Guild Rules

- Follow all Gaian TOS.
If you aren't obeying Gaia, then your days are definitly numbered.

- No cybering!!!
Romace is okay. Simulated sex, is not.

- Contact someone in the crew immediately if you are being harassed or see anyone breaking the rules.
The crew members are here to make your experience all the more enjoyable. Don't hesitate to use us, if you feel the need to!

- Try not to go overboard with the swearing.
I know I'm not the best example here seeing as how I have a bit of a foul mouth myself sweatdrop But come on guys, if you're dropping f-bombs every post you should probably back off a little.

- Plagerism is FORBIDDEN
Anyone caught stealing other people's stories or characters without permission, will be banned from the guild.

- These rules may change at any time.
It's not very likely, but you never know!

And finally...

- Three strikes and you're out!
We are pretty laid back here. We don't want to have to ban anybody, so everyone gets 3 chances. However if you just insist on being a p***k we will have no sympathy in throwing your a** out! This goes for crew members too (and yes, even I am not exempt from these rules).