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List of all Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:19 am
Hiya all!

Supplied by Star Raven is a list of all the Gods and Goddess of Ancient Egypt with their animal forms. Enjoy xd


The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt

God/Goddess Appearance Main Cult Centers Associations/Role

Aker (god) 2 Lions back-to-back; tract of land with lion or human heads at either end. Earth; east & west horizons of the Underworld.

Amaunet (goddess) Snake-headed. Hermopolis Magna Primeval; hidden power

Amenhotemp Son of Hapu (god) Man. Thebes Healing.

Ammit (goddess) Head of crocodile; front part panther or lion; rear of hippo. Thebes Devourer of heart at Judgment.

Amun (god) Man with double-plumed headdress; ram or ram-headed; goose; frog-headed. Hermopolois Magna “King of gods”; primeval; hidden power.

Anat (goddess) Woman with lance, axe or shield. War; Syria-Palestinian.

Anubis (god) Jackal or Jackal-head man. Cemeteries; embalming.

Anuket/Anukis (goddess) Woman with tall plumed headdress. Elephantine Cataracts; huntress.

Apis (god) Bull. Memphis Manifestation of Ptah

Apophis (god) Snake. Underworld; chaos; enemy of sun god.

Arensnuphis (god) Man with plumed crown. Philae Nubian.

Astarte (goddess) Naked Woman with Atef-crown or bulls horns, riding horse. War; Syrian.

Aten (god) Sun disc. Akhetaten Solar.

Atum (god) Man with Nemes Headdresss or Double Crown; Snake. Heliopolis Totality; creator, solar.

Baal (god) Man with pointed beard & horned helmet, holding a cedar tree, club or spear. Sky; stroms; Syrian (Ugaritic)

Baba (god) Baboon. Aggression; virility; p***s = bolt of heaven’s doors or mast or Underworld’s boat.

Banebdjedet (god) Ram. Mendes Virility; sky.

Bastet /Basset/Bast (goddess) Cat or cat-headed woman. Bubastis Daughter; “Eye of Re”

Bat (goddess) Human head with cow’s ears & horns & body in shape of necklace. Upper Egypt Celestial; fertility.

Benu (god) Heron. Heliopolis Solar; rebirth.

Bes (god) Leonine dwarf. Household; childbirth.

Buchis (god) Bull. Armant Manifestation or Re & Osiris.

Duamutef (god) Jackal-headed. Canopic; stomach & upper intestines; east.

Geb (god) Man sometimes with goose on head or Red Crown. Heliopolis Earth; fertility.

Hapy/Hapi (god) Hippo on two feet/man with pendulous breasts & aquatic plants headdress. Gebel el-Silsila; Aswan Nile Inundation.

Hapy (god) Baboon-headed. Canopic; lungs; north.

Hathor (goddess) Cow; woman with cow ears, or horns and sun disc on head, or falcon on perched on head. Dendera; Deir el-Bahri Mother (esp. of king); love; fertility; sexuality; music; dance; alcohol; sky; Byblos; turquoise; faience. (Sex, drugs and rock & roll)

Hatmehyt (goddess) Lepidotus fish. Mendes

Hauhet (goddess) Snake-headed. Heliopolis Magna Primeval; formlessness; flood force.

Heket (goddess) Frog or frog-headed. Qus Childbirth.

Herishef (god) Long-horned ram with Atef-crown & sun-disc headdress.

Herakleopolis Primeval; force; creator; solar.

Horus (god) Falcon or falcon-headed. Edfu; Hierakonpolis; Behdet Sky; kingship.

Hu (god) Man. Divine utterance; authority.

Huh/Heh (god) Frog-headed; man holding notched palm-rib. Hermopolis Magna Primeval; formlessness; flood force; infinity.

Ihy (god) Child Dendra Sistrum (rattle)

Imhotep (god) Seated man with skull cap & papyrus roll. Memphis; Thebes Wisdom; medicine.

Ipy/Ipet (goddess) Hippopotamus Thebes Magical protection.

Ishtar (goddess) Woman. Astral; “Lady of Battle”, sexuality, fertility, healing, Assyrian.

Isis (goddess) Woman with throne headdress. Philae Mother (of king); magic.

Imsety (god) Human-headed. Canopic; liver, south

Kauket (goddess) Snake-headed. Hermopolis Magna Primeval; darkness.

Khepri (god) Scarab beetle or man with scarab beetle for a head. Creator; solar.

Khnum (god) Ram or ram-headed. Elephantine; Esna. Creator; potter; cataract; fertile soil.

Khons(u) (god) Child with headdress of full and crescent moon. Thebes Moon.

Kuk (god) Frog-headed. Hermopolis Magna Primeval; darkness.

Maat (goddess) Woman with single feather headdress. Order, truth, justice.

Mafdet (goddess) Woman; panther. Protector against snakes & scorpions.

Mandulis (god) Man with headdress of ram horns. Kalabsha; Philae Solar; Lower Nubian.

Mehan (god) Coiled serpent. Protector of sun god.

Mehet-Weret (goddess) Cow. Sky; primordial waters; “great flood”.

Mer(e)tseger (goddess) Cobra. Western Thebes. “Peak of the West”; “:She who loves silence.”

Meskhen(e)t (goddess) Brick with human head; woman with bicornate uterus headdress. Childbirth; destiny.

Mihos (god) Lion. Leontopolis; Bubastis

Min (god) Man with erect phallus & double headdress. Koptos; Akhmim Fertility; mining regions in Eastern Desert.

Mnevis (god) Bull. Heliopolis Sacred bull of the sun god.

Montu (god) Falcon or falcon-headed, with sun disc & double-plumed headdress. Thebes War.

Mut (goddess) Vulture. Thebes Motherhood.

Naunet (goddess) Snaked-headed. Hermopolis Magna Primordial waters.

Nefertem (god) Man with lotus-headdress; lion headed. Memphis; Buto Primeval lotus blossom.

Neith (goddess) Woman with Red Crown of Lower Egypt holding shield and crossed arrows. Sais Creator; warfare; weaving.

Nekhbet (goddess) Vulture. el-Kab Tutelary goddess of Upper Egypt.

Neper (god) Man. Grain.

Nephthys (goddess) Woman with headdress of a basket & enclosure. Funerary; protective.

Nun (god) Man; holding solar baroque above head; frog-headed; baboon. Heliopolis; Hermopolis Magna Primordial waters.

Nut (goddess) Woman holding up the sky, or cow. Heliopolis Sky; sarcophagus.

Onuris (god) Man; beard; four plume headdress. This Warrior/ hunter.

Osiris (god) Mummified man with Atef-crown, holding crook and flail. Abydos; Busiris Death; afterlife; rebirth; fertility; agriculture.

Pakhet (goddess) Lioness. Include. Entrance to wadi in East desert near Beni Hasan.

Ptah (god) Semi-mummified man with skull cap and was-djed-ankh scepter. Memphis Creator; craftsman.

Qadesh (goddess) Naked woman standing on lion. Sacred ecstasy; sexual pleasure; Middle Eastern.

Qebehsenuef (god) Falcon-headed. Canopic; lower intestines; west.

Re/Ra (god) Ram- or falcon-headed with sun disc & cobra headdress. Heliopolis Creator; solar.

Renenutet (goddess) Cobra. Faiyum Harvest; nursing.

Reshet/Reshep (god) Man with beard & White Crown with gazelle head at front & ribbon behind. War; Syrian (Amorite)

Sah (god) Man. Orion.

Satet/Satis (goddess) Woman with White Crown & antelope horns. Elephantine Protectoress of southern border; fetility.

Sekhmet (goddess) Lioness or lioness-headed. Memphis ‘Powerful’; daughter of Re; healing.

Selket/Serket (goddess) Woman with scorpion headdress. Funerary; protective.

Seshat (goddess) Woman with panther-skin robe, & seven-pointed star on head. Writing.

Seth (god) Unidentified quadruped or ‘Seth-animal’ headed man. Chimera man. Ombos Naqada Chaos; infertility; desert; storm.

Shay (god) Man. Destiny.

Shezmu (god) Man. Faiyum. Underworld demon; wine & unguent-oil presses.

Shu (god) Man with feather on head; lion-headed. Heliopolis; Leontopolis Air; ‘Eye of Re’.

Sia (god) Man. Divine knowledge; intellectual achevment.

Sobek (god) Crocodile or crocodile-headed man. Kom Ombo; Faiyum. Pharaonic might; Final Judgment of the unworthy (eaten by).

Sokar (god) Mummifed man with crown of horns, cobras, atef, & sun disc; hawk-headed. Memphis Funerary.

Sopdet/Sothis (goddess) Woman with star on head. ‘Dog star’ Sirius.

Tatenen (god) Man with double-palmed crown & ram’s horns. Memphis Emerging Nile silt from receding flood waters; vegetation.

Taweret (goddess) Hippopotamus (with lion & crocodile parts.) Chimera-like. Household; childbirth.

Tayet (goddess) Woman. Weaving.

Tefnut (goddess) Woman; lion-headed; cobra. Heliopolis; Leontopolis. Moisture; ‘Eye of Re’; uraeus.

Thoth/Djehuty (god) Baboon; ibis or ibis-headed. Hermopolis Magna Moon; knowledge; scribes.

Wadjet/Edjo (goddess) Cobra; lioness. Buto. Tutelary goddess of Lower Egypt; uraeus.

Wepwawet (god) Jackal or jackal-headed. Assiut. ‘Opener of Ways’.  
PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 9:26 pm
On Mafdet - may I ask what your source is for her humanoid form? I am wondering because I am writing a paper on her, and am trying to find the source for her being shown as a woman. So far, all I have found are fully animal form (theriomorphic) representations.  

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:40 pm
Selket/Serket (goddess) Woman with scorpion headdress. Funerary; protective
she is my favorite goddess  

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