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Writing Contest!!!

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demon strait outta_hell

Fluffy Prophet

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:45 pm
Writing contest!

The prompt?

Horror, Rain or Music

no graphic sex
Follow the TOS of gaiaonline
Send the 10gg fee before entering!


More than 10k for 1st place  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:49 am


demon strait outta_hell

Fluffy Prophet

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Shinto Kobayashi

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:59 pm
John awoke rather late the following morning. He slowly sat up at the edge of the bed, giving himself a moment to wake up a little more, before picking up his glasses from the nightstand and putting them on, making him look exactly like the thirty-eight-year-old he was.

After getting dressed, John headed out of the bedroom and towards the wooden stairs, the sounds from the television growing louder and louder with each step he took until he was in the somewhat small living room.

“Good morning hun,” his wife, Susie, greeted him from the couch.

“Morning,” John said a bit brusquely as he walked into the small kitchen. He took a seat at the oaken square table and picked up the newspaper that was placed neatly on it. As he unfolded it and began to read, his wife came in and poured him a cup of coffee before beginning to cook breakfast.

After eating, John put his dirty dishes in the sink before walking towards the archway leading out of the kitchen, a content look washing onto his face. Between work and sleep, he had been working diligently on a project of his own: a novel. When he was younger, it had always been his dream to be an author, and a fantastic one at that. Now he figured he would finally get the chance to be one, and through the novel he was working on, he was sure that he would become one. He believed that the storyline was original and enjoyable, which made him certain that it would get on the New York Times Best Seller list.

And fortunately for him, he was off this entire weekend. Not only that, but he was almost finished with the book and he figured he would be able to complete it that weekend. There was certainly nothing that would be able to get in his way of finishing that novel.

“Hun, would you mind doing the dishes?” his wife asked from the kitchen table.

John stopped in the archway, an angered expression flickering on his face for a couple seconds before disappearing again as he quietly sighed. Well, it was just the dishes; it wouldn’t take too long to do such a minor task. He would be finished with it and working on his novel before he knew it.

“Fine,” he said as he turned around and walked back over to the sink.

As soon as he finished washing the dishes, John quickly dried his hands before hurrying out of the kitchen and towards the stairs.

“Why don’t you come sit and watch T.V. with me for a little bit?” Susie asked from the couch when her husband was halfway to the stairs.

“No, there’s something I need to do,” he replied brusquely.

“Like what?”

“Nothing,” he said. Why bother trying to explain himself? He didn’t really feel the need to because he knew that she wouldn’t understand. She never did. No matter how many times he tried to explain to her that he was trying to write a novel, she just brushed it off as if it was nothing.

“Well if it’s nothing then I guess you wouldn’t mind straightening up the tool shed.”

“I told you I’m busy with something.”

“But you said it was nothing, didn’t you?”

John stopped in his tracks with one foot on the bottom step as he gave an exasperated sigh. “I’m trying to work on my novel, dear,” he replied, giving a hint of anger upon saying the last word.

“You have all weekend to do that.”

“Yes, but I also have all weekend to clean up the shed too. I’ll do it later.”

“You always say that. You keep telling me you’ll do it later but you never get around to doing it.”

“Alright, fine, I’ll clean the damn shed. Not like writing is of any importance anyway.”

“Thanks hun.”

John spent the next couple of hours cleaning out the shed, which was a lot dirtier than he thought. When he was finished, he tried going to the stairs once more. Upon reaching them though, Susie asked him to mow the lawn. After arguing with her for a brief amount of time, he finally gave in and went outside to do it, spending several minutes cutting the grass in both the back and the front yard. Once he was finished with that, he tried going upstairs to work on his novel again, but still with no luck. Susie asked him to do several more tedious tasks, which kept him busy all the way until four o’clock.

“Honey, would you mind going to the store and picking up a few things for me?” Susie asked as she headed towards the front door with the broom.

“Haven’t I done enough already? I already told you a dozen times that I need to finish my damn novel!”

“Oh you know I would go myself, but I’m a horrible driver, and there are still a couple things I have to get done myself. I’m sure it won’t take you long.”

With an irritable sigh, John said he would do it. After Susie told him the things she wanted from the store, John stormed towards the door, mumbling during his entire walk outside where the sky was growing darker as the clouds moved in over the small, peaceful neighborhood. After climbing into the car and starting it up, John pulled out of the driveway and drove to the store.

Unlike what Susie said, it took John a good amount of time to get all the things his wife wanted. He hadn’t been to the store in quite a while, so it often took him about a couple minutes to find something. And there was also the fact that the store was crowded, making the lines at the cash registers rather long.

When he got back home, John quickly helped Susie put the groceries away before hurrying up the stairs so that she couldn’t ask him to do some other troublesome task. As he neared his office where he spent his time working on the novel, he started to become content, but the feeling didn’t stay very long. Upon entering the room, his eyes widened a tad as he looked at the hundreds of papers that were scattered all over the small room. He slowly walked in as if stepping into a minefield, picking up one of the papers that were on the floor to see that it was a page from his novel. As the anger gradually began to fill him, he walked over to the window, feeling the wind blow against his face as it entered the room, throwing the papers around even more.. When he reached the window, he slammed it shut, causing it to rattle a bit in place, before going downstairs, his teeth clenched and his hands rolled into tight fists.

“What the hell did you do?!” he interrogated his wife furiously as he entered the kitchen.

“What do you mean?” she asked innocently before giving a small giggle. “All I’m doing is making dinner.”

“Don’t play stupid with me!” he snapped.

“Oh, are you talking about your office? I didn’t do anything in there except open the window if that’s what you’re talking about. I thought it could use a little fresh air before it rained.”

As if on cue, the dark clouds finally burst, letting its rain pour down onto the neighborhood below.

“You b***h!” he yelled furiously as he backhanded her, the sound of the strike connecting with the side of her face echoing throughout the small kitchen, easily heard over the chicken that was frying in the pan on the stove.

Susie didn’t say anything, her jaw slack as she looked at him with wide eyes, her cheek beginning to redden from the hit. John didn’t say anything else as he turned around and quickly went to the stairs.

“John, how could you do something like that to me?!” she questioned him a bit angrily as she followed him up the stairs. “I’m your wife! You ought to treat me with the respect I deserve! What did I ever do to you? All I did was open the window and you hit me for something like that?!”

The barrage of nagging continued as they reached the small office. After he stepped inside, John slammed the door shut and locked it before letting out an exasperated sigh, trying to dispel all the anger that was bottling up inside of him.

“John, open this door this instant!” Susie yelled as she loudly banged on the door. “John, open up and talk to me!”

John rolled his fingers into tight fists as his face began to redden with each passing second while Susie continued to scream at him and bang on the door. That b***h wasn’t going to leave him alone. That broad didn’t care about his wants. She only cared about hers. He was able to see right through her intentions now. She was just trying to prevent him from finishing his novel. She didn’t want him to be known as a wonderful author. She didn’t want him to become something great while she was just known as a wife that did the daily house chores. But he wasn’t going to let her get in his way. No, he was going to finish that novel, but first he needed to take care of a certain pesky obstacle that kept trying to get in his way. . .

And it was then when John finally snapped. He unlocked the door and threw it open before violently shoving his wife into the wall on the opposite end of the hall.

“You stupid b***h! Leave me the hell alone!” he yelled at the top of his lungs, his face as red as a tomato.

Susie gave a startled gasp and fear slowly started to wash onto her face as she stared into her husband's malicious eyes. They were barely recognizable to her. They weren't even her husband's. They were a murderer's. She quickly headed towards the stairs and John gave pursuit. Upon reaching her, he shoved her again, causing her to roll down the stairs, the storm of thuds nearly drowning out the harsh downfall of rain outside.

Susie slowly stood up, stumbling a little afterwards as she wiped the blood leaking from her nose off of her face with the back of her wrist. When the sound of footsteps hurrying down the stairs reached her ears, Susie snapped her head forward to see the enraged John coming straight for her. She gave a small scream as she scrambled to her feet and ran towards the door. She placed a hand on the door knob, but before she had a chance to open it, John pushed her harshly against the door, her head hitting it with a loud bang! before she was pushed onto the floor near the couch. Susie stumbled as she slowly got to her feet, her vision tunneling a small amount from her head banging into the door so hard. Afterwards, she saw John stepping towards her. With another scream, she ran towards the kitchen where the back door was, just barely getting away from her husband when he tried to grab her by her neck.

“Come here you ******** b***h!” John yelled venomously from behind her, nearly causing Susie to jump out of her skin.

No matter how strong the temptation, Susie resisted the urge to look back, not wanting to see how close John was. Her heart raced in her chest, feeling like it would burst out of it at any moment. The blood rushing to her head sounded loudly in her ears, but not quite enough to drown out the sounds of the footsteps behind her, each one sounding like a bomb going off. She could have sworn that she also felt the cold, labored breathing of her husband going down the small nape of her neck.

A slither of relief sparked inside of Susie when she finally reached the door. It wouldn’t be much longer before she would be out of there. It wouldn’t be much longer until she was free. All she had to do was get outside and run as fast and as far as her little feet could carry her.

She quickly reached for the doorknob and tried to yank the door open. But it wouldn’t budge. She tried it a couple more times before realizing that it was locked. Her trembling hand reached for the lock, trying to get it open. Such a simple task seemed so difficult at a time like this. She fumbled with the lock for what almost seemed like hours on end. During that time, she didn’t dare look to see where John was, too scared out of her mind to find out.

Finally, the deadbolt was pulled back with what sounded like music to Susie’s ears. The spark of relief had now grown to a small flame of hope. Finally! She would be free in only a matter of seconds. Once she passed through the door, she would be on her way to safety.

But as soon as her hand touched the doorknob again, her head was abruptly and violently pushed into the window of the door with a loud bang.

Shank! A cry of pain escaped Susie’s mouth as drops of blood splattered everywhere. Shank! This time a gasp of pain followed by more blood. Shank! Susie slowly and weakly lowered to her knees. Shank! Shank! Shank! The knife continued to impale her with each second that passed as the blood continued to pour from the newly formed wounds. John didn’t pause once until his wife became silent and ceased to move.

When the task was done, John gave a sort of maniacal cackle as he panted, letting the bloody knife fall to the bloody tiled floor with a clang. After giving himself a moment to catch his breath, he was able to think more clearly and realized that he needed to hide the body. Susie had way too many nosy friends and he was certain that they would show up sooner or later, and there was no way he was going to take the chance of someone discovering what he had done. After picking her up bridal style, he exited the house and walked towards the woods through the downpour of rain, ignoring the whistling of the wind.

After walking for a couple minutes, he came to a fairly large pond located somewhere in the middle of the somewhat dense woods. Thinking this spot would have to do, he tossed the corpse into the middle of the pond with a splash. Afterwards, John turned around and headed back home without looking back.

When he got back, he quickly cleaned up the blood and changed his clothes. Once he was finished with that, he went into his office and picked up the papers. He didn’t bother putting them in order, thinking that that would take too long. All he wanted to do was write.

A small smile faded onto John’s face as he sat down at the typewriter. Finally he would actually have a chance to work on his novel. And this time that b***h wouldn’t be able to get in his way.

However, John found it to be quite difficult to begin writing upon noticing the dead silence that had drowned the entire house. The rapid pitter-patter of the rain was distinctly heard and the whistling wind sounded more like a howl. It was almost unbearable to John. In order to fix this problem though, he started to write, not really caring what it was just as long as he was able to create some kind of noise. His fingers began to type whatever came to mind, each press of a key sounding like a bomb exploding.

After about five minutes, John found himself unable to write. He left his office and went straight to the bathroom where he took a couple Advil. Upon shutting the medicine cabinet, he gave a small jump as he stared at the somewhat bloody face of his wife, the hair knotted with blood and a malevolent grin spread from ear to ear.

Upon blinking though, the face was gone. John sighed with relief before giving a small chuckle. There wasn’t really anything there all along. He was just hallucinating, that’s all. Yeah, that had to be it. His imagination was just trying to get the best of him.

John went into the bedroom and stripped down into his boxers before climbing into bed. As he laid there, his gaze remained fixed on the ceiling above him as he listened to the wail of the wind and the rushing of the rain outside. After a few seconds, he closed his eyes, just wanting to go to sleep. It wasn’t long though until he felt a sort of chill settle around him before it went shooting down his spine.

“Oh honey, wake up.”

John froze in place as his heart nearly popped out of his chest upon hearing that familiar feminine voice that was now full of spite and malice. He slowly opened his eyes only to have them widen instantly upon seeing his wife staring back at him with a malevolent expression on her bloody face. It’s only a hallucination, John thought to himself. She wasn’t really there. He was just seeing things, that’s all. Yeah, all he had to do was close his eyes and she would be gone. And that’s just what he did. But when he reopened them a second later, she was still standing over him with that malicious grin. John gave a scream as he quickly scrambled over to the other side of the bed to get away from her, causing him to fall to the floor with a thud upon going a tad too far.

“What’s the matter, dear? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Susie then gave a grim giggle.

John froze in place as he stared at his wife through wide-eyes, unable to believe that she was there right in front of him. She was supposed to be dead. He knew he killed her. He was completely certain of it. But his eyes told him otherwise.

The malevolent grin remained on his undead wife’s face as she slowly raised her right hand, which was holding the exact same knife he had killed her with. Not wanting to stick around anymore, John shot up onto his feet and rushed towards the door, a maniacal laugh filling the bedroom as he left it.

Upon reaching them though, he heard Susie hurrying up to him from behind. He quickly turned around, giving a startled shout as he saw the knife coming in for the blow. Out of natural reaction, John tilted away from it, causing him to stumble to the side and out of the knife’s reach before it had a chance to cut him. Before Susie had a chance to draw the knife back, John quickly pushed her, causing her to hit the wall before she stumbled and went crashing down the stairs with a series of thuds until she stopped at the bottom.

John watched as Susie slowly rose to a stand, her head tilted abnormally on her neck. She grabbed onto her head, and, with a series of sickening cracks that reverberated off the walls, she slowly snapped her head back into place. And then, as if nothing had happened, the grin returned as she raised the knife and began to climb the stairs at a slow pace.

With that exit being blocked, John quickly turned around and ran towards the bedroom, nearly jumping out of his skin when he heard the footfalls on the stairs suddenly becoming quicker. To try to stall his wife, John slammed the door shut and locked it before hurrying over to the window.

Upon reaching it, a loud bang was heard coming from the other side of the door. She was trying to break the door down. Not wanting to waste any time, John quickly unlatched the window before pushing it open. His heart rapidly pounded in his chest and his breathing was reduced to pants as he tried to climb out of the window. When he was halfway out, he heard the door crash to the floor followed by the hastening of footsteps. Upon exiting the window completely, he felt the knife cut his leg before he slid down the wet, slippery roof.

When he came to the edge, he quickly grabbed onto the gutter to try to stop himself from falling, but instead caused it to come crashing down with him as he hit the ground with a thud and a sickening crack. An immense pain shot up his left leg and his face tightly contorted into a grimace for a couple moments. A loud thud sounded off to his left and he opened his eyes to see Susie standing up, her left arm bent abnormally with the bone sticking out of it while her right hand remained clutching the knife.

With fear washing over him like a tidal wave, John struggled to stand, yelling out in pain as he fell back down onto the ground from his leg being broken. Regardless of this though, his mind continued to yell at him, telling him to leave as quickly as he could. Since he was unable to walk, he did the next best thing: He slowly crawled along on the ground, trying to get away from Susie as best as he possibly could, only wishing that someone would be able to help him out of this crisis, but there was no one around besides her.

“Oh honey, why do you keep trying to run from me like this?” the malicious voice said from behind him in a fake innocent tone.

John didn’t say a word. He was too busy concentrating on what he was currently doing. Run! Get the hell out of there! Run! his mind screamed at him as he continued to crawl as fast as he possibly could while trying his best to ignore the pain that was continuously shooting up his leg. He could hear the raspy, labored breathing of his undead wife from behind, which seemed to get louder and louder with each passing second, and it wasn’t much longer until she was finally standing over him with the knife poised for the strike. She laughed a shrill and maniacal laugh, and, even though he didn’t look up at her, John was certain that that spiteful grin was still plastered onto her face.

Shank! A shout of pain filled the air, barely audible over the violent downpour of the rain. Shank! He grunted loudly in pain as he felt the blood beginning to leak out of the newly formed wounds, the pain becoming worse with each passing second. Shank! Shank! Shank! The stabs continued and he felt himself growing weaker as his vision began to tunnel in and out. And after so many more stabs, everything went black.

Susie roared with laughter as she threw the knife onto the wet ground below. The grin remained plastered on her face as she slowly began to fade from existence, going to await her husband’s arrival in the afterlife.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:45 pm
Okay, here's my entry...

I remember...
Soaring through the air, arrows whizzing past my leathery wings, aiming for the one lose scale above my heart. Aiming to kill.
I remember swinging my head back and forth, but the cloud cover hid my assailent from view. An arrow nearly scratched my nose... Those were dangerous times...for a dragon.
I remeber spinning and swirling in midair, looping and spiraling, and yet, the arrows bounced off my scales, pierced my wings... Flashes of pain announced every new hole or tear in my once glorious wings...
I remember hoping, praying, that I could escape before that one well-aimed arrow hit its mark, my one weakness...
I remember hearing a dull thud reverberate through my entire being, as the arrowhead lodged itself between that one loose scale...and my core of exsitence. My power faded, then failed, then...
I remember falling... It seemed like I fell for an eternity, all the while, my so familiar power diminishing untill it was almost gone...
I remember changing... Heat flashed through my body, followed by cold...so cold... And it felt as if I were shrinking. So confused, so confused... I looked down at my strong claws, to see them reduced to hands. Human hands.
I remember, a split second before I hit the earth, it dawned on me... I had been transformed into a lesser creature...because I lost...my power...
I remember, the mind numbing pain of the crash...being so helpless...unable to move... I was suprised to be alive, and I was about to summon what power I had to heal, but then...
I remember...he came. His dark hair shadowed blood-red eyes...the mark of a dragon hunter. In one hand, he held a bow, the very bow that launched the arrow that tore me from the sky. In the other hand...a broadsword.
I remember, being trapped, in fear and pain. Wanting to cry out, but knowing that no soul would dare save a dragon...not even a dragon in human form. My eyes met his, and I wanted to plead for mercy, but I wouldn't let myself... My eyes showed no fear. And his, no remorse.
I remember, he raised the broadsword, preparing for the final strike...
I remember, closing my eyes, waiting...
And then....
I remember...


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