Your Application

Use proper spelling and grammar to the best of your abilities. If you forget an apostrophe here and there, or maybe a comma, we won't kill you. However, if you talk in l33t, you're not going to be accepted. Period. If you are from outside the US, UK, or Canada, then your English skills will be taken into consideration. Also please try to write out words. Ex: "Hey, how are you doing?" Instead of "Hey, how r u doing?"

I DON'T CARE if you're a "vampire in real life" or if you "like the taste of blood". I think it's disgusting and fake, so don't tell me that. I will reject your application because you sound like a brown-noser.

Don't make it a temporary stay! We want devoted members, not people who are just going to stay here for a bit! Devoted and loyal people! This means, if you are in tons of other guilds and just want to hang out here for a while, please, find somewhere else. Added by Kochi-koo

Post History. You know what, if your on an account which has NO POSTS whatsoever, chances are you will not be accepted. Also, I, Kochi, will be doing a history check on your posts to see if your the type of person we want here. So if you have all one liners, i'd mention in your application that you can do better or even add in an example if not link to one if you are an Rper. Or if your intelligent debate consists of ASL?? and broken chatspeak, that will be taken into account. Your posts are checked! And don't bother being all formal in your application if as far as your typing skills go your reduced to hw r u??Added by Kochi On December 05, 2005.


Before you join the RP... Post your character bio on the Character Bio page. That way the people RPing with you have some idea of who and what you are.
And please, understand that when you post sometimes people won't come to you. You might have to go to them or do something by yourself for a bit. It's not to difficult.

Alright, before you post in the RP rooms read a few pages back and see where people are and what they're doing. It doesn't have to be many, just enough that you can understand where people are.

Get permission before making another RP! This is easy, ask either myself, Kochi and Talon before you add another RP thread. Even if you decide it isn't an RP thread if it might have some kind of RP to it, ask.

Use paragraph form for the roleplays. I won't ban you or hate you if you use the asterisk (*) form of roleplay, but it would be nice if you used the traditional paragraph form.

No godmodding or anything else that falls under that category. Basically, every vampire has a weakness of some sort. You can't be invincible, and even if you were, it wouldn't be any fun. xp

No cybering. Uh, I think this one is self-explanatory. If you cyber, or offer to cyber, you're banned without a warning. Keep the roleplays PG-13, please. If you're not sure if it's PG-13 or not then here's a helpful hint, if you're not willing to do it with your grandma near by then odds are it's not PG-13.

The Forum in General

On that note, no OOC posts outside the designated OOC threads. Obviously, something like ((I have to go)) inside an RP is ok, but don't try to chat with the RPers inside an RP thread. gonk First time, warning. 2nd time, banning.

Be nice, people. No fights, (civil debates are fine) ad hominem flame wars, or general rudeness of any kind. If you participate in a fight or AH flame war, you will be banned without warning. You get 2 strikes for general rudeness.

The quote button is not your friend! This should be easy to understand. Keep the quotes down to a maximum of four (4). If you're talking to someone and you're the only two talking, quotes are not necessary. Added by Selene

No un-necessary boards! This means, no repeating boards, as in if there's already a castle Rp, don't make another. Also, no pointless chats and please, use your own logic. If you don't think it's needed, or if it's not necessary don't. We don't want a million, 'What's your favourite vampire ____?' boards. Common sense, please. Added by Kochi-koo

No more bars! Yea, this one better be easy to understand. One bars is enough, this is the Vampire Guild not the Drunken Sailors Guild!

General s**t That Pisses Us Off!

Tolerance! There's to be no bigotry or discrimination or racism or whatever of any kind. We'll warn you once for offence, and then ban your sorry a** if you cross the line again. Added by Tally Wally Walkins

PMing. Do not PM me or any of the other mods unless it is important! If you PM us just to ask why we haven't accepted you or to beg us to let you join because you're Vlad's nonexistant great great great grandchild twice removed we will most certainly NOT let you in. If you need to contact us then please, contact me and deal with me directly. DO NOT PM ME ASKING HOW TO JOIN, IF YOU DO YOU WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IN! Also, PMing Sixteenth Server will get you a hacked account. You want to send any PM to Andrew Windsor.Added by Selene on 15, Mar. 05 Edited on 19, Jan. 10

Now if you read the rules like a good person then put "I love coffee" in your application, if it's not there then you will not be accepted.