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Reply [IC/RP] The Lands Between
Silence is Golden. [PRP for Reaper & Synstylae]

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Super Trash

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:32 pm

PRP between myself and myself. <_< RPing for character development & babies for breeding~

Parent One - Synstylae
Parent Two - Reaper
RP? - Yes~
Log 1.
Log 2.
Log 3.
Log 4.
Log 5.
Log 6.
Log 7.
Log 8.
Log 9.
Log 10.
Possibility for Throwbacks? - No.
Links to Parents' Ancestors/Family - No.
Link to Co-Owning Agreement - N/A  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:31 pm

The day before...

Reaper whinced as the herd all surrounded him; all their thoughts entering his head at once.
He's very cute..
Wings like mine!
He looks like a bit of a loner.
I hope he makes friends easily..
I'm hungry; when's dinner?
I'm bored of this. We get new ponies every day nearly.
He looks mad.
What kind of a name is Reaper?
I think he hates us.

He growled and pushed past the crowd and into the court yard where silence filled his mind. He heard the leader come up behind him, heard her concerns in his head.
"You don't want to be here, do you?" Her voice was kind and gentle, she was not mad.
"I prefer to live on my own. I will still be a part of this herd, but when I can hear thoughts all the time I'm afraid a large herd will drive me insane."
Gylden nodded and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "You are always welcomed here and if ever you need anything, do not hesitate to ask."
Reaper nodded and with a flicker of his wings, lifted himself into the sky and left the large house and all the noise behind.


Synstylae watched the other seryph from the air, hiding behind the clouds. He had not had the pleasure of meeting the seyrph when he was introduced to the herd for he was busy attenting to his roses and assumed he would be able to meet him later when the commotion had died down.
But, he'd left and so Synstylae had gone after him. He'd not met one of his own other than his brother. Of course, there was Aquinas and Velecia; but they were hybrids. They were different. Reaper was - and is - pure.
Synstylae mustered up the courage to land and see the seryph face to face. He landed behind Reaper and took a step forward, speaking. "Hello."

Reaper's eyes widened and he jumped in surprise. Someone had snuck up on him. He had not heard them in his mind; his perfect silence was still there. He was scared to turn around; scared that no one would be there and that this would be the first sign of him going mad. Better to face it now, rather than later when help may be too late, he though to himself. He turned around and came face to face with a male Seryph.
"Who on Earth are you and why can't I hear your thoughts?"  


Super Trash


Super Trash

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:19 pm

Synstylae recoiled, taken back by Reaper's questions. "My name is Synstylae. I'm from the herd."
Reaper hissed. "Have they sent you to take me back? That wench of a leader of yours was very good at hiding her intentions from me."
Synstylae growled. "No one sent me to retrieve you. If I were you, I would not mad mouth Gylden; she is a very fine and noble leader."
Reaper stood his ground. "I can't hear your thoughts. Why?"
Synstylae shrugged. "I don't know much about anything, I simply grow roses."

Reaper paced back and forth. He could not here this person's thoughts and so was not able to tell if he was being truthful or not, but he could feel no evil within him, nor could he find any hint of deception in his voice. He peeked up at him, slyly. Could he have found the one?

Synstylae watched Reaper curiously; he was very odd. He couldn't help but wonder why he was so quick to judge and distrust people. It must have something to do with the fact that he can't hear his thoughts.

Reaper stopped pacing and looked at Synstylae. "Very well. I believe your intentions are not ill. You may.. spend time with me, if you'd like."
Synstylae grinned. "I would like that very much."  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:10 pm

The tension between the two was amazing. Synstylae and Reaper sat on the border of Dream and Nightmare Vallies, both of them thinking of something to say. Reaper coughed lightly, breaking the silence. He normally enjoyed the silence, but not at this time.
"So, you hear people's thoughts, right?" Synstylae asked, awkwardly. He wasn't sure if this was a touchy subject or not, but he wouldn't know if he didn't ask.
Reaper nodded slowly. "Yes, for as long as I can remember, I've been both cursed and blessed with such a gift." He paused, but continued when he saw the puzzled look upon Synstylae's face. "A curse because I never get a moment's peace. A blessing because I can tell how a person truly feels. Though, I guess that's a bit of a curse, too."
Synstylae nodded. "I pity you. Knowing all the time takes the fun out of life."
Reaper shrugged a little. "I haven't been surprised for a long time. Until you came along, that is."
Synstylae blushed slightly and turned his head away to try and hide it, mumbling something incoherent.

Reaper watched him carefully and pursed his lips. This Seryph could very well be the pony he'd been waiting for all his life. Countless days of searching had finally led him to the one he was meant to spend the rest of his life with. That was it, right?
Reaper couldn't find any other explaination. Synstylae was made for him and he would have him one way or another.
Looking up, his blush finally having disappeared mostly; Synstylae stood. "Would you like to go for a walk? I haven't seen much of Nightmare Valley."
Reaper nodded and stood. "I could show you the caves if you'd like."
Synstylae nodded. "I'd like that."
Reaper walked East and Synstylae quickly followed behind him.  


Super Trash


Super Trash

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:50 am

The two Seryphs walked into the caves; they were very dark and Synstylae shivered a little. "I can't see a thing. I'm not used to such dark areas."
Reaper moved closer to Synstylae. "I'm right here, don't worry; I can see perfectly."
A spark shot through Synstylae when Reaper moved against him and he tried to ignore it.
"When we get deeper," Reaper explained. "There will be glowing mushrooms so you'll be able to see, even a little."
Synstylae nodded, though Reaper probably didn't notice. There was silence for a while, Synstylae could only hear their breathing, foot steps and the flicker of wings every now and then.
In the darkness, Synstylae saw a faint blue-green glow. He looked at Reaper curiously.
"It's the Garden of Light." Reaper simply stated and turned left into an opening in the cavern walls.
Synstylae followed and upon stepping into an open area, gasped. The floor was filled with luminescent mushrooms and flowers; and in the center was a small pond that glowed from the light of all that surrounded it.
"It's.. beautiful." Synstylae said in awe.
Reaper nodded. "It's hard to believe that something to pure and beautiful could exist in Nightmare Valley."
"You're here, aren't you?" Synstylae mumbled under his breath.
"Pardon?" Reaper asked, pretending he hadn't heard the comment.
"Oh, just admiring the view."
Reaper smirked. "I bet you are."
Synstylae laughed, not knowing what to do. Reaper inwardly grinned and blessed the fact that they were getting along quite well.  
PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:27 am

Reaper and Synstylae sat on the edge of the pond, both staring awkwardly at the ground that glittered and sparkled. Reaper inwardly cursed himself for not learning the proper conversational techniques needed for such a time. Not that he ever thought he would need them; he always managed to find an interesting topic when he heard someone's thoughts.
Synstylae was very nervous. He tried to find a topic to talk about, but all he had were his roses and he didn't think Reaper would find that very interesting. He let out a soft sigh and frowned lightly.
Reaper noticed Synstylae's distress and looked up, tilting his head. "What's it like; living in such a large herd?"
Synstylae inwardly danced at a topic being brought up. "It's not that big, really. Not when you compare it to herds with over one hundred ponies." Reaper cringed and Synstylae continued. "Everyone is really lovely; except Casaquilla and Eroms, but Gylden always puts them in line." He smiled. "Rosa is lovely; she grows the most beautiful flowers. I idol her. The kids are so lovely... When they're sleeping." Reaper chuckled with Synstylae.
"I wish I could get to know everyone."
"It's okay," Synstylae reassured. "Gylden understands. Maybe you could meet them all one at a time."
Reaper smiled weakly. "Maybe. But the herd is growing fast. I heard them all talking about a new couple and a new demoness coming soon."
Synstylae nodded. "And the couple will be having children soon." He shuddered. "Ariluna and Ember want to have another batch once theirs are grown into teens." Reaper looked confused. "Ah, Ariluna is the blue kirin. She's a.. princess of sorts. Or, she was. She's very lovely. She's a wonderful mother."
"And Ember?" Reaper asked, still a little confused. He didn't remember seeing someone named Ember.
"Ember was out when you came. He isn't from our herd; he's form our comrades. But, he and Ariluna are mates and so they live together with their children. But, they only live a few minutes away."
"Ah." Reaper nodded. The joy of having children; it was something he wanted to experience. Being a dad. The thought made his wings flicker with excitement.
"Faisca is beginning to learn the ways of being the leader. Faisca is Gylden's first born daughter. She has two brothers but they don't visit much and she doesn't really talk about them. She's very strong, that one."
"I could tell by her thoughts."
"Rosa is second in charge, though she's gladly stepping down to advisor so Faisca can take her place. I think she longs to have children of her own, despire her sarcastic nature."
Reaper nodded, understanding how she felt.
"Enigma and Purim are very close. I'm not sure why; it was something that happened before I joined the herd. But they're pretty much inseperable. Enigma is very intelligent, though most times he doesn't show it. Purim doesn't really talk unless she's spoken to or if she's alone with Enigma."
Reaper listened as Synstylae told him about each of the ponies in his herd and grinned, enjoying hearing their stories and personalities. He was surprised by how many unique species were in the herd. A legend, two hybrids of mer and seryph and Synstylae himself. He was determined to meet them all in person. One by one, of course.  


Super Trash


Super Trash

PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:28 am

Reaper and Synstylae exited the Garden of Light. Synstylae squinted his eyes, expecting the harsh light of the sun to burn them. Instead, his eyes had to adjust to the darkness. His eyes widened slightly. "How long were we in there?"
Reaper shrugged. "A few hours, maybe."
Synstylae looked shocked and shook his head. "The herd will be wondering where I am. I didn't tell them I was coming here; I must go home. I'm sorry."
Reaper was a little upset that Synstylae was leaving so soon and it showed when he spoke. "Can't you stay? You're an adult, you know. I'm sure they'll be able to tell where you are."
"Well, I'm sure Arma will be able to read the water and tell them..." Synstylae mumbled. He didn't want to go, really. He was surprised at meeting a new Seryph; especially one as handsome as Reaper. He threw all concerning thoughts out of his mind. "I will stay tonight."
"We'll go to my home, then and have some tea." Reaper's wings flickered and he flapped them, taking to the air. Synstylae was not far behind and before long caught up.
"How far is it?" He asked, making light conversation to pass the time.
Reaper pointed ahead. "See that really tall tree?"
Synstylae nodded. "Yes."
"That's it."
"You live in a tree?" Synstylae said, nearly falling out of the sky in amazement.
Reaper laughed at his surprise and nodded. "Well, in a tree house. It keeps me away from the thoughts that are down there. I'd rather live in a herd full of one million ponies than hear those thoughts again."
Reaper flew ahead, guiding Synstylae to where it was they were going. Reaper landed on a large branch, big enough for him to walk around upon freely without fear of falling; not that it mattered to someone with wings. In between three of these brances stood a large, wooden cubby-house like structure, though it was a lot bigger. It was quite pretty, despite it only being made of wood. Various trinkets and jewels dangled from chains on the walls and the moonlight shone through the leaves of the tree giving it an eerie yet stunning green glow.
"I see, now, why you live here." Synstylae breathed in awe as he landed. Somehow, Reaper; someone who was very confused and angry at the world, managed to show him the most beautiful places Synstylae had ever dreamed of.  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:34 am

Reaper opened the door and both he and Synstylae entered the house. Reaper motioned to cushions on the floor surrounding a table. "Please, take a seat."
Synstylae sat down and smiled, looking around. The house was full of a lot of trinkets and antiques; it smelt old but it wasn't an annoying or disturbing smell. It was the kind of smell that reminded you of your grandfather or an old library; full of knowledge.
Reaper disappeared around the corner into the kitchen and returned with two glasses full of a slightly glowing liquid.
Synstylae tilted his head, curious.
"Water from the pond at the Garden. It's very sweet, but delicious."
Synstylae smiled and took the glass that was offered to him and sipped it. It was over powering at first and Synstylae had the desire to spit it out. He resister and a few seconds later, the liquid warmed and cooled in his mouth before he swallowed it.
"The first sip is always the worst. You're the first person who hasn't spat it out." Reaper chuckled. "Then again, you're the first person I've given it to."
Synstylae smiled and continued to drink and Reaper watched him carefully. It was only a matter of time before the liquid took effect; rendering Synstylae intoxicated and easily manipulated. Then, he would be able to convince him to love him.  


Super Trash


Super Trash

PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:10 pm

Synstylae awoke with the sun beaming in his eyes. He squinted and groaned, rubbing his head. He was still on the cushions, this he could tell as his eyes tried to regain focus. But, something was different. The table had been moved and the cushions had been turned into a makeshift bed.
What had happened last night? The last thing he remembered was drinking the water from the Garden. Everything after that was just a frightening blur. He rolled over and bumped into something hard; that something grunting in return.
Synstylae's eyes widened and he turned his head slowly, scared of what he knew he was going to see. Reaper. Reaper was soundly asleep, amidst tangled blankets. He looked very beautiful in the mess. Had they..? Rubbing his head, a groan escaped Synstylae's lips and Reaper's eyes opened slowly. He rolled over, yawning and mumbling, and smiled at Synstylae.
"Morning, love."
Love, Synstylae thought with surprise, regret and a miniscule ammount of happiness.
"What happened last night?" Synstylae asked.
"I'm not surprised you don't remember. It was a little crazy."
"Did we..?" Synstylae couldn't finish the sentence. He couldn't remember anything. What the hell had happened? He stood, stumbling a bit as he tried to regain his balance. "I have to go."
Reaper stood to protest, but he was too late; Synstylae had walked out the front door and took to the skies, heading in the direction of his home.  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:33 pm

Reaper didn't move for a while after Synstylae had left. He sat in a kind of stunned silence. He could not figure out what was so wrong. He thought Synstylae had wanted this to happen. Reaper was simply making the process less awkward.
He shook his head and sighed., standing up he walked to his balcony; hoping to see Synstylae flying back to him. He saw nothing, but he waited.


Synstylae reached the mansion as quickly as he good. He zoomed past everyone and into the garden. He breathed in the scent of the flowers and smiled. He was instantly calm. He fell to the ground and sobbed lightly. He was ashamed of himself for running; but he was confused. Would Reaper blame him? Would Reaper be mad at him?
A cough made Synstylae look up and he saw Rosa. "Ah, I didn't know you were here." He mumbled.
"Or perhaps you did and that's why you came here." Rosa retorted sarcastically, as was her nature.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry to me; you're sorry enough for yourself as it is. Get up, tell me what's bloody wrong."
Synstylae ignored Rosa's tone, he knew she was generally concerned but didn't want to worry him by showing it.
"The new seryph; Reaper."
Rosa nodded. "A wierd fellow, that one."
Synstylae agreed. "I went to meet him yesterday. He's actually quite nice. But.. something happened. I panicked and left and..."
Rosa didn't quite catch his drift. She was about to ask what he meant when she saw the blush that was creeping up unto his cheeks and simply pursed her lips. "Nothing you can do about it now, dear."
"But I just left."
"Yes, well, I'm sure he's not going anywhere. Just wait until you're ready to go face him."
"I feel.. wierd." Synstylae mumbled before clapping a hand over his mouth. He looked around frantically and picked up one of Rosa's watering cans and emptied what little contents his stomach contained into it.
"This is worse than I thought." Rosa said, saddened by the loss of a watering can.  


Super Trash


Super Trash

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:00 am
RP LOG 10.

Synstylae landed on the large branch that he had landed on with Reaper a week ago. He was very nervous but he knew if he didn't face Reaper now, Rosa would probably murder him for putting it off longer.
"Reaper?" He called and stepped into the lounge room.


Reaper sat on the back branch, listening to the wind; hoping to hear any sign of his beloved returning. He heard whispers, but in his head rather than in the wind. He wondered if someone was creeping up on him. The whispers got louder and he turned around only to see Synstylae.
"You came back." He said, happily.
Synstylae nodded. "I have to tell you something.."
"Sh!" Reaper interrupted. "Do you hear that?"
Synstylae shook his head. "Hear what?"
"I can hear voices... They're children."
Synstylae was silent for a moment. He was sure he knew what was going on. "They're our children you can hear."
Reaper's head whipped around and he looked at Synstylae with accusing eyes. "No. I'm not meant to hear our children; they're meant to be perfect. What did you do to them?"
"Nothing! You must be able to hear them because they're connected to you!"
Reaper roared and kicked at the wall of his house. "Get out! I want the silence back!"
Synstylae looked at Reaper with horror; his mouth wide. "But.."
Synstylae turned around and left as quickly as he could, not wanting to cause a fight, especially in his current state.
Reaper sat down on the balcony and sobbed. "Perfection..." He looked up. "I want perfection."  
[IC/RP] The Lands Between

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