Okay, Everyone! I've decided to have a second Fullmetal Alchemist fanfiction contest since the first did not turn out so well. Alright the rules/guidelines!!!

Genre: Humor
Assignment: Write a one-shot fanfic about everyday life. Either in the military, with the Hommunculi, whatever. But it's pretty much a : Life and Times of The __________________. That doesn't have to be the title, but that's the basic jist of it.
Alotted Time: You will have until the end of July.
Where: Please post your entries in the Fullmetal Alchemist Fanfiction Subforum. When you post it, please put "Humor Contest Entry:___________"
Prize: To the winner will go 10K!! It's not as much as the last contest, but that's because I'm more broke now that TS was during the last contest.

I hope you guys have fun with this! ^^