Traditionally the highest rated shows are run from September to May, with a 3 month summer vacation and two decent sized breaks used to stretch 22 episodes out over 39 weeks.

For the next three weeks House will be on one of these breaks, and other popular shows on Fox are coordinating with this break. This is nothing new, but ideally, these breaks would not exist.

They say it would be difficult to put more than 22 episodes into each season and I tend to agree but, wouldn't it make more sense to just run other good programming in the 'off season'? Some programming runs exclusively in the off-season, but it's not usually very good.

So my question is, would you rather have the new episodes run every single week with almost no breaks during the season, but have it run from only September to February, or to continue with these breaks which seem to only confuse people. I do realize that with the Internet we can just look up when the new episodes are coming back, but back in the days but buying TV guides this was very confusing.