The Chain of Command Explained.

Simply the chain of command exists to allow for easier management of a group and to allow for communication to pass from the top of the chain to the bottom as well as from the bottom of the chain back to the top.

Every Marine is responsible for knowing their Chain of Command, particularly as to whom is above you, because if you have something that needs to be addressed, you will take it to the next person up the chain and talk with them about it. There is a reason that person is in the position they are. Because they are capable of handling everything below that level. If for some reason they cant, they will go up to their next person in the chain to get it addressed. Its how this system works. The only exception to this is in a "Request Mast" situation. More will be explained under the Request Mast post.

1. President
2. Secretary of Defense
3. Secretary of the Navy
4. Commandant of the Marine Corp
5. Division Commander
6. Regimental Commander
7. Battalion Commander
8. Company Commander
9. Platoon Commander

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