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CONTEST: City Builder

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Shin Jin Tenchi Sho
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:02 am
The City Builder Contest

.:~*Table of Contents*~:.

.:~*Contest Explination*~:.

.:~*Available Cities/Requirements*~:.

.:~*Country Information*~:.


.:~*Current Submissions*~:.
PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:03 am
As you can tell by the title, The Universe of the Four Gods Guild is having a contest. This contest is in regards to the world of the Universe of the Four Gods itself. You, the player, get to create a city in the world of the book. Now, there are a few rules and guildlines for the contest. Afterall, we wouldn't want to be going about this all chaotically, now would we?

So, here are the rules!

1) Follow the posted Guild Rules!

2) Each person is allowed to submit as many cities as they wish.

3) PM Kaivi Silverwing with the applications with "City Builder Contest" as the title of the PM.  

Shin Jin Tenchi Sho
Vice Captain

Shin Jin Tenchi Sho
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:04 am
Now then, down to business. This is the list of how many cities we are lacking per country. Please refer to this when creating your city for submission.

Konan - Need One city

Kutou - Need Four cities

Hokkan - Need Five cities

Sairou - Need Seven cities (INCLUDING CAPITOL!)

Ounen - Need Eight cities

Now, for each city, there is a few required objects. Like, the name of the country, the name of the city, a detailed description for the city, and a smaller description.

First, your name. This is so I know who posted it. Obviously.

Second, the name of the Country. Just tell me what country it is going to be in. Quite simple.

Third, the name of the City. I WOULD PREFER JAPANESE NAMES, please. The reason for this is because the book has been translated into Japanese, so it is only natural that the names of the cities would be in Japanese.

Fourth, a detailed description. I want you to explain EVERYTHING. Where the various shops, bases, houses or anything sits. Tell me everything.

Fifth, and finally, a small description. This one is to be placed in the Country Information Threads in each of the subforums. Look at those to get an idea for what I want for this.

Gaian Username:
Country Name:
City Name:
Extended Description:
Miniature Description:
PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:05 am
It all seems so simple, no? Well, it isn't as simple as it may appear. You see, there are a few specifics required. For example, basic terrain, elevation, climate, and such. That, I will be providing here:

Konan - Konan is located in the southern part of the continent, much of it located on a penninsula. Most of the country is within one hundred or two hundred feet above sea level. It is tropical near the ocean, but it is still dry. There are a few rivers in the north eastern part of the country, which makes the areas around it very fertile. In those areas, rice and wheat are grown for the rest of the country. Everywhere else, fish, leeks and kelp are the predominate food substance.

Kutou - Kutou has become a bit more diverse than before. The northern and southern parts of the country are actually a bit fertile due to snow melt from Hokkan and a small amount from Konan respectively. However, in the central part of the country, it has turned into a virtual wasteland. It is not a desert, but it is, however, very dry. Needless to say, not many choose to reside in this area of the country. Along the eastern coastline, it is better. There are a few fishing villages, which provide much of the fish, leeks and kelp for the country. In the more fertile areas, rice, millet, peppers and a new crop, cocao are currently being grown.

Hokkan - Hokkan has since thawed out from the times of the Priestesses. What was once a cold, snowy kingdom has now been turned into a lush green paradise. There is nowhere in the kingdom that has been affected adversely by the heat. Being that it is the largest of the five kingdoms, it also is the main supplier of water. Not to mention rice(particularly to Sairou), corn, soybeans, cabbage, poultry and coffee. Needless to say, it is a merchant's version of heaven.

Sairou - Sairou has always been a desert terrain, so since the time of the Priestesses, this country has actually gotten better. The northern part of the country is saturated, turning it lush and green. As you might guess, this is where most of the cities are, though there are a few people who still choose the more arid regions to call home. In the rest of the kingdom, there are pockets of oasises where underground aquifers have been tapped. Once the water runs out, the people in the city move on. The most common food source is, surprisingly, wild game and leeks. The nomadic groups often use the trails of animals to find where the next location for their home is to be.

Ounen - Ounen is as it's name suggest, the melting pot of all the other countries. In the northern part of Ounen, it too has recieved the lifegiving water from Hokkan, leaving it lush and green. However, farther south, it starts to dry out. It is not sandy deserts, but that area has been known for dust storms. The people tend to flock to the areas in the northern part, as there is no water in the south. It doesn't recieve any water from Konan. Foodwise, the people recieve most of theirs from the other countries, which provides it with all those listed above. The only thing they truely grow is tea leaves, though there has been a growing number of leek and cabbage farms popping up.  

Shin Jin Tenchi Sho
Vice Captain

Shin Jin Tenchi Sho
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:19 am
Now, it wouldn't be a contest if there weren't prizes. So, here are the prizes. For each description chosen, the winner gets a choice.

The choices are:
500 gold or
1 minor power(physical or magical) for your character.

The 500 gold is obvious. The minor power, however, is not. A minor power is one that either has LOTS OF LIMITATIONS ON IT or IS NOT VERY STRONG. I would prefer the latter, but hey.

Examples are:
Minor Telepathy(only able to communicate with those who also possess the skill)
Minor Fire ability(only able to control it if it is already made or cannot hold it for more than a moment)
Minor Water ability(only able to control it if it is already made)
Minor Earth ability(only able to control it if touching it with hands)
Minor Wind ability(only able to control if a small breeze is already there)
Minor Plant ability(only able to control if already created)
Minor Metal ability(only able to control shape, not size, or must be touching it to control at all)
Minor Scorcery(only able to weild if has necessary ofuda(spell scroll) or prayer beads to focus)

Those are only some of the many minor abilities you can choose. Just ask, and you will recieve an answer as to if it is too strong or not.

There is a limit, however, of one new ability per character. UNLESS, you have FIVE cities that made the list. If you have, you can group the abilities into ONE MAJOR ability. A Major ability does not have to have as many limitations, but there will still be one or two to keep away godmoding.  
PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:20 am
Konan -

Torihakuki Village
Gaian Username: TionneDawnstar
Country Name: Konan
City Name: Torihakuki Village
Extended Description: Torihakuki Village has fallen on hard times. The only reason it's even still in existence is the fact it's the only way station between Eiyoh and Souun. One it sat on the edge of a great forest that stretched along the river that ran through the area. Tori River was one of the smaller rivers in Konan, a braided flow that was seasonal in nature, and so it was the first to dry up. Torihakuki was once known for it's timber industry, as well as berries, fowl and fresh water fish. There once was a type of quail that ran freely in Torihakuki, which was it's main export. The quails were very good to eat, and their feathers were very soft and used for expensive pillows. Half the quail harvest was exported to the Capital City. The quails are also the reason their village is called what it is, they would hunt the birds in the grasslands and shallow trees of the forest.

Unfortunately with the drying up of the river, the entire area has turned from a verdant grass and forest land into a chaparral area, with short, tough bushes, short grasses and very small animals like lizards. The closest on can come to a desert without being in an actual desert. The water for the village is pulled from deep ground water, through wells and pumps, but it is only enough to drink, not enough to irrigate fields. All there food is imported, and their main business now is caring for travelers going from the Capital to the Western City. The large village of 250 people is now only at 50, mostly people there to take advantage of travelers with exorbitant prices, or because their family has been on that land for generations and they are stubborn.

The village was quite large at one time, with several lodges for the men who would come seasonally for the quail and trout harvest. Many of the outer building that were once farms and family houses are vacant and ruined by the hot winds that now blow through the area. Two lodges that have room to rent and good food still operate in the center of the village, on is a very nice place that caters to the noble and high merchant going between the two big cities (It costs 100 Mon a night, but if you have the money it's well worth it), the other a cheaper, rougher inn that helps the less reputable (A charge of 30 Mon, and with the conditions it's a total rip off.) There is a large town store that deals with most of the trade that come through, and since Torihakuki no longer has any exports, the prices in the town are very high. Water is also costly since there isn't much of it, and while villagers are given whatever they need, visitors are required to pay a fee to the town to drink the water, (30 Mon) and triple that if they have horses that need to drink as well, (which most do considering the near waste land there area has become.) A bit away from the main heart of the village are several homes that are still inhabited. Older members of the community, people who live there because it is there home, not to make money, will often take in lost people or those down on their luck for free, remembering back to the tradition of the village to be kind and forgiving. 5 of the homes are lived in by people such as this, most of them elderly, with the remaining 5 houses belonging to the people who run or work in the inns and store. The local headman (He only goes by the name of Tsung) of the village is also the owner of the well to do in, and he lives in a walled manor, just outside the ring of small houses, complete with a bathing pool and garden. Money he makes from raping (monetarily) the travelers that go through. An offshoot of the underground economy of Souun runs the other inn.

The town is arrange in concentric rings, the middle being the two inn and the store, the smaller 10 house in a ring around that, then to the west along the road is the large, walled manor. If something isn't done soon to fix the world, then this village won't be able to survive much longer.

Miniature Description: Once a thriving, verdant village, Torihakuki has fallen on destitute times and only stays in existence because it is the one way station between Eiyoh and Souun. The place is very expensive, and everything there has a price. And the price gets bigger the more outsiders that show up.

Kutou -

Seiryuu Village
Gaian Username: TionneDawnstar
Country Name: Kutou
City Name: Seiryuu Village
Extended Description: A quiet little village in the northern part of Kutou, Kimiki Village was very surprised to have Seiryuu appear one day in their skies. The great blue dragon appeared in this village, the same time he was summoned by the Priestess of Seiryuu in Sairou. The great dragon nestled for a few moments on the roof of a nobleman and cousin to the Emperor, Hideaki Touhuuno, much to the pride of the village. He was a kind and noble ruler, and the people were overjoyed to know that he was favored. When the Capital came under attack and the royal family killed, this nobleman left his home to go to the capital and try to help the people there and fix the government. The people there saw Lord Hideaki as a great leader, and he took the throne until the remaining prince (he was 4), came to age. During the time after Regent Hideaki took the throne, he made Kutou into a peaceful place, and raised the future Emperor to be a good ruler. Unfortunately, the young Emperor was killed in a riding accident when he was 9, some thought loyalists to the Regent killed the boy to ensure that the line of the last Emperor would be broken. Many believed even with proper education, the boy was still his father's son. The Regent was actually crowned Emperor after that, even though he didn't want to rule the country permanently, however he did it for the sake of his country. With the beginning of his line, this ushered many years of peace in Kutou, and many view Seiryuu's appearance in Kimiki Village as a sign that the new line of Emperors should come from humble roots.

After he was crowned Emperor Hideaki, he decreed that Kimiki Village would be changed to Seiryuu Village, in honor of the appearance of the Beast God. No one but Hideaki's family knew that he was actually the Prince of Seiryuu, and he truly believed that the Beast God wished for his people to prosper, and while the God of Battle was a warrior deity, he realized his protected country was about to self destruct. So he himself showed his wish for the gentle Prince of Seiryuu to take over.

The village itself has grown almost to a bustling city, the main economy around farming and fishing. Since the melting of Hokkan, the river near Seiryuu Village it large and healthy, since it flows from that region; the city itself is made up of 8 districts, each named for a Seiryuu chosen. This town is probably the best educated on the former Seishi, and each has a statue dedicated to them in this town. Even though many view them as villainous, they were still viewed as heroes, because of them peace did come to Kutou.

Nakago District houses the military training grounds and smiths. Anything having to do with war is here, dedicated to the Shogun. A statue of him stands in the center, along with a plaque that describes his life and how he died. It isn't romanticized, but rather a real accounting from people who knew him. Miboshi District holds the temples and shrines to Seiryuu, as well as the old residence of the ancestor of the current Imperial line. Since Miboshi's true form was unknown, only a large plaque details his life. Tomo District is the art district, performers and artisans of all kinds come here. Ashitare District is the fisherman's wharf; the river side of the District is not walled and has piers going into the river. Soi District is the main Marketplace, where many different trades and services can be bought and sold. Amiboshi District is the healer's area, doctors and medicinal people sell there services here. Suboshi District is the residential area of the town, the houses supplied in nice, neat rows. The final section, The Noble Court, has a public garden in front of the private ground of the noble rulers there; in the center of the garden is a statue of the Priestess, and her recorded exploits. Each section has a main avenue named for their Chosen, where the center square and statue is located. They each run into a main street, The Way of Seiryuu, which ends at the River and begins at the main road that links it with Eisei. The Noble Court, Nakago, Soi and Tomo Districts are all on the west of the main street, Miboshi, Amiboshi, Suboshi and Ashitare districts are east, along the river. Many of the buildings are painted blue, in honor of Seiryuu. The residents are very proud of their statues to the Seiryuu Seishi, and believe that they can learn from the mistakes of these powerful people and be able to keep Kutou in it's era of peace.
Miniature Description: Deeply seeped in mysticism, religion and history, Seiryuu village is both a living reminder of the peace of Kutou, and the long dead remembrance to what it was like before peace. While many of the countries left their Seishi and Priestess in their shrines and legends, Seiryuu Village is dedicated to learn from past mistakes to insure a bright future. They know their Warriors were just people created from the unrest in Kutou, and they don't want that to happen again.

Hokkan -

Koku Village
Gaian Username: TionneDawnstar
Country Name: Hokkan
City Name: Koku Village
Extended Description: Koku Village didn't exist until the thaw happened, and has thus become a place of deep spirituality. It's said to be a blessed place, the cave at the top of the mountain being blessed of Genbu, and the outer area seems, strangely enough, blessed by Suzaku. The old tail goes (which seems a bit different depending on who you talk too) that the Shinzaho of the Priestess was kept inside the mountain, and thus protected by Genbu. It was supposally removed by the Priestess of Suzaku one hundred years after the Priestess of Genbu was there, but the cave is still said to bestow blessings on the people. Even though the world is now warm, ice crystals still form in the cave, making it cool all year. Outside the cave mouth grows a great tree, its roots even spill out over the cliff face as it grows. It's said that it grew in the matter of a season, despite the snow that was always around it. Even now, after the snow has gone, the huge tree still grows. The reason it is thought to be a Tree of Spirit, is because it's a cherry tree, which didn't grow in Hokkan during the White Days. Only a few fruits bloom every year on the tree, and it is believed that if you are able to eat a cherry from this tree, you will be granted great physical health and strength for the coming year. Strangely enough, the tree blooms in the winter, and the fruit only ripen on one day, then fall off. Races on this holiday (called the Feast of the Gods) in Koku Village are held; those who wish the blessing of Suzaku's Star run to the tree to try and get one of the cherries. The winners eat the fruit and keep the pit, which are made into pendants by local craftsman. Most are accompanied either by the red crystals that are found in the soil around the tree, because of their shape and color they are call Suzaku's Tears, or by the clear, blue or green crystals found in the ice formations in the cave. These crystals are called Genbu's Promise.

The village itself was settled several seasons after the snow of the peak melted, turning the whole area into a place of virtual paradise. Because of the elevation it remained cool, and the forests of the area afford much in the way food and natural resources. There are also fresh springs in the area, and are well known for their curative properties. Large bath houses are situated near these warm springs, and may people from all over Hokkan come here to heal illness or merely to relax. It's relative close proximity to Tooran makes Koku Village a favorite place of the nobility. A large shrine to Genbu now rests at the mouth of the cave, in order to maintain the holy presence there. Medicine and doctors are also plentiful in this town, and it is well known for both healing of the mind and body. The myriad of plants and resources make it the perfect place of such health. The oldest woman in the village is 110, or so she thinks, so many of the people that now live there think it will improve not only their health, but longevity as well. Because of the small amount of land, the village elders only allow a pilgrim to stay one month, then they must move on and allow room for the next person. Many of the people waiting to get into Koku Village stay in Tooran until there is room. The actual population of the town is 100, but it maintains at least 500 visitors over the course of the year, with the tourism peaking at the Feast of the Gods celebration, the week long party that culminates with the Run. The numbers of visitors for the Feast are usually in the thousands, with many camping in the woods around the village.

The village is actually carved into the mountain, the buildings and homes build of brick inside nieches in the rock, the brick made from the excavated soil (Think the Pueblos in the Southwest). The people really live within the land, and none of the forest has ever been cleared for development. There are several cliff faces maintained by the village, South Face, hold the baths and restorative pools, and also the inns and homes of the nobles that go between the village and the capitol. West Face contains the homes of the doctors and villagers, all stacked on top of each other like little boxes. This face is the widest in area, so many tents are put up everyday to sell wares. Dubbed the Spiritual Market, it sells medicine, art and jewelry made on the mountain, as well as imports such as food, textiles and other sundries. North Face is where the Shrine to Genbu is and the sacred cherry tree, along with the dwellings of the shrine keepers and garden tenders. The entire village is encompassed at or near the summit of Mount Koku.
Miniature Description: This paradise nestled on the summit of Mount Koku is only a half a days walk from Tooran. If relaxation, spiritual and physical healing is what you need, then this is the place. Pilgrims come to pay veneration to Genbu at the Holy Cave, and to a lesser extend, Suzaku's Tree, said to have grown from the grave of a fallen Warrior.

Gaian Username: TionneDawnstar
Country Name: Hokkan
City Name: Tooran
Extended Description: During the Melt, many areas in Hokkan suffered calamities as the rivers swelled well beyond capacity. While there is still melting going on, it doesn't compare to the first melt, when torrents of frigid water rushed away lives and homes. The City of Tooran is no different. When the river that runs through the city became swollen with run off, Tooran River became three times it's original size, and half the city was swept down river. The only building near the river that survived was the Shrine to the Priestess of Genbu, which was on a high piece of ground. Now it is an island in the center of the huge river, though people still face the swift water to go there and pray. The city has expanded out now, to make up for the lost land.

Located under the protective peak of Mount Koku, the Tooran River is fed by both a smaller river to the north (Harisen River) and the streams that run from the Mountain peak. Fish are abundant in the river, but the fast current makes boat fishing hazardous. Nets are the preferred methods to capture the salmon on their runs, and some very elaborate ideas to make fishing more profitable lent the river district it's nick name "Net City." Because of its rich soil and abundant water, Tooran is also host to some of the world's best farms, specializing in rice and cash crops. Farms are located outside the city gates, though the farmer's houses tend to be on the east side of the river, farthest away from Mount Koku, and incidentally the poorest area. This is called the Low District, because it is lower in elevation then the other side of the river. The sheer beauty of the tree lined streets brings wealthy merchants and landed nobles to Tooran to vacation. These grand Villas are on the east side of the River, nearest the base of the mountain. The Lord that rules Tooran has a large palace located in the center of the High District. All trading, Inns and markets are located along the River banks; the nicer, more expensive things on the High Side, the trading usually associated with common folk are located on the Low side. There are a large amount of Inns on both sides of the river, since many pilgrims on their way to the holy places on Mount Koku end up staying for awhile in Tooran. The residents of Tooran tend to be more spiritual, just because of there proximity to the Holy Mountain. There tends to be many brothels in the area, not because they are prohibited, but because they can't make enough money to stay in business. Because of the popularity of Mount Koku, even local speech has picked up strange variances in greetings and blessings. Things like "Priestess be with you," have replaced the normal salutations to Genbu himself, showing the towns folk's respect for the Priestess of Genbu.

The wall that surrounds the city is quite impressive. The original wall had to be knocked down with the expansion of the river, so a new, more ornate wall was built of white rock that had been carried down the river originally in the flood from the north. The 10 bridges that connect the Low and High Districts are also made of the white stone.

Miniature Description: Under the protective watch of the Holy Mount Koku, Tooran is both monetarily and spiritually rich. Lying on either side of Tooran River, the City is green and mild all year round. Whether one goes there for the food, quality markets or just a lay over to the journey up the Holy Mountain, visitors are never disappointed.

Ushiki Village
Gaian Username: TionneDawnstar
Country Name: Hokkan
City Name: Ushiki Village
Extended Description: Ushiki village is a small settlement in very northern Hokkan, that before the melt was too inhospitable to live in. Now it's a verdant field of green grasses, perfect for the raising of live stock. The village itself is small, having about 100 residents, but at any given time half or more are out tending the animals. Ushiki village is know for it's fine meat, milk and wool, the principle animal raised are sheep, however they have quite a few cows and goats as well. Even though Hokkan is quite a nice place to live now, the high peaks of the Northern country still have snow, and it is still cool. The village itself is arranged along a wide boulevard, were there is a general store, feed store and inn. These features are quite small, usually only the few traders that come up to trade for the fine wool products made by the women of the village. The houses are scattered around the wide, rolling hills of the prairie, and the Isiri creek runs just to the west of the village, parallel to the main road. The more well off inhabititants tend to live on the tops of the surrounding hills, while the poorer villagers live on the side or in the small valley bottom, near the creek or village center. The Lord of the area is quite rich, since the wool industry brings in quite a bit of money. He watched after his subjects however, and is quite proud a Genbu Celestial warrior came from the small town. Lord Masumasa is secretly seeing the widowed mother of the warrior, and gossip around the town says he may make her his wife. His reasoning for this is out of love for her, and respect to their warrior, so he no longer has to care for them.
Miniature Description: Nestled in the verdant valleys of Northern Hokkan, Ushiki village gains it?s survival on livestock, most notable sheep. Nothing of interest happens in this town, though it is now a bit famous in the area for being the home town of a Genbu Choosen.

Sairou -

Gaian Username: TionneDawnstar
Country Name: Sairou
City Name: Seidou
Extended Description: Seidou, the new capital of Sairou, is nestled within a canyon where Toraichi River flows down from the Northern regions. The area is now very green and lush, though during the time of the Priestesses it was a wasteland of barren mesas and deep gullies. The Capital started as a village, and when it was found that the soil on top of the mesas around the canyon were very fertile and easily irrigated, many people began to move onto the rock outcroppings and canyon floors. The village grew quickly, and walls were erected to protect the mouth of the canyon, since the waterfall side was completely impassable. When the old capital of Sairou became basically uninhabitable, the Emperor moved his Court north, to the growing city of Seidou, and proclaimed it the new capital. It?s been this way for 4 generations.

The palace is located on the upper most cliff face before you get to the mesa above. The river flows into the canyon and eroded the canyon face back enough to produce a large niche behind the waterfall. This lends an amazing atmosphere for the palace, the gardens are always green and the air is always cool and moist even in the middle of summer. Light in the palace is filtered through the waterfall, giving the palace a tranquil, spiritual feeling. Also the waterfall can be heard through the open halls and plazas of the walled compound, and everything is coated with refreshing dew. The palace is smaller then it's counterparts in Hokkan, Konan, Kutou and Ounen, but the sheer magnificence of the location, atmosphere and decorations makes it one of the most impressive buildings in the world. A cut stone staircase leads up the side of the canyon, it's banister inlaid with black marble and mother of pearl, it's called the Staircase of Byakko, and is the only way to get from the palace to the city below it. Not only does it give a fantastic view of the canyon, but also is defensible from the enemy.

Many other manors are built into the canyon face, all belonging to the Lords and wealthy merchants of Sairou. These vary in size from large to modest, but for the choice property in the city, one will pay a handsome sum. All the common folk, shops and other institutions are on the Canyon floor, nestled along the riverbank. There are several distinct sections to the town. The Market is located right on the banks of the river, making it easy for trade. Boats come up the current to trade in the Capital, then leave out the large gate that protects the cities waterway. Many foreign traders also use the few ramps that run down the side of the canyon, big enough to allow carts to pass each other. Tents, permanent shops and even just street peddlers and performers crowd the area around the river for fun and trade. The second is the residential area that is right against the canyon wall. These range from shacks to nice merchant dwellings and are situated on broad, cobbled streets. Farmers that tend the soil up on the mesa either use small staircases, or the two main ramps going up, one on each side of the river. The third area is the Temple District, which is near then waterfall and hosts the Shrine to Byakko, public gardens and new monastery.

Seven bridges cross the river on the canyon floor, each one named for one of Byakko's constellations, starting at the waterfall itself and running down to the gate. These are made of the same marble and mother of pearl as the Staircase, and are named as follows, Tokaki, Tatara, Kokie, Subaru, Amefuri, Toroki and Kagasuki. These bridges are quite large and impressive, big enough for large boats to go under.
Miniature Description: A large, bustling and beautiful city, Seidou is as quiet and serene as its surroundings. Surely an amazing oasis at the mouth of a large desert, the new Capital is something wondrous to behold. Watched over by its Castle on the Cliff, it is peaceful and relatively crime free.

Ounen -

Sukitama Village
Gaian Username: TionneDawnstar
Country Name: Ounen
City Name: Sukitama Village

Extended Description: Sukitama village lies on the border of Ounen and Kutou on Rising Dragon River. A simple, small village on the outside, many of the inhabitants are originally from Kutou. It was formed soon after the birth of Ounen from political and criminal refugees. While the streets are dirt and the fifty houses there was typical of farmers, a dark, underground smuggling ring is run through this sleepy fishing village. The product is humans, children and girls sold or stolen into slavery and sold as concubines or workers. The whole village is just a front for the way station between inner Ounen and Kutou. Half the population of 300 goes about fishing and farming to keep up the guise, while the other half traffic humans. The leader of the village is Gyokun, the leader of the traffickers.

The village is situated along the river, with most of the residences within 10 minutes walk of water, giving the village a long, narrow look. There is one main street in the town that runs parallel to the River, and then there is the main road about 100 yards south of the village that goes over a bridge. There is a checkpoint there for passports, so the people don't use that point of entry, but rather use boat that dock at the houses, then transfer the slaves to holding quarters set up in dummy houses along the river. There is one large inn, a brothel and a store. Since the people there run dual lives, they go out trading rather then inviting peddlers in. The Day End Brothel, Rising Dragon Inn and Water Sprites Store are all in the center of the town.

Miniature Description: While it is a peaceful village on the outside, Sukitama Village as a deep secret. No one talks about the evil that permeates there, and to ask the villagers invites certain doom. A word to wise travelers, get supplies and get out as fast as you can.

Shin Jin Tenchi Sho
Vice Captain


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