Jahli : Viera Village

High above ground, near the canopy of the great forest of Dij'Hiran, many vines and branches block the sunlight and rainwater from ever reaching the ground below. To the naked and untrained eye, it is merely a dense area in the tree branches - to the Viera, it is home. Protected by hypnotic spells, Jahli is home to the silver haired rabbit women of the region that occupy the branches and trunks far above the ground. Without knowledge of the village, nor the proper incantation, no one can gain access to this illusive village unless invited personally by one of the Viera - which, one knows, rarely [if ever] happens.

The village leader is a fine haired, slim Viera huntress who also excels in medicinal herbs so as to better serve the women she is responsible for. She is not by any means the main healer of the village, but she does work hard to help any who seek it from her. Unlike many of her Viera 'sisters', however, she keeps an open mind towards most things and knows when - and how - to ask for help.