Aaron woke up with a yawn as he stretched his body, his muscles from training, rippling as he stretched. "Ugh, 8 already? Well, time to get some break.....fast....," this last part came out kinda choppy because as he said this he noticed the urge he was getting from his guitar. *Sigh* "So, it's THAT time already. Okay, just let me get ready and say goodbye okay," Aaron heard a slight hum from his guitar as if saying okay to his statement.
Aaron then proceeded to roll up his mat and other sleeping gear, he then put on his loose grey T-shirt and black jeans. As he walked out into the living room, he thought he smelt bacon, as he went to peek into the kitchen to see what was for breakfast, he was pleasantly shocked to see Anna there, cooking instead of Morty or Yoh. "So, um, Anna...what's for breakfast?" "Oh, just some eggs and bacon, and this is a first, you're up before we woke you up," Anna said as she set down a couple of plates and called Yoh out of bed for breakfast. As we were all sitting around the table, I thought now the best time to brooch the subject.
"Well, I'm going to end up leaving after this breakfast." As he said this Anna and Yoh had a slightly surprised look. "It's the guitar, she decides where I come to, and when I leave, and she has decided it's time to go, the past 3 months have been really fun though, I'll do my best to come back when I can." Aaron said all this while getting up and leaving for the door. "Well, just be safe, and do your best out there, and try to keep that promise, because we wouldn't want you to be a stranger." Yoh said, as he and Anna got up to watch him leave.
Aaron then pulled out his guitar, as he got outside, he started to strum a very complicated series of notes that not even the best guitarist could wish to come close too. As the last note was strummed a portal opened in front of him, "Well, I'm off, c'ya around," Aaron said, with a slight smirk on his face, as he jumped into the portal, leaving Yoh and Anna behind.
Aaron woke up in a field full of green grass. "Hmmmm, I wonder where I am this time. Looks kinda like a video game I used to play when I was back at my home." As he said this he heard two children’s laughter drifting to him from the woods. "Well, let’s see who that is shall we." As he headed into the woods he sensed a strange force enveloped him, but the deeper he got, the more it seemed to calm down, until at last he was standing in a little village made up of trees in the middle of the woods. "DEFINITELY, Legend of Zelda." Aaron stated, as he looked around noticing all the kokiris wandering about.
As he walked through the town, getting odd looks from the kokiris, he spotted the two he heard earlier. They were sitting atop a tree that overlooked the whole of the village. "HEEEEEEEY, you guys think you can help me?" At this the two kokiri gave a startled look and jumped down to land next to him. "Hmmmmmm, you don't look like a kokiri, are you an outsider," the first kokiri asked. She was a female that looked to be around 10 to 12 years old and....let’s just say, green. Everything she wore was green, her clothes, her belt, HER HAIR, all green.
"Hmmmm, yeah, you could say that. My names Aaron, what's yours?" "Oh, I'm Saria, and this guy here is Link." At the mention of the kid named Link, he looked, and saw a young blonde boy standing there, with a green tunic and a green hat that hid most of his hair. Slung across his back was a sword and shield, and judging by his stance, Aaron knew he knew how to use them. "Ahhhh, so I was right, I am in Hyrule, the Lost Woods to be precise. Hmmm, interesting. So that's what this guitar does, it doesn't teleport me to different places, it teleports me to different dimensions. It all makes sense now." At this small rant, Link and Saria gave Aaron a weird look as if he had gone a bit insane.
"And, judging by how the guitar feels so at home here. I would have to say that it was Din, Nayru, and Farore that granted me it. Hmmmm, very interesting." At the mention of their gods, and how the guitar was a gift from them, the both looked at it. Noticing it, Link and Saria, sensed a great power buried within it. Link, being the first to act, drew his sword and pointed it at Aaron as he asked, "Who are you?"
As Aaron backed up a step to put a bit of distance between him and the business end of the sword, he said, "I told you who I am, there's nothing more to it than that." Link, not being convinced, jumped up and brought his sword down in a crescent strike, aiming to sever Aaron in two. Aaron, noticing the act, pulled out his guitar and held it up. TWANG went the guitar as it effectively blocked the attack. "Listen kid, you and me both know that I can't handle a swordsman like you, so would you kindly get that thing out of my face," as Aaron swung his guitar, making a small TWANG as it knocked the sword out of his face. Link then charged at him, swinging it up from the ground, as he said, "Why should I, for all I know you could be evil, and stole that guitar from somewhere." Aaron, swinging his guitar down to lock the blade on the ground with a loud TWANG, stated, "If I was so evil, why would I be allowed into these woods? I felt the presence envelope me, but it did me no harm, in fact it led me here." At this, Link had no answer and backed off, resheathing his blade as quietly and efficiently as he drew it.
"You have a point, so then why are you here," Link asked with a slight frown on his face. "Well, I didn't know at first, but after seeing your display of such swordsmanship, I think the goddesses brought me here to learn the way of the sword. You see, I am just a traveller with no real training, sure I got physical training in the last place I visited, but that's only muscle, I don't really have the skill to defend myself against a real opponent, so, I ask of you Link, Hero of Time, will you train me in the art of the sword?"
At the mention of his title, Link got a shocked look a crossed his face, and then it changed to that of anger. "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT TITLE?" he demanded. After noticing the mistake he made, Aaron could only tell him the truth. "Well, you heard me earlier about how this guitar teleports me between dimensions. Well, in the dimension I come from, that quest you went on to gain that title, it was a game, along with your quest to defeat majora's mask. Majora's mask, now that was a b***h of a game to beat, I mean seriously, THREE days, how DID you do it dude?" Link, though doubting him, accepted his explanation. That doesn't mean he trusted him yet though, NOOOO far from it.
"So, you willing to teach me?" "Well, if it's what the goddesses wish, I have no choice now, do I?" Link said while letting a slight sigh escape his lips. "Really, cool. You think we can start tomorrow, I'm kinda tired from my journey here. Traversing dimensions takes a lot outta you, you know?" "Yeah, I know what it's like, same thing with traveling forward and backwards in time," Link said, "Fine, the training begins tomorrow at 8 am sharp. Make sure you wake up the first time, because I won't come around to wake you up a second time." "Sweet, but firsts things first, you got any grub....and a place I can sleep?"
Link directed Aaron back to his place, as he began to whip something up for Aaron to eat. "Link is the best cook of all the kokiris. It's something about his nose, he can just smell the best quality spices," Saria said, as she had a slight grin on her face while looking at Link. Aaron noticed this, but he decided not to say anything, :It's best not to ruin it by letting her know that Link's a hyrulian, not a kokiri.: As Link just then set down a bowl of what looked to be stew. "Hmmm, smells delicious, well, let's dig in."
"BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELCH. Oh, excuse me, that stuff was delicious. I haven't had anything that good in a LONG time." Aaron said, while rubbing his stomach. "Well, I think it's about time I get to bed, but before I do. Ummm, where will I be sleeping?" Link proceeded to hand Aaron a sleeping pallet, "On the floor in my house, that way, if you try to pull anything sneaky, I'll be able to kick your a** before it happens." "Ahhhh, that's....encouraging," Aaron said as Saria began to leave the house, "Well, night Saria, night Link." "Night Aaron," Saria said as she closed the door and went back to her place. Link just grunted, acknowledging that he heard him, as he then proceeded to strip down to his pants, taking out all his weapons and arranging them in a pile by his bed, as he then curled up in his bed and fell fast asleep. Aaron, being too tired, just curled up in his pallet, with his guitar next to him, and drifted off into a deep sleep.