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Reply Dragon Knights of Jal'Rusai
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:43 pm
Ok, fill out this little character guide lines for the character you will be RPing as.

Name (self explanitory. dont forget a last name)


Race (if you have a weird mix up race, PM rubidrake2 to OK it.)

Gender (you should know)

Position (after you decide on an open position, PM me to OK it.)

Weapons (you can have two, but it so, state the one you may use the most)
Personality (try to make it detailed, so we can get a good feel of your character)

Body type (skinny, muscular, thin with some muscle? Let us know here)


Hair (again, try to detail it. If you have any kind of styles in your characters hair, tell us. You can also tell us to refer to your avi)
Eyes (detail is good here too. Green in one and Deep blue on the other? Blood red? Small, beady, big, catlike? Right here please)
Skin Tone

Appearance (clothes, facial features, misc things go here. Dont give us a pic of an anime character from some Manga or Anime. Make something up. You can use your avi''s clothes if you want)

Brief Bio(A slightly detailed past of your character)

Dragon Name*

Dragon Gender*

Dragon Appearance*

Dragon Personality*

*Only Dragon Knights will put this in their profiles)

Use this as a model for your dragon: (my dragon, Valk, by the way)
User Image

Non dragon riders are allowed one familiar: dog, cat, etc.








Mystical creatures are allowed, but no unicorns or dragons, of course ^^  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:45 am
Name Jager Ryoshi

Age 18

Race Human

Gender Male

Position Dragon Chieftain, Dragon Knight of Wisdom

Weapons Draco Dao. A Kwan Dao, a large curved blade on the end of a long, sturdy rod and a spear head serving as a counterweight, with dragon wings where the metal of the blade meets the pole.

Personality Since he was exiled from Ithranna, Jager hasn't been the same. He feels content to the Dragon Chieftain of Ithranna and those who accused him of the crimes his evil half, Eyotto, committed. He feels sorrow for leaving behind his friends. Now in Jal'Rusai with Jotyma, Jager has been quiet, keeping more to himself. Though his adoptive brother says he should let it go, he just can't. He can't take his mind of this girl in Ithranna, a fellow Dragon Knight, and how he wish he could have told her how he felt before this happened. Jager was, and still is shy, caring, compassionate and will strongly defend what he believes in. Always looking for ways to better himself. Naturally curious, sometimes to a fault. Will lead or follow, depending on the situation. Is often prepared and tries to help whenever he can. A good listener, but not always good at remembering. A good friend, someone you can go to.

Body type He's a thinner person with some muscle.


Hair He has short, brown, spiked out hair. It's between thick and thin and can hold its shape in many situations. Also look at my avi.

Eyes His eyes carry a bit of a colder tone since his exile. He has blue eyes like my avi.

Skin ToneLightly tanned

Appearance He wears a suede ribbed shirt and boots with ribbed charcoal pants and a black jacket that goes to his ankles and black gloves. He wears a necklace he's had since his childhood. It's got a dragon wrapped around a jewel. He feels there's some power from it, but doesn't know what it's for.

Brief Bio (they dont need to be this long, my character just has a weird past)
Jager is a former resident of neighboring continent Ithranna. He was exiled to Jal'Rusai for crimes he was wrongly accused of. In Ithranna, when Jager was an infant, demons killed his parents and delivered him to the Demon King, Raige. He cursed Jager with a spell that would allow the darkness that, everyone has, grow inside him as he felt negative emotions such as hate and sorrow. He was beaten and tortured daily by a which of 5 years of his life to make the darkness grow faster. He was rescued by a hunter named Stemada, who killed the witch and brought Jager to his own home with his son Jotyma. After 10 years, the darkness, that was quiet, had erupted inside Jager and controlled his body, destroying his home and killing his father. Jotyma wasn't there to see the destruction. His adventures in Ithranna lead him to become the Dragon Knight of Wisdom. He found Jotyma again and he became the Dragon Knight of Lightning. Jager started having these night terrors; the darkness needed out. He looked for the Dragon Knight of Light, who 'cleansed' Jager's soul and body, helping the darkness escape and manifest itself in a form known as Eyotto. IT attacked the Knight of Light and several other villagers. Tried for the assault and murder of the Knight of Light (she was revived by the Knight of Life) and the slaughter of 7 people. This is why Jager was exiled to Jal'Rusai with Jotyma.

Dragon Name Valk'yar, but is often called just 'Valk'

Dragon Gender Male

Dragon Appearance A light purple skinned dragon with yellow eyes, wing skin, and underbelly and white highlights on his 'paws' and and tail tip. He was four horns that go backwards, two behind his jaw, two above them. He also has a white beard that flows back around his horns from his jaw.

Dragon Personality Valk'yar is a very interesting dragon. He shares a love-hate relationship with his Knight and the two are always bickering. As the dragon of Wisdom, Valk is a very intelligent and observing. He's a bit reserved and is doesn't like things to be too serious. When he feels something needs to happen or he doesn't like something, he'll always let Jager know. Like most of the dragons that come from Ithranna, he has an affinity for food and eating. When hungry, he thinks with his stomach more so than his brain. He loves a good joke and has a good sense of humor, but feels that jokes about someone who doesn't deserve are uncalled for.  



Newbie Receiver

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:53 am
Name Neo ((If it matters that much then Smith))

Age Around 200

Race Time Lord (or just alien, it has been ok''d and explained to draconoclaw)

Gender Male

Position Dragon knight of time

Weapons A short sword laced with the magic of time.

Personality Possibly over friendly, he is always smiling and tries to find the good in everyone making him overly optimistic. Despite his bloody past he hates fighting and wars and will do anything to save someone''s life no matter what they have done in life. He speaks with a light English accent. His alien background makes him inquisitive and his curiosity often gets him into more trouble than the answer was worth.

Body type Very skinny

Height Around 6''5

Hair His hair is dark blond and just reaches his eyes at the front then gets longer but stays straight so that it reaches the base of his neck at the back and covers his ears. It is quiet thin and straight.

Eyes Deeply set bright blue eyes.

Skin Tone Paler than normal but not deathly white

Appearance A Panama hat that he sometimes has in his pocket but is mostly on his head (like hats are ^^). He wears a white knitted jumper with red trim and over that a cream long jacket. Under his jumper is a shirt that cannot be clearly seen but the collar can be, on the collar are two question marks that can barely be seen. He wears cream trousers with red stripes down them and has heavy white trainers.

User Image
(( xd but not with saphira in the side of his leg))

Brief Bio Neo thinks that he is the last of his kind because he watched the destruction of his homeplanet in a war that he ran away from. He died and regenerated but refuses to talk about it and doesn''t like talking about his past so its best not to ask. Being a time lord he is able to regenerate when he dies but he can only do that 13 times before he stays dead. Each form gives him a new body and personality and hardly any knowlage of who he was before though there is always the chance that something will effect the regenerative process and make it fail. He is similar to humans in the way he looks and acts but his body is different to humans.

Dragon Name Freyr

Dragon Gender Female

Dragon Appearance

Color 1: Pale purple

Color 2: White wings with a darker purple underbelly

Color 3: White tipped arrow shaped tail.

Hair Color: White and purple streaks, her hair is fairly short, only just reaching down her neck although it is very thin and whispy

Eyes: Pale blue

Other: Her wings fold into two parts with three "fingers" along her wings. She has a white mark like a clock with wings on her forehead. She has two small horns where her ears would be...if she had any @_@.Horns? Hair length?

Dragon Personality ((Right, her personality was wrong. >.<))
Freyr can seem very childish most of the time and even seems to dislike Neo. But she cares for him deeply and would do anything so that he was ok. She can be very mature but finds that boring. Most of the time she is very happy and is always smiling even when things are bad.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:20 am
Name Romana Doome

Age 180 (looks 18 )

Race Sepharic angel/human

Gender Female

Position Dragon knight of light

Weapons A long, thick, two handed sword with a jewel at the base of the blade and a small knife.

Personality Quiet and calm. She appears to hate everyone that she doesn't know but would die for someone else if their life was in danger. It takes her a long time to trust others and even then is wary about what she says around them. She is pretty anti-social and doesn't talk much.

Body type Skinny.

Height Around 6'

Hair Shoulder length white hair with the occasional streak of red. Her hair is wavy but not overly curly.

Eyes Watery green eyes that look clouded over most of the time and tend to look through someone rather than at them.

Skin Tone Pale.

Appearance Romana wears long white robes that she can easily move in and that hide her wings under a cloak. She has one feathery white wing that looks like an angels and one metal wing that is slightly smaller and is folded into three parts that come out at the same time as the other. She can still fly with them.

Brief Bio As a child Romana lost one of her wings in a fight. She left home shortly after and wandered around looking for someone that could make her a new wing. She found that person and stayed in the village for a while then went off travelling again.

Dragon Name Lyude

Dragon Gender Male

Dragon Appearance
Color 1: Silvery white

Color 2: Grey

Color 3: Black tail

Hair Color: White

Eyes: Gkazed over white making him seem dead

Other: Two folds in the wings where his elbows would be if he were human. Four "fingers" at even spaces going along his wings. He has two horns on his head close to where his ears would be that curl and twist in a symetrical (sp?) shape.

Dragon Personality Almost as cold and anti-social as Romana. He doesn't like many people and is not willing to trust them easily.  



PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 11:04 am
Name: Jade, only known a Jade because if somone asks for her last name she says she doesnt have one because at times it brings back painfull memorys and forgot her name on purpose. ((okay, there you go ><))

Age: 23

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Position: Dragon Knight of Ice

Weapons: A long, thin, very sharp sword, witch if gets close enough on the back of her dragon can attack with it.

Personality: (read Bio first) very quite and keeps to herself most of the time, she hates to talk about her past and if someone asks about it sha can get very sad and supet, but when and if she gets a friend she will slowly begain to talk and interact more.

Body type: thin with some muscle

Height: a couple inches shorter then 6'

Hair: long black hair but keeps it braided neatly most of the time to keep it out of her face. (the braid ends at her lower back)

Eyes: A icy blue color

Skin Tone: Light beige

Appearance: wears black slightly baggy pants, black top with no arms but with a strap 4 fingures wide, and black shoes.

Brief Bio: Jade was 16 year old when her mother and father died. Jade was out in the woods exploreing but when she came back to her home her home family was dead, blood was everywhere yet she heard no screams in the forest so they had a quick death. After Jade saw her family dead she ran away into the forest, she lost the will to live but went on with her life till she was 23, she lived in the forests around her old home for 7 years seeing almost no humans in that time.

Dragon Name: Luka

Dragon Gender: Female
Color 1: This will be the main body color: saphire blue

Color 2: This is the wing/underbelly color: the wings are siphire blue but the membrains and underbelly of the dragon is icy blue color

Color 3: This is the color for any kind of highlights on the dragons body:The claws are white and has white spikes from the tod of her head down too her tail.

Hair Color: Yes, dragons can have hair:none

Eyes:Icy blue.

Other: Tell about what wings, the horns, or anything else look like: white spikes starting at the head and down to the end of her tail.

Dragon Personality: Luka is happy at times and sad at times but she hates always seeing Jade sad and always trys to make her happy. Luka is a friendly dragon and will always want friends and loves to play in any way.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 8:29 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:38 pm
Name: Ayrien (Ari for short) Nénharma

Age: 167 (16 Human years)

Race: Moon Elf (from fabled White City)

Gender: Female

Position: Dragon Knight of Wind

Weapons: Elvish Bow, weapon of choice, made of unbreakable wood, and the arrows are unbreakable, as well as diamond-tipped and made out of the legendary elven metal called dhist, secondary weapon, control over arcane and divine magic.

Personality: Secluded from normal chit-chat unless extremely comfortable with the company. Somewhat mysterious, as though I know something you don't. Usually keep to myself. Often drifts from conversations into silent thought. Highly poised, never slouches (why would you slouch if you're already short?).

Body type: Muscularly thin. You can tell I'm strong, but I don't have any serious muscles.

Height: 5'2"

Hair: Long silver to black hair. It falls most of the way down my back to my waist.

Eyes: Dark red, very unnatural for a moon elf.

Skin Tone: Tan, but with silvery-blue, intricate, swirling tattoos on the left side of my neck and extending on my jaw. On my right jaw, a deep scar, made by my first arrow, is still visible.

Appearance: A black belt lies over my tunic. My pants are inconspicuously black and simple, wih silver trim. My shirt is a dark blue, v-neck, tunic, that falls to my mid thighs. The edges of it are adornded with silver swirls, as are the fastens . My arms are covered by sapphire-colored dhist arm guards, with intricate elven designs. My hands are covered by sapphire dragon scale gloves. Underneath my shirt lies dragon scale mail. Don't worry, the dragon scales were shed by the dragons my people study. I also have a ruby dragon scale earing on my left ear. My shoes are black slipper types, with silver trim.

Breif Bio: Topaz has been alone since she was a small child. Her mother, the queen, died when she was just 4 years old, and her father, full of grief, was overthrown and killed, and so she was raised by a friendly blacksmith. He taught her how to dress, and to do everything a proper lady elf should. She hid herself when her surrogate father was metal working, and studied him for many years. When the blacksmith went for trips, Topaz began to fashion herself a bow and several reusable arrows. Then, when she was 140-ish years old, he died. She finished her work on metals, and left her home, traveling and searching for someone. And she met Onyx. He was soon killed by Eyotto.


Name: Vermelho

Gender: Male


Color 1: Dark blue, but with grey swirls.
Color 2: Dark, navy blue.
Color 3: Grey. The body gradually changes color, so that on his head, the dark blue swirls are really contrasting with the icy blue, until the feet, where the feet are dark blue and contrasting with the accents which are icy blue now.

Hair Color: White

Eyes: Grey

Other: The wings look like stormy whisps of wind. Sometimes they do not seem to be there at all when he is calm, and sometimes they are definitly there, like when he is angry. Light shines through them without any resistance. His horns are silver, and also seem whispy.

Personality: He shares a love- hate relationship with Topaz. They fight a lot, but there love is unconditional. Their love for each other is stronger than most loves. He enjoys himself, but feels Topaz's mood strongly, no matter how she is feeling, and is usually affected by it.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 9:14 am
Name Known only as 'Eyotto'

Age 18

Race Demon

Gender Male

Position The Demon King Eyotto.

Weapons A larger version of Jager's Draco Dao, Eyotto weilds the Demon Dao. It's curved blade and spear head counter weight are of black metal.

Personality Eyotto is a sick, evil, and twisted person. He takes pleasure in hurting others, mentally as well as physically, especially Jager. Cunning, Calculating, and intelegent, Jager's dark side is the ultimate villain, and perhaps the strongest one on the face of Jal'Rusai. Think of him as an evil Jager Ryoshi.

Body type Thin with some muscle

Height 6'

Hair Black, and spiked out just like Jager's but a bit wilder

Eyes Blood red, piercing eyes

Skin Tone Almost greyish

Appearance Wears a black headband and a jacket exactly like Jagers. They were the same kind of ribbed clothes, but Eyotto's shirt and boots are black. he has black gloves. Refer to my avi too.

Brief Bio Eyotto is the darkness, the same growing inside everybody, that grew inside Jager and became its own form. He and Jager are very similar. Sometimes, they can share thoughts. He has come to Jal'Rusai to help his creator in Ithranna take over the world and send it into demon's rule, but he has also come to put Jager through more torment, and to kill him. If Eyotto kills Jager, he has control over his body, and his power is increased 10 fold. However, if Jager kills Eyotto, Jager will die too.  

Dayon Rolav

Dragon Knights of Jal'Rusai

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