The Flippering Awesome Guild Rules!

Follow The ToS
Follow the ToS. We assume that you know what that is already. It's a very important part of gaia, and without it, this website would be scattered with non-sense. And we would not like that to happen to this guild, right? ^^ Well, if you have now read it yet (hopefully you did), then the ToS would be located right here. Be sure to check that out. Heh, seems a bit..lawful, right? Well, this version is the Rules and Guidelines. Be sure to check out this section, too. The Rules and Guidelines is located here.

Be respectful to your fellow members.
Be nice. We're all friends here! Do not cause drama or anything, it's not the way to go. If you do so alot, then we have no choice but to ban you from this guild. IF this guild gets quite popular, then please PM one of us so we know which one is the person who has been rude multiple times. This guild isn't the place for you if you're that kind of person who will get mad for the pleasure of it, and whatnot. This is an everything guild, and we expect everybody to be nice to one another. We will watch carefully at the small arguments, but well, if it gets out of hand, we will be forced to butt into it and stop it.

Listen to your fellow Crew members.
Please be respectful, and listen to the crew, and the Vice Captain. These people make the guild function properly. So if you were to bother them or argue with them in any form, then that would not be benefiting them, or even yourself. It would not be the right thing to do to annoy the crap out of them, alright? If you have a question, then ask it nicely, and please do not plead so much. For example:
Hey I was wondering if I could be a crew member??!?!?!? Pretty please please please I will do my best if i become one!!!!!!!

Hopefully you guys know better, right? ^^

No pointless spamming.
Obviously, we have a sub-forum for that, alrighty? We did not use our funds to have nobody post in it, and instead, totally ignore it and post their pointless threads in different places where they aren't supposed to be, heh. BUT, If you just so happen to do so, then a crew member+ will just be moved to that sub-forum, anyway. But spare us some time and post in the right sub-forum, and be happy that you did not have to hear a crew member yell at you (I highly doubt we will yell at you, though).

Do not Necro threads.
This rule is just to point this out ahead of time, since this is bound to happen in this kind of guild. No necroing threads. It's pretty much just a waste of time.
LOL Necroing. Sounds like nebula, or something that hazz to do with da universe.
lololol. what the crapp does it even meaannnnn

Hm. Lets make this answer simpe. Necroing a thread is basically trying to revive, or just plain old posting in a dead thread. If you dont know how to tell which ones are dead threads, go to the last post and check the date to it. Usually, if nobody has posted within a week or two, its dead. Role-Playing is kind of a different story, though. But if its been created a LONG time ago, then please, don't try to join it. ^^ It'll just be a big no no, and a waste of your time. Trust me.
And ESPECIALLY don't necro if its something like
WEEE~ so who likes pie here?!! dramallama

Hah, well, don't do it. ^^

Make your grammar understandable.
Okay, we understand if its just small differences, like saying ''your'', when it's supposed to be ''you're''. Well no problem. But if it's something like
barhahwhahrhha. whart b3 nvm i d0nt knwwww

Um, may you repeat that, please?
Well, we aren't going to even say that. We will just straight forward delete your post and inform you to make your grammar understandable. We make an exception to the chatterbox subforum, but other than that, type like your a top-notch dude from Microsoft. In fact, you will have a higher chance of gaining respect from the crew if you type correctly. Unless you want to get on their bad side (I hope you don't), then please make an effort to be understandable!

Have A Blast!
Well, this really isn't considered a rule. But the creator of this guild did not make it to just sit around and bored! It's for fun! Creativity! To make regular things an event (heh)! This guild is all about randomness! And we will sooner or later create sub-forms for all your subject needs, alrighty?

Now that you know the rules, lets get this show on the road! ! ! !
~Less than three! <3~
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More rules will be added later ^-^
Edited by FlareBearxX_! o: