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[RP] Stargate: Lost Legacy (OPEN) Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 8 9 10 11 [>] [>>] [»|]

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Sweet Senshi

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:37 am
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Stargate: Lost Legacy
Lost Legacy

In 1996, the doorway into heaven was opened. Known as the Stargate, once this Pandora's Box was opened, there was no closing it. The universe was much smaller than the denizens of Earth had ever imagined, for the Stargate created a stable wormhole capable of carrying them across the vast reaches of space in a matter of seconds.

But mankind was not the only species to travel through space. The Goa'uld, an evil, parasitic race who ruled the galaxy via scavenged technology, also traveled the stars. Once the humans of Earth began to explore space, they ran into conflict with the Goa'uld.

For years, the defenders of Earth held the Goa'uld at bay, risking and even giving their lives to protect the planet. But the balance of power had been disrupted, and amongst the Goa'uld a single System Lord rose to power. Anubis. Leading armies and starships, Anubis made plans to enslave or destroy Earth.  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:18 am
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Stargate: Lost Legacy
Lost Legacy


1. Follow all Guild rules and Gaian TOS.

2. No arguing with Deirdre. If I send you a PM in regards to something, I do expect to be listened to.

3. This is a literate guild, so it goes without saying. Literacy.

4. Any abilities or equipment beyond the standard must first be checked with me, your lovely DM.

5. No pure OOC posts. If you've something to ask me or another player, use PMs. It MAY (within reasonable limits) be included at the end of a post. Should OOC conversation get out of control, I may say something and I expect to be listened to. See rule one.

6. Romance is allowed and encouraged. This is, however, a realistic setting. There are consequences to some relationships. Also, remember that Gaian TOS require we keep to a PG-13 rating.

7. I reserve the right to add or change rules as necessary.  


Sweet Senshi


Sweet Senshi

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:50 am
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Stargate: Lost Legacy
Lost Legacy

Lost Legacy

In the battle against Anubis, there are few avenues of hope. The famous SG-1 team has concentrated their efforts into finding the lost city of Atlantis in the hopes that the Ancient technology which may be uncovered will help to defend Earth.

However, another hope has been discovered. Deep in the deserts of Egypt, a tomb was uncovered. In this tomb was a cartouche of symbols that were of no known origin to the archaeologist who found them. The hieroglyphs around the set of symbols spoke of Ra, and of his scientists who lived in the sky.

Ever since the start of the Stargate Program, those Governments involved, have kept a much closer watch on developments in the archaeological world than before. Word of this set of symbols filtered up to the SGC. Within a short span of time, the coordinates had been dialed. It was found that the planet did, indeed exist, but the entrance was sealed. A MALP sent through showed the activation of the gate had created a small chamber just the other side of the gate. Enough that a team could be sent through to make a tunnel onto the planet itself.

When consulted about this planet, the Tok'ra called it Caer Cailleach. The SGC called it P3X-287. It was a Planet thought lost or destroyed. Dating back to a time before the Goa'uld were the dominant race of the galaxy, before they had found Earth, it had been a place to research new technology. As history had passed for both Goa'uld and Tok'ra, the planet had become more and more backwater, as both races only used that technology which was most useful and most powerful. When they became capable of space-travel and began to take over and colonize space, Caer Cailleach was forgotten, lost, and sealed.

A team is now being formed. There is a chance, slim though it may be, that there is a technology overlooked on this planet that could help in the fight against Anubis. This is Earth's most desperate hour. Despite the high probability of this team never returning at all, their goal is to find and recover any technology that could help Earth. If a DHD cannot be discovered or there is no way to establish an outgoing wormhole on the gate on the planet, then the second mission of the team is to find a way home by other means.  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:55 am
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Stargate: Lost Legacy
Lost Legacy



Always under construction. Feel free to send suggested terms to DeirdreTonbo by PM.


Ancients: The race which created the Stargates but have since disappeared from the galaxy. One of the four races of the alliance. It is commonly thought they "ascended" to a higher plane of existence.

Goa'uld: Parasitic race of Aliens. Once posed as the Gods of older cultures but were driven back by a revolt in Egypt. Still the dominant race in the galaxy, they live in human "hosts".

Jaffa: A race of servants to the Goa'uld. The Jaffa carry the immature Goa'uld in their abdomen until it matures. It replaces their natural immune system, granting better immunities and longer life.

Tauri: Humans. Thought to be the seed race of the many humanoid races on other planets.

Tok'ra: The Goa'uld Queen, Egeria, saw the error in the ways of the Goa'uld. She was banished for creating a second race of symbiotes, the Tok'ra, a race of good Goa'uld.

Unas: The original Race that Goa'uld used as hosts. They have a natural regenerative ability.

Asgard: One of the four races of the alliance. In appearance they are the "little grey men" made famous in Roswell. They have a high level of technology, but are in their own war with the Replicators and unable to send enough military might to aid Earth. Also, to advance the planet in that way would leave other Asgard-protected planets vulnerable.

Anubis: An ascended Goa'uld. Uses his knowledge from ascension to his advantage in domination of the galaxy.


Abydos: The first planet to be traveled to by Stargate. One of the closest gated planets to Earth.

SGC: Stargate Command. In some alternate universes also known as Stargate Agency.

Atlantis: The Lost City of the Ancients.


Stargate: A ring of naquadah, capable of creating and maintaining a stable wormhole connected to another Stargate, allowing travel between.

DHD: Dial Home Device.

Naquadah: A metal not native to Earth, though the Stagate is made of it. Highly conductive and stores a great energy. Can be used to create compact Naquadah Generators.

Sarcophagus: A device capable of extending life indefinitely and heal injuries and afflictions up to and including death. Takes a terrible toll on the psyche of the user, driving them to selfish megalomania, and hopelessly addicting them.

Hatak: Goa'uld Mothership.

Replicators: Mechanical Race. Creatures constructed of small pieces of metal, each with it's own programming. Their main drive is to move from planet to planet absorbing new and better technology into their programming, and harvesting raw materials in order to Replicate.  


Sweet Senshi


Sweet Senshi

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:00 am
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Stargate: Lost Legacy
Lost Legacy



The SGC would not send an incomplete team through the gate. There are many positions, specializations and fields of expertise they are looking to recruit for this mission.

Except for a few jobs, most can be held by more than one person. Also, a person could have more than one job - that would only make them a better choice for the mission.

Mission commander(1) - Only one soldier with a rank of Colonel who will be in command of all aspects of the mission. She will be the highest ranking officer, and will be tasked with identifying and assessing the military situation at all times during the mission. (She'll decide what risks to take, if and when to scrub the mission, and maybe to disable the Stargate.)

Tactical commander(1) - At least one soldier with special forces training whose job it will be to provide tactical analysis and planning. (She'll do all the planning for any military actions, like assaulting any enemy bases to steal information, if necessary.)

Demolitions(1) - at least one soldier with training in demolitions. Should also have special training for improvising explosives. (Just in case it becomes necessary to blow the crap out of an enemy base, but also for the purpose of breaking into old, sealed bases, and she'll probably be useful digging the Stargate out.)

Geologist(0) - At least one person to dig the team out of the cavity, and then dig the Stargate/DHD out.

Linguists(2) - At least one person each familiar with various Goa'uld dialects, particularly ancient ones, and other ancient Earth tongues. (One person could know multiple tongues, or a couple could know a few each.)

Pilots(1) - At least one person each trained on operating various Goa'uld equipment: death gliders, transports and mother ships (and others).

Scientists/Engineers(2) - To identify and recover useful technology. Also, they will probably be needed to safely break into old Goa'uld bases.

Medic(1) - At least one, for obvious reasons.

Soldiers(3) - Grunts, including cannon fodder. But most will be chosen because they can fulfill at least one other role.

UPDATE! Please note, that from this point on, all members accepted into the team will be human and originating from earth. This is not to crush the dreams of those who wish to be aliens, but an attempt to keep close to the feeling of the original show.


Please PM the following to DeirdreTonbo, with the appropriate information filled out. Until you have received confirmation, please refrain from posting.

[b]Scientist/Soldier[/b] (One or the other. Multiclassing possible, but military training often comes before the scientist mentality)
[b]UserName:[/b] You
[b]Name:[/b] character
[b]Age:[/b] For scientists, you're likely post-graduate. twenty-four is as young as it gets, you'll have to give me good reason to be any younger. For soldiers, low-ranked grunts are unlikely to be accepted into the SGC. twenty-one is young for the program.
[b]Rank:[/b] Military-specific. The higher the rank, the older the soldier.
[b]Field:[/b] Scientist-specific. Most focus on a specific field of research, though many are well-versed in related subjects.
[b]Position:[/b] Your primary function on the team
[b]Appearance:[/b] A textual description. A picture alone is not acceptable. Though a picture AND a description is perfect.
[b]Biography:[/b] Please do not forget to include how you came to know of the Stargate Program or how you were recruited for this mission.



User ImageSoldier
UserName: DeirdreTonbo
Name: Kaede Lockwood
Age: 35
Rank: Colonel, Airforce
Position: Mission Commander
Appearance: Slender and fit for her age, Kaede still gets carded at the liquor store (much to her irritation). Her dark hair is cut short and though she makes some effort to keep it military-neat, it generally looks tousled. Though she smiles and laughs easily, there is a shadow behind her deep green eyes.
Biography: As long as she can remember, Kaede has wanted to be a space pirate. Though she joined the Air Force shortly after graduation, it did nothing to diminish her dreams of piracy in the stars. Only a year into her career in the military, Lockwood was sent to participate in Operation Desert Storm. She served, showing herself to be capable of following orders but interpreting them in a way that benefitted all those who served with her. After that, Kaede moved steadily upward in the military, proud of her country and of herself. Her natural athleticism and grace put her into a special unit, often being deployed to counter terrorism. Lockwood's Black Ops activities are sealed, and though there's a dark shadow over formerly care-free eyes, she is not going to talk about it. Still, if anyone asks, her life goal is to be a space pirate. Something that actually seems like a possibility now that she has been brought into the Stargate Program.

User ImageSoldier
UserName: Aenakume
Name: Christine Hunter
Age: 28
Rank: Captain (US Air Force)
Field: N/A
Position: Tactical specialist (but can also serve secondary roles as command functions, fire support, and pilot)
Appearance: Christine's compact, athletic and lean body could be called boyish, except that her fluid, efficient and gracefully cat-like motions shatter any illusion of masculinity. Although she stands only 157 cm, she carries herself with an aura of confidence and strength that discourages anyone planning on looking down on her. Her long, straw-blonde hair - her only conscession to her femininity - is normally pinned up tightly as per regulation. Her mouth is small, with narrow lips, and her eyes are small and narrow. They are a very pale steel-grey/blue that adds an almost hypnotic effect to the withering glares that are her primary method of communication.
Biography: After a distinguished academic career at Colorado Springs Air Force Academy, studying Military History and Advanced Tactical Theory, Hunter flew F-22's over various theatres, including Somalia and Kosovo. She was pegged as a backup pilot for the X-302 wing, but her tactical background is what earned her a slot on this team.

User Image
UserName: Heather Samilka
Name: Heather Lee
Age: 31
Rank: Captain, US Airforce
Field: Ancient Languages
Position: Demolitions Expert
Appearance: Slender, fit, compact. She stands five feet, five inches tall and mostly muscle. Shoulder length brown hair usually tied back in a ponytail, deep brown eyes. Her movements are graceful and nearly cat-like in quality. She dresses in standard military clothing when on duty. However, when off duty it's usually jeans and t-shirts. Or when the mood strikes her, slacks and blouses. Full soft lips and a slender nose. She doesn't hide her femininity, but she doesn't flaunt it either.
Biography: Heather was a troublesome child and her parents couldn't handle her. She got into trouble with gangs and skipped classes as early as the age of five. Her parents had finally enough and shipped her off to military school. Raised by the military, she studied demolitions and all kinds of ancient warfare combat. Which lead to her interest in ancient languages and where they came from. Joining up with the US Airforce by the time she was eighteen, Heather had straightened herself out. She continued her training and earned the rank of Captain before she retired from the service at the age of twenty-five. Her passion for ancient languages and dead cultures lead to her decision to take up going college and studying for four years. By the time she was twenty-nine, she graduated in the top one quarter of her class. Although by no means the at the top, she was satisfied with her standing. The reason she was not the best, was because she had trouble with her professors telling her she was wrong when in fact she was right and they were wrong. It seemed they did not wish to be proven wrong.

She studied ancient Egyptian, Latin, and Arabic. Her love for ancient languages lead her to trying to track down Doctor Daniel Jackson. Being that he was the first and foremost on ancient languages, she wanted to learn all she could from him. In the end, her search for him lead her back to the military where she placed some discreet inquiries to where she could find the man. Her inquiries flagged other people within the SGC and others in the military. It seemed that her life had been followed since she had left the service and it was brought to attention that she was a linguist specialist who was searching for Doctor Jackson to continue her education in ancient languages as well as trying to find the origin of them. Heather had started her inquiries in the military six months after she had left college. It took her another three months before she was approached by a representative of the SGC and brought to see Doctor Jackson. Once there, she talked to him about his theories on where the languages and ancient cultures came from and discussed her want to learn more languages and to put that to work helping the world understand the ancient past. For another three months they corresponded after the initial meeting. Then she was recalled to active duty and assigned to the SGC. By this time she was thirty years old and was introduced to the command structure and what the SGC really was. The next year of her life was spent learning under Doctor Jackson in new languages. Goa'uld and Ancient to be specific. Also during this she was sent on missions off world to get experience with SG-15. It was during this that they learned of the planet with all the Ancient left over technology. A new SG team was being created specifically to go to this planet and search through the technology left behind and they were in need of a Demolitions expert. She was assigned to the team because of that and it didn't hurt that she had been studying with Doctor Jackson in languages as well. Even though she was no expert in them as of yet, she was well enough along that she could read some of the ancient texts. Doctor Jackson, knowing that they would need as much an edge as possible, gave her a copy of his notes and books to help her continue her education in the languages as well as help any other linguists on the team with translations for where they were going.

User ImageUserName: XxArturia_PendragonxX
Name: Sandrilene 'Sandry" fa Toren
Age: 38
Rank: Jaffa -no rank-
Position: Soldier
Appearance: Unlike most of the warriors in her race, Sandrilene is not bulky and muscular. Slim and in shape, she also lacks the forehead marking that would show which system lord she served. Not officially being in the human's military, she is able to keep her hair long, and has done so. Her dark red hair is frowned upon by some, but no one has made any objections. Her blue eyes give off her stiff nature, yet there is a sign of merriment and joy mingled in there as well. Sandry dresses like her human comrades, rather liking the camo gear.
Biography: Sandrilene was born into the dominion of Moloc. It was decreed that all female girls were to die because only men could lead the armies to victory after she was born. That said, she was able to escape the fate that so many of her other sisters were put through. New born baby girls were to be sacrificed in the Ceremony of Fire. Knowing that it was wrong, she banded together with Ishta and helped the newly formed resistance known as Hak'tyl rescue many of the baby girls. Though young herself at the time, she helped care for them. Disliking the fact that they had to steal other Jaffa's symbiotes to survive, Sandry left once the new nation was secure to find an alternate method of fighting and surviving. This lead her into finding other free Jaffa and eventually put her in touch with the SGC, in which she eagerly voiced her request to join.

UserName: Akai_ryu
Name: Demosthenes "Ender" Shijo
Age: 33
Rank: Gunnery Sergeant
Position: Soldier/Medic/Marksman
Appearance: At just under 5'4" and weighing in at 137 lbs Demosthenes, sometimes called Ender, is on the larger end of the Asian range, but smaller than most Americans. Her muscular build contrasts with her delicate-seeming bone structure, usually only truly apparent in her face and hands. Most of the curves on her just-short-of-stocky body are in her muscles rather than else where. Ender usually wears her black - dark dark brown shot through with lighter strands of brown and red in bright lights - hair cut short so that she can tie most of it back into a very short men's queue. Serious dark brown eyes under up-swept wing-like eyebrows tends to give her a very serious look.

When not in her work uniform Demosthenes can usually be found wearing dark or earth tones. At best her preferred clothing can be called boyish or tomboyish. Generally her clothes are loose enough not to restrain her movement but tight enough not to get in the way with a lot of pockets. She has been known to occasionally wear black BDUs at times but one will never see her wearing shorts. The only jewelry she ever wears isn't really jewelry as it's her dog tags with their rubber silencing rings.
Biography: Ender was born on a military base in California. Both her parents were Marines and her father's brother was Navy while her grandfathers on both sides had been Army. The youngest of three children by four years, she spent most of her time playing with her older brothers and their friends rather than the other girls. When she was ten both of her parents and one of her brothers died in a car accident. The only thing that had kept Ender and her brother from being in that accident was that he had been sick and she had been the one chosen to keep an eye on him.

Oddly her parents had decided to send them to different guardians. Ender's brother was sent to live with her mother's sister in New Orleans while Ender herself was sent to live with her uncle in Coronado, CA where he was working as a SEAL instructor. When he was home he often took her out on exercises with himself and his buddies. For when he wasn't home she was signed up for martial arts classes and occasionally tussled with his buddies. Later that led to her being on her high school's cross country team as one of their top runners and swim team during the spring. Growing up spending half her time on land, a quarter at school and another quarter in the water, Ender is as comfortable underwater as she is on land.

Despite the fact that her uncle was rarely home, leaving her with his roommate as her temporary guardian, Ender was an A student as well as involved in athletics. Never much of one for the books, part of the reason she was an A student was that she never took honors or AP classes and kept her schedule light. The minute she turned 17, Ender became a regular at the various recruitment offices around her hometown doing research into each branch and trying to decide which one she wanted to join. She had always wanted to become a SEAL just like her uncle, but had learned years ago that she wouldn't be able to due to congress' ban on women in combat units. So, she chose the Marines.

Boot camp at MCRD Parris Island passed mostly without incident as the shift from home to boot was only slightly different in that it involved uniforms, Drill Instructors, actual organized training and a lack of dealing with classes in high school. Years of practice with her uncle's firearms at the range with him as bonding time managed to wrangle an expert rating for her rifle. For four years Ender worked as an MP, serving one tour of duty in the Gulf War before it was over. For the most part, however, she spent her time stationed in Hawaii. After her four years were up, she decided to move to the reserves on a 6x2 plan. During the next eight years she bounced from a job as a cop in a small Californian town to a paramedic.

Still not bored with the Marine Corps, she decided to re-up again, this time swapping back to active duty. Someone in her family must have pulled some strings because it wasn't long before someone from SGC contacted her commanding officer and requested that they work out a loan. And once her records were reviewed the request turned into a demand.


User ImageScientist
UserName: DeirdreTonbo
Name: Sonata Rourke
Age: 25
Field: Archeology
Position: Lead ResearcherLinguist
Appearance: Sonata wears her light brown hair cut very short, primarily because it's easier to manage that way. Thick glasses make it difficult to tell if her eyes are grey, blue, or a little bit of both. Not particularly graceful, there is usually a bruise or two on Sonata's shins, arms, or knees. A scattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks seem to spread down the back of her neck, but it's impossible to guess how far they go.
Biography: While studying for her doctorate in Egypt doing field research, Sonata literally stumbled into a tomb that had been undisturbed for ages. There was a wealth of treasure within the tomb, but the item which most fascinated Sonata was a carving in the wall, a cartouche with symbols in it she had never seen before. Her instincts lead her along the right line of research and she discovered that several artifacts related to the tomb (and several found in the tomb) mysteriously disappeared into the hands of the US government. Now on the alert, Sonata continued her research, tracing all the missing artifacts and coming up with vast amounts of information on ancient gods in relation to these items. Somehow the government caught wind of her studies and showed up at her door with an offer. To join the Stargate Program, forget what she knew, or disappear completely. Resentfully, Sonata joined the program. Since then, her resentment has faded away. Given access to the information on the Goa'uld the SGC had, Sonata continued her research. Her symbols lead to the planet P3X-287 and, as she has become one of the head researchers into the language and writings of Goa'uld, Asgard, and Ancient (as well as anything else she could get her hands on) Sonata was a shoe-in for a position on the team.

User ImageScientist
UserName: Aenakume
Name: Marie-Emilie (M.E. or Emmy) Devereux
Age: 29
Rank: N/A
Field: Quantum signal theory/High energy physics (same thing, really)
Position: Engineer (but is also a competent pilot who has flown captured Death Gliders and Tel'tak offworld)
Appearance: Tall (180 cm) and skinny with a narrow waist and hips and long - almost gangly - limbs that, combined with her lax posture, make her look almost awkward and clumsy. Despite that she was actually a championship distance runner and high/long/triple jumper, and she still has the firm, tight musculature to prove it. Her hair is naturally flaming red and curly - and normally allowed to hang free to the whatever whims nature chooses to style it, at most with strips of rag that can hardly be called ribbons to tie it out of the way. Her eyes are large and unable to decide whether they want to be blue with green speckles or green with blue speckles, but under normal circumstances are narrowed sleepily. Her lips are thin, and usually either pursed thoughtfully or arranged in an amused smirk, depending on the situation.
Biography: Emmy's Ph.D. in quantum physics earned her a chance to work on the team reverse-engineering captured off-world technology at Area 51 and the Alpha Site... but in short order her casual beligerence toward the military command at that base soured the experience. Instead, when a second civilian-only engineering team was proposed to find ways to re-engineer alien technology to make it look like it was done on Earth (so that, eventually, it could be released to the public without giving away that it is alien), she jumped on it, and has been working there since - although she sorely regretted giving up the chance to work off-world. Emmy has a particular brilliance at "hacking" together simplistic solutions to complicated engineering problems - no one but Emmy would dare boast that they could make a staff weapon with a tube of toothpaste, a lemon, some fertilizer, three old television antennas and a tampon... and certainly that boast would never be taken seriously if it came from anyone but Emmy. It is her ability to improvise in this manner that attracted the attention of those selecting this team.

UserName: Astarael Storm
Name: Aria
Age: 19, her people finish their school years at 15, she had three years of what the Tauri call university.
Rank: civilian
Field: Physics and Chemical-Engineering
Position: Technology Expert
Appearance: She has long, wavy black hair, and vivid purple eyes. Her complexion is a little bit pale, creamy and porcelain smooth. she's about 6'0" and has a slight build. Next to her left eye are little tattooed stars and the same with her right.
Biography: She was a top-of-the-class student when she graduated. She got recruited by her government to examine the device that turns out to be a Stargate, along with many skilled linguists. When the gate activated and an SG team stepped out, she realized what an opportunity it would be to explore the galaxy with the Terrans (her peoples word for 'earth' being 'Terra', though they are called Tauri to the Jaffa and Goa'uld). After the team left, they were attacked by Goa'uld and Jaffa. They tried to resist but their shields were too inferior and they were nearly exterminated. She along with less than 100 survived. The SGC helped relocate her people, but she wished to stay behind(at the SGC) to avenge her people by ridding the universe of Anubis (who was the one responsible for the slaughtering of most of her people). Their technology level was close to Earth's in the 1970's.

User ImageUserName: Sterling Rogue
Name: Ceridwelle | Kyrin
Age: 27 | unknown
Rank: Infiltrator
Position: Goa’uld Expert
Appearance: Ceridwelle has vibrant red hair and an intense stare. Her light brown eyes can almost appear truly gold in the right light, though usually they are cast into shadow and thought. Her clothing can range from the brown garb typical for the Tok’ra to something far more exotic tracing back to Ceri’s homeworld. Kryin, of course, looks like any other symbiote.
Biography: The last few centuries of Kyrin’s life has been spent working her way up in the ranks of Ba’al. Her true nature was discovered in the last year and she was forced to flee. In the escape, Kyrin’s host was fatally wounded and crashed a cargo ship on a planet with a Stargate but otherwise limited technology. Ceridwelle discovered the ship and witnessed the death of Kyrin’s host, accepting the duties of hosting Kyrin until she was back with the Tok’ra through the God’s Gate. Once the two bonded, Ceridwelle came to understand the truth about the gods and volunteered to remain as a host to Kyrin. After rigorous testing ensured she was true to the cause, the young girl was accepted. Since then, both Jacob and Selmak suggested them for this mission.


Sandrilene 'Sandry" fa Toren | XxArturia_PendragonxX ( 3/3/08 )
Demosthenes "Ender" Shijo | Akai_ryu ( 3/3/08 )


Emma M. Thompson | Toucan Shay
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:41 pm
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Stargate: Lost Legacy
Lost Legacy



Accepting Profiles! Yay!

HOKAY. So, those who have their profiles in up should start to gather for "training". Check? Check.


Sweet Senshi


Sweet Senshi

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:01 am
Preparations were underway in the gateroom. They would be for quite a while yet. A team was being assembled for a mission that may not even have an ending. A hope for success but an assumption of failure.

All this and more rested on the slender shoulders of the woman watching the events before her. The mission wasn't due to begin for another several weeks while the last of the team was assembled and brought to the state. Until then, those who had gathered would be going through exercises, building teamwork and comaraderie. At least, that was the plan.

"You know, if I wanted to do team-building s**t like this I could have been a suit." Lockwood spoke quietly to another soldier beside her. A sigh, a wish for a smoke, and the woman spoke again. "Alright, let's go meet the troops, Hunter."

As the mission commander of the team, Lockwood had personally helped to choose each member of the team. Christine Hunter had been amongst her first chosen and was equally versed in those who had been selected for this job.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:37 am
"Yes, sir," Hunter replied briskly, in a voice that was almost whisper-soft but business-like. Although not on parade - or a recruit anymore for that matter - she still stood properly "at ease" in the presence of the colonel.

Colonel Lockwood had instructed her to assist with the preliminary inspection of the team - a formality, really, because the team was essentially hand-picked by Lockwood herself, but Hunter got the impression that Lockwood was the kind of person who felt the need to look into the eyes of those under her command. Actually, Hunter - who prided herself on her ability to understand and adapt to the style of any commanding officer rapidly - was having a bit of difficulty adapting to Lockwood's idiosyncrasies, and was in fact currently the process of testing the water, testing her limits. For example, Lockwood had asked Hunter to come prepared with the dossiers on all of the team members for this initial meeting... but Hunter had every letter of the dossiers memorized, so there was no need to physically bring them along. So would Lockwood be angry that she hand not followed the letter of her command and brought the dossiers... or would she be content that she had followed the spirit of the command and "brought" the dossiers in her head? So far, Lockwood had not commented.

"They are an eclectic crew," Hunter commented, "Team-building may, in fact, be necessary to get them to work together in any fashion. An archaeologist that was drafted forcibly into the program, an engineer with a string of disciplinary complaints, and a child technologist. And worst of all? A marine." Hunter smiled a ghost of a smile with just the slightest twitch of one corner of her lips. Inter-branch rivalry between the services was never taken seriously - except at the football games - but nevertheless, each branch of the service had a well-stocked trove of jokes and friendly insults toward the other branches. "I doubt the child or the archaeologist would even be able to finish a standard obstacle course from Basic."  


Heather Samilka

4,050 Points
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Signature Look 250
  • Autobiographer 200
PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:20 pm
Heather was in the workout room, in a pair of sweats and a halter top. As she went through a routine workout on the body bag, her muscles rippled and sweat poured down her back and chest. There was also some sweat glistening on her brow. Just the way the light hit her made her look like she was glowing.

The woman had recieved orders just a week ago that she was being reassigned to a new team with a new objective. What that was, she was unsure as she would be filled in when she met the commander of the team. Furthermore, this team would be bigger than the standard SG teams of four out there.

Heather let out a sigh as she felt content as she wound down her workout on the bag. Finishing, she moved into the middle of the room and started to go through a tai-chi set to help her calm her mind and focus on the orders she had been given. There wasn't much there to really go over, but she tried to glean as much info out of them as possible. It seemed it was going to be an all female team, which was new in and of itself. Most teams were either all Male or a mix of male and female. So this was a bit confusing, but not to the point of distraction.

Even so, she wondered how she would get along with the new team members. There was the fact that she had no idea who her fellow team members were as of yet. Just that alone kind of unnerved her, because she didn't know if they would be all military or some civilians. She herself just a year ago had been a civilian, and now she was back to active duty. Which kind of made her nervous working around civilians, because they did tend to do things their own way and caused lots of problems.

Eventually, she did wind down the tai-chi exercise having found her center and calming her mind. She had decided she would worry about the civilians if there were any later on. For now, she would only worry about what she could control, that was herself.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 1:05 pm
Aria nervously watched the Terran's making their preperations for this mission she'd signed up for. She was dressed in a simplistic gown from her homeworld, and she had a coat fron the Terran's(or Tau'ri) over it. She was interested in seeing them go about their daily routine, and she'd even been allowed to tag along on the less-dangerous-for-civilian's missions off-world. She was probably the youngest member, in Earth years, on this expedition.  

Rogue Storm Astarael

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:25 pm
On the lab level, Dr. Emmy Devereux was engaged in an intense discussion with a group of the most respected scientists at the SGC.

"Alright, alright," Emmy said, holding up her hands to call for order, "I think we're all agreed that the only point of contention here is based on whether there would be any chance to prepare in advance of the battle. Otherwise, there's no doubt about the outcome. Agreed?"

The scientists all nodded and murmured their consent.

"So we all agree that if Batman and Superman were to fight, and neither one had any chance to prepare in advance, Superman would win. Any objections?" Emmy looked around to see if any one was objecting, but none were.

"Ok, so the only question is about what would happen if they had a chance to prepare in advance of the fight," Emmy sat back and crossed her arms, "Now Dr. Freeman here thinks that that will make no difference, that Superman will still win. But Dr. Isaac thinks that if Batman has a chance to prepare, he will surely be able to come up with something that will assure his victory. Right?" Everyone nodded in agreement. "But Dr. Freeman says that if Batman has a chance to prepare, Superman will also have a chance to prepare, which will negate Batman's advantage, and Superman will win anyway."

"Precisely," Dr. Freeman said, nodding triumphantly.

Emmy nodded and sat back with her arms crossed, deep in thought. "Well, gentlemen, it is a tricky problem. But I have to say that I believe that Dr. Freeman is wrong, and that if there is a chance for them prepare before the fight, Batman will definitely win. And my reasoning for this is that Superman is an idiot."

Dr. Freeman made a move to object but, Emmy raised her hand.

"Consider, Dr. Freeman, that Kal-El is well aware that his only practical vulnerability while on Earth in the presence of the yellow sun is kryptonite. That's the only thing that can stop him, so you would think that if Superman was not an idiot, he would find some way to protect himself against his one and only weakness."

"And consider also that the deadly effects of kryptonite can be negated by putting the kryptonite in a simple lead box."

"So all Superman would need is to wear a lead suit of armour, and he would be invulnerable! And what would be the problem with that? Surely it wouldn't be to heavy... he's Superman after all! And he's invulnerable to fire and cosmic radiation... but he can get lead poisoning? Doubt it. Therefore the only reason Superman doesn't wear a suit of lead armour to protect himself from his one weakness is... he's an idiot."

"Thus, if they don't have a chance to prepare before the fight, Superman will win because he is so powerful. But if they do have a chance to prepare, Batman will win, because Superman is dumb," Emmy sat back triumphantly, beaming with pride.

"Um, Dr. Devereux," Dr. Isaac spoke up, "Weren't you supposed to be at some team meeting for the upcoming hail mary mission?"

Emmy waved her hand dismissively, "If they want me, they'll call me.... Now, that covers Superman vs. Batman, I think. What's next?"  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:25 pm
"Dr. Devereux?" Sonata Rourke wasn't a messenger girl. Though it was possible to mistake her for one at just this moment. Her eyes flicked over the occupants of the lab she was passing, a smile flickering on her lips at the conversation she'd mostly overheard. "The uh.. hail mary mission is having a meeting soon. If you'd care to join us?"

Muddy-colored behind her thick glasses, Sonata's blue-ish eyes regarded the grinning woman quietly as she waited for her response. There wasn't much to the woman, a comfortable sweater beneath her lab coat marking her as clearly not a part of the military contingent of scientists. Generally uniforms weren't in argyle. In her hands was a file folder, a few different colored pieces of paper sticking out at this angle or that.


Lockwood strolled beside Hunter's brisk walk, fiddling with a pen as they went. "Well, you can't say we lack diversity, eh Hunter?" She grinned as they walked. Someone might question her choices (in fact, Hunter was doing just that though not directly) but Lockwood felt the strengths of each person she'd chosen out-weighed their weaknesses.

Upon arriving at the briefing room, Lockwood looked around without her usual smile on her lips. The room was empty.

"Please tell me no one's going to jump out and say surprise. Hunter, you did send out the memo, didn't you? Where is everyone?"  


Sweet Senshi

Heather Samilka

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:07 am
Around that same time an airman had found Heather toweling herself off in the workout room. Heather had no clue there was a meeting scheduled. Then again she had been busy with more studying with Doctor Jackson, her daily workout routine and paperwork that came with the job. Oh how she loathed paperwork. It was the bane of her existance... for now anyways.

"Uh... Ma'am," the airman said to get her attention. Blinking, she turned to look at him and leveled a steely gaze in his direction.

"What is it airman? Can't you see I'm busy? Furthermore it's my day off," she stated in a no-nonsense tone of voice. It was her day off, but she was here on base because her apartment was being cleaned for black mold.

"I'm sorry Ma'am, but General O'Neill told me to come and get you for a meeting in the briefing room with your new commanding officer in charge of the new SG unit," he replied, flinching under her gaze.

"Oh fracken hell! Why wasn't I informed of this a few days ago, or a week ago!?" she inquired in a slightly raised and angry voice.

The airman flinched and looked away from her. "I don't know, Ma'am. I was told there was a memo that went out, but that you more than likely didn't recieve it or was too busy and didn't notice it," was his reply.

"Dammit! Now I need to shower and meet with the CO. But I'm guessing that the meeting has already started and I don't have time for that. Am I right, airman?" She looked at him with that steely gaze of hers. Locking her eyes onto his to make sure he didn't look away.

"Uh... yes Ma'am. You are correct, Ma'am," was all he could say in response to that.

"Alright airman, you're dismissed!" she instructed before grabbing the towel and slinging it around her neck. Making her way out of the training room, she headed for the briefing room.

Taking the elevator up to the proper floor, she exited about ten minutes later and headed into the breifing room. Still in her halter top and sweats, she was still sweaty and disheveled when she entered the room.

"Captain Heather Lee reporting," she stated as she snapped to attention noticing her CO and the XO both at the same time. Back ramrod straight and in perfect military stance.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:31 pm
Emmy crossed her arms and chewed her lower lip for a long while, while she considered Sonata's offer. Finally she sighed heavily, "Well, frankly, i'd prefer not to come. It's not that I wouldn't like to join you, but I hate these damn military style briefings the jarheads like to do. Buuuuut... I been told I'm skating on thin enough ice as it is already - so I'd probably better go."

Abruptly and without warning she surged forward and threw an arm tightly around Sonata's neck, "Come on, cherie, we're of to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of... wherever the hell it is we're supposed to be goin' anyway. I can never remember all those damned designations." While she talked, she started to guide Sonata out of the lab, but she stopped at the doorway, "Come on, cherie, give 'em a little wiggle as you go. Have some pity on them - not only are they scientists, they're scientists working in a lab underground. Give 'em a little wiggle as you go - it's the closest they gonna get to sex for a long time." And with that, she wiggled her a** quickly with her back to the scientists in the lab, then walked out into the hallway, guiding Sonata as she went with the arm around her neck.

It wasn't until they were a ways down the hallway that Emmy finally released her captive and regarded her curiously.

"Archaeology," she said, abruptly, grinning triumphantly, "That's your field, right? Archaeology. I like to try and read people like that. You know, guess what they do, what kind of people they are. You, you got archaeologist written all over ya."

"Oh, by the way, you can call me Emmy," Emmy's chatter was like a river's flow fluid, meandering, and unyielding to the presence of people in its path, "Ha ha, and you don't need to guess what I have written all over me... I can't imagine a nice girl like yourself is accustomed to speaking in the kind of language you'd need to describe what I appear to be."


Meanwhile, in the briefing room, Hunter stood quietly, a step behind the Colonel, silently inspecting the officer before her. She was already familiar with her through her file - as much of it as she was cleared to see, at any rate, as part of her duties in assembling the team. She had only been cleared to know enough about Captain Lee to arrange for her transfer here through her commanding officer.

Which had been an adventure in and of itself. Hunter had considered replying to Lockwood's comment about the memos... explaining that assembling such a - she toyed with the Colonel's word - diverse group on such short notice was a logistical impossibility, and that what she had accomplished so far was a small miracle.

Instead, she remained silent, regarding Captain Lee. She knew, more from scuttlebutt than from what she had been able to glean from her file, that Lee had been off-world with one of the regular SG teams. In fact, Lee might be the only one on their team that has done any off-world duty.

Hunter waited, watching, curious to see how Colonel Lockwood would react to the newcomer.

... actually... she was more curious to know how Lockwood would react to some of the people who were yet to arrive....  


Rogue Storm Astarael

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 8:48 pm
Aria entered the briefing room moments after Captain Lee did. She stood a little ways away from the CO and gave her the customary sign of respect given to leaders on her world(a little bow with her left arm raised to her chest). After completing the formallity, she turned and sat down at the table.  
The Graveyard

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