1. Obey the TOS (Terms of Service) on gaia.
2. Be Kind no putting anyone down, should you encounter a problem please pm me with the problem, username and reason and I will get to it A.S.A.P.
3. No Cheating in contests, I will let you know if the picture, paragraph story entry ect. is acceptible and is of your own work.
4. Listen and obey the moderators, making fun of them or picking on them will result you in an immidiate ban from this guild.
5. Pics of your favorite sailor senshi if proper are allowed, not allowed is pics of yourself unless I provide a topic that allows pics of you or other off topic things.
6. If your going to donate to someone or to the guild please hold your end of the bargin.
7. Try to stay on topic to the subjects and threads created by the creator.
8. Obey that creators rules on the topic.
9. Please post threads in the proper areas of the guilds.
10. You may not post an announcement unless given permission first by either me or W I S H M A S T E R.

(Bonus Rule #1 Rule in this guild, Have fun)
<3 Beautiful Sailor Moon.