
Why the big fuss about nipples on television? If a male doesn't have a shirt on they let it be and show even if it's a fat man with moobs they leave it there for everyone to see. If it's a girl they cover them shits up big boobs or small boobs they cover it up. We were all female once but some of us decided to stop the production of mamory glands which resulted in nipples and we focused the energy on growing a p***s. Girls didn't decide to have the spike in testosterone and just decided to make estrogen and develope them mamory glands into what will one day become boobs and they also have those lady parts that I'm not going to talk about since I only know the basics from health class and this isn't the birds and the bees since I hope you have all had the talk with your parents by now. except you kids that shouldn't even be on the internet go away this isn't for you. Now back to nipples we all have them some people have three of them but why do television stations make it such a big deal to cover up a womans nipples and not a mans when really they look the same. sure women have boobs but so do fat men and women with flat chests kinda look like boys so really what's the big deal? I know it's "boobies we don't want to contaminate our children!!" really middle class parents? you let your kids what this gay a** television shows and play their stupid video games they don't have any imagination and can't even play outside since they don't know how. Now that you have all be educated on nipples this is the real problem, I've been seeing these in a lot more places and I don't understand it. Manequins with nipples, why? is it to market clothes to women who don't need the world to know when they are cold? honey it's called a bra, and if that's not enough stuff the b***h to keep em warm and add more cover for your problems but don't go thinking you are all special women it happens to guys too ya know and it is just as embarrassing. Females frustrate me they did all that fighting for equality and when we treat them as an equal they b***h about it and want to be treated differently. Do you or do you not want to be equal? While we are on the topic of women I feel that it must be mentioned, Lesbians...I THOUGHT YOU GAVE UP d**k WHEN YOU CHOSE THAT YOU LIKED GIRLS!!?!?!?!? WHY THE HELL DO YOU NEED DILDOS GAY GUYS DON'T USE FAKE v****a'S BUT THAT'S MUSTLY BECAUSE WE WERE BORN NOT LIKING THAT s**t! now for any lesbians out there I'm going to justify all this so I odn't get a crap load of hate mail. It is scientifically proven that gay guys are born gay and that women chose to be or develope into lesbians due to problems with their father figure when growing up. Now leasbians I don't mind you, you are cool to hang out with but you gave up men you shouldn't be allowed to use d***o's they are for the girlsand boys that can't get enough d**k from their male partner. We don't use strap on v****a's when we have sex so you shouldn't use dildos. Use what you were born with.