Squad name: the rough rider's

Squad Leader: staff sgt watkins

Squad members: cpl Johhny Roberts K.I.A, pvt adrian shepard K.I.A, sgt williby ramsen K.I.A, pfc willam chokensev K.I.A, erin kamodia K.I.A, kayla zenna K.I.A,farrah baker K.I.A, robby brown K.I.A , shania walpole K.I.A

Squad equipment/vehicles: M35A2 Deuce and a Half(armored W/ mounted .50). they also have aquired a javelin, an m60, and a trailer for their truck.

Squad Sector/base: anywhere we choose to settle

Squad history: most of us served together in iraq others are srtagglers who we found to be useful