I thought everyone here might find this interesting. I received the following invitation to join the Gaian Geezers Guild:
You have been invited by Rhiannon2006 to join Gaian Geezers Guild. This guild has an entry fee of 0 to join. This amount will be automatically deducted from your account if you accept the request.

Please choose from one of the following options.

[Browse Guild] [Join Guild] [Clear Invitation]

Rhiannon2006 has also included this reason for inviting you:

On behalf of I Ceymore Ratz, myself, and the other Geezers, we would like to invite you to join our guild.

The Gaian Geezers Guild is open to folks over 21 years of age and want a place to feel like they belong. This guild has members who are in their 20s and some into their 60s. It’s a friendly getaway from all the “youngsters” who populate Gaia.

We are extending you this invitation to join our guild. Before you make your decision, please visit our guild, read the threads, and get to know us. If you do decide to join us, please post your age in your request. Looking it up in your profile doesn't always work as it is occasionally done, and some of us simply don't chose to post our age in our profile. Also please post your Username as Gaia has changed the Guild Forum and it no longer shows us who the requester is.

Have a great day!
I'm a bit turned off by this guild's apparent hostility toward the younger folks. And they seem to carry this old-age thing to extremes. Like, why do we need nurses? smile