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Kakuu Gekido
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:24 pm
Episode 1

NikkiZola21: N: QUE THEME SONG!
GPjewel: G: Chef! Cook me up some ramen! I'm starving! Gimme the usual!
NikkiZola21: N: -tup tup tup- ....GENKIO!!!!! BANZAI!!!!!
NikkiZola21: M:hi X3
GPjewel: G:... its GEKIDO!! GE-KI-DO! Baka!!!!!
GPjewel: G: *eye twitch* why do i have to be on a team with such a dimwit?!
NikkiZola21: N: -pouts- -sniff sniff- WAHHH!!!! I'm sorry im sorry!!!!!!!!!!
M: -shakes head- you two scare me sometimes you know that right?
GPjewel: G: I agree, she scares me too.... Chef! get the ladies something! I'll pay today.
GPjewel: Chef: Hai!
NikkiZola21: N: YOU WILL!!OMG! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
M: -shinks away- scary but thanks.
GPjewel: G: ....*thinks to self* well...that'll get me out of another day's beating.... *sigh*...
NikkiZola21: N: X3 -slaps back- THANK YOU!!!!!!! MUHAHAHAH!!!!!!! -eats her ramen-
GPjewel: G: ....or maybe not.... So, Metsuki. You sure are quiet today, what's on your mind?
NikkiZola21: M: -eats ramen acasionally looking over at crazy people-
NikkiZola21: M: -thinking- how am i stuck with these people-
GPjewel: G: ....or you can just ignore me.... So... how'd the training go for you guys?
NikkiZola21: N: hehehe uh well my jutsu is coming out awesome!!! muahaha fear me!!!!!!!
M: it went well still getting used to being a ninja but all in all good
GPjewel: G: You'll get used to it in no time. *thumbs up* Just hang around with Nikki and I and you'll be strong in no time! *quietly under his breath*...you'd have to be to deal with the abuse nikki-chan deals out..

M: now i'm scared -slides a foot away- thanks for the support -smiles-
NikkiZola21: (by the way im a freak! hahahaha!)
GPjewel: G: Oh god.... I can't believe i'm stuck with her.... *leaves the money on the table* I gotta run chef! This oughta cover it, keep the rest! *disappears*
NikkiZola21: N: Gekido!!!! COME BACK!!! I HAVE TO KILL YOU!!
M:-sighs and follows muttering- why am i stuck with these crazy people again?-

-just as Metsuki leaves the ramen shop their Sensei Kushina comes and having seen the whole scene is wondering if its not to late to change teams...-
GPjewel: G: *looks behind* ! Gah! Tch...she's following meee... Darnit! Why me?! what the hell did i do to her!? Wind jutsu! Vanishing Horizon! *jumps towards the horizon and completely disappears* ....*back in the apartment*....gah....that should've shaken her off my tail...
NikkiZola21: -knock knock-
GPjewel: G: *fear strikes him* *slowly cranks his head towards the door* n.n.n..noo...no...no...no...she....s..she couldn't have....
NikkiZola21: M: Open the door Gekido! its me Metsuki!!!
GPjewel: G: ?! *opens the door, pulls her in, closes the door, dead bolts it, locks it, puts boards over it, shoves couch next to it* ...phew....
NikkiZola21: M: Ahhh! what was that for? anyways have you seen Nikki? i can't find her anywhere.
GPjewel: G: You want to find her?! what's wrong with you?!
NikkiZola21: M: not really i just don't want her to do anything stupid, this is nikki were talking about here.
GPjewel: G: Well, if you want to find her, you're doing it alone! I can't stand her! gah... what the hell was Tsunade thinking?! putting us on the same team!? There's a higher chance of one of us killing each other than there is of any enemy taking us out!
NikkiZola21: M: ummm -points to window- you might want to run -looks at a very very angry nikki
N: -tap tap tap- -on window- oh gekido...hi -innocent smile- you're going to die in seven days
GPjewel: G: *sigh* I can't tell if she loves me or really hates me... WHY ARE GIRLS SO CONFUSING?!
NikkiZola21: M: let me guess your not going to let her in are you? -raises eyebrows-
N: he...he..he...-slowly opens window-
GPjewel: G: One...I don't have a choice.... Two... WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK!? SHE'S TRYING TO KILL ME?! the way you're thinking, I might as well supply her the kunai!
GPjewel: G: *Cries on the inside*
NikkiZola21: M: -sweatdrops and eases towards door- i think i'll just leave now yeah bye -zooms out of room-
.....seconds pass by in silence.....
N: he....he...he....he.... -hugs- i wont kill you!!!! I cant...we have a mission....-tear- darn........-pouts-
GPjewel: G: *feels like the pet of Dr. Evil getting stroked on the head violently and practically dragging the skin along with it* ...oooOOWW .....ooOOWW ....oooOOWW ....ooOOWW
NikkiZola21: N: muahahahahahahahhhahahahahahahahaahahah anyway I'l leane and find Metsuki i think she is with Sensei ^^
NikkiZola21: -meanwhile-
NikkiZola21: K: hm now where id those genin run off to? we have a mission...
M: Sensei they will be here in a minute...knowing nikki
GPjewel: G: *slowly sneaks inside the building, secret agent style* *sigh of relief*... phew... I made it... Hello Metsuki! Hello Kushina-Sensei!
NikkiZola21: N: -pops out of nowhere- HI EVERYONE! HOW IS EVRYONE!?!!? ARE WE READY FOR THE MISSION!!! x3
GPjewel: G: ...Sensei... you can't be serious.... bringing her along with any mission would only endanger the entire team! This is crazy! Please...PLEASE! ask Lady Hokage to change her mind!
NikkiZola21: Satoshi: -sighs- there you are Nikki! here you forgot to take this with your breakfast -hands out his hand-
N: aw brother! you know that makes me calm!!!! I dont wanna!!!!
S: sorry but the sake of these people you are.. now take it
N: oh okay -takes white chocolate from brother-
K: ah satoshi thank you just time..
N: -sighs- okay im calm X3 ready for the mission now?
M: ^^
GPjewel: G: .... *eye twitch* you....son...of....a........SATOSHI! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THERE WAS A CURE?! I COULD HAVE USED OT A FEW HOURS AGO!
NikkiZola21: M: -twitches along with him- i'm stuck with this crazy girl? why me?
N: -just smiles innocently- heehee
NikkiZola21: M: -_- she laughing and chomping on it and ignoring you
GPjewel: NIKKI!!!!!!!
NikkiZola21: M: o.o save me she has the banzi look in her eyes
GPjewel: eh, sorry, you're screwed!
GPjewel: I can only do so much from here
NikkiZola21: M: -_- thanks a lot
N: -laughs evilily-
M: -backs away slowly- oh crap...
N: BANZAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!
M: OH SH---!!!
-hits floor-
N: hehehehehehe
GPjewel: G: Well, at least it wasn't me!
NikkiZola21: N: HAHAHHAHAHAA -turns towards you- BBBBAAANZZZZAAAAAIIII!!!!!!!!
NikkiZola21: M: -from floor twitching- thats going to hurt
GPjewel: G: *grins* Substitution Jutsu! *switches himself out with a tree limb with a bunch of prickly leaves*
GPjewel: (XD Owned)
NikkiZola21: N: hahahahaahahah!!!!!!!! -dodges tree- Clone Jutsu!!! I'll find you!!!! and then you will die!!!!!
NikkiZola21: M: -twitches- to many nikkis i'm scared
GPjewel: G: *hiding behind sensei* *whispers* so...what's the mission?
NikkiZola21: K: um.....................going to tea country?
N: oh Gekido!!!!! i see you!!!!!!!!
S: what the heck!?!?! i thought the white chocolate was working?!?!!?! -looks at wrapper- oh s**t...it was dark chocolate....
GPjewel: G: *slowly turns head towards satoshi* *glares* damn you satoshi.... *just sits down and gives up*
NikkiZola21: M: -stands up and brushes off dust- so can we get down to the mission -throws white choclate to satoshi- make sure she eats it
S- right. Nikki!!
S: -shoves white chocolate down throat-
N: gah!!!!! -swallows- ......mmm good...aw im calm....now
GPjewel: G: phew...thank god
NikkiZola21: M: be happy i had an extra bar, that was the last one i had. Sensei? the mission?
K: oh yeah the mission I- -nikki interupts-
-crickets chrip-
N: oh sorry uh back to the mission.. ^^;
GPjewel: G: *smacks Nikki on the back of the head* baka! Shut up!
NikkiZola21: N: ow im sorry!!! Wah!!!!!! Brother Gekido hit me!!!!!
S: How dare you hit my little sister!!!!! DIE!!!!!!!
GPjewel: G: Oh Shut it Satoshi. She's impedeing the progress of the mission. its getting on my nerves. now then, sensei, if you would. without any further interruptions...
NikkiZola21: S: -glares-
K: uh right the mission... lets go to tea country.......ready everyone?
M: hai!
-we finally leave-
GPjewel: *along the way* G: so, Sensei! what are the mission details?
NikkiZola21: K: to met up with so and so and hand him this scrool a simple C-rank mission -smiles-
-you both feel evil aura behind you-
M: ^^;
N: grrrrrrrrr......
M: oh boy....
N: Gah!!! why!?!!?why!?!!?!?!!?!?! Why is my brother coming along WITH US!!?!?!?!!?!? -glares at her brother-
S: -innocently smiles-
GPjewel: G: I dunno why he is coming along, but maybe he'll keep you out of our way!
NikkiZola21: N: uh.........
M: i sure hope so she needs to be kept in line -inches away from nikki's glare-
N: -glares at Metsuki-
GPjewel: G: Honestly...I don't see how we got put with sucha useless team mate.
NikkiZola21: N: I'm not Sakura!!!!
M: ......
GPjewel: G: *thinks to self* well,... at least she's not bad to look at...
GPjewel: G: yeah, we noticed
NikkiZola21: N: -handsigns- Thats It!!! Earth Style Jutsu!!!! Steel Shiruken Phoenix Fire!!!! -tons of tiny shiruken come out and attack Gekido-
GPjewel: G: You just don't learn.... Wind Style! Countering Current! *creates a stream of wind that goes to the side of him and circles around and brings the shuriken with them, then launches them back where they came from*
NikkiZola21: N: grr Fire Style Jutsu!!! Twin Fire Dragons!!!!! -as the fire dragons attack Nikki perpars defense- Earth Style Jutsu!!! Earth Steel Wall!!!
NikkiZola21: M&rest of group: -step out of line of fire and turn towards sensei- shall we take a break i have a feeling its going to be a while before we start moving again.
S&K: okay -sit by a ranodm tree that just happened to be there-
GPjewel: G: ..... you've gotta be kidding me... this is ridiculous... Summoning Jutsu! Arashi! *A bright orange and red bird appears that slightly resembles a falcon* Transformation! Wing Copy! *gives me wings the same as the birds, except much larger* *flies to avoid the dragons* Piss off Naoko!
NikkiZola21: N: Oh no you didnt!!! Summonig Jutsu!! Kyoya!! -poof! and vampire dressed as Anbu but not really appears- Fight that Bird!!!
GPjewel: G: You're really pissing me off Naoko! I've had it with you! Attacking your own team mate! I should brand you as a traitor right here and kill you!
GPjewel: G: Lucky for you, your brother is here. Tch. you'd never last a day if he didn't pick up for your slack!
NikkiZola21: N: ..-eye twitch- Oh no you didnt! I AM NOT WEAK!!!!!!!
M: ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!!!! SHEESH CAN WE LEAVE NOW ITS BEEN 2 AND A HALF HOURS OF YOU TWO FIGHTING -takes deep breath from yelling and plops to ground next to satoshi and sensei as they sleep-
GPjewel: G: Tch. I'll meet you all in the land of tea. Wind Style! Slipstream! *creates a current of wind that allows the bird and myself to fly effortlessly and quickly straight ahead*
NikkiZola21: N: grr you are not getting away from this!!!! SPEED JUTSU!!!!!!!! -runs after Gekido-
NikkiZola21: -Metsukit is left speechless-
GPjewel: G: Wind Style! Vanishing Horizon! *disappears*
NikkiZola21: M: what the hell just happened? -looks over at sleeping satoshi and sensei and gets evil look in eyes- -takes deep breath and yells- WAKE UP!!!!!!

GPjewel: G: ...damnit... i didn't know that thing could dispel genjutsu....
GPjewel: G: Naoko, Just piss off already! I'm willing to be the better person and not kill you! So just Back OFF!
NikkiZola21: N:...actually why are we fighting? -blinks- im confused......
GPjewel: G: Gah, how dare you mock me, dirty little !!!! Hmph... you're not worth my time. *flies off*
NikkiZola21: S&K: WHAT THE HELL? -looks around- where are nikki and gekido?
M: -points down road- long gone we need to catch up
S&K: -blinks- were to lazy to use speed jutsu. so we will walk.
M: -twitches and falls over- those lazy idiots -sighs and follows-
NikkiZola21: N: ...what ...the...hell? AH SCREW REASON!!!! Come back here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -throws rock at your head- hahaha -hits you- it worked! muahaha! why did nt i do that before!?!?!?!
GPjewel: G: *stops in mid air* *eye twitch* *vein pops out* *the wings and the bird disappear* *turns around to look at Naoko with his head down* What will it take....to get you... to leave me...ALONE?!
NikkiZola21: N: a cup of ramen
NikkiZola21: X3
GPjewel: G: you realize that we're miles away from any sort of ramen? ....oh wait.... you saw me pack it didnt you?.....gah..... *thinks to self* ack... so cute... ....how annoying.... *takes a pack out and throws it to her, unpacks some of his stuff to cook some for both of us*
NikkiZola21: N: yay ramen! Dattebayo!!!
NikkiZola21: M&S&K: finally we caught up to you too.
M: -twitches- weren't you two just fighting to the death not 5 seconds ago?
GPjewel: G: She was persistent, and i didn't really wanna kill her, so i had to make a peace offering... *thinks to self* Sorry Naruto, if anyone is gonna make a good hokage, its gonna be me. Dealing with warring nations, hostile enemies, income, taxes, and all that stuff is nothing compared to dealing with this girl..hahaha
NikkiZola21: M: whatever -sits down- so im not in a war zone at the moment?
N: -happyly eating rame- X3
GPjewel: G: no, NOoooo, of course its not safe. Caaan't you teeell? With kunai and flames flying eeeverywheeeere... *gives metsuki a no-s**t-sherlock look*
GPjewel: G: sorry... still trying to blow off a lil steam... ^.^;
NikkiZola21: M: -glares- jerk, anyways how long do you guys think it will take to get to tea country at this rate?
GPjewel: G: Depends on how long my ramen packs can keep her at bay.
GPjewel: G: at this rate... they'll run out within the next five minutes
NikkiZola21: N: mmm ramen
S: -pats her head- there there nikki eat as much as you like ^^;
GPjewel: G: ...*eye twitch* go to hell satoshi
NikkiZola21: S: ^^; whatever..
N: hahaha your cranky haahahahahaha
GPjewel: G: Gee, I wonder.....ah... forget it. its not worth it.
NikkiZola21: N: okay im lets go! X3 -innocent smile as if nothinf ever happened-
GPjewel: G: .... lead the way

End of Episode 1
PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:44 pm
-Episode 2-

G: Finally, we can continue on with the mission. Now that Nikki has finally calmed down a bit *glares at Nikki*.  

Kakuu Gekido
Vice Captain

Nikki Zola
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:46 pm
eek I calmed down? When did this happen? shocking....muahahaha -plots evil little things- twisted  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:49 pm
M: seriously when is nikki ever calm....  

Vice Captain

Nikki Zola
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:51 pm

S:...gee did the ramen run out already? ....were screwed confused  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:51 pm
G: Now then. On to Tea Country!  

Kakuu Gekido
Vice Captain

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:51 pm
M: *groans* are you sure we don't have anymore ramen hidden anywhere?  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:53 pm
G: Jeez you women sure do complain alot! We'll get more ramen once we get to Tea Country! but first... WE HAVE TO GET THERE! *eyetwitch....eyetwitch*  

Kakuu Gekido
Vice Captain

Nikki Zola
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:54 pm
-sounds of rope tieing tape pulling and chains shaking-


S: there that should keep my sister calm under we get to Tea Country, and if we run into any enemies we can just set her loose on them ...

N: -mrph~!!!!- -glares at her brother-  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:56 pm
M: Okay then lets get going.  

Vice Captain

Nikki Zola
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:57 pm
S: -sighs- the down side to this is that i have to carry her all the way there... -sighs-

N: -inside laughing- hahahahaha!  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:58 pm
M: actually you don't really have to carry her you can drag her but that's up to you. -sighs- if only she wasn't so hyper.  

Vice Captain

Kakuu Gekido
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:59 pm
G: Tch, just leave her, she'll be fine. We'll pick her up on the way back.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 4:01 pm
N: -muffled- you guys are so mean!!!!!!

S: ....you know leaving is actually a good idea.... -smirks-

N: -muffled- Noooo!!!!!

Kushina sensei: now now, its against the ninja code to leave behind your fellow comrades... we have to take her along......  

Nikki Zola
Vice Captain

Kakuu Gekido
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 4:03 pm
G: Aw, you know we are just kidding sensei! *to self* Damnit!  

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