ********' LAZY! death grow not attached ta tools a' it's SUPERIORS! ...******** it." He'd shut off Lucian's mind to an extent that allowed him only to breath and his heart to beat, completely comatose. "A' highly suggest ya figure out yer damn job, lass. N' I suggest ya get to it less ya want me to FORCE you ta reap the lad; don't think for another second 'at I can't find some other pawn ta play; Zadkiel could do the same! Just a pain ta do so, but I'll not be belittled by ya or risk it further." He'd shake his head and rise into the sky. "Nah, ya don't need ta be indulgin' me. Ya got a JOB ta do. Suggest ya do it." With that he'd blink away in a bright, shining light.

Lucian's head was in a weird space. His dreams didn't make any damn sense, but he'd groan and toss in his drunken sleep once the nightmares began festering in his mind. It wouldn't last for too long, though. Raziel spoke rather fast, thus the time between the nightmares and shutting his mind down wouldn't be long at all. Thus his body would go completely limp and his would still be riddled with images of what he would personally call Hell.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:47 pm
Shade had heard majority of what he's said quite a few times before. 'Your not death, your an SCP' or 'You as crazy as your mother before you was' or 'why don't you do what deaths suppose to do?' She'd had to fore herself not to roll her eyes and sigh at the broken record like sound of it all. "For an Idiot, he sure has done quite a good job of making sure you don't find him." she said bluntly. She'd catch on real quick though as his attention span turned out to be shorter then her own. "I'm sick and tired of workin for people that have the high and mighty attitude. I don't care if your the guy that coined the phrase, I don't appreciate it bein held over my head."

She'd frown as he started messing with Lucians mind. b*****d really didn't care too much about getting info if he was just going to take off after telling her how to live her life. She'd mentally kick herself for actually listening ot Setsumei. "He's at some ruined Sanctuary on Earth and control of The Beast. Or so I hear anyway. The Lich, Unterwelt is with him too." she said quickly, hoping he'd heard her before he'd disappeared. She'd stand on the roof for a bit longer before her knees gave out and the shadow at the door dispersed. She stared at the spot Raziel once was before gritting her teeth. "I'm gunna kick your frickin a** Zadkiel!" She yelled. She wasn't going to waste time with telepathy when yelling did the trick and helped make her feel better. She rolled to her feet and made her way back to Where Lucian was comatose.

"Narcissa, I got a favor to ask, think you can pull yourself up on two legs for a bit?" she asked, moving to check Lucian's pulse. Without waiting for the girl to answer her she continued. "I just had a very hair raising talk with God, and I'm more then certain that if I don't get my a** over to Spirals little camp Lucians screwed. 'You best give me a way to were you are angel boy.' she sent teh message out, nerves far to frayed to be bothered with rational thinking.


Fate Shzual

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:21 pm
Narcissa barked when the shadow came down, then her ears pinned back when Shade mentioned talking to God, she'd then nod her head and shifted back into her human form. "Alright then what is it you need me to do?" Narcissa already had Lucian in her arms, though truth me told it felt weird for her to be human again. "Go, I will take care of Lucian" She'd wave off Shade and took Lucian to the bed, and then shifted back into her wolf form. We can communicate better when I am in this form, besides I am furry and can be used as a pillow. In other words she hated being human.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 4:45 am
He'd laugh inside of her mind, obviously hysterically amused over what had transpired. "I can't believe he was so easily riled; I'm amazed you're not providing us with the answering to the vexing quandary of Death's death! Still, playing you like a card is far better!" His laughter would cease, though he'd still huff a bit here or there catching his breath. "He's using you as a tool and as bait just like he does with everyone else with your title, though he's able to take it a step further with you...I'd tell you more, but I'd really rather not for the sake of further amusement! Still...I owe you for listening to me, don't I? Fine...I'll give you transport to the edge; I suggest you lean forward once you arrive unless you want to fall off. Don't expect a welcoming party; I've better things to do then play tour guide..." With that the voice would exit her mind and a diamond of light would beam down over her. The walls, though golden and transparent, would be completely solid. Slowly the diamond would begin to collapse in on itself, something that may actual hurt her. Once it was gone, she'd find herself on the literal edge of Sanctuary.  

Kain M ShZual
Vice Captain


PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:02 am
The light was enough to melt away the shadows that made up her glasses, and given she wasn't expecting that, she'd be left blind from the light for a bit. She'd grit her teeth as the light bit into her senses, something she didn't do well with at all. A moment later she'd be gone from the room.

(thread switch)  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:55 pm
Shade would materialize herself in the room with Lucian and Narcissa, still in the form she'd taken at Sanctuary. She stood, taking a breath as she looked at Lucian. She wasn't on a physical plain but she was still visible to the wolf. She'd wait to talk to the she wolf, and instead moved to the very still body of her former fiance.

She moved her hand gently over his chest till it rested above his heart. She knelt beside the bed and closed her eyes. She'd tap into his soul, bypassing the need to talk out loud to him since the soul was linked to any stage of consciousness. Basically, he was going to hear her regardless of the coma and nightmares, and he'd hear her clearly.

"I understand if you hate me you know. Not to sound self pitting, but it's probably best that you do. I wish I could tell you that Zadkiel lied, and that I'm not leaving, but I think it's best if I do. I'm sorry. That probably not good enough right now, but I really did want to marry you Lucian, and regardless of this decision I've come to I'll still care about you." She never said anything out loud, but by this time Narcissa would notice that Shade was crying. "I'm leaving the house to you, do with it what you will. The necklace I gave you is yours to keep as well. Ironically it was the only thing that kept me tied to any part of me that was human or tried to keep me as such. It's my mortal coil if you will." she paused, realizing that whoever had a link to Lucian probably caught that tid bit. With a sigh she resigned herself to the idea that it would come back to bite her. "I'm trusting you with it, Deaths Life." She moved to stand then leaned over, brushing cold lips against his. "Goodbye Lucian. Don't make me come back for you sooner than I need to." She pulled her hand away, breaking the link.

She'd turn now to look at Narcissa, wiping her eyes dry. "Promise me you'll watch out for him, alright. He'll give you crap most likely, but your stubborn enough to put up with it." she'd force a smile and still manage to look sad all at the same time. "Take care of yourself to Narcissa. Stay safe, there's one hell of a storm coming." She'd wave and disappear once again, this time heading for Romania.


Kain M ShZual
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:15 pm
Again he'd appear, though only after the woman had left for Romania. He'd kneel down beside Lucian and tilt his head to the side, watching his body respond to his new-found anguish with a high fever and pulsing veins. "Not a cursed vision could these hands put upon you tha would ever match tha blow she just dealt ya...tha I did not see comin', n' if I did I'd a' acted far sooner. Nah, this ain't the least bit fair to ya." He'd place a hand upon Lucian and transport him to the mountains, awakening him as well. Which mountains...well, he'd spun a glove in his head, pointed and poofed.

When Lucian awoke his eyes were void of emotion, though anyone that had seen him after Unterkiel spoke to him, especially Shade, would know he had nothing but a violent storm inside him. He'd slowly sit up and completely ignore his headache as well as his dizziness and queasiness. He'd look to his hands, then shoot a glance to Raziel. "Heal them." Once Raziel had done as he was told Lucian would manifest his halo and grab it, forcing it to spark and let off negative energy pulses as he forced it into the material realm. Using his power, he'd turn the halo to stone and toss it against the frozen mountain wall. Once it shattered it would erupt with a bright violet light and his link, and powers, connected to Zadkiel would disappear. He'd summon his hat and place on his head while also summoning his coat, his armor, to him and slide himself into it. He'd create his signature hand cannons for each holster in the coat as well as a large rifle that looked rather decorative, the words "Pierce the heart of Death" written in cursive on the barrel. He'd place it on his back, a strap form around his chest. "What do you want, Raziel?"

"I want ta make ur' hands mine ta one affect or another is all. No harm, not even if a' wanted...doubt much'a what I could do could hurt ya now. Ye tormented souls become void a' pain when yer hearts ice up n' shatter...I wanna use ur' power when a' please, n' in return 'all make sure that physical wounds are null n' void. A'll he'll what's done ta yer body, but I canno' heal what's been done ta yer heart n' soul, lad. A's why ya never hear a' any prayers a' personal miracles comin' true fer the most part." By this point, while Lucian pulled himself together he'd moved to lean against the icy mountain, his natural healing aura ridding Lucian of his illness rather quickly, though he found it amazing that Lucian didn't so much as twitch under his tremendous aura.

"...Whatever. Keep to our end of the bargain n' I'll make sure you have whatever you want." He'd turn to face Raziel, his eyes nearly faded like that of a blind man's. "I always wondered why I wouldn't die...hell, without you're healing, I'd still live. It'd just be a matter of how far back I'd be set...I'm not immortal just age-wise. Figured that one out when I came back from the dead...I ain't really immortal. I'm just outt'a Death's reach. Age, rot, decay, destruction, Death...all that's nothin' to me. Got a funny feelin' at'll change, though...when I shoot Death through the heart n' rip off its disgusting head, I think I'll die as well. Can't say I care much...rather own up ta what I think's my own destiny; answer that age-old question."

He'd sigh and bow his head as if he actually felt sorry for Lucian, namely because he did. He felt a tremendous amount of sympathy for the boy and his pain. "Ya been handed off here n' there n' back all yer life, aye? Aye...pursue what ya think's yer destiny la...Lucian. Do what ya think ya need to n' don't worry 'bout anythin' else. World's not fer ya ta worry over if yer gonna go n' die anyway...so let me worry 'bout that part. Lemme worry 'bout keeping Kain n' Zaddy n' the rest of em' off ya. You just worry 'bout findin' an answer ta that question...I ain't meanin' the riddle a' Death's Death, but the one n' yer gut." He'd stand and place a hand on Lucian's shoulder, transporting him to the cottage again. He'd pat Lucian on the shoulder and again sigh, waiting just a brief moment before disappearing.

He felt nothing as Raziel spoke to him and offered his services. He just didn't care, not even about Zadkiel. He'd touch the necklace around his neck and close his eyes while using his other hand to open a direct passage from his Point A, to Kain's courtroom, the new Point B. He'd look to Narcisa and shake his head before creating small fires in each corner of the cottage. "Run 'less ya wanna catch fire. Follow me n' I'll riddle you full'a more n' silver." With that, he'd step through his portal which would close immediately behind him.

At this point, countless fireballs would begin to descend upon Greece all over in the form of Blood Angels heading to their objectives like meteorites, their collision just as destructive as a small one per angel. From there, it was a matter of wide-spread attacks of fire and poison-related area magics. And the occasional pike lopping of limbs, swords splitting people in two, daggers puncturing heads and necks, arrows setting fire to bodies and/or piercing vital organs. Raziel saw no reason to save the town that birthed such a could being, though he had noticed an absence in one missing Seraphim, and an emotional spike of empathy in her aura...  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:40 pm
Narcissa felt something was wrong with both Lucian and Shade, she'd whimper and then look to Shade as she'd appear, at first she didn't recognize the woman, but regardless of what she looked like Narcissa knew that was her. Upon hearing Shade her left ear pinned back as she'd look to Lucian and gently lick his cheek placing her head back on his chest as she nodded a promise to Shade to watch over Lucian she'd growl when he disappeared from underneath her sniffing the ground frantically when Lucian finally appeared she wagged her tail happily, but then reclined to her haunches ears pinned back when those harsh words hit her, seeing the fire start to spread she whimpered to him and paw at the portal before it closed catching a bit of his clothing on her claw, she'd take a big whiff and barked the fire was spreading quickly, she'd leap out of a window and headed for Rozalin's house.  

Fate Shzual

Kain M ShZual
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:14 am
The wolf would have two blood angels with large naginata blades descending upon her like blades from either side while another one of the blood angels would thrust the long blade of a nodachi straight at her, closing off a great deal of possible exits. The gaps on either side of the nodachi-wielding blood angel, gaps that lead from his left and right to either a naginata-wielding blood angel on the right or left, would be covered and sealed as exits as streams of fire began to spew from them, though not in a typical sense. Two more blood angels, one for each opening, would stand back and repeatedly release arrows made from spiraling wind carrying fire at her. She ought to be happy; five of the angels just for her. But they weren't stupid; they knew she wasn't one of the random schmucks who's blood had repaved the streets. No matter what happened here, the fire archers would catch the house on fire. The rest of Greece? With over a thousand of these mindless tools of destruction, it was just slaughter. Buildings crumbling, the sea turning red from the corpses that came to rest on it's sand.  

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