
User Image

_________PERSONAL INFO._________________________________________

Username: xX Akira Ryuzaki Xx

Character name: Rain Ryuzaki

Aliase/Nickname: Dark Gentleman

Birth Place: Magnolia

Age: 19

Height: 5' 6"

Weight: 125 lbs

Gender: Male

Markings/ Tattoos:

Personality: From the outside and for most part in the inside, Rain is considered very kind and gentle often fearing going into battle but he actually has a very sadistic side that can be shown very easily depending on what is done to him. He is very protective of his allies and celestial spirits, often hating to left them battle again before resting for a good time. He is very strict on himself often giving himself training regiments that would help to make him stronger, in turn making the current guild he is in stronger. He is a gentleman of sorts as he can trick others that he is kind and "stab them in the back" after he get's their trust.

Occupation: Writing Mage

Aura Color: Gold/Yellow with blue flashes.

Likes: He likes sweets or but not anything that has nuts or coconut in them. He loves working out even though no matter how much he trains he still looks like a twig even after hours of strenuous training. Sometimes he likes the same sex or occasionally the opposite sex, it really just depends on the day. He loves fruit that don't have big pits in them so he can eat them peacefully without having to be annoyed with pulling out the pit so he doesn't choke.

Dislikes: He dislikes foods with a spicy "kick" to them since he believes "pain from something dead is pathetic." He really hates Celestial Wizards who don't strengthen themselves to try to help their spirits out or to make them stronger. He hates for a physically attack directly without any source of magic or without any magic present, it causes him to go off and attack. He occasionally hates the same or opposite sex depending on how his day is or what day it is. Fruits that have large pits such as peaches or plums don't get anywhere near his mouth because he automatically throws them away, the similar with fruits such as oranges that have to be peeled, but miraculously he likes watermelon but only because he gets to destroy it.

Theme Song: Monster


Bio/ History: When he was younger he was taught magic by the older sister of one of his friends. She was a celestial mage so that's how he became so close to becoming a celestial mage as well. He received his first key from her, a very common key, Nicolas but he didn't have the magic to learn how to use it. When he got older he started to question why she had two different colored keys and she told him, the same day that she explained it, he started to find his own magic, while also trying to find a teacher. She was happy and decided to join a guild with him one day when he learned his magic completely. One day though she just passed away. He changed drastically and started to look at the world with more hate. When he attended her funeral her brother gave him her keys, two silver and one gold. He was still shocked from the death that he didn't accept them however, not until he became stronger. He journeyed out and went to joined Fairy Tail. He went up the ranks quickly eventually turning eviler and eviler. When he felt he was strong enough he ventured back to get the keys which would be his memory of his old teacher, who only managed to teach him how to control his power to be able to cast multiple spells at once.

__________GUILD & RANK INFO.________________________________________

Current Guild: Fairy Tail

Guild Mark: User Image

Current Mage Rank: F-Rank

"Team": None for the moment.

__________WEAPON & MAGIC INFO.________________________________________

Weapon Name & Appearance: Key of Canis Minor
Key Sword
Weapon Description: It is a silver key used by stellar spirit mage's that has the face of it's inhabitant on the grip in blue. He uses this as a "pencil" of sorts to use his writing magic.
Whenever most of his magic gets worn out he switches by using another "key" of sorts. It has the same potential as any other sword and fits just fine on his lumbar or across his back. He uses it also if his opponent it stronger then him and doesn't let him get out his spells.

Primary Type Of Magic: Yami no Ecriture (Writing of Darkness) - It is a runes magic that can have many effects depending on what is written. It takes a while to write them but the effects can last a very long time. It is very literal so he has to be careful of what is written down.