Story Line:
It has been 20 years after Clark left high school and things have changed. Lois Lane had died, been killed by Lex and Clark found one other person from his home planet. They simply got together to have children and help the Kryptonian race. But now, this woman, Riza, had died and left behind her two children with a father that doesn't want them and Grandparents that hate them. They have to make it on their own. Riley and Ron Kent, twins, they work together and keep themselves off the streets. They pretend to be normal but know that with theiri powers, they are not.
Living in Smallville, Riley and Ron go to school and live, but with Lex Lutor doing weird stuff and looking for SuperMan, can they stay isolated. And when Superman is caputred, will they go their fathers' aid and help the man who abondanded them?


Riley Kent
played by: Guardian of the Sky
Appearance:Long black hair that she keeps tied back. She is five foot seven so she is really tall. Riley's eyes are golden so she looks like a cat and she wears black clothes, but she is not a Goth.
Personaity: Riley loves to sing, so she does so and gives concerts. That is how she does her part in keeping things good for her and her brother. She is convinced that she controls the shadows and calls herself Shadow, but only to her brother. She is a lesbian, so she loves women and is very close to her brother. Being sixteen, they are constantly visited by child support to makesure they are okay. She and her brother have all the same powers that Superman has and maybe even more.

Name:Ron Kent
Played by:
Appearence:Spiked Black hair He's 5'7 like his sister. He has golden eyes and has tanned skin. He wears A assortment of Red and Dark Blue Clothing, but most favorite is, A red shirt Blue Jean Jacket. Jeans that are blue. and Black boots.
Personality: He loves to show off his powers wherever they are safe and that he has A crush on some girls in school. He loves to play guitar and stuff, and football.

Characters open and you can make their profiles:
Lex Luthor
Any made up.
Orginals that are open:
Clarks's parents
all others you can thing of