Underground Battle Arena
The Dark Academy

Students come from all over to study at the Dark Academy. It is here where they develop their minds, their powers and their values. Like all schools, the Academy provides a chance to meet new people and experience new things. As a boarding school it accommodates students with a dorm, meals and learning material. Geographically, the Dark Academy is found on a peninsula between the Framkta mountains and Channel. Getting here is tricky, the only ways being a dangerous voyage at sea, or the potentially risky situation that would ensue when passing by the Dark Fortress on the opposite side of the mountain.

Deep beneath the earth is the Dark Academy Underground Battle Arena.
It is a massive 900' by 900' cave, the ceiling is 50' high, the entire area as a whole is humongous, able to accommodate even the largest duels. Lying scattered throughout the Arena are various structures, meant for strategic use, and shelter. The area is lit by a multitude of torches hung along the walls, small fire pits strewn about the place and a few giant chandeliers secured to the roof. A student on duty makes the rounds occasionally to ensure the continued light from these objects.

For those students wishing to practice without interruption, or the few pairs with an undisturbed duel on their minds there are two separate practice rooms meant for private use, or duels that will cover less area than some others. Each room is outfitted with a few weapon racks and a barrel of arrows. Although there is an archery range, some students prefer to set up targets in the more peaceful area that is the private practice rooms.

Edited by Celestial Lullaby