Shyl Kalwarelm

Anyone walking into the center of the Mithran village of Shyl Kalwarelm would be hard pressed to find signs of life. It is in the middle of the great forests of Dij’ Hiran. There are no houses within sight. No buildings at all. The most that outsiders and unwelcome guests would see are a few worn paths that could just as easily be the work of the local deer population. It is not until one looks up and stares for quite awhile that the Mithran village becomes noticeable. The houses are all built into the trees, formed with so little interruption to nature that it is hard to tell that they are not a natural part of the forest. The colossal size of the trees in the area that the Mithrans make their home is responsible for this unique architecture. The homes are built in a spiral that travels up the trees for sometimes three and four stories. The Mithrans are completely at home in the forest, not minding the natural swaying of the trees, though most outsiders refuse to visit their treetop homes or don’t stay very long – always on edge. The males normally keep to the trees for safety, while the females venture down from the canopy to the forest floor. The design of the village is so complete that most males and some older females never even touch the ground for years at a time.

Shyl Kalwarelm is controlled by a council of Elders, made up of those females who have proven themselves worthy of the role. When an Elder dies or resigns from her post, the other Elders cast a vote to decide who among them will fill the spot. In this way, every Mithran female – regardless of age – has a chance to make a difference providing that she prove herself an asset to the village.