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Reply Fantasy Role Plays
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:59 pm

the roleplay is
||In Progress||

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:52 pm
ƃ ɘƮɰĬχƮ ||

How do you end a fairy tale that has no ending?
Four people with nothing in common have been grouped in a ring– two boys, two girls, and… a creature. This creature is something else entirely, with no human restrictions or limitations. Something else, with no understanding of human needs and desires. Something that is barely visible except in complete and utter darkness.
This creature is Fay. No one can see it, except the four changelings it guides. The cutters, and the scia, two opposed magical races, are set on deciding the fate of Earth, the cutters seeking to destroy it while the scia wish to salvage it, to save it from itself. But neither side knows why the Fay has appeared on Earth.
The changelings must learn from the secret rites of lemma from the Fay, and choose their sides in the events to come. They must either choose to stay on Earth or leave it–– abandon it completely to enter an entirely new dimension: Novala.
Only in Novala can the changelings relinquish their sultry human forms–– their cocoons, if you will– and become what they truly are: beings of such power and beauty that any human who sees them go mad in a rapid bout of psychedelia. They are beings made of electric plasma, translucent and yet completely visible. But they only take this form in the great exidis to Novala. On Earth, these beings appear like the Fay– mostly invisible, but next to powerless, unable to do anything phenomenal except guide the changelings.
There have been more and more changelings have been sought out by the scia. The cutters have been procreating with humans, creating a new generation that would be burned in the breach– the path to Novala.
What neither the scia nor the cutters know it is a secret known only by the Fay itself– is that this particular ring of changelings is entirely different that the hybrid changelings created by the cutters. These four teenagers are gifted by far greater means. They have been grated neither by cutter, scia, nor the Fay itself; they were born human, to human parents. Then, suddenly and secretly, they changed.
They changed at a party, a rave, a gathering that every teenager in Haven, England wanted to get an invite to. In the midst of a chemical substance called Dust (which is unheard of by anyone in authority) and music laced with electronica, these teenagers witnessed a singular occurrence– lightning striking the mouth of a frozen lake, in the middle of an English winter when rain is next to unheard of due to flurries of snow and ice.
It must have been a hallucination, but for a full minute the flash of light was visible, dancing across the frozen ice. Then, the surface of the lake burst into flames. At that moment, four teenagers witnessed the appearance of the Fay, while everyone else continued focusing on the music, the dancing, and the drugs– dust surely was a drug, some chemical formula found on the Internet. But it wasn’t. It was a completely natural, innocent substance. It was the cutter’s way of infiltrating the exidis and utilizing the humans wafting through the crowds. It worked better that way.
These four changelings, struggling to understand that they are a race all their own– not really human, nor fully changeling, but some sort of mixture of the two. They are of a higher power, a race of corpa– bodies that will not rot away like those of the scia and cutters. They are destined to find understanding, compassion, and, overall, love– for themselves, the Earth, and, ultimately, for each other. The liquid magic, the red-violet elixir running through their veins sets them apart, and it will also decide the fate of the planet.




PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:57 pm
ʗƦɘѦƮџƦɘʃ ||

There are several races laying hidden on our planet, mixing and mingling with the humans– those simple beings held together by their senses, which show them only what their brains tell them are real. Of the human-like beings inhabiting the Earth, 89% of these are actually human.
There are two races of more powerful creatures feuding over the fate of the Earth. These are the cutters and the scia. A cutter will always appear older than it really is, because their human bodies age faster, break down, and begin to rot after eighteen years. They hold the powers of the elements, bending water, fire or earth to their advantage in accordance with their own selfish ambition. A scion is different in appearance as well as in power; they appear closer to their age– bur slightly younger. They are not hardened by age or freed, like the cutters, and although they cannot control the elements like their rivals, they are more manipulative of energy, their surroundings, and natural phenomena like tornadoes, tsunamis, and storms. They are much more in-tune with the Earth although they cannot utilize it directly.
The Fay is itself one race contained in one entity. IT is immortal and truly is a part of Novala like nothing else. It is all-powerful, but does little to meddle in the affairs of Earth. However, now it has traveled to guide four changelings unlike anything it or Novala has ever known.

This new race of changelings, called corpa, is purer than any others in their generation. They are purer still than the cutters themselves, greedily interbreeding with the humans. They were born of humans, their blood a mixture of pseudo-immortality. They cannot be wounded or killed, but their bodies will be destroyed on the breach to Novala. These four corpa have powers unique to them. One can see the past, and one the future. Another can inflict pain while the other can heal. These are not their only powers, however. A corpus can also have the powers of a cutter or a scion, but these powers to not influence the corpus’s choice for the exidis.

ϼƍɰɘƦʃ ||
PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:09 pm

Haven, England, is a place near the coast of the English Channel. There is a long winding river fed by a lake in the north-east outskirts of town. The river pours into the channel at a point that is picturesque as well as a portal leading to the breach– the only place in Britain where the exidis can occur.
The town itself is quaint, a large township with a rural feel. It almost seems a place where time doesn’t fit, despite the modern buildings. Our four corpa, the Fay, as well as several scia and cutters make their home here, since the town is curcial for the exidis.
The scia and the cutters first appeared on Earth when its population was only a billion and a half—a century later, the population had grone to over four billion, and this swarming mass is doubling every fifty years. Machines have replaced humans for many communication jobs, taking the place of hotel room service, 9-1-1 operators, and, in some cases, in replace of medicines. This has had both negative and positive effects on society—making life easier at the cost of making humanity as a species more dependent on machinery.

Ʈɩɱɘ ||



PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:36 pm

ToS/Guild Rules;: follow them. as always.

God-Modding;: no one likes it. so please don't do it.

Cybering;: don’t do it. it’s just gross.

Cursing;: its okay as long as you don't take it to far. It hurts people's feelings, ya' know?

Polite-ness;: be polite to those roleplaying with you. Hopefully the will return the favor.

Literacy;: It is a must, as I've said.

Activity;; Please try and post at least three times a week. I want you to have fun, but I also don't want this story to die. I know school gets in the way, but just try to make some room, okay?

Fun;: This is a major must!

Rules;; Follow them! XD

Questions;: P.M. them to me! :]

Profile;; Just P.M. them to me. i would like you to title them [Name's] Corpus. I won't accept if you do have it.

Ʀɘ₢џŀѦƮɩƍηʃ ||
PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:57 pm
ʃƙɘŀɘƮƍη ||

{[your picture/ real person please]}

[size=20][color one]{[Full Name]}[/size][/color]

[align=left][size=15][color two]{[Greeting of your choice]}[/color][/size][size=10] you can call me [u]{[Nickname]}[/u]. I was born in {[year]}, making me [color three]{[age]}[/color]. This year I'm in [color three]{[grade]}[/color]. Obviously, I hit on [color=two]{[girls, boys, girls & boys]}[/color]. Atm, I'm [color one]{[single for now. later will change to taken]}[/color].[/size][/align]

[align=right][color one][size=15]writing on the walls:[/color][/size]
[size=10]{[Bio here. Please make it at least two paragraphs. :]}[/size]

[color two][size=15]this is the real me:[/size][/color][size=10]{[personality here. make it at least one paragraph, unless your character is seriously deep.]}[/align]

[align=left][/size][size=15][color one]these are my favorite things:[/color][/size]

[/size][size=15][color one]this is what i hate:[/color][/size]

[/size][size=15][color two]the music stuck in my head:[/color][/size]
[size=10]{[youre favorite songs yo!]}oo1. {[name]} // {[artist]}
oo2. //
oo3. //
oo4. //
oo5. //
[size=15][color three]did i mention.. {[other]}:[/color][/size]
[size=10]{[just write little tid bits of information here. :]}[/align][/size]




PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:37 pm
ɩƦŀ ϼƦƍʄɩŀɘʃ ||

Girl o1.
name: Serena Whitney

User Image

{ Serena Whitney }

Greetings fellow Earthlings, you can call me Sere. I was born in 1991, making me 17. This year I'm in Gr. 12. Obviously, I hit on boys. Atm, I'm available. .

writing on the walls:
{ Serena? Meet Ricky. He's going to be your new dad.

It's always a sickening feeling, when you know others are pitying, putting you first because of something in the past, for something you don't remember and always being treated delicately. Like you could break at any possible moments, hearing constant cooing and hushing, saying 'Everything's going to be alright.' Serena had felt this first hand after losing her father in a car crash, but she was but a year old, her father's face was but a vague blur, and unlike most fairytale princesses, she was in no need of anyone's help and she did not need to be rescued.

Beginning highschool, Serena had been exuberated, ecstatic and absolutely psyched about the idea of a fresh new start. No more, "I'm sorry about what happened"'s. BUt she was wrong, leave it to her over protective mother to tell the school to take it easy on her, that she was unable to get over her father's death and suddenly she was surrounded by councellors who were fixated on the thought that she was closing herself off, and hiding away her emotions, stashing away her mourning. Everyone seemed to distance themselves, hold her carefully as if her bones were frail and as if her academic achievements was all she had. And there was nothing she hated more. Her mother even decided to remarry, stuck on the fact that she wanted a father to replace her old one.

Only one more year of highschool to go, and Serena can not wait to graduate and leave home. }

this is the real me:{ About me? There isn't really much to tell. At times I think I'm sarcastic and blunt, but at the same time I'm easily scared and can be a total sap. You can always expect me to be myself without fear of hurting the feelings of others, after all I have nothing to lose when I have nothing, why lose my dignity? Or at least what's left of it.

If I had friends, I would always be there for them, because it's easy to see when your sitting outside just watching others have fun, how great friends can be. Trustworthy is definitely not something you can describe me as, I have a big mouth I mean not that I try to give things away I just speak without thinking. So if you're planning to rob a bank you can count on me to send the sirens right to you. Sorry, or is that a good thing? Most of the time, I act cheerful there's nothing fun about being pitied and my mother is always nagging me and worrying. If I worried her more, I don't even want to know what'll happen. }

these are my favorite things:
oo1. Chocolate
oo2. My iPod
oo3. Clothes
oo4. Movies
oo5. Food, I won't lie.
oo6. Sleeping, it's easy it- Zzzzz

this is what i hate:
oo1. Blood
oo2. Cold Pizza
oo3. Jazz
oo4. Anyone too hyperactive, stop bouncing off them walls.
oo5. Skinny jeans
oo6. Rainy Days

the music stuck in my head:
oo1. Second Chance // Shinedown
oo2. Take It Out On Me // Bullet For My Valentine
oo3. Holding On // Simple Plan
oo4. Gotta Be Somebody // Nickelback
oo5. Black Parade // My Chemical Romance

did i mention.. :
Never gonna let you look down on me.

Girl o2.

Boy o1.
name: Roxxanne Alexander Krchova
user: Voca

User Image
Roxxanne Alexander Krchova

Hey, baby, you can call me Roxy. I was born in 1992, making me 17. This year I'm in not in school.. Obviously, I hit on girls & boys. Atm, I'm single, rather unfortunately..

what? my story? Okay this is how it goes:
Roxy wasn't raised the way normal kids were. His parents were divorced when he was two, so he has two mothers and two dads--but not in the conventional way. His mother came out lesbian, his father gay. Roxy, being s young, found nother odd and unusual about this, and grew up thinking that girls should be with grils and guys with guys. Hell, with a name like Roxxanne, he was naturally considered gay even though eh was bisexual.
Roxy grew up with his two dads in a "geek" house. His biological father is a zoologist and step-dad is some other sort of scientist. His childhood consisted of playing with his father’s chemicals to make things explode and some signs of insanity (which later turned out to be a childhood faze). Whenever his father could, he'd get his these giant stuffed bears from the zoo (his workplace) leaving Roxy with an enormous collection of stuffed animals. When Roxy was thirteen his parents decided he was grown up, let him skip the eighth grade and threw his into high school (okay, he wasn’t literally thrown into his high school). Roxy hated the school, disliked the situation at home (parents constantly fighting. Not that they were going to break up, but after a while the shouting gave his headaches), and wanted a "change". Three years and one parent permission slip later, Roxy moved in with his mothers.
When he got to the new high school, he was immediately surrounded by people he didn’t know, and he was put through hell when he came out of his old middle school friends. He fell in love with one boy, and shortly after became known as James’s whore. As time wore on, he became something like that; he slept with people who asked for it, but only if they had enough money to make up the difference between love and lust—and to Roxy, that difference was a lot. He’s been trapped in endless brushes with the law for underaged drinking as well as cocaine possession—while he himself didn’t use the drug, he dealt it pretty well. He spent most of his senior year in rehab, and has taken the year off from school to make up for not having very much free time. He hasn’t been dealing very much lately because of this, but he still offers his… services.

this is the real meRoxy is rather unusual and obnoxious, always unafraid to talk to someone new or take on a dare. He is quirky, random, curious, easily addicted to all childish matter and he loves puzzles. He’s an odd person so people usually tend to stay away from his because all they see is his defensive naivety (yes, it can be a defense for him). He does have a serious side, it's just that he doesn't like using it much. However, when he does, it is a dark serious side which freaks people out even more...other than that he's pretty normal. He never turns anyone down, and prefers to see the beauty inside someone instead of their outside appearances. After all, appearances can be misleading. While he may try to act tough when he first meets someone, that quickly crumbles to reveal a sweet-minded, kind-hearted little kid trapped in an adult’s body.

these are my favorite things:
oo1. raves
oo2. butterflies
oo3. surprises
oo4. walk on the beach
oo5. beauty
oo6. starlit nights

this is what i hate:
oo1. rainy days
oo2. getting hurt
oo3. frogs
oo4. drugs
oo5. anything to do with blood
oo6. people who take too much and give too little

the music stuck in my head:
oo1. aerodynamic // daft punk
oo2. now you’re gone // basshunter
oo3. crime wave // crystal castles
oo4. the optimistic // daniel the photographer
oo5. imagine // the blaqk year

did i mention…
I live for the moment and not for tomorrow.

Boy o2.

ƃƍɣ ϼƦƍʄɩŀɘʃ||
PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:48 pm

o2/18/o9;: Roleplay Opens!

џϼѦƮɘʃ ||


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