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[PRP] Hey! Been hoping to find you! (Elijah/Relm) -again ^_^ Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 ... 21 22 23 24 [>] [>>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:13 pm
Who: Elijah & Relm Arrowny
What: friends meet again
Where: In the clearing where they met before (not far from Elijah's home I think?)
When: now. Late October. changed to Nov 16th (not that it really matters... wink )
Why: They haven't seen each other in a while, and Relm has been intending to show/give him the poster & cards she has made.

She rode, her red cape fluttering behind her beneath sparkling red wings. Why walk when you can ride, right? Things had been so hectic at the house lately -What with Zell & the Princess Maryline, the visiting beaus' of housemates while Moochi was away, eggs & hatchings & growings & romances -so much it made her head spin. Then there was the practicing with the other Relms, not to mention their doting on the little blathanna version of themselves who would be the first one of them to have a childhood more than one of shared memories from 'before' living in Gaia.

Yet with all of this Relm had managed to paint the posters and cards she had told the musician she would make for him. But though she had exercised the chocobos and played with the demonpuppies she had not made it out very far from her home since meeting Elijah. Which sucked.

I hope he's not been waiting for me... And yet on some perverse level the pictomancer almost hoped he had. She rode the larger chocobo -the male, Figaro- while leading Thamasa as usual when out on her own. The puppies followed on the birds' large heels -Interceptor watchful and silent while the carbunkle colored one barked and yipped from time to time when he thought he was getting left behind. As a group they neared the glade where they had met the musician Elijah some time before. Relm hoped he would be near today. If not... she could search out the place he was staying and leave the things for him there. Both birds wore saddles with packs behind each. One had her finished pieces while the other fresh art supplies -just in case.

Relm slowed the chocobos from their breakneck speed to something a little less dangerous, her green eyes alert & watchful.
PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:48 pm
(( Yay! heart ))

His fingers drumed a slow chord across the strings of the instrument he had at hand. Today had been a bit slow for him, even after the arguement he had with one of his roommates and former band mates at the breakfast table, trying to convince the cat to join again. However, the cat had once again refused and left. Things had not been going well for him in the recruiting department.

So here he was, laying slumped back against a tree, absentmindly playing any random tune that came to his mind. An orange leaf fluttered down from the tree and landed on his nose which he blew off. A sigh escaped him and he sat up.

He glanced around for a moment. He had met Relm around here. Recently he had been coming by, hoping to randomly run into her. There hadn't been much luck in that. I should pay her a visit...


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:43 pm
Three pairs of ears quirked at the faint sound of music audible now that the wind was no longer whipping around them from their fast pace moments before. A smile spread over the girl's face and she lifted a calming hand to keep the carbunkle pup from getting too overexcited and running dangerously amok around the large birds' feet. Interceptor sniffed and gve a nod as his mistress glanced at him for confirmation. Elijah.

Slowing the chocobos to an easy, ambling walk Relm decided to sing. She had a pleasant, soft alto -untrained, though someone had clearly given pointers at one time or another. A folk song, some words changed of course in honor of her gender.

Oh, the summer time is coming,
And the trees are blooming,
And the wild mountain thyme
Grows around the blooming heather.

Will you go, laddie, will you go?
And we'll all go together
To pull wild mountain thyme
All around the blooming heather,
Will you go, laddie, go?

Spotting the dog anthro she smiled and stopped her song, calling out with a friendly "Elijah! You're here!"
PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:28 pm
Elijah's ears perked up as he heard the singing. A smile slowly crossed his face. Well, that was good timing. He had just been thinking about her. His hands started to run through the chords, trying to play along with the song she had been singing. He thought he had heard the tune before and was able to guess it all out pretty well.

When the song stopped he hopped up. A grin spread across his face. "Relm! I was hoping you would come around."


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 8:26 pm
Oh! The little actress had to suppress some of her joy at his words. She still showed that she was thrilled, green eyes dancing. But it would never do to come across as needy somehow. Just because she never seemed to be much wanted for company before... her father leaving her, having to force her way into the adventuring party... and would they ever have come to save her from the painting that had become possessed as she painted it in Jidoor if it had only been her, and not because they wanted to wake up Grandpa Strago from the cult? None of that showed, those old thoughts hidden behind her smile and her lit eyes. Relm could not fully keep back a flush of pleasure from her deeper happiness & it colored her cheeks with a soft pink. "Really? You were? I was hoping you might be around!"  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:13 am
Elijah chuckled little in slight embarrassment. "Yeah, yeah. Were, be, same thing. I was never an ace at grammer when I was in school," He hopped up onto his feet and brushed himself off for a moment. He strapped his guitar quickly onto his back and walked up a bit closer to his friend. "It's been a little while now. How have you been?" He asked. He was curious to hear what she had been up to. She had quite a few interesting stories that last time he saw her.  


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 6:19 pm
What? Elijah had successfully -and inadvertently- thrown the little actress quite the curve ball. For a good moment her confusion was right there on her face, big green eyes blinking in bewildered quandary. Grammar? WTF? Okay. woah. Back track. Rewind. 'hoping you would come around.' 'hoping you might be around.' 'Were, be,'....

Her mouth formed a small 'o' as she figured it out and soon Relm chuckling, looking at her musician friend and shaking her head. "oh no... not grammar, 'Lijah." There was now an amused light in her eyes, and a warm smile brightened her face. She almost looked to be debating dropping the chocobos' leads to rush to Elijah and hug him. "I wasn't correcting! Just reiterating for me!" She had been that excited to see him. Still was. Then Relm caught herself, smoothing over her actions and hinted actions with only a faint blush a symbol that they had occurred at all. Relm coughed delicately. "yeah. Too long. I've been good. Busy. Productive. Hectic at home, but good. You?"
PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 7:46 pm
"Huh? Ooooh...,"Realization dawned on him. Boy did he feel stupid now. Quite a big misunderstandment. He blushed a little and stratched the back of his head with one hand as he chuckled at his mistake. "Right. I should of figured that," He mumbled. He brushed the misunderstanding aside and smiled at his friend as now stood in front of her. Boy was he happy to see Relm. She had missed him as well. He was too excited about it to get upset about embarressing himself.

He looked over at the chocobos for a moment and grinned. Elijah remembered the birds from last time. The dog had enjoyed riding them around the forest. Fun times. "Good I guess. Besides being kind of bored and getting into arguements with one guy at my house. Nothing big... But I'm glad to hear things are going good for you."


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:01 am
Espers! Had he blushed? Yes, Relm was certain of it. She did not miss things like that. She felt a little bad, probably because it made her feel a little good at the same time.

Arguing? Well... that was normal for Relm. Okay -picking on the others and often getting yelled at was normal. But... she didn't like that Elijah was arguing with a housemate. Concern brought her face down even though his smile tugged at her own. "Arguing? About what?"

Reigns in one hand the other gently lit on the inside of Elijah's arm and Relm looked up at him with big green eyes. Later she would wonder that she had not been acting such a perfect show.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 7:35 pm
Elijah blinked as he looked to her arm and then her face. He frowned a little. Had the arguement thing made her worry? "It's nothing to worry about," He began and smiled a bit. It was nice to know he had a friend who cared the way she did. It was a nice feeling. "Just that... it's more band stuff you see," He paused for a moment, wondering if there was a quicker way to superize things. The whole thing could draw out into a long story. "Basically the guy happened to be part of my old band once. He left on an unpleasent note. It was kind of ugly. And I think that when I try and get him to join up my new band it's not helping..." He said and looked away. "I should probably give up, but I can't find anyone better then him for a male vocalist, but..."

He grinned at Relm. "You're making promotional posters right...? I bet that would help bring in some potential people as well as some new fans."


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 9:30 pm
"Oh..." What the hell could she possibly say to that? Relm was more adept at snappy comebacks, quips, one-liners, and irritating nicknames. She had very little experience with comforting... other than playing with Interceptor. And in a way that had always had the added bonus of irritating Shadow. Her fa... Enough of THAT! She looked down when Elijah looked away and saw her hand on the inside of his elbow. Oh Espers! When had she put that there? Blushing Relm pulled it away. Just because he was pretty much her only friend was no excuse to not know what she was doing!

Bringing her head back up the pictomancer met his grin with her own -as if nothing had happened. "Actually... I've quite a few to show you. Here. Help me tie up Figaro & Thamasa and I can get them out of the saddle bags so you can have a look. See what you like."
PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:48 pm
Elijah's ears perked up a bit. He had expected her to say more on that. From what he remembered, she had something clever to say about almost everything they talked about. He liked that about her. He blinked as he felt her arm be pulled away. Something seemed a bit different about her today. Not that it was exactly bad, but it just didn't seem like Relm's usual self.

He grinned at the new and nodded. "Sure thing! Whatever you say. Can't wait!" He said excitedly and took put his hands on the chocobo's reins he remembered riding. The females got along with guys better if he remembered correctly.


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:38 am
This female chocobo certainly did. She warked softly, stepping into place behind the dog anthro easily. Figaro squawked unhappily behind Relm and she giggled, knowing he was just jealous Thamasa was being nice to Elijah. With a smile she led them over to a tree with a sturdy branch where they could tie up the chocobos. Relm tied up Figaro and watched casually as as her friend tied up Thamasa while she opened the male chocobo's saddlebags. Murmuring soft nothings to keep the giant bird calm the pictomancer pulled out a thick roll of paintings. "I wasn't quite sure what styles you'd like so I painted lots of different ones."

Making sure Elijah had the female secured she handed the roll of posters to him. "Just until I set my easel. Don't want to pin them to the trees." Her green eyes sparkled, showing a hint of the precociousness her 'family' had to put up with. But her smile was warm and honest. Mostly. The pictomancer was actually a little nervous. She had enjoyed creating all the posters, but would any of them be perfect for Elijah?
PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 9:57 am
Elijah pet Thamasa's head gently with his hand. He smiled at her. He couldn't help, but be reminded of horses everytime he saw these birds. They even seemed to act more like horses then birds in his opinion.

After looking over the secured reins to be sure he did a good job, he took the roll of posters. A happy grin came onto the dog anthro's face again, lighting up his face. "I'm sure they're all great. That painting last time was awsome after all." He still remembered the painting he had witnessed Relm painting when they first met. It had stuck to his memory like glue. He might of not known much about art, but he knew it was brillant.

He stared down at the roll of poster, feeling excited. As he waited for the easel to be put up he wondered if it would be alright for him to try and take a peak....


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 7:48 pm
Thamasa kwehed softly into the pet, nipping at Figaro as if to tell him to shove off when the male squawked. Meanwhile Relm hoped everything else was distracting the musician as she set up her easel for his praise of the painting she had done last time had her blushing furiously. She pulled her large mint ears down by her face, hoping they shielded it from him somewhat. Laughing for cover Relm flicked her tail and managed a normal sounding "thanks!"

Turning as the easel was up she hoped the heat in her face was no longer visible and saw how Elijah stared at the roll & laughed pleasantly, guessing what he was thinking. "You can peek if you want... but personally I think they look better when you can see the whole thing at once."

Eyes twinkling Relm tilted her head cutely, holding out a hand for the paintingsa nd almost daring the dog-anthro to have his peek.

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