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[PRP] Yo! Wha's up? (Selphie & Zell)

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:00 pm
Who: Selphie Tilmet & Zell Dincht
What: SeeDs meeting up. Happy, hyper SeeDs meeting up. ^_^
Where: not really quite sure. May fill this in later.
When: After Zell leaves Maryline in Rune's care. Same day.
Why: They need to get together & share what's going on. Seph's gonna flip to find out Zell's got a girl!

Okay... so it was tough leaving Maryline in anyone's care. But Zell could handle it, right? After all... Rune could handle herself. And she would be extra good about it, knowing what Maryline meant to him.

What did Maryline mean to him exactly? It wasn't something Zell could put in words. Having never felt anything like it, he was kind of ... floundering about it. Floundering, but not wavering. He smiled. She was just... fun. And Zell liked her. A lot.

Now wasn't the time for thinking about such things though. Now was the time for thinking about how to find Squall and the others. Too bad he was looking for them as anthros similar to himself. There was that anthro kitsu Squall that lived with Miaka kitsu's mate. Of course the FTC Seifer was plenty pissed at that one. Something about he could handle being hated for his own actions, but not those of someone else whether it was 'him' in any way or not. Something about the kitsu Seifer I think Zell shrugged it off.

Okay... if he ws to find the others... where should he look? Hm... it wasn't as if he could track down Garden. Far as Zell knew the closest thing to that was what they could reach through the magic door at home. So far only the training center, though Rune & Seifer's rooms resembled the dorms. Fine by him.... it would be off traversing Garden with empty halls. Or worse, bumping into himself one moomba-anthro, one full human. No. this was better.

Somehow his thoughts decided Selphie would be the best to try & focus on finding first. Her likes were more easily known, so maybe that would help finding her. Plus... the perky cheerful girl might already know where some of the others were, saving him legwork.

Grinning, Zell headed towards the biggest party supply store he knew of. He'd check there, then see about some music stores. Maybe he should search on the internet, see if Seph had set up a blog or something. 'The greatness of Sir Laguna' or something. Idly he wondered what she'd be doing with herself. Had she found something as big as the Spring Festival to organize? hm. Maybe he would not be so quick to claim he had something else to do this time if Seph asked him.

What would Maryline think of a party...?
PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 12:21 am
Selphie's thoughts hadn't drifted too far from the other SeeD members. They were her friends, and always would be whether she could find them or not. Sadly, the red panda hadn't been able to find any of them. Sometimes... it made her feel really lonely. Actually, lately all she ever felt was lonely. Of course, Selphie always looked for the silver lining of things, and always managed to keep a bright and cheery disposition about everything.

The silver lining in this case? Well... she'd appreciate them more when they were around, if that were even possible. She appreciated them so much already! They had all been through so much together... she really did miss them.

Even though she had met a couple new Anthro that she really got along with... it just wasn't the same. The young brunette-haired girl stood in the middle of an isle at a party supply store, as Zell had expected.

In one hand, she gently held some 'happy birthday' paper plates, and in the other hand, she held matching napkins. As she thought about the other SeeD members, and just how lost and alone she felt without them, the bright smile slowly began to fade from her lips.

Memories raced through her mind. The good, and the bad. She had always been the one to keep everyone positive, to bring smiles back to their faces, or... at least she had tried her hardest. Never had anyone really seen a side of her where she wasn't happy. Sure, she had been serious a couple times before, but.. there was always just that happy little aura glowing about her. But... maybe her best hadn't been her best after all...? Maybe... that was why she ended up here, surrounded by new people and different things, seperated from everyone else. She missed Squall, and Rhinoa... and she missed Zell, and Irvine. She... even found herself missing Seifer.

"I'm sorry... if I didn't do my best... I tried..." she murmured lightly to herself, her green eyes fixed on the paper plates and the matching napkins, but she was looking beyond those, beyond the floor... Slowly, the red panda in the mustard-yellow dress sat down on the ground, and waited for a few moments. Shaking her head, she put a smile back on her face and nodded. No. She had done her best, and.. things just changed. She'd see them again, they couldn't be gone forever.

Selphie slowly stood back up, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She gave a firm nod of her head. She could be sad later when nobody could see her. For now, she had to focus on staying positive, and finding everyone else. Besides, her silving lining right now was Cliff. He was a great friend, and a lot of fun! She had only met him once, but she had spent a couple hours around him, and he could even keep up with her! Every time she felt lonely, she could just go and visit him, besides, he did say he wanted to spar against her, that would be really fun! And... she still had a couple birthday parties to finish planning, and maybe she'd find something else to plan, too!

"I like these ones," Selphie said cheerily to herself, nodding her head before she turned to put them in her basket, walking up to the counter. Thank goodness Faded had given her all that money for her to buy these things with!



PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:30 am
Zell Dincht strode into the store whistling, hands shoved deep into his pockets. Oh yeah. Biggest party supply place ever! Surely Seph had at least been in here once or twice. Probably couldn't help herself. And if she'd been here, someone surely would have remembered seeing her. Nobody just overlooked Selphie. Too perky. Too bouncy. Too sunny.

The fistfighter grinned. Oh yeah. Finding Seph would be a great way to start. All that happy. And she'd be glad to see him too, Zell was certain. Seph was always glad.

Looking away from the rows of supplies Zell lowered his gaze to head level. His eyes lit up. Talk about luck!

"Yo!! Seph!!!"

Pulling his hands out of his pockets Zell waved energetically, then jogged over. Yup. No missing Selphie! Not in that bright yellow jumper! "Wha's up?"
PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:34 pm
Selphie had been digging around in the bottom of the over flowing basket for the bag of money that Faded had given her. Oh no! She couldn't have lost it... no, no, no-- ahhh! There it was! With a triumphant little grin, the red panda's green eyes lit up as she clutched the money bag to her chest.

Blinking when she heard her name yelled by a familiar voice, she slowly turned, setting her luminous eyes upon none other than Zell. "Zell!!" she replied happily, a big grin spreading across her features.

The red panda was so excited that she shoved the basket onto the counter, along with the money bag, and ran to meet him, throwing her arms around him in a great, big, Selphie-styled hug.

"I've missed you! Where have you been, what have you been doing?" Selphie tilted her head and let go of him, putting her hands behind her back as she leaned forward and peered up at him sternly, though in an all-out playful manner. "Have you been getting into any trouble?"



PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:55 pm
Laughing Zell squeezed the small girl back in response to her hug, lifting her feet off the ground a little bit then setting her back down as she let him go. His grin was about a mile wide. See? Selphie=total sunshine. It had been a good idea to look for her first. Oh yeah.

It was hard to stop laughing at Selphie's rapid fire questions long enough to answer them. That 'stern' look of hers didn't help any, nearly sending the fistfighter into a new wave of boisterous laughter. Playfully he winked and nudged her to the line, bopping her with his side. "Hooked up with this pretty cool, very huge family that lives in the woods west of Bass'ken Lake. Seph you should see the place. Full o' magic like Pandora was full of surprises. Remember that? Where we saw it in the past thanks to Sis? Anyway there's like a lot of people living there. Seifer too. But we're cool. Kinda. Sorta. Most the time anyway. He kinda does the Security thing." yeah... probably should leave off the other Seifers & other Zells of other species for the moment. That could be hell'a confusing. Besides...

"Got myself this protector slash bodyguard thing set up. A princess." Hazel-blue eyes twinkled, certain Seph would eat that up. Of course there was the extra happy 'I got a girl' hint to his tone when he mentioned it, but Zell had no clue about that.

"Naw. No trouble. Well... unless you call having to jump through a ring of flames and dodge fireballs while fighting some b*****d flame-mage guy trouble. Otherwise... no trouble." Oh yeah... his grin was chock full of mischief.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:05 pm
Selphie giggled happily when she was lifted off the ground as her friend hugged her back, and that 'stern' look kept on going as she waited for the answers to her questions. Standing back upright, her hands were still behind her back as she giggled at him and slowly shifted back towards the line, glancing around to make certain that she wasn't going to bump into anyone. Once she was in the line, she took the money bag and rested lightly against the counter, focusing on Zell once more.

"Ohhh, really? Yeah, of course I remember that! Hmm, I'll have to drop by and visit sometime soon." Selphie giggled when Zell mentioned Seifer and their standings with one another, lightly shaking her head. "Well, nobody can expect you two to get along all the time. If you did, I'd be afraid that the world was going to explode!" The thought of Zell and Seifer getting along with no problems at all was just... well... it was completely unnatural.

The red panda had a look to her luminous green eyes that said 'boys will be boys,' and she offered a little giggle. Blinking, her ears twitched at the mention of his bodyguard-protector job... for a princess!? How in the world... Selphie blinked and stared up at him for a few moments before her grin spread nearly from ear to ear. Oh yes, of course she ate that up. And the bombardment of questions was just about to explode at him.

"I want ALL the details, don't skip out on a single thing! Is she cute, is she pretty? Is she nice, is she mean? Oohhh, is she spoiled? Well-mannered? Does she make you bend over backwards to please her? What does she like? Does she like music? How about parties?" Selphie calmed herself and grinned up at him, leaning forward in that adorable Selphie-way with her hands clasped behind her back as she read the tone in his voice. "Ooooohhhhhh... you LIKE her don't you? So you finally found a girl cuter than me, huh?" Selphie giggled, and grinned brightly.

Well of course he had found himself some trouble, Zell was good at managing that one! The red panda grinned, and flicked her tail. "I met someone, too! He's nice, and fun, and he can keep up with me! He even wants to spar against me, and he wants to see how far he can skip me across the lake," Selphie said with a giggle and a grin, tilting her head to the side. "We're just friends though. His name is Cliff Fittir. You'd probably get along with him, if you ever met him."



PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:06 pm
Satisfied she wouldn't forget why she came in Zell crossed his arms behind his neck & leaned back against the air, grinning hugely. "Oh yeah! Rune'd get a kick out o' that, Seph!" Once he'd filled the nunchuk wielder in on who all lived with him. Not that he worried too much about Selphie being able to handle it. But it was one of few homes he knew of that crossed species so much & was so huge in members.

Anyway, he was laughing about the world exploding. "Might happen yet there, Seph. Dude's chilled. Really." And he was good with the young ones too, which surprised Zell the times he had caught the gunblader at it. Seemed to only do so when Seifer thought he was alone, but the young ones all seemed to know.

But then she was asking about Maryline and he forgot all else. Even his laughter took on a dream-like quality to it, for he could not help but laugh at the way Selphie rapid-fired her questions at him. "Adorable. Gorgeous. Wonderfully nice." Okay so perhaps he was a little biased. She had never been anything but nice to him. "I don't think she's spoiled & she's way well mannered -calls everyone 'sir' or 'lady'." He was a little embarrassed at that but then blushed even harder, forgetting the rest of the questions as the perky SeeD leaned towards him, asking that question. Zell stopped leaning back before he lost his balance -which he very nearly felt he would do. Quickly he jammed both hands into his pockets, looking down past Selphie at that darn invisible rock he had a tendency to kick and did so. Just as quickly his right hand was back out of his pocket, rubbing the back of his neck while he grinned sheepishly at her. "Yeah. You could say I like her a lot, Seph."

He left the other question alone. Zell could be stupid... but he wasn't that stupid. Although truthfully, it wasn't wisdom that held him back as much as wayward thoughts.

Then he blinked, grinning widely all over again. "Wha? Wait! There's some guy that can keep up with ya other than me?" His tufted tail flicked excitedly behind him reminiscent of Quistis' whip had he known. "Dude! That's awesome, Sephers! Cliff Fitter, huh? I'll have'ta keep an eye out for the guy." He grinned, stuck his tongue out & tossed a 'shadow' punch her way playfully. Then he started bouncing a little on his feet, that fighter/boxer readiness that so often was an outlet of all of his boundless energy.

He had kind of forgotten in that moment of embarrassment to give Selphie all the details about Maryline & how he met her, how he came to be her protector. Not that it would be overly hard to get those details out of him. She'd just floored him with that 'like' question & derailed him.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 7:14 pm
[blanket close]

Zell when reminded tells Selphie how he met Maryline & became her protector, how the princess is so much fun to be with and how beautiful she is, describing Maryline to a T. That he feels strongly for the princess is evident though he never once says love, though it seems to shine in his hazel blue eyes.

He also tell her how he's out looking for the other's having heard that many of them were here. They speak of needing to get together again soon sometime, & Zell gives Selphie the number where he can be reached & explaining that calling there his new 'family' can reach him any place he is so not to worry. But he looks a bit worried as the day progresses. Wants to get back to check on Maryline & sheepishly confesses that before giving Seph another big hug as they part ways.




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