Ehehehe.. This was going to how I feel today. I'm drug free, but the thought is as good as it is, when I'm this annoyed. Influenced by Rehab - Mary Magdalan. I love her voice, mate.. So sedating. Drug content for the use of needles.

Note: The poem is supposed to tell a story. Honestly, it's not really about drugs itself.


Needles reek upon my flawless skin
A smile leaving enchanted lips of black
Head tilted with unholy bandages over my body
Words are needless, and drunk is feeble

Slamming each to find the adrenaline rush
Saliva mixing in with joy as the pain kicks in
Misery, o' misery. The injuries are too great
My hands are brought into crimson

Mahogany masticating my dreams eyes
they fill my eyes from the purity white
Darkness resists not from my vision
Balance lost as corpse hits the floor

Liquid of all colours flood from me
Oh my, the pain is too great
All decently left to be seen
Is that smile, smile of lost

Smile of Eternal Hope
Smile of Happiness
Smile of Ending Life

Lived great, died young

Who will be the next of Misery?