There have been many questions asked throughout the life of this guild. All basic questions about this guild shall be answered here. If you have further questions then it is VERY likely that others have the same question so, please ask them so we can get them up.

Any mods are welcome to edit this in any way as long as its not completely altering the structure of the thread.

How did this guild get its name?
From the email titled Army. Homestar leads an invasion on Strongbadia and his team of crack commandos is called 'The Homestarmy'

Click here to see it.

Can i be a mod?
*sigh* if you want to be a mod, PM Sange ONCE. not twice. I geuss if i dont respond you can send another PM to just confirm Sange got the first. After I recieve your PM, give it one to two weeks for a descision to be made and if we want you as a mod, then you will be notified and promoted. If, during the span of a good amount of time, we see that someone displays exceptional qualities that would benefit the guild with them being a mod, then they may be contacted and offered the position. Constant nagging and asking about the position is garunteed to disqualify you. Your welcome to ask once, and maybe a second time or so, just in case we forget, but being irritating about things is not a good mod quality.

question]Why has my thread i made disappeared?[quote="answer
odds are, it was deleted because there is already a topic on that subject or it is just spam or has no real point. Please take a quick look at some of the previous topics if you dont want to take the chance of yours being deleted.

What if I can't already find a topic that has already been made?
If the topic is nowhere on the first page, is on the second or third or further pages, and the old topic has obviously died due to disinterest or whatever, then you can make a new one, but please at least look first.

Can i post about things not homestar related?
Yes, as long as its not blatant spam. If it actually has a purpose and/or is directed to the people of this guild, then feel free to ask. If its just a generic question that should be in chatterbox or GD, then please post them there.